Mawari Madoka

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Mawari Madoka is a junior high school student who goes to Purgatory Central High School. Sort of. It's more like she skips her own classes to hang out with the younger members of the Juuken Bu.

She is a master of bladed weapons combat, and concealed under every pretty dress or frilly gown she wears are several variations on the short sword, claymore, dagger, rapier, or just about any other kind of sword you can name (and some you can't, like her snakesword, which is perhaps a pun of "kusanagi", but as it's a fictional weapon, it has no designation). She's a walking, talking, slicing machine in combat.

She's also a perky, friendly, cute-as-a-button middle-school kid.

Madoka is/was a member of "F", a six-person "wing" of the Takayanagi clan composed of members of the superpowered "red feathers" of the Takayanagi bloodline. Rumor had it they reported to Mitsuomi, the current head of the Takayanagi clan, but in fact, "F" was assigned to Mitsuomi by a man named Souhaku, who had his own plans for the families. Madoka used to be loyal to Souhaku, but now she works for Mitsuomi instead, and is - provisionally, at least - a member of the Juuken Bu, out of gratitude and respect for their freeing her from Souhaku's control.

It's a long story.

Madoka is played by Todd at tounexplain.

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