Kurosaki Ichigo

From Canonwars

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Kurosaki Ichigo; played by Tsukamoto Takashi.
Kurosaki Ichigo is the main character in Kubotite's anime/manga series Bleach.




In Purgatory

Ichigo is living a life of relative normality in Purgatory. He even enrolled in school! He has to live with Rukia and Renji though, which isn't exactly awesome. But he makes the most of it, refusing to do chores, making fun of Renji, getting kicked in the neck. Sometimes he meets with Hirako Shinji afterschool, but he doesn't like to. He sort of wishes Chad was around, but not Keigo.

Player Information

Ichigo is played by Jackie at notnegotiation. His PB is Tsukamoto Takashi

External Information

Ichigo at Wikipedia.org

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