Molly Hayes

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Revision as of 12:54, 18 October 2006 by Shiro (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Molly Hayes
Aka: Bruiser, Princess Powerful
Age: 12
Favorite word: Freakin'
Journal: caffeinefueled
Origin: Runaways
Designation: Mutant
Player: Shiro

History (comic)

Mkay, so, Molly's parents are part of this group of baddies called The Pride. They're both these uberpowerful mutants, and Molly is blissfully unaware of anything strange or uh, evil, that they may be doing - like sacrificing virgins to these huge ass godthings with the parents of Molly's friends. So one night, the kids get curious and wind up spying on their parents (well, all except Molly and Karolina, who was told to keep Molly back in the room they were all occupying) and they find out that their parents are eeeevil and stab young girls for fun (and profit!).

So the kids are all OMFG and decide to meet up later that night to discuss the idea that their parents are eeeeevil. Again, all except Molly, 'cause she's like, 5 years younger than everybody else and they didn't want to get her involved. Which winds up being a bad thing, since their parents figure out that the kids saw the whole night of stabbity goodness thing, and basically call the kids up and say "sup, get your asses back home or we blow Molly's head off lol kthxbai." And the kids are all SHIT!! and go to rescue Molly. Oh, yeah, and right before that, they'd pretty much all discovered that they had supercool powers or abilities and stuff. So the kids go and rescue Molly, who turns out to be this INSANELY STRONG mutant, even though her parents had apparently had her tested for the mutant gene when she was born. Haha, oops. So Molly lays the smackdown on some eeevil parents, and the kids all take off in a van like roadies.

They become this Sorta Superhero Group bent on stopping their evil parents from doing evil stuff!!1 And stopping robberies and smaller crimes around the city. So they wind up stopping their parents from destroying the world, finding out some weirdass shit in the process, and then getting stuck in foster homes 'cause lol their parents all died. But the kids all hate the whole foster home thing, so they wind up each running away, meeting up again, and becoming a slightly more effective superhero group that lives under a museum and stuff.

And then more weirdass shit happened! Like a younger version of one of the parents getting pulled back in time and trying to destroy the world (again), and one of the kids getting offed, and another of the kids going off and marrying a shape-shifting transvestite from a galaxy far, far away that looks kinda like the Fantastic Four squished into one person. And uh... they all fight crime and monsters and stuff. Yup.

In Purgatory

coming soon.

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