From Canonwars
Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.
Aziraphale is an angel: or more specifically, a Principality. Once upon a time he guarded the gate of Eden with a flaming sword (which he gave to Adam and Eve when they were kicked out.) Since then, he continued through the ages of humanity as a collector of rare books (particularly prohpecies and rare Bibles) and gradually gained plenty of human traits.
While he enjoys blessing people and subtly nudging them towards good, as well as altercating with his "nemesis" Crowley, Aziraphale also enjoys fine wines, good food, crosswords, collecting Regency silver snuff boxes and feeding the ducks at St James Park. He is finicky about appearance and while he isn't huge on modern technology the new comforts provided by the modern age are far better than the past centuries he's lived through, and he enjoys them appropriately.
Aziraphale is played by Greenie. More soon!