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Nancy's a born and bred London girl, tough as nails but soft and considerably motherly to those she considers to be 'part of the family'. She was born in the earlier part of the 20th century - to a single mother living in London - her father dying in 1921 from injuries received in World War I. Her mother died of cancer, fifteen years later, leaving Nancy all alone in the world at the tender age of sixteen.

During this tumultous period, she met and fell in love with a young man just about to enter the RAF, by the name of James Wellington. She found she was pregnant, and not wanting to ruin his career, headed out to the country during her confinement, only sending him a letter to know that her health was poorly and he ought to move on with his life.

She gave birth to Jamie, naming him after his father.

She moved back to London afterwards, raising her son as her baby brother, lately orphaned because of their mother's death, making herself younger than she actually was, to get work to feed them both without getting censured.

In 1940, she was working as a delivery girl for a local bakery. One such delivery, while Jamie was riding around in the cart behind her, she delivered a birthday cake to the home of Jamie's parents, and the first time James had seen Nancy in two years, or their son.

He found them afterwards, and after a very tearful fight, got Nancy to agree to come home with him and marry him, making Jamie their son. He was a Lieutenant now - his career was set - and Nancy didn't need to pretend anymore.

That was the day that World War II came home to Britian - the first night of the London air raids. James was one of the first pilots in the air, and one of the 26 shot down. Nancy got word, by going to his parents house. She grieved, but then put her chin up and took it.

Until Jamie died in a strange bombing, not two months later. Or at least, she thought he had... until his little body started stalking her in the street, eerily calling for his Mummy, his gasmask face a horrible joke on the sweet little face she loved so much.

That's how she met the Ninth Doctor, Rose, and of course, Captain Jack Harkness. They saved Jamie -- but more importantly - they saved all of London.

More importantly than that, they saved Jamie, and Nancy saved herself, owning up to the motherhood of her own son.


A year later, Nancy found herself, along with Jamie, transported to the island. Since then, she's moved in with the Whovians, taking on the role of Mother Hen, or The Sensible One. She and Jamie currently spend their time half-way at Nine's home, and the other half at the TARDIS, with Tenth.

She's played by Commodoresexual, and her journal is onesliceapiece

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