Cassandra Fraiser

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Child of Hanka

Cassandra was born on P8X-987, a planet better known as Hanka.

Unbeknownst to the citizens of Hanka, the Goa'uld System Lord, Nirrti, was using them to perform genetic experiments on the population from a secret laboratory in a forest. With the aid of a retro-virus, she was even able to create several humans with telekinetic abilities. The abilities manifested around puberty, a condition called Mind Fire. This was done in an attempt to create an advanced human, a hak'tar.

A team from Stargate Command, SG-7, came through the gate to study a unique anomaly surrounding a black hole. Fearing that her work and secret base would be discovered by the System Lords, Nirrti used a disease to wipe out almost everyone on the planet including the SG-7. The sole survivor was a young girl named Cassandra.

When the first S. G. C. team failed to respond, SG-1 was sent to the planet to investigate. However, after walking through the gate, SG-1 quickly ran into the dead body of a native who has been killed by some disease. The team immediately begins searching the village and observatory, only to learn that everyone died. Though the team wanted to search for survivors and clues, D. Fraiser had the team examined first. Once the team is released, they began their search and started tagging bodies.

Cassandra was found when she removed the tag from one of the bodies that Carter had tagged. When finally persuaded to come out, they see that it is just a young girl. The team brought her back to be examined where it was revealed that she had traces of naquadah in her blood. Believing that this is the reason for her surviving the plague, the team takes her back to Earth. She bonds quickly with Captain Carter.

A few hours later and after Cassandra has said she was in pain, she was taken to see Dr. Fraiser again. She collapsed shortly after. Fraiser immediately tried to help the girl, but while listening to her heart, found an unusual noise. A chest x-ray revealed that something had attached itself to Cassandra. A biopsy revealed it was at least partly organic and had the ability to stop Cassandra's heart. Carter's analysis revealed that one side is made of iron and potassium, which accounted for Cassandra's low potassium levels, and the other side of Naquadah.

She performed an experiment to see what would happen when potassium and Naquadah reacted with each other. The microscopic amounts created an explosion large enough that it destroyed the camera on the other side of the room. Radiation levels in the room were off the charts. Further examination revealed that the S. G. C. only had one hour and fifty-two minutes to solve the problem.

General Hammond, then makes the decision to send Cassandra back to her home planet. Before she can be sent through the gate, she again collapses due to Teal'c dialing out before Earth could dial in. Teal'c tells that if Cassandra goes through the gate, the entire complex will be destroyed. Hammond then makes the decision to send Cassandra to an abandoned nuclear facility.

On the way to the bottom on the nuclear facility, Cassandra woke up. She noticed that Carter was crying, but Carter was unable to explain why. Once the thirtieth floor is reached, Carter opened the vault where Cassandra must stay and told her to "rest" there for a while. In tears, Carter said that she must leave. Cassandra told Carter she promised never to leave her alone. Carter stated to her that she is brave, closes the vault, and, still in tears, left for the elevator. Once she reaches the twenty-sixth floor Carter changed directions and headed back down to Cassandra. Carter declared to O'Neill that she was staying, despite his order to come back up.

The time is reached, yet Cassandra didn't explode. Carter explains that she simply "knew" that Cassandra would not explode. Dr. Fraiser again examined the girl and found that the object was continuing to shrink ever since she was taken out of the complex. She would be fine and agreed to take in Cassandra until proper parents can be found. Cassandra was even given a dog by O'Neill because every child on Earth needs a dog.

Dr. Fraiser ended up adopting Cassandra and the next few years went along fine. She adjusted to Earth culture and her new mother. Cassandra adjusted so well that she was finally enrolled into a public school. She continued to keep in touch with the members of SG-1. Every Saturday that Sam was on Earth, they played chess.


Everything was fine until she turned sixteen. She even become the typical difficult teenager. After being forcibly persuaded to have a piece of birthday cake, Cassandra goes outside to tell her friend Dominic that she's going to be late. He gives her a crystal prism which leads to them sharing a kiss and then Cassandra collapsing, again.

Janet took her daughter back to the Cheyenne Mountain complex and had her thoroughly examined. Fraiser discovered that there was some sort of retro-virus that was reworking her DNA. Daniel researched the tape that SG-7 had made and found that when a Hankan reached their sixteenth birthday, they would collapse. The villagers thought it was normal. The child would go into the forrest and a few days later they would come out cured.

SG-1 again goes to the Hanka to try to find a cure. Carter touched a green hand-print on a tree and a fire suddenly started up. Suddenly, O'Neill and Teal'c are ringed to an underground Goa'uld lab. Carter and Daniel ring in as well and began to search. Daniel came upon a record tablet and sees the word "hak'tar", which hasn't been used in centuries. Daniel finished the translation of the tablet and determines that "hak'tar" meant "an advanced human". Nirrti was trying to create a human to become the perfect host. After countless generations, she has succeeded with Cassandra who know has telekinetic abilities.

Without SG-1 knowing it, the brought Nirrti back to the base with them. Eventually, thanks to Cassie, she is discovered and captured. By this point, Cassandra is on the verge of death. None of Dr. Fraiser's treatments are working. Nirrti asked for a sample of Cassandra's blood and her freedom in return for saving her. SG-1 felt uneasy about it: if they give her what she wanted Nirrti could succeed in creating the perfect host. Fraiser was becoming more and more desperate.

While SG-1 and Hammond were arguing about the situation, Fraiser forced her way into Nirrti's cell and threatened to kill her. Hammond arrived and they all made an agreement to exchange Nirrti's freedom for curing Cassandra but with no blood sample. Nirrti used a Healing Device along with her equipment but Cassandra didn't stir. Fraiser fiercely told her to try again. That time, she was successful.


A year after being cured from the retro-virus, Samantha had a serious talk with Cassie. She was told about the time travel and how she would save SG-1 all those years into the future. Samantha didn't know how she did it, only that she must. It was a lot for her to take in.

Upon graduating from high school, Cassandra was accepted into the Air Force Academy. She had applied in her junior year and with mostly thanks to having friends in high places, she got in. Cassandra would major in basic sciences and minor in political science and management.

A few months after her admission, tragedy hit. Her adopted mother, Janet Fraiser, was killed in the line of duty. Cassandra took it hard and had to postpone her admittance until the next year.

Upon graduation, Cassandra was first assigned to Area 51. While stationed there, she studied the various alien technologies. She was somewhat valuable in working with Goa'uld technology. This was thanks to the minute traces of naquadah within her blood that allowed her to operate their machines.


New Developments

She may be going to work for Carmen San Diego.



Episode: Singularity

Episode: Rite of Passage

Cassandra's Wikipedia Entry


Player's Notes

Cassandra has a Zat!

Contact Information

Personal Livejournal
AIM SN: duplicitness
E-mail: Cassie is played by User:Duplicitness.

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