The Prince

From Canonwars

Revision as of 23:56, 13 January 2007 by Jack Ichijouji (Talk | contribs)
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The Ocean

The Prince of Persia has no name; rather than simply make one up, he goes by his title. He once unleashed the Sands of Time upon hundreds, turning them into mindless bodies animated by dark magic. Upon sealing the Sands again, he sought to change time so that it never occurred; in doing so he brought the wrath of Fate upon himself, in the form of the Dahaka: a being of pure darkness. He defeated it and, through further manipulation of time, prevented the Sands from being created. In doing this, however, he undid all his actions of before, causing a traitorous Vizier to make the Sands anew and to poison him with his own personal dark side. After defeating him and realizing that all of his actions, even the ones with the most altruistic results, had been motivated entirely by his own selfishness, he was able to walk away from that dark part of himself.

The Storm

The Prince has a natural ability as a storyteller, as an acrobat, and as a warrior. However, few of these abilities are being used at the moment; he's at the University library most of the time reading up on "what went wrong" when his country's throne was taken from him. He also has a loathing for criminals, especially pirates. Bonne Jenet is generally the target of his ire, made all the worse by the fact that, as a person, she's fairly nice (not that he would ever say that or think it too loudly in her presence.)

The Prince is Jack Ichijouji, but you can call him oceaninastorm.

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