
From Canonwars

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Youji; picture courtesy of Hard Candy.

Youji is a character in the anime/manga series LOVELESS. He and Natsuo make up the Zero fighting team, unique for their inability to feel pain. Although they look innocuous, both boys are extremely masochistic. They also have an unhealthy obsession with 'losing their ears', a LOVELESS trait that occurs when you lose your virginity. As of yet, nobody's taken them up on their offer, but they're not above forcing their way into beds.




In Purgatory

Despite their adorable kitten features, Natsuo and Youji were unable to find any initial caretakers when they arrived in Purgatory. Their harassment of Kurt Wagner put them on bad terms with several people, and prodding at Tenth Doctor only got them Rose Tyler's wrath. Many uncomfortable sexual remarks later, a resident little boy touchers, FLCL's Haruko took the kids in. They spent a week or so harassing Naota before the vespa women kicked the kids to the curb, where they've been living on the edge until Aoyagi Ritsuka appeared. Since Ritsuka did not bring Soubi, Zero manages to play it coy until Yuna took pity on the boys. They've been invited to live with her and Tidus. Trouble is certainly imminent.

Although they spend most of their time looking for someone to watch after them, Youji keeps hoping Nagisa-sensei will come back for him and Natsuo, as she did in the series.

Player Information

Youji is played by Jackie at zerosadist.

External Information


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