Session XV - Avarie

From Caelwiki

[19:37] <Falerin> Ryuusei: I am here
[19:41] <Falerin> 0.
[19:41] <Falerin> .
[19:45] <Falerin> +
[19:45] <Falerin> -
[19:45] <Falerin> 755

<Falerin> boo
<Falerin> Yes yes I do
<Falerin> And what YOU DID
<Falerin> Remember what you DID
<Falerin> It was HORRIBLE
<Falerin> You were a psychotic KILLER!
<Falerin> A beast....
<Falerin> You were a beast...
<Falerin> and at the time...
<Falerin> YOU LIKED IT!
<Falerin> Do you want it to stop Avarie.
<Falerin> Say the word.
<Falerin> Say make it stop
<Falerin> and I will stop it
<Falerin> Only your life and soul
<Falerin> Only that
<Falerin> But I will spare your friends further misery and will gurantee you never to feel violated in that way again
<Falerin> In fact... I will even release Galrick of Glenn
<Falerin> You need only say the word
<Falerin> Not willing to sacrafice for a friend.... even though they nearly died for you... and are being slowly turned into a monster to protect someone else
<Falerin> Shame
<Falerin> Your self centeredness will likely crush his spirit further
<Falerin> I know it makes me think less of the "human spirit"
<Falerin> Fortunately I lack one
<Falerin> Anything is better than this isn't it?
<Falerin> This constant violation and fear....
<Falerin> This delinquent mortality
<Falerin> Anything at all is better than this
<Falerin> Speak the words Avarie
<Falerin> You will be taken into the Army. You will be assessed for usefulness. If you are useful you will be trained and retrofitted. If you are useless you will be made mindless undead. Cannon fodder
<Falerin> But you will not even know it
<Falerin> For your mind will have been freed
<Falerin> Now Avarie... Say the words..... before the offer is withdrawn
<Falerin> You really are pathetic and weak. Here I give you the opportunity to release your friend and you cower and blubber... Yet you feel like you can FACE me personally
<Falerin> Time is running out
<Falerin> 10
<Falerin> 9
<Falerin> 8
<Falerin> 7
<Falerin> 6
<Falerin> 5, Do not let me reach Zero Avarie
<Falerin> its too late then
<Falerin> Completely too late
<Falerin> 4
<Falerin> Your selection has been registered
<Falerin> I will be sure to let Glenn know how little you care
<Falerin> how much you have abandoned him
<Falerin> How unwiling you were to sacrafice even though his whole life has been about sacrafice
<Falerin> He will be heartened by the consistency of the human spirit
<Falerin> Good day

<Falerin> Tick!
<Falerin> Tick!

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