Cor-Dem Linguistics

From Caelwiki

<Maxwell> Did you know that Morgan from the future in AQ.
<Maxwell> Was a filler character?
<Melsior> really?
<fantasygod> Heh.
<fantasygod> Cool.
<Maxwell> She was Jess's first draft that Hollow was not happy with, but I redrew her face and then threw her in.
<Maxwell> she had no story at all.
* Daniel grumbles about missing the entire Carnax War : *
<fantasygod> Heh.
<Dale> Heheh.
<Maxwell> And Gal made her talk like that.
<fantasygod> The original carnax war was still the best.
<Maxwell> And I hated it.
<Zeltan> No wonder I forgot about her : <_: <
<Maxwell> The 2nd Carnax saga was rushed
<Maxwell> and not like anything I wanted at all
<Maxwell> I had very little input
<Dale> Farmfest
<Dale> :D
<fantasygod> The original carnax war had a good story starting.
<Zeltan> Players like it quick
<Melsior> I didn't like the ending of the war (2nd)
<fantasygod> Really made us all start speculating.
<Zeltan> So they get get the dang reward
<Maxwell> oh well, if things go my way they will all be main characters in Assault Mecha's world. :P
* mistermafio has joined #755
<Dale> XD
<fantasygod> Wait...AE is actually working on that again?!
<Daniel> I wanna see a trivia question in AQ where you offer some godly item as a reward, and then ask "What language do Cor-Dem speak?" then offer English, Lorian, Spanish, and Latin.
<Daniel> >_>
<Dale> Hmm, could anyone direct me to the histories? I should finish reading them. >_>
<Melsior> hsilgnE
<mistermafio> hello
* Daniel projects "Fail!" into Melsior's head : *
* Looking up Melsior user info...
<Maxwell> errr Cor-Dem speak many languages
<Zeltan> History of Lore?
<Maxwell> but a Cor-Dem has trouble talking
<Maxwell> period
<Melsior> ok
<Maxwell> It would be like if someone wanted you to start walking on your hands
<Daniel> I can do that.
<Daniel> But I'm a lightweight.
<Maxwell> I know, it is possible
<Maxwell> Just like it is possible for a Cor-Dem to speak
<Zeltan> It's in there
<Maxwell> but it is not easy
<fantasygod> Ah. So I am assuming that they communicate telepathically.
<Daniel> My trouble would be eating like that.
<Maxwell> hahah
<Daniel> I'd need a dog-bowl or something I could park my head over.
<Maxwell> They have trouble talking in the right order, usually.
<Maxwell> And cant really say things right.
<fantasygod> Hence why Cor-Demi was speaking backwards?
<Maxwell> Yeah
<fantasygod> He was funny.
<Maxwell> It would be like if someone told you to read a Japanese book with no idea how.
* Crash|Wii-TP is now known as Not_Crash
<Maxwell> Or speak Spanish, or something.
<Melsior> oh
<Maxwell> He thought he sounded fine :P
<fantasygod> Heh.
<fantasygod> I wish I could speak japanese.
<fantasygod> T_T
<Daniel> I wish I could voice two pitches at the same time.
<Melsior> I wish i could speak spanish... correctly
<Daniel> I'm trying to learn how.
<Maxwell> Kidding, Cor-Dem knew he wasnt doing so well lol
<Maxwell> Cor-Demi
<Melsior> the joke in my family is that i learned most of my spanish from whenever my grandma got ticked and started yelling at me in Espanol
<Maxwell> hahah
<Maxwell> my ex-girlfriend lived with her grandmother who only spoke Spanish
<Maxwell> and her parents speak spanish and english
<fantasygod> Oh, I know some italian. Of course, it isn't very good italian, if you know what I mean.
<Maxwell> and she still cant speak Spanish
<Daniel> I can vocalize Latin cause Vocative case isn't too difficult for me.
<Maxwell> I bet my little sister could speak more Spanish than her just from watching Dora lol
<Maxwell> I can speak "American" :P
<Maxwell> One of the few who can!
<Maxwell> Most people just speak English...
<mistermafio> I can speak dutch
<Maxwell> I cant speak Cor-Dem
<Maxwell> but I can write in it.
<Melsior> It's funny, my dad is hispanic but speaks fperfect english, so whenever were on vaction people always try to speak spanish by adding an A to the end of every english word.
<Melsior> "Can-o tell me-o how-a to get-o el post office-o?"
<Maxwell> I want to learn some made up languages
<Melsior> "I reckon I can, down two blocks and take a right"
<Maxwell> like Klingon
<fantasygod> Klingon is awesome.
* Dale is now known as Rine
<fantasygod> I want to learn that too.
<fantasygod> You can if you purchase the books that teach you Klingon :P
<Maxwell> yeah lol
<Maxwell> I wonder if I made a book on the Cor-Dem language and runes.
<Maxwell> If you would all buy it.
<Daniel> I'd buy it.
<Rine> If people would buy
<Rine> XD
<Daniel> >_>
<fantasygod> I would try to buy it.
<Maxwell> It is neat how most runes have a story to them.
<Melsior> Ka`pla!
<Maxwell> Their culture is very story driven.
<Zeltan> I would buy it..
<Zeltan> if it's cheap
<Daniel> I'd be buying it. Such an edge on the riddles would be very useful.
<Zeltan> But I'm interested in their story
<Daniel> You could probably make money from someone here with the avatar list.
<Maxwell> I would never do that lol
<Maxwell> Yeah..
<Daniel> They'd turn around and give it to you for the special title.
<Maxwell> I cant tell anyone the Avatar list
<Maxwell> I was warned.
<Melsior> by whom?
<Maxwell> Actually AE thinks you all know too much already.
<Maxwell> So I have to give a lot less clues lol.
<Daniel> haha
<Zeltan> Ouch..
<Daniel> We had to have gotten all 8 if I guess correctly.
<Maxwell> But your all so smart im sure you can use all you have and figure out a lot on your own.
<Zeltan> Meh, you may just overestimate us
<Daniel> Cause we knew for certain we had at least 5 of them.
<Maxwell> I dont think so.
<Maxwell> I think you have many of them
<Maxwell> but I cant say :P
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