From Caelwiki

[17:08] Genoclysm: I would just like this thing to get started to I can go.
[17:08] Durroth: the problem here is
[17:08] * Adam_Hartholm taps his foot a tad impatiently.
[17:08] Durroth: too many people want to go in first
[17:08] Man: AH
[17:08] Man: Well then
[17:09] Useless: "I am content to wait. I shall go last."
[17:09] Man: Fortune favors who she favors
[17:09] Man: Solve the problem as the Hebrews wood
[17:09] Man: with the knuckle bones
[17:09] Genoclysm: I don't need to go first, I just want someone to go.
[17:09] Durroth: roll dice?
[17:09] Rimblade: "Roll a ten-sided die."
[17:09] Man: Highest roll goes first
[17:09] Selarep: That's what I was thinking.
[17:10] Nick: I see.
[17:10] Deathbringer: I will wait for a while.
[17:10] Man: But none of this lopsided buisness
[17:10] Deathbringer: I will go near to the end.
[17:10] Man: I am afraid if you cannot all agree on the method
[17:10] Man: and ALL are included in the lottery
[17:10] Man: I cannot deem it valid
[17:10] Eitak_Razal: I'll go near the end too
[17:10] Adam_Hartholm: Rock paper scissors?
[17:10] Man: So no volunteering for the end
[17:10] Plushie-chan: I'll go next.
[17:10] Man: Since that breaks randomization
[17:10] * Plushie-chan steps forwards.
[17:10] Deathbringer: ...
[17:10] Dakota_Pierce: "I wonder where Dr. Jardis is now... and Matthew? What about Zephyr.."
[17:10] Genoclysm: Fine, let's just roll.
[17:11] Nick: Aye.
[17:11] Adam_Hartholm: Anyone have dice on them?
[17:11] Selarep: Yeah.
[17:11] * Man produces a tensided jet black die
[17:11] * Lkeas shakes her head. "If we are undecided, do we still roll?"
[17:11] Man: "Undecided?"
[17:11] Durroth: Lets roll then
[17:11] Man: "Madam if you are undecided and you will not honor the dice"
[17:11] * Useless looks at the die skeptically.
[17:11] Deathbringer: Oh... nice looking die.
[17:11] * Nick claps his hands together and looks at the die.
[17:11] Man: "They you may as well go home now"
[17:11] Man: "And I do mean home"
[17:12] * Adam_Hartholm reaches out to the man for the die.
[17:12] * Lkeas frowns. "Where is home, anymore."
[17:12] Useless: "I have decided to go last of those who will attend."
[17:12] Man: "Fortune favors the bold.... not those who sit in indescision"
[17:12] Selarep: We're going to have to face this eventually.
[17:12] *** -Niflheim.Caelestia.Net- *** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: Gelasia (kvirc@cpe-24-160-175-238.columbus.res.rr.com) [clients]
[17:12] * Dakota_Pierce stares at the tent
[17:12] Man: "I am not a man of the cross but to quote it none the less"
[17:12] Man: "Revelation 3:16"
[17:12] Durroth: Whats that?
[17:12] Nick: Give me the dice man.
[17:12] Man: "Which is a much more apt 3:16 than john is"
[17:12] Nick: *die
[17:13] * Lkeas smirks. "So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
[17:13] Lkeas: Apt, I suppose.
[17:13] Durroth: Time to roll the die
[17:13] Rimblade: "In other words, if we cannot all decide, we do not deserve to waste this man's time further."
[17:13] Man: Indecision is decision
[17:13] Lkeas: Alright, let's roll.
[17:13] Man: and it is decision for status quo
[17:13] Eitak_Razal: Lets roll the die
[17:13] Plushie-chan: Yep lets do it
[17:13] Selarep: Let 'em roll!
[17:13] * Dakota_Pierce glances around trying to find anyone who is familiar
[17:13] Deathbringer: I'm game.
[17:14] * Legault nods.
[17:14] Man: Mr. Hartholm
[17:14] Man: please #roll 1d10
[17:14] Adam_Hartholm: Right.
[17:14] * Grett steps closer to the group so he can recieve the die, but keeps his distance as much as he can while doing so.
[17:14] Adam_Hartholm: #roll 1d10
[17:14] RPGServ: <Roll for Adam_Hartholm [1d10]: 8>
[17:14] Adam_Hartholm: Ha!
[17:14] Man: Nice
[17:14] Durroth: indeed
[17:14] Adam_Hartholm: Isn't it though?
[17:14] Man: Mr. Pierce?
[17:14] Man: please #roll 1d10
[17:14] Dakota_Pierce: #roll 1d10
[17:14] RPGServ: <Roll for Dakota_Pierce [1d10]: 3>
[17:14] Man: Ah not so lucky
[17:14] Legault: #roll 1d10
[17:14] RPGServ: <Roll for Legault [1d10]: 7>
[17:15] Man: Your enthusiasm is great but lets be orderly sir
[17:15] Man: Who is next in alphabetical order?
[17:15] Man: hmm....
[17:15] Plushie-chan: DB..
[17:15] Adam_Hartholm: Hehe...
[17:15] Durroth: Deathbringer I believe
[17:15] Man: Deathbringer
[17:15] Deathbringer: Me?
[17:15] Selarep: Yep.
[17:15] Man: well then see if the dice bring you closer to fantasy
[17:15] Deathbringer: #roll 1d10
[17:15] RPGServ: <Roll for Deathbringer [1d10]: 8>
[17:15] Man: Ooh
[17:16] Man: That could force a roll off
[17:16] Deathbringer: An eight.
[17:16] Eitak_Razal: Durroth, then me
[17:16] * Durroth smiles
[17:16] Man: Mr. De'th... Sorry.. Mr. Ar-thara'nes
[17:16] * Useless watches the rolling of the die silently
[17:16] Durroth: ...
[17:16] * Adam_Hartholm harumphs.
[17:16] Durroth: #roll 1d10
[17:16] RPGServ: <Roll for Durroth [1d10]: 2>
[17:16] Man: You have your analogs skill at forutne
[17:17] Man: No screaming spirits yet tho
[17:17] Legault: Heh.
[17:17] Durroth: Apparently, since I have the bad luck to keep getting compared to him
[17:17] Man: Your Masjesty?
[17:17] Man: Roll will you please?
[17:17] Eitak_Razal: #roll 1d10
[17:17] RPGServ: <Roll for Eitak_Razal [1d10]: 4>
[17:17] Eitak_Razal: 4
[17:17] * Plushie-chan looks at Etiak.
[17:17] Man: "The Odyceians"
[17:18] Plushie-chan: ((*Eitak))
[17:18] Man: "Mr. Genoclysm"
[17:18] Genoclysm: #roll 1d10
[17:18] RPGServ: <Roll for Genoclysm [1d10]: 9>
[17:18] * Lkeas scratches Useless under the chin as she waits, looking rather nervous.
[17:18] Adam_Hartholm: Darn it!
[17:18] Man: And the unamed Odyceian stranger
[17:18] Genoclysm: Wow.
[17:18] Nick: Hmm.
[17:18] Grett: #roll 1d10
[17:18] RPGServ: <Roll for Grett [1d10]: 1>
[17:18] Adam_Hartholm: Geno, you have all the bloody luck.
[17:18] Genoclysm: What?
[17:18] Man: Infinity
[17:18] Adam_Hartholm: Good thing your friend doesn't. Hehe.
[17:18] Genoclysm: Odeycian...?
[17:18] Man: Iago?
[17:18] Selarep: I think I'm second-last.
[17:18] Man: Wonder not young man?
[17:19] Man: You are fortunate
[17:19] Man: push not luck
[17:19] Durroth: Good roll geno
[17:19] Man: Iago?
[17:19] Nick: Aye very good.
[17:19] Man: Come on man today
[17:19] Man: Lost in dreams
[17:19] * Genoclysm frowns at the stranger, and his mouth hangs open just slightly.
[17:19] Man: well then
[17:19] Man: next?
[17:20] Selarep: Legault?
[17:20] Legault: Alright.
[17:20] Plushie-chan: ((what just happened?))
[17:20] Legault: #roll 1d10
[17:20] RPGServ: <Roll for Legault [1d10]: 7>
[17:20] Man: Ah
[17:20] Dakota_Pierce: "Have any of you met Dr. Jardis?"
[17:20] Man: and fortune is nothing if not consistent for you Master Legault
[17:20] Man: Fantastique
[17:20] * Lkeas chuckles. "Which one?"
[17:20] Durroth: I dont believe I have
[17:20] Man: Boxy?
[17:20] * Grett puts more distance and people between Geno and himself. A very slight curse might be heard from his mouth for people with excelent hearing.
[17:20] Useless: "I would have to second Lkeas' question here, sir. Which variant?"
[17:21] Dakota_Pierce: "I need to find someone who can tell me what is going on."
[17:21] Plushie-chan: ((Who got skipped over?))
[17:21] Dakota_Pierce: "There must be a reason I was brought here."
[17:21] * Adam_Hartholm frowns. "Who's next?"
[17:21] Selarep: The box.
[17:21] Nick: The box is of course.
[17:21] Man: "Come witness the event that Ojodeldevorador called...."Eye Opening""
[17:22] Eitak_Razal: Boxy.
[17:22] * Durroth blinks
[17:22] Malcolm: the Box needs to roll
[17:22] * Adam_Hartholm reaches out to roll for LBB, but as he does, LBB flicks the dice with a kinetic wave.
[17:22] * Lkeas grins. "That's a good one."
[17:22] * Useless swishes his tail. "Now that is a horrible twist of words..."
[17:22] Little_Brown_Box: #roll 1d10
[17:22] RPGServ: <Roll for Little_Brown_Box [1d10]: 3>
[17:22] Man: The former Prophet turned Cynic
[17:22] Man: Roll my dear
[17:22] Durroth: looks like your lucks on par with mine cubey
[17:22] Lkeas: #roll 1d10
[17:22] RPGServ: <Roll for Lkeas [1d10]: 4>
[17:22] * Eitak_Razal looks at Lkeas
[17:22] * Adam_Hartholm winces and holds a hand to his ear. "Dammit Counterfeit, stop swearing or I'll mute you for the rest of the day!"
[17:22] Useless: "I suppose it depends on how you percieve Zephyr for that to be humorous."
[17:23] Eitak_Razal: Former
[17:23] * Genoclysm is distracted from the stranger by the continued rolling.
[17:23] * Lkeas glances at Eitak. "That's something I've been wondering.."
[17:23] Dakota_Pierce: "Who are you people?"
[17:23] Man: The stuffed being
[17:23] Deathbringer: Us? We are the Truth Seekers.
[17:23] Adam_Hartholm: We're the most ragtag band of upstarts there ever was.
[17:23] Man: Roll for us darling
[17:24] Useless: "Some call us Seekers, others a menagerie of fools, still others call us Family."
[17:24] Dakota_Pierce: "Truth Seekers? And what Truth would that be?"
[17:24] Adam_Hartholm: Beats me.
[17:24] Man: The lying sort
[17:24] Nick: I think it'd be my roll...
[17:24] Adam_Hartholm: I think it's a reference to the faceless...
[17:24] Durroth: We're brigands, thieves, princes, empresses, demons, scholars, all banded together in a semi-common goal
[17:24] Lkeas: Did Malcolm roll?
[17:24] Dakota_Pierce: "What goal is that?"
[17:24] Man: Malcom, Nick, and the King of Omega are all pointless lost in their own words
[17:24] * Dakota_Pierce glances at the tent once again before turning back towards the group
[17:24] Man: Oh wait
[17:24] Man: Nick lives
[17:25] Man: roll then my friend
[17:25] Nick: #roll 1d10
[17:25] RPGServ: <Roll for Nick [1d10]: 8>
[17:25] Nick: Very Nice...
[17:25] * Plushie-chan giggles
[17:25] Man: Well then Plusie-Sama
[17:25] Man: Roll
[17:25] Malcolm: I won't roll, I will go last if thats ok with everyone
[17:25] Plushie-chan: #roll 1d20
[17:25] RPGServ: <Roll for Plushie-chan [1d20]: 14>
[17:25] Dakota_Pierce: "What inspired you all to seek this 'truth'?"
[17:25] Durroth: We're still working on that kid
[17:25] Man: See!
[17:25] Plushie-chan: #roll 1d10
[17:25] RPGServ: <Roll for Plushie-chan [1d10]: 1>
[17:25] Adam_Hartholm: Wha?
[17:25] Plushie-chan: ((oops))
[17:25] Man: a 14
[17:25] Useless: "That is already my priveledge, Malcolm, but you can go before I and yet still nearly last."
[17:25] Man: A 14 on a 1d10
[17:25] Durroth: some of us arent even sure how we got there
[17:25] Man: and do you know WHY?!
[17:25] * Plushie-chan rolled the die in her pocket >_<
[17:25] Man: You broke random
[17:26] Adam_Hartholm: Heh.
[17:26] Man: I told you....
[17:26] Deathbringer: Heh.
[17:26] Man: None enter
[17:26] Dakota_Pierce: "Surely something has caused you all to come togethere. What even took place?"
[17:26] Plushie-chan: ((No i rolled a d20 by mistake))
[17:26] Man: Untill you are in unity
[17:26] Man: Not a one of you may pass
[17:26] Plushie-chan: ((Typo))
[17:26] Plushie-chan: What do you mean?
[17:26] Durroth: wait, what?
[17:26] * Adam_Hartholm glares at the plushie.
[17:26] * Nick laughs "I like the way this guy thinks."
[17:26] Man: I mean that you folks listen very porrly
[17:26] Durroth: elaborate please
[17:26] Man: Which is to day not at all
[17:26] Man: and thus you make abysmal seekers of anything
[17:26] * Lkeas glances at Useless and Malcolm. "I do believe that includes you two fighting for last.."
[17:26] Adam_Hartholm: Untill we all do it right, we're not going in.
[17:26] Man: no less the fantastique
[17:27] Adam_Hartholm: We all roll in order, and we all roll the same dice.
[17:27] Man: ALL
[17:27] Adam_Hartholm: We just broke both rules.
[17:27] Man: every one of you
[17:27] Adam_Hartholm: Brilliant guys.
[17:27] Man: None may claim last
[17:27] Man: or 8th
[17:27] Rimblade: Aha.
[17:27] Man: or 29th
[17:27] Adam_Hartholm: Just bloody brilliant.
[17:27] Durroth: So are you telling us that we cant enter because we cant cooperate with eachother?
[17:27] Man: Indeed
[17:27] * Plushie-chan giggles slighty.
[17:27] Malcolm: so I should roll?
[17:27] Plushie-chan: Sorry!
[17:27] Man: You broke random
[17:27] Lkeas: However will we survive The'Galin if we can't even follow these simple instructions?
[17:27] Man: That 10 sided dice came up 14
[17:27] * Lkeas sighs and shakes her head.
[17:27] Man: I mean clearly that is a sign
[17:27] Selarep: So roll again.
[17:27] Useless: "None may claim last? Then apparently I must roll."
[17:28] Plushie-chan: Actully it was a 20 sided die
[17:28] Durroth: no, stuff like that happens to us all the time
[17:28] * Plushie-chan holds up a second die she got out of her pocket
[17:28] Man: "Nonsense"
[17:28] Man: "There are no such things"
[17:28] Man: "Now then"
[17:28] Durroth: yes there are
[17:28] Man: "Lets continue shall we"
[17:28] Plushie-chan: then what do you call this!
[17:28] Man: "Air"
[17:28] Lkeas: Apparently those don't exist in Fair Harbour, guys.
[17:28] Adam_Hartholm: Then what have I been rolling when I play D&D with my friends?
[17:28] * Eitak_Razal sighs
[17:28] Malcolm: 16 sided die?
[17:28] * Adam_Hartholm looks rather bewildered.
[17:28] * Dakota_Pierce approaches the Man again
[17:28] Selarep: Just roll the black dice!
[17:28] Deathbringer: What is D&D?
[17:29] Durroth: what if he rolled both the die in his pocket and the one you gave us, eh?
[17:29] Dakota_Pierce: "And who are you supposed to be?"
[17:29] * Eitak_Razal walks over and slaps plushie.
[17:29] Malcolm: its a bored game from earth
[17:29] Plushie-chan: ow!
[17:29] Useless: "We should continue."
[17:29] * Lkeas shakes her head. "Eitak, please! This is not helping."
[17:29] Deathbringer: Hm...
[17:29] Adam_Hartholm: Order in the court.
[17:29] Malcolm: am I the next one to roll?
[17:29] Adam_Hartholm: This isn't helping at all.
[17:30] Eitak_Razal: Ok... Line up in order!
[17:30] Adam_Hartholm: Start over, it'll save us from arguing.
[17:30] Adam_Hartholm: And for the love of the gods, go IN ORDER.
[17:30] * Eitak_Razal points at Adam. Re-roll now.
[17:30] * Durroth lines up in order
[17:30] Adam_Hartholm: Now, gimme the die.
[17:30] Useless: "You remain, as does Rimblade, Selarep, and myself."
[17:31] Rimblade: "Quite."
[17:31] Lkeas: It should be simple enough to just have the remaining four roll. I don't think we need to do it all again.
[17:31] Useless: "Follow the instructions of this Man, please. He could simply deny us entry outright if we try to change his Rules."
[17:31] * Dakota_Pierce speaks to the man, "And who are you?"
[17:31] Durroth: Ask the man
[17:31] Durroth: Sir, shall we all roll again, or just the remaining four?
[17:31] Man: Some people are rather lucky
[17:32] Man: I am holding back the mulitiverse for you today
[17:32] Man: In more ways then infinite
[17:32] Man: Enough with Slap Boxing
[17:32] Adam_Hartholm: I'd ask, but I really don't want to know. Just tell us if we need to start over.
[17:32] Man: Shall we move forward?
[17:32] Adam_Hartholm: Certainly.
[17:32] Durroth: yes
[17:32] Nick: Aye Aye.
[17:33] Useless: "Progression would be nice, sir. Your rules, your decisions. Now then, who is next?"
[17:33] Durroth: if you will specify whether we move forward from the beginning, or from where we left off
[17:33] Man: I might actually believe you wanted to harm each other
[17:33] Man: and were not just goofing arround
[17:33] Man: if I believed that
[17:33] Man: so might others
[17:33] Man: And that could be bad
[17:34] Man: You really must get your acts together
[17:34] Man: Yes
[17:34] Man: Start all over
[17:34] Man: completely
[17:34] Selarep: How can Rim roll?
[17:34] Man: from the top
[17:34] Adam_Hartholm: Alright.
[17:34] Man: Mr. Harholm
[17:34] * Durroth bows
[17:34] Durroth: indeed
[17:34] Adam_Hartholm: #roll 1d10
[17:34] RPGServ: <Roll for Adam_Hartholm [1d10]: 9>
[17:34] Adam_Hartholm: Ha!
[17:34] Adam_Hartholm: Even better!
[17:34] Man: A true high roller
[17:34] Nick: Very Nice Adam!
[17:34] Malcolm: congrats Adam
[17:34] Man: Companion of Yuri Andr... never mind
[17:34] Man: Mr. Peirce
[17:34] Man: It is upon you
[17:35] Dakota_Pierce: #roll 1d10
[17:35] RPGServ: <Roll for Dakota_Pierce [1d10]: 7>
[17:35] Man: DB?
[17:35] * Man looks considerately
[17:35] Deathbringer: #roll 1d10
[17:35] RPGServ: <Roll for Deathbringer [1d10]: 10>
[17:35] Adam_Hartholm: No way.
[17:35] * Eitak_Razal sighs.
[17:35] Deathbringer: A ten?
[17:35] * Adam_Hartholm facepalms.
[17:35] Eitak_Razal: You have the luck
[17:35] * Deathbringer blinks, "Whoa..."
[17:36] Selarep: But he wanted to go last.
[17:36] *** Kira has left #epic.
[17:36] Man: Very well
[17:36] Nick: The die is absolute.
[17:36] Man: Shane?
[17:36] Selarep: Now he's going first.
[17:36] Man: Er... I mean Durroth
[17:36] Man: Roll please
[17:36] Durroth: #roll 1d10
[17:36] RPGServ: <Roll for Durroth [1d10]: 10>
[17:36] * Adam_Hartholm shushes Selarep.
[17:36] Adam_Hartholm: Another?!
[17:36] Man: Hmm
[17:36] Deathbringer: Another ten?
[17:36] Man: Reality really is amused tonight
[17:36] Malcolm: nice Durroth
[17:36] * Adam_Hartholm smacks his forehead and groans.
[17:36] * Durroth grins
[17:36] * Eitak_Razal groans
[17:36] Durroth: shifters luck
[17:36] Man: Queen Razal?
[17:36] Eitak_Razal: #roll 1d10
[17:36] RPGServ: <Roll for Eitak_Razal [1d10]: 6>
[17:36] Nick: Lady Luck must be whoring around...
[17:36] * Selarep unshushes himself
[17:37] Man: Genoclysm?
[17:37] Genoclysm: #roll 1d10
[17:37] RPGServ: <Roll for Genoclysm [1d10]: 8>
[17:37] Man: Chronodisplaced Stranger?
[17:37] Grett: #roll 1d10
[17:37] RPGServ: <Roll for Grett [1d10]: 5>
[17:37] Dakota_Pierce: "So this is what I get for wandering around in the wilderness for 30 days. Stuck waiting behind a bunch of people I've never met who are seekers of some unknown truth. Great."
[17:37] Man: Mr. Legault?
[17:37] Rimblade: "Obviously, Pierce."
[17:38] Adam_Hartholm: That's the omniverse for you.
[17:38] Rimblade: "We're not seeking an unknown truth."
[17:38] * Lkeas frowns. "We're trying to survive uncreation.."
[17:38] Rimblade: "Someone knows it. We're not even looking for truth."
[17:38] Adam_Hartholm: More unknowable, really.
[17:38] Lkeas: The truth seeking has to do with determining how to do that.
[17:38] Eitak_Razal: Come back to the abode with us when we're done and all will be made clear
[17:38] Man: Mr. Legault?!
[17:38] Selarep: You'll get used to it.
[17:38] Dakota_Pierce: "The point is... I need to find someone who can tell me what is going on. Dr. Jardis, Zephyr, anybody."
[17:38] Man: Phone Call line Bleen
[17:38] Man: Phone Call line Bleen
[17:38] Durroth: whats a phone?
[17:38] Deathbringer: What?
[17:39] Rimblade: "Dr. Zephyr."
[17:39] Eitak_Razal: It's a device used for communication
[17:39] Selarep: Malcolm?
[17:39] Man: A device for Clairaudience
[17:39] Adam_Hartholm: Legault?
[17:39] Rimblade: "Dr. Zephyr had problems with Orpheus."
[17:39] Malcolm: yes?
[17:39] Man: Mr. Legault has apparently hit his head
[17:39] Man: Boxy?
[17:39] Little_Brown_Box: #roll 1d10
[17:39] RPGServ: <Roll for Little_Brown_Box [1d10]: 1>
[17:39] Man: Tut tut
[17:39] Adam_Hartholm: Ooh. Epic failure.
[17:39] Deathbringer: Ouch...
[17:39] Man: You must have already had too much fun
[17:39] Useless: "It is a shame that such problems cropped up."
[17:39] Dakota_Pierce: What problems are you referring to?"
[17:40] Man: So its only fair
[17:40] Durroth: ah, similar to a caller's stone
[17:40] * Adam_Hartholm pats LBB consolingly.
[17:40] Man: Madam Cynic
[17:40] Rimblade: "The problem with too many worlds."
[17:40] Lkeas: #roll 1d10
[17:40] RPGServ: <Roll for Lkeas [1d10]: 8>
[17:40] Rimblade: "And one devourer."
[17:40] Dakota_Pierce: "What about too many worlds?"
[17:40] Lkeas: Honestly, I'm not that cynical, or I would have stayed home with the other seekers..
[17:40] Selarep: Now Malcolm.
[17:40] Man: Malcolm?
[17:40] Malcolm: #roll 1d10
[17:40] RPGServ: <Roll for Malcolm [1d10]: 3>
[17:41] Man: Nick not to be confused with Nicholas
[17:41] Nick: #roll 1d10
[17:41] RPGServ: <Roll for Nick [1d10]: 4>
[17:41] Dakota_Pierce: "Their must be something..."
[17:41] Man: Our friend the stuffed being?
[17:41] Plushie-chan: #roll 1d10
[17:41] RPGServ: <Roll for Plushie-chan [1d10]: 2>
[17:41] Nick: Ahh, the luck of the draw...better luck next time I suppose...
[17:41] * Plushie-chan is human
[17:41] Man: Dynseals better "half"
[17:41] Rimblade: "Third. Thank you."
[17:41] Selarep: How can Rim roll?
[17:41] Man: "No sir"
[17:41] Rimblade: #roll 1d10
[17:42] RPGServ: <Roll for Rimblade [1d10]: 3>
[17:42] Man: "The other two are only a quarter a peice"
[17:42] Man: "You are really the glue"
[17:42] Rimblade: "Flattery. Good show."
[17:42] Durroth: do you HAVE to feed his ego like that?
[17:42] Selarep: He has no hands...
[17:42] Man: You do know though
[17:42] Man: You are repaired
[17:42] Man: but you have lost your shine
[17:42] Man: And while full shine might be bad
[17:42] Man: I do think
[17:42] Adam_Hartholm: A pity, that.
[17:43] Man: You can still due with a wax job
[17:43] * Man gestures at Rimblade dismissively
[17:43] Man: Selarep
[17:43] * Rimblade moves away.
[17:43] Selarep: #roll 1d10
[17:43] RPGServ: <Roll for Selarep [1d10]: 6>
[17:43] * Useless blinks his onyx eyes slowly. "Intriguing."
[17:43] Selarep: Eh.
[17:43] Man: Son of Hadin, Nephew of Diviara
[17:43] Man: Mr. Toecan
[17:43] * Eitak_Razal blinks
[17:44] Man: Or is that Toucan?
[17:44] Eitak_Razal: What?
[17:44] Useless: #roll 1d10
[17:44] RPGServ: <Roll for Useless [1d10]: 6>
[17:44] Selarep: Who?
[17:44] * Lkeas sighs. "Hadin.."
[17:44] Useless: "Talo-Toecan."
[17:44] * Eitak_Razal points the ferret on Lkea's shoulder
[17:44] Man: Death is part of the adventure isn't it
[17:44] Man: Well then
[17:44] Adam_Hartholm: Let's see...
[17:44] Selarep: ...
[17:44] Adam_Hartholm: Counterfeit's last...
[17:44] Lkeas: What? Did you know..?
[17:44] * Little_Brown_Box harrumphs.
[17:45] Man: Mr. Holmstock
[17:45] Man: Do please roll agi...
[17:45] Man: er... sorry
[17:45] Man: Durroth
[17:45] Man: Roll again
[17:45] Durroth: #roll 1d10
[17:45] RPGServ: <Roll for Durroth [1d10]: 6>
[17:45] * Plushie-chan thinks she's first
[17:45] Man: Mr. Hartholm
[17:45] Man: You as well
[17:45] Man: A tie must be divided
[17:45] * Legault snaps out of his daze, "... I must've dozed off."
[17:46] Adam_Hartholm: #roll 1d10
[17:46] RPGServ: <Roll for Adam_Hartholm [1d10]: 4>
[17:46] Adam_Hartholm: Bah.
[17:46] Man: Ah then
[17:46] Lkeas: Adam? What about Deathbringer?
[17:46] * Rimblade watches impassively. Or perhaps inpassively.
[17:46] Man: Deathbringer
[17:46] Deathbringer: #roll 1d10
[17:46] RPGServ: <Roll for Deathbringer [1d10]: 4>
[17:46] Man: Oh yes indeed
[17:46] Man: See
[17:46] Adam_Hartholm: Heh.
[17:46] Man: its all as it should be
[17:46] Man: Mr. Sharpe's analog
[17:46] * Dakota_Pierce watches the others surprisingly patiently
[17:47] Man: Please proceed to the door
[17:47] Man: Er... thats You Durroth
[17:47] Durroth: now thats one I havent heard before
[17:47] * Nick waits for his turn.
[17:47] * Durroth proceeds to the door
[17:47] Plushie-chan: Leggy can't go in can he?
[17:47] Man: Oh no he can
[17:47] Man: Naturally he goes last
[17:47] Man: Now then lets continue please
[17:47] * Durroth attempts to enter the hut
[17:47] * Eitak_Razal harumphs

[17:48] * Man opens and closes the door for Durroth

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