Food for Thought

From Caelwiki

[17:24] <>Ambiance<> A large low set table appears in the middle of the livingroom. It looks like nothing so much as a table of coffeetable height increased into the size of a dinner table in width and length
[17:24] <&Damsel> "If there's anything else I might do, love... let me know."
[17:24] * &Elenor dissapears.
[17:25] <>Ambiance<> A set of small cushioned stools and old style settees with large overstuffed pillows appears arround the table
[17:25] <&Lkeas> New furniture?
[17:25] <TaloToecan> "You ever make garlic butter, dearest?"
[17:25] <Eitak_Razal> I know! Shushi!
[17:25] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta looks shocked but honestly it doesn't suprise him "Well lets take our seats I guess..."
[17:25] <>Ambiance<> large flowing red and orange curtains appear from the center of the ceiling draping the seating area in a tented mesh
[17:26] * Clyde remains on the couch comtemplating. "Dang that Tirlerion."
[17:26] <+Stromy> "What's the occasion?"
[17:26] * +ZLOK remains inert.
[17:26] * &Damsel appears to be watching amazed out the kitchen door at the changes in the common room. "Hmmm...?"
[17:26] <>Ambiance<> A second table appears a bit off from the other. It is likewise off center and low to the ground. Its surface appears like nothing so much as a large grill
[17:26] <+Gemiere> "Hmm..."
[17:26] <&Durroth> we dont KNOW
[17:27] <+Brink> "Hmmm... rather classy... haven't eaten in such a style since my last meeting with the baron seats, and that meal cost 15,000 a piece..."
[17:27] * &Lkeas chuckles. "Well, perhaps Morocco is coming to us instead.."
[17:27] <>Ambiance<> Arround this second table several low straw mats and cushions appear
[17:27] <&Durroth> apparently todat is supposedly theoretically a holiday
[17:27] <+Gemiere> "He went to Jared."
[17:27] <+Stromy> ...What 'theoretical' holiday?
[17:27] <+Stromy> "Orange Monday...?"
[17:27] * +Necro eyes the new scenery, deciding to keep the tool kit closed, and quietly observing
[17:27] <>Ambiance<> A larger somewhat taller table with plush leather chairs appears to the far side of the room
[17:28] * Sashuno would laugh at that if he wasn't meditating.
[17:28] <+Nick|AmericanGangsta> Well well...
[17:28] <Tirlerion> In the end four distinct dining areas are set up. The original dining room, and the other three all of distinct styles
[17:28] <>Ambiance<> The living room is subsumed by this odd restraunt like seating
[17:28] * +Stromy heads towards the table with the leather chares
[17:28] <+Stromy> chairs*
[17:28] * TaloToecan is involved in slicing the large tuna filets into smaller, butterfly-cut portions and has yet to notice the changes involved. "Garlic butter, Shayril. You just melt some butter in one of the shallow pans over there, not the whole tub of the freshly churned batch I picked up mind you, and infuse it with some herbs and a bit of garlic.
[17:29] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta looks around "Amazing really..."
[17:29] <Eitak_Razal> This is diffrent
[17:29] <>Ambiance<> A bottle of Asti and several plates of antipasti appear on the taller table with leather chairs

02: [17:29] * +Necro (ultrapower@1E71D84C.F80C5742.FB243B6.IP) Quit (Suppressed: )

[17:29] * Gemiere is now known as Selarep|questionarre
[17:29] <+Brink> "Hmmm?"
[17:29] <+Stromy> "Some utensils?"
[17:29] <+Brink> "Apatizers, eh?"
[17:29] <Eitak_Razal> ((Antipasti? Wazzdat))
[17:29] <+Stromy> ((Type of pasta))
[17:29] <Sashuno> (a pasta dish)
[17:30] <+Brink> ((Antipasti is Italian for appatizers.))
[17:30] <Eitak_Razal> ((thanks brink))
[17:30] <&Damsel> "Talo... I... think perhaps our dinner plans are being slightly upstaged..."
[17:30] * An oriental looking gentleman appears near the large grill table and after rolling what appears to be swordfish sashimi begins cooking on the grill table
[17:30] <+Brink> ((Finger foods or small portioned foods, generally.))
[17:30] * +Nick|AmericanGangsta laughs "Amazing" seems to be the only word he can say.
[17:30] * &Lkeas pokes her head into the kitchen. "Well, your food will definitely be served in style tonight, guys." She winks at Damsel.
[17:30] <Sashuno> ((someone's trying to undermine his own underling, it appears...))
[17:30] <Sashuno> ((or not.))
[17:31] <+Stromy> "Anyone want to join me for some
[17:31] <>Ambiance<> Exotic smelling meat pies and cous cous with fruit and meats appears next to the cushioned table along with a large pot of warm liquid that smells strongly of spearmint and peppermint
[17:31] <+Stromy> Italian foor?"
[17:31] * Tirlerion appears
[17:31] * Nick|AmericanGangsta is now known as Nick
[17:31] <Tirlerion> "I aquired the italian from Sicily"
[17:31] * Sashuno continues to meditate.
[17:32] <Eitak_Razal> Which terra Tirlerion?
[17:32] <+Stromy> "Authentic!"
[17:32] * +Brink smiles ever so slightly "Hmmm. Perhaps dressing for the occasion...?"
[17:32] <Tirlerion> "The Japanese from Edo Province
[17:32] <Tirlerion> "And the Moroccan from Rabat"
[17:32] * TaloToecan blinks and looks up from the process of properly cutting and butterflying the filet portions and looks about. He frowns as he sees the array that the common room has been transformed to, in minor disappointment. "Ah...and most of this won't keep too well, either. Drat. Sometimes I wonder, love, if I shouldn't try to make any plans."
[17:32] <Tirlerion> "I figure that Talo and Damsel's offering can make up the fourth station. If they are inclined
[17:33] <Tirlerion> "Allowing us a multicultrual tour of food"
[17:33] * &Lkeas grins. "That sounds excellent."
[17:33] <+Stromy> "So how does this meal work? Do we go around and get what we like or...?"
[17:33] * TaloToecan smiles broadly. "Well, that does keep it from being a waste, now doesn't it? Surely, Tirlerion, surely."
[17:33] <Tirlerion> "None of the portions here are big... They should be enough for every one to sample from everything however"
[17:33] <Tirlerion> "And by the time we are done be quite satisfied
[17:33] <+Stromy> "Great
[17:33] <+Stromy> !"
[17:33] * +Brink snaps and his clothes become more formal, a black tuxedo coat over a white shirt, a red tie drifts down from his neck and he is as usual not without his kahki's, though they are white. His cane is also now red and with a more stylish handle of gold.
[17:33] <Tirlerion> "As for this holiday"
[17:34] <Tirlerion> "I am unaware of any such thing"
[17:34] * Eitak_Razal smiles. "Have you never been to a buffet Stromy?
[17:34] <Tirlerion> "But we do need to eat"
[17:34] <&Lkeas> Any holiday involving talking human legs is one I'd rather NOT celebrate, honestly.
[17:34] * &Damsel smiles faintly, though her thoughts mirrored her love's, having plans she had looked forward to changed last minute the past two days. "Ah well..."
[17:34] * +Nick laughs "Aye"
[17:34] <Eitak_Razal> Talkin human legs?
[17:34] * Eitak_Razal blinks
[17:34] <+Brink> "Quite grand, Tirlerion. Quite Grand indeed. I must give you proper... how would a Terran put it... props... for the elegancy."
[17:35] <&Lkeas> But we can always celebrate diversity and family, on any day. We have much to be thankful for, in spite of our differences.
[17:35] * Eitak_Razal snaps her fingers and her adventuring clothes are replaced one of her Kimonos and her hair is tyed up in the Odango style
[17:35] * Tirlerion draws force a small vinagrette salad from the italian table and sits in a large chair eating thoughtfully
[17:36] * +ZLOK remains quite inert.
[17:36] * +Brink bows to Lkeas "Indeed my friend, indeed. Family is always subject to celebration!"
[17:36] * Sashuno is jolted out of meditation by an intense hunger pang. ""
[17:36] <Tirlerion> I am quite sure that had more to do with Murray's request but the point is noted regardless
[17:36] * +Nick pats down his coat sleeves, still looking quite improper for the occasion but it doesn't bother him too much "Hmmm..."
[17:37] * Sashuno looks around, confused and overwhelmed.
[17:37] <Sashuno> "did I die?" he wonders to himself.
[17:37] * Clyde still on the couch, smells the food. "..Whatever..."
[17:37] <Tirlerion> Hmm these grape tomatos are deliciously sweet
[17:37] <Tirlerion> Perhaps a touch of this lasagne
[17:38] * +Brink looks amongst the itlian section "Grand, grand indeed..."
[17:38] * &Lkeas takes a seat next to Tirlerion, somewhat timidly as she is still getting accustomed to being in his presence without fear of danger or possible death. "It does smell delicious.. thank you for putting this all together.."
[17:38] <+Brink> "Any recomedations, tirlerion?"
[17:38] * +Nick takes a seat at the opposite of Lkeas. "Aye thanks..."
[17:38] * Sashuno stands up slowly, still completely confused.
[17:39] * +Nick looks to the rest of the group "Oi, come on you mopey lots, there's enough joyous fun for all, grab a seat!"
[17:39] <Tirlerion> The Morocan Sweet Mint teas is fascinating
[17:39] * Starkin ( has joined #darkabode
[17:39] <+Brink> "Sweet mint you say?"
[17:39] <Tirlerion> It is brewed as strongly as the Southern Teas of the american south
[17:40] <Tirlerion> and is as sweet
[17:40] <Tirlerion> but it is served quite hot
[17:40] <Tirlerion> Not cold
[17:40] * +Brink spins on his heel and strides to moracan section. "Lovely." he takes a cup of it and sips it delightfully "Wonderful."
[17:40] <Tirlerion> The flavor is a cross between a spearmint and a peppermint
[17:40] <Tirlerion> it is I am told excellent for digestion
[17:40] * Sashuno still can't grasp what's going on, and starts observing the whole event from afar.
[17:40] * Tirlerion eats a peice of baguette
[17:40] <+Brink> "hmmm..."
[17:41] <Tirlerion> "Hmm... this is quark cheese on this baguette I think"
[17:41] <Tirlerion> "Delightful"
[17:41] * TaloToecan moves with decided purpose through the kitchen at this point, applying heat to one of the skillets in preparation and focusing his attentions on setting up the kitchen's own grill with the butterfly tuna steaks.
[17:41] <+Brink> "Tirlerion, you seem to be quite the tast tester."
[17:41] * +Nick puts a little lasagna on a plate next to a peice of bread and takes a bite "Oh...delicious..."
[17:41] <+Brink> "Mind if I bring a tid-bit from home for you, never had another god taste my food before."
[17:41] <+Brink> "It would be quite the honor."
[17:41] <Tirlerion> I spent much time making up for 2000 years of not eating at all
[17:41] <&Durroth> heh
[17:42] * +Selarep|questionarre makes a plate of a little of everything and digs in.
[17:42] <+Brink> "Is that a yes?"
[17:42] <Tirlerion> Do as you will
[17:42] * +Brink nods kindly and vanishes.
[17:42] * &Lkeas leans over to take a plate and a small portion of lasagna. "It must have been rather painful for you.."
[17:42] * Eitak_Razal hurries between each station takeing some of everything. She barely has time to thank the Japanese chef in japanese as fast as she is moving
[17:43] <Tirlerion> I was quite literally issued corporal punishment day in and day out for 2 millenia
[17:43] <Tirlerion> It was not my idea of a fun time
[17:43] * &Damsel does her best to assist Talo in his preparations, watching the group as a whole meanwhile, a bit thoughtful.
[17:43] * Sashuno realizes that there is exotic food laid out before him, and it dawns on him. his stomach growls, not having eaten anything in a few days.
[17:43] * +Nick takes a chunk out of the bread "Eww...thats horrible."
[17:43] * &Lkeas nods. "I guess it's understandable that you had a lot of aggression pent up after we let you out.."
[17:44] * TaloToecan looks absolutely nothing akin to a professional chef, but rather a busy and boisterious parent in a kitchen as he lets the tuna begin to grill on one side while setting the mussels aside into a container to steam...with a little bit of help in getting the steam consistent with his own gifts. He quirks a smile as he moves to begin creating the sauce for his planned pasta dish, requesting Shayril help him by brining a pot of water over to boil.
[17:44] * +Brink reappears holding a singular yet rather large plate holding a mound of steaks topped each with a a sauce of almost stew consistancy. "One of my favorite to cook."
[17:44] * Clyde mutters something, "Since when was Tirlerion a chef?"
[17:44] <+ZLOK> I would think one gets desntisized to corporeal punishment after a while?
[17:44] <Tirlerion> SInce Never
[17:44] <+Brink> ((It notibly holds 25 steaks.))
[17:44] <Tirlerion> I am no cook
[17:44] * +ZLOK looks up after having remained inert for a short while.
[17:44] <Tirlerion> That does not stop me from being a Gourmand
[17:45] <+Brink> "Tirlerion, which section would this best fit?"
[17:45] <Tirlerion> Hmm.. Steak...
[17:45] * &Lkeas takes a few bites of pasta.
[17:45] <Tirlerion> Depends on how it is seasoned largely
[17:45] <Tirlerion> And how it is cooked
[17:45] <Tirlerion> How rare is it?
[17:45] <+Brink> "Medium-rare."
[17:45] * +Nick takes a bite and almosts gasps "This is great, I love pasta..."
[17:45] * Sashuno is about to run towards the food, and then remembers his manners. He swiftly makes his way to each table, hovering above the ground. "Hovering," he figures, "is far more polite than running."
[17:46] <Tirlerion> "How perfectly delightful"
[17:46] <Tirlerion> "It will fit over here with italian cuisine well enough"
[17:46] * +Brink sets it amongst the Italian foods.
[17:46] * &Damsel complies to Talo's requests easily as she smiles out at the family. There is a small pain in her heart, however, that their father-figure is not here, having turned his back on them at least temporarily and leaving even such a pleasent festivity like this feeling incomplete.
[17:46] * Sashuno has a plate full of a little bit of everything.
[17:46] <Tirlerion> The japanese do make good steaks but they tend toward either very well done rolls as in Negimaki
[17:47] * +Nick stands up "Well if we're all bringing something to the table..."
[17:47] * +Nick disappears in a swirl.
[17:48] <+Brink> "I dare say it's easy to make, marinate for six hours in Worchershire, a six pepper blend, garlic, jalepeno, and Terra's A1 steak sauce."
[17:48] <+Brink> "Tangy, sweet, all at once."
[17:48] * Clyde storms out the room and outside. "I'm going now."
[17:48] <+Brink> "Delectable to my own taste."
[17:48] * Sashuno feels bad for not bringing anything at all.
[17:48] <Tirlerion> Or to things like Shabu-Shabu and Tataki
[17:48] <Eitak_Razal> egimaki (????, Negimaki?), also called negima, is a Japanese food consisting of broiled strips of beef smothered in teriyaki sauce and rolled with scallions (negi). They are also commonly referred to as Negima, and are thought to have originiated from the Kanto region of Japan.
[17:48] * &Lkeas looks up at Clyde. "Not joining us for dinner..?"
[17:49] * Sashuno sets his plate down at a table, and sinks into the ground
[17:49] * +ZLOK returns to his previous position and becomes immobile once more.
[17:49] <Tirlerion> I rarely care for pickled rasins
[17:49] * Clyde reaches the door, "No I have to go."
[17:49] <Tirlerion> Though I think cut in such a marinade
[17:49] * &Lkeas nods. "Take care."
[17:49] * Tirlerion places a smaller stake upon his plate
[17:49] * Eitak_Razal looks up from laptop and resumes eating
[17:49] * Sashuno rises up once more with an embarrassed blush on his face.
[17:49] * Starkin walks into the abode and sees the seekers having some food.
[17:49] * Clyde nods to Lkeas.
[17:49] * +Brink takes a seat beside Nick, Tirlerion, and Lkeas after grabbing a plate consisting of the vinagrette salad, steak, and a few of the sicilian fairs.

02: [17:49] * Clyde ( Quit (Distracted: My soul is Lost, And torn Apart, Stepped and bashed on, Ever since the Start.)

[17:50] <Tirlerion> Wangst
[17:50] <Starkin> "So what is happening right now?"
[17:50] * TaloToecan blazes through an array of garlic cloves, a few red chilies, a dab or two of soy sauce with the sauce for the Tuna, and lemons both zest and juice. His smile is quite broad as he remembers watching Hadin during his rare and more youthful urges to cook as he checks on the mussels and flips the tuna steaks.
[17:50] <Sashuno> "I...I d-don't have much to offer..."
[17:50] * +Nick reappears with two bottles in his hand "Chianti anyone?"
[17:50] * +ZLOK looks up.
[17:50] <+ZLOK> He should be fine, he accepted.
[17:50] * +Brink looks at Tirlerion "Cut!? Filet of course, nothing but the tender."
[17:50] * +ZLOK returns to his previous position of energy conservation.
[17:50] <Sashuno> " werewolf alright?"
[17:51] * &Lkeas looks over to ZLOK. "Would you care to eat? The pasta is delicious.. almost as good as the Loremaster makes himself..." She trails off as she realizes Falerin is noticeably absent from the affair, and looks down at her plate.
[17:51] * +Brink cuts into the steak, which is oddly enough looks nothing very different from a normal one.
[17:51] * Sashuno blushes in embarrassment some more.
[17:51] <Tirlerion> "I refer to your choice of seasoning. Not to the cut of beef"
[17:51] <+ZLOK> The catch.
[17:51] * +ZLOK looks at Lkeas.
[17:51] * &Durroth continues reading his book... or rather rereading it for the 204th time
[17:51] * Eitak_Razal walks over and adds one of brink's steaks to her plate
[17:51] * Tirlerion nibbles
[17:51] <Starkin> "This food smells just delightful."
[17:51] <+Brink> "Ah."
[17:51] <Tirlerion> Well prepared I dare say
[17:51] * &Lkeas shakes her head. "No, it's not part of the catch... he left because of what we did.."
[17:52] * Eitak_Razal nibbles on the steak. "Tasty!"
[17:53] <Tirlerion> It however does not go well with the whangst currently in my mouth
[17:53] * +Brink takes the piece he cut and eats it, enjoying it. After finishing the piece he smiles "Merci."
[17:53] <Tirlerion> I think perhaps some mint tea will calm my digestion
[17:53] * +Nick pulls out 4 or 5 glasses and places them in front of him, he takes one of the bottles and with great difficulty bites the cork clean off, pouring a small amount in the first glass, he lifts and offers it to Tirlerion "Wine, my host?"
[17:53] * Tirlerion crosses to the moroccan table
[17:53] * +Brink nods to Tirlerion "Flavors often do and do not mix."
[17:53] * &Damsel takes over the tasks of preparing the pasta and alfredo sauce, things much more familiar to her own mind. Once the water boils, she turns down the heat and adds the pasta, which she stirs between adding ingredients in a saucepan.
[17:53] <Tirlerion> "Perhaps later"
[17:53] <+Nick> Ah well, more for me...
[17:54] <Tirlerion> "Whangst is bitter and mixes poorly with anything else"
[17:54] <+ZLOK> Always a catch.
[17:54] * +Brink looks at Nick "Wine you say? What year and what type?"
[17:54] <Tirlerion> "Naturally Clyde's offering does not well fit the meal as a whole"
[17:54] <Tirlerion> "But we shall surive the Whangst I think"
[17:54] * +Nick takes the sip and purses his lips "I declare it satisfactory..." turning to brink, "Why Chianti of course, 1747 to be precise..."
[17:54] <Tirlerion> "well enough"
[17:54] <Eitak_Razal> Whangst?
[17:55] * Sashuno looks around. "Werewolf? is that alright?"
[17:55] * Starkin skips to each station in delight as he puts a little of everything on his plate. Starkin then proceeds to the table and sits down.
[17:56] * TaloToecan melts a small dollop in a skillet and tosses the shrimp in alongside a good deal of crushed and swiftly minced garlic cloves and a bit of parsley, as well as the remainder of the lemon juice that he can squeeze out of the fruit he managed to snag in Fair Harbor. He keeps an eye on his simmering sauce and the cooking tuna steaks as he tries to time his two dishes of focus to be ready one after the other, and a chuckle slips past his lips as he realizes
[17:56] <&Ferret> (*his luck in that regard.)
[17:56] <Tirlerion> Oh it is an especially emo breed
[17:56] <Tirlerion> Whining Angst
[17:56] <Tirlerion> All the drama of Angst
[17:56] <Tirlerion> But with a side of Whine
[17:56] * Eitak_Razal laughs
[17:56] * &Durroth chuckles
[17:57] <Tirlerion> Disaffected gods like he are even worse at it then humans
[17:57] * &Durroth turns the page in his book
[17:57] * Sashuno grabs his plate, and sits towards the side, cross-legged, hovering above his chair.
[17:57] * Eitak_Razal pulls out her phone and says a few words before a bottle falls out of a small portal into her lap.
[17:57] <Tirlerion> Hmm
[17:57] * +Brink contemplates "Mind If I have a glass, my friend?"
[17:57] * +Nick poors about 2 half-full glasses, one fore himself of course but the other he offers in Brink's direction
[17:57] <Tirlerion> Smells a bit like a Scampi
[17:58] * Sashuno chows down.
[17:58] * +Brink smiles widely and nods his head, he gently takes it and sips at it "Ah... lovely"
[17:58] * Sashuno is now known as Sashu|bbs
[17:58] * &Lkeas nods with Tirlerion. "Well, I suppose each is entitled to his opinion.. and we cannot force unity if one does not wish it."
[17:58] * +Nick looks to Lkeas "Would you like some mi'lady?"
[17:58] <Eitak_Razal> Why don't you two try drinking something more healthy.
[17:58] * &Damsel waits until a small amount of heavy cream mixed with butter begins to simmer, then adds some garlic and cheese. After a quick stir of the pasta, she begins to whisk the sauce. She keeps a watch on Talo's progress, hoping to have her portion ready in time for when he needs it.
[17:58] <+Nick> Wine is healthy my dear.
[17:58] <+Stromy> Not in excess
[17:58] * Tirlerion gestures and two small plates of various appetizes levitate into the kitchen along with two glasses of morrocan tea
[17:58] <+Nick> Aye, but I haven't even had a glass yet!
[17:58] <Tirlerion> Let us not forget those dutifuly working toward our next course
[17:59] <Tirlerion> An alfredo as well
[17:59] <&Lkeas> Perhaps a little bit, Nick. It's been a long day, and it'd help me unwind a bit.
[17:59] <Tirlerion> Seems to be perfectly at home here in fact
[17:59] * Starkin digs into his food.
[17:59] * +Nick smiles to Lkeas and pours about a 3rd of the way into the glass "More? Or shall that be enough?"
[17:59] * +Brink smiles at Lkeas "Good to see you partaking in the festive events Lkeas."
[18:00] * Crash ( has joined #darkabode
[18:00] * Enmity sets mode: +v Crash
[18:00] * Eitak_Razal gestures to the bottle that just landed in her lap. "I should think not. I prefer this over wine. It's a special juice I have custom made. Try it"
[18:00] <&Lkeas> That'll do for now.
[18:00] * &Lkeas smiles as she accepts the glass from Nick.
[18:00] * +Nick smiles "Of course..."
[18:] <Eitak_Razal> It also makes a good flavorer to tea.
[18:] * Cerbero (Cerbero_25@41970BA1.FA0F169E.ED8EB99F.IP) has joined #darkabode
[18:] * Enmity sets mode: +v Cerbero
[18:] * +Nick sets the bottle down, and begins working on a little more food to put on his plate, trying a little of everything and taking drinks from his glass all the while.
[18:] * &Damsel glances up and smiles briefly at Tirlerion for a moment before returning to her stirring. She adds in the final touch of parsley to the sauce and glances at Talo, turning the heat down slightly so as to not overcook anything prior to him being ready.
[18:] * Starkin slowly drinks some earl gray tea he was carrying with him.
[18:02] * &Lkeas sighs contentedly as she watches the seekers settling down for dinner. "Funny how food always seems to unite us. Perhaps we should bring along picnic baskets on our travels.."
[18:02] * TaloToecan pulls the pan from the heat just prior to the shrimp being perfectly cooked and letting the carry-over finish the job rather than spoil the effort. He transfers the shrimp from the pan to a large platter, then scrambles for a moment to find a pile of forks in case they would rather not eat with thier hands. "Appetizer is up! Fingers or forks, your choice, with these behemoths of shrimp."
[18:02] * +Nick laughs "Aye, I wouldn't complain..."
[18:02] * +Brink seems to have finished his meal thus far. He stands and begins taking only the Italian fairs, a little bit of everything by the looks of it.
[18:02] <Eitak_Razal> We should rename ourselvs The Truth Servers... Truth eaters? Food Seekers?
[18:] <+Brink> Hmmm...
[18:] * &Lkeas giggles at Eitak's suggestions. "Aye... but I suppose if we spent all our time eating we wouldn't accomplish much but gaining weight."
[18:] <Eitak_Razal> That is very true
[18:] <+Brink> A Zifendale might match this a little better...
[18:] * TaloToecan smiles over at Damsel and nods in affirmation, letting her plate the fettucini alfredo base for the steamed mussels at her leisure as he removes the tuna from the kitchen's grill and begins plating them and pouring a generous amount of the spicy hot sauce accompanying it.
[18:04] * +Brink takes another sip of his wine as he returns to his seat.
[18:04] * Arden descends the stairs
[18:04] <+Nick> Eh? Probably...
[18:04] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[18:04] <Tirlerion> "Ah you got my invitation then."
[18:04] <Tirlerion> "I gathered it would not do well to exclude you"
[18:04] * +Brink turns towards the steps "Arden. Enjoy the food."
[18:04] * &Lkeas stands to make a move toward the kitchen and Talo's appetizers, but stops short as she notices Arden descending the stairs. "Arden! It is good to see you!"
[18:04] * +ZLOK grumbles and returns to his previous position.
[18:04] * Eitak_Razal turns away from Arden "I have nothing to say to you."
[18:05] * +Brink nibbles at his food.
[18:05] * Necro (ultrapower@1E71D84C.F80C5742.FB243B6.IP) has joined #darkabode
[18:05] * Enmity sets mode: +v Necro
[18:05] <Arden> "As you wish"
[18:05] * &Lkeas glances at Eitak with some confusion. "Nothing to say?"
[18:] * +Nick finishes his glass, and poors another half-way. "Ahh, it is some good wine though Brink..."
[18:] <+Nick> *pours
[18:] <Arden> Seems a rather diverse spread
[18:] * Arden looks at Lkeas
[18:] <+Brink> "I can't deny it Nick.
[18:] <+Brink> It is grand.
[18:07] * Starkin digs some earl gray packets from his cloak and walks to the kitchen to prepare some.
[18:07] <Arden> Let it go. If she wants to engage in guilt by assocaition let her
[18:07] * +Nick smiles and takes another bite of the pasta on his plate.
[18:07] * Tirlerion turns to Arden
[18:07] <Starkin> "If anybody desires it, I'm making english tea."
[18:07] * &Damsel reaches for a strainer and drains the noodles at Talo's signal. She then adds the noodles to the saucepan, mixing them so that they are evenly coated with the sauce before transfering everything to a serving dish and placing it before Talo to add his finishing touches.
[18:07] <Tirlerion> "Falerin let you come"
[18:07] * &Lkeas turns back to Arden. "I see. Well, I'll stay blissfully ignorant then, and invite you to join me in the kitchen. Talo prepared some shrimp appetizers.."
[18:07] <Arden> "He does not know"
[18:07] <Eitak_Razal> "I do have some things to say but not very nice. Not after that whole thing at the orpahanage"
[18:07] <&Durroth> Good evening to you Arden
[18:08] <Arden> "He ordered me to leave. He never ordered me to stay away entirely"
[18:08] * +Brink sniffs and notices an open spot on his plate. "Shrimp you say..."
[18:08] <Arden> "The letter of his command was followed"
[18:08] * &Durroth flips to another page in his book, which he could probably recite word for word by now
[18:08] * +Brink continues eating, contemplating the shrimp.
[18:08] * TaloToecan tries to steal a quick bite or two of the appetizers that Tirlerion so thoughtfully floated their way, savoring the new and unique flavors as he makes a few minor adjustments in the spicing by adding just a hint of pepper to the sauce upon tasting the smallest bit of remains in the pan. "The tuna dish is ready, but be careful of its spice. Its kick can creep up on you."
[18:08] * Eitak_Razal walks over to the food Talo and
[18:08] * Cerbero is now known as Cerb|Dinner
[18:09] * Eitak_Razal walks over to the food Talo and Dams made and takes a bit of both.
[18:09] <Tirlerion> Delightful I do enjoy spice
[18:09] <+Brink> "What pepper did you use Talo?"
[18:09] * +Brink sniffs, trying to find out.
[18:09] <Tirlerion> "The Orphanage? Whatever did you do there to upset Eitak so Arden"
[18:09] * &Lkeas takes a sip of wine from her glass and smiles slightly. "You are definitely his Avatar, Arden. Though I'm surprised he was not more thorough in his command since he knows how easily such can be exploited."
[18:10] <Arden> "I saved a paladin and a childs life"
[18:10] <Tirlerion> How absolutely unforgivable.
[18:10] <Tirlerion> No wonder she is annoyed
[18:10] <+Nick> Aye, Eitak's just being her usual stubborn self, she'll get over it.
[18:10] * &Durroth sighs
[18:10] <&Durroth> I'll never understand that girl
[18:10] * Starkin procedes to boiling water in a kettle in the kitchen.
[18:10] <Eitak_Razal> You saved a child... That's a laugh... Last i saw you were tossing the kid to the Vampire.
[18:10] * &Lkeas steps into the kitchen looking for the shrimp platter.
[18:10] * +Necro teleports back, approximately to where he left his tool kit. "Hey guys, sorry for leaving abruptly, but I thought y'all might enjoy some extra food. Though it seems there's already plenty of it already..."
[18:11] * Arden looks at Eitak
[18:11] * &Damsel takes a moment to nibble at her own plate that Tirlerion was kind enough to gather for her, waiting for further instructions and smiling slightly upon noting that Arden has come to join them, at least for the time being.
[18:11] <Arden> "That Child was about to die from terminal and uncurable cancer"
[18:11] * +Brink eats the last of what was on his plate. He immediately stands and makes his way to the tuna dish.
[18:11] <TaloToecan> "The pepper is freshly ground black peppercorn, and the chiles are actually one of the planar imports that actually smells and has a more appropriate kick than what I would normally use. Damsel, dear, can you check the mussels and see if the steam has coaxed them open while I make just a little extra dipping sauce for them?"
[18:12] <Arden> "The orphanage of St. Mary's deals only with terminally ill cases"
[18:12] * +Brink smiles "Kick eh?"
[18:12] <Eitak_Razal> And dieing by the hand of a vampire is any better!?
[18:12] * +Nick heads to the tuna dish aswell.
[18:12] * &Elenor appears in the abode.
[18:12] <+ZLOK> I'd say so.
[18:12] * +ZLOK stands.
[18:12] <Arden> "You might ask that child."
[18:12] * &Elenor looks at Arden, blinking.
[18:12] <&Elenor> Child? The one you saved at that orphange?
[18:12] <Eitak_Razal> How can I ask someone who is dead?
[18:12] <Arden> "He currently is serving at the church of Falerin in Mithius Minor"
[18:12] * +Brink takes a piece of the tuna, then moves into the kitchen, and grabs himself some shrimp.
[18:12] <+Nick> He's still alive Eitak
[18:12] <+Nick> as a vampire
[18:13] <Eitak_Razal> Thats even worse.
[18:13] <&Durroth> Alive is still alive, no matter what you are
[18:13] <+ZLOK> Except if you're undead.
[18:13] <+ZLOK> Then alive is not alive.
[18:13] <&Durroth> maybe you'll understand someday kid
[18:13] <+Nick> he would have died most painfully otherwise, what Arden did, was save his life, and you should do well to remember it.
[18:13] <Tirlerion> Even worse? Is it indeed?
[18:13] <Eitak_Razal> Did you even stop to think. Maybe he doesn't want to be a Vampire?
[18:13] * +Necro walks over to Brink, and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey rink, you got any idea where I can put the Cor-Demi Concouctions here? You remember those back from the old days, right?"
[18:13] * &Lkeas walks back into the main room munching on a shrimp. "What's so bad about being a vampire? I know a few who are quite pleasant."
[18:13] <Arden> "Naturally not since I asked him first"
[18:13] <&Lkeas> Matthew Johansen being one of them.
[18:13] <+Nick> Maybe he doesn't want a Terminal Disease Eitak...
[18:14] <De`thion> nope, being dead sucks, I'd take vampirism over death
[18:14] <Arden> "I offered him a way to continue living. Albeit in an altered form and he agreed"
[18:14] <Eitak_Razal> Did you tell him that he'd have to kill people to stay alive?
[18:14] <Arden> "I took him to the paladin because both of them would have died otherwise"
[18:14] <&Durroth> Listen to the kid, hes been dead
[18:14] * Starkin takes a tea pot and puts some of his earl gray packs into it.
[18:14] * +Brink looks at Necro "Cor demi?"
[18:14] <Eitak_Razal> So Have I durroth.
[18:14] * &Damsel makes a small noise of confirmation, having just taken a bite of one of the appetizers. She goes over to where the muscles are cooking and peers at them. After swallowing her mouthful, the back of her hand held before her lips as she does so, she turns back towards Talo. "It appears that they have, love."
[18:14] <Arden> "
[18:15] <+Brink> "Say that again, I didn't here over the crowd, Necro."
[18:15] <&Elenor> So... Wait... Arden? Why are you here?
[18:15] <+ZLOK> Dead is but a definition of a state.
[18:15] <+Necro> Sorry, cor-dem, slip of the tounge, I was up last night working on something... special
[18:15] <&Durroth> How are you doing anyway De'thion
[18:15] <De`thion> no progress whatsoever, stubborn sword
[18:15] <+Brink> You need communications you said?
[18:15] <+Nick> Ahh Elenor! come join us! Would you like some wine?
[18:15] <Arden> Yes I did indeed. I told him that he could offer the same gift to others who chose it under the church's auspices
[18:15] * +Nick shows here a glass half-full.
[18:15] <+Nick> *her
[18:15] <&Elenor> Humm? Wine?
[18:15] * Starkin pours the hot water from the kettle into the teapot.
[18:16] * Eitak_Razal just shakes her head and walks off "Whatever"
[18:16] <Arden> Vampire Paladin's never willingly kill unwilling target's Razal
[18:16] <&Elenor> Sure?
[18:16] <Arden> That would be part of the whole "Lawful Good" I am a palidin stuff
[18:16] <+Brink> NEcro, you said Communications, no?
[18:16] <+ZLOK> What is it to be dead? Unbreathing? So you're dead if you hold your breath? Your heart doesn't beat? So you're dead when your heart skips a beat at the sight of a loved one?
[18:16] <+ZLOK> What indeed is death?
[18:16] * TaloToecan sips a bit of the surprising mint tea and savors it, or tries to, while melting the last scraps of butter from the freshly churned batch he had bought earlier. "Well, go ahead and dump the lot of them on the pasta and give it another quick toss or two, please." Meanwhile, he adds just a hint of parsely and oregano, forgoing the garlic given the heavy use in the other pair of dishes, and decants the infused herb butter into a few miniature bowls.
[18:17] * +Nick smiles and passes her the freshly poured glass "It goes well with the lasagna" and winks at her.
[18:17] <Tirlerion> They only fall under the church of Falerin because he is one of the only deities that will accept undead
[18:17] <Arden> Exactly!
[18:17] * &Lkeas sighs and finishes off her shrimp, sucking the garlic off of her fingers. "Tolerance of other races, including kindred, comes slowly to some, and not at all to others."
[18:17] * &Elenor sips out of it. "Humm... I think I like this stuff."
[18:18] <De`thion> I spent a substantial amount of time floating in nothingness with other spirits while a demon or whatever the hell he is used my body to kill an innocent student. I'm not sure what would have happened after that if I hadnt somehow been given a second chance
[18:18] * Starkin picks up the tea pot after three minutes.
[18:18] <+Necro> I said Cor-Dem concoctions. You know, that mysterious blue liquid we found in the replicators that one time, and I was the only one who would take a swig of it to see if it was poisonous?
[18:18] * Eitak_Razal returns to her seat.
[18:18] * +Nick smiles "Thats the ticket! Hard liquor doesn't represent the whole of all liquor my dear."
[18:18] <&Elenor> Indeed.
[18:18] <Eitak_Razal> And your life seems to be all Liquor
[18:18] * Eitak_Razal giggles
[18:19] * &Lkeas calls back into the kitchen. "The shrimp is great, you two! My compliments to the chefs!"
[18:19] <Arden> While yours appears to be all judgement and prejudice
[18:19] <Starkin> "If any desire, I have fresh earl gray tea to pour."
[18:19] * +Nick looks at Eitak and is about to respond but thinks better of it.
[18:19] <+Brink> "Concoctions eh..."
[18:19] <Arden> If you will all excuse me I am returning home
[18:19] <&Durroth> You could always pull a yumichika De`thion
[18:19] <+Brink> "Storing them?"
[18:19] * Tirlerion vanishes
[18:19] <Tirlerion> *Arden
[18:19] * +Brink takes a bit of the tuna.
[18:19] <Eitak_Razal> I guess that what happens when you grow up on a Terra...
[18:19] <&Lkeas> Say hi to the Abode for us...
[18:19] <&Elenor> So... Why'd Arden visit?
[18:19] <De`thion> banging the damned thing against a rock will not obtain its cooperation any faster, that would just piss it off
[18:20] * &Lkeas waves to the spot where Arden was.
[18:20] <+Nick> I grew up on Terra and act nothing like you...
[18:20] <Tirlerion> I invited him
[18:20] * Sashu|bbs is now known as Sashuno
[18:20] <&Elenor> Ah.
[18:20] <Tirlerion> Apparently the Wangst did not meet his taste either tho
[18:20] <&Lkeas> Wish he could have stayed for dinner..
[18:20] * +Nick sighs and goes to a peice of that tuna dish.
[18:20] * +Necro sighs. "I asked where should I put them for the party? Don't tell me you never had one Brink, it's one of Aerodu's specialties!"
[18:20] <+ZLOK> He probably could.
[18:20] * Sashuno sighs contentedly.
[18:20] <De`thion> a pissed off sword is weaker than a sword thats cooperating with you
[18:20] <&Durroth> True
[18:20] <Tirlerion> He definitely could
[18:20] <Tirlerion> He chose not
[18:20] <+ZLOK> The sword gets a choice?
[18:20] <Starkin> "Last chance for fresh earl gray tea from me, otherwise more for myself."
[18:20] <&Elenor> I see you were talking about that thing with the orphanage. Wonder if he still thinks I'm mad.
[18:20] <+Brink> "FRaid not, my relations with Aerodu faded a while ago, my updates come from you."
[18:20] <+Brink> "Hmmm...."
[18:21] * &Elenor takes a sip from her wine glass.
[18:21] <+Brink> "AH! I know the perfect place."
[18:21] <Tirlerion> "How is the bergamot level"
[18:21] <+ZLOK> I thought the swords, like we, were tools?
[18:21] <Tirlerion> "I like mine with extra bergamot"
[18:21] <&Elenor> Ohh.. You talking about those zanpaktou things?
[18:21] <Eitak_Razal> Bergamot?
[18:21] <Tirlerion> Earl Grey
[18:21] * &Damsel nods and adds the mussels to the pasta and alfredo sauce. She lightly tosses the mixture with a pair of serving spoons, trying to leave everything fairly well distrubuted as she finishes.
[18:21] <De`thion> shush you! a zanpakuto is more than a tool, its a partner!
[18:21] <Tirlerion> It is a bergamot infused tea
[18:21] * TaloToecan brings the dipping sauce bowls over to the pasta platter and arrays them next to it with a sigh of relief. "And that should do it, pasta with a cream sauce...Alfredo, was it, Tirlerion? With steamed mussels, my personal favorite among seafood."
[18:21] * +Brink looks at Nick "Nicky. That table over there" he points to a longer table, that has been sitting in the abode form the start. "We should put the Drinks there."
[18:21] <Tirlerion> Rather tasty after a meal I think
[18:22] <Starkin> "Okay, Tirlerion, coming right up
[18:22] * +Brink looks at Necro "Over there my friend, on that table" he ponts to it.
[18:22] <De`thion> mine just happens to be a very uncooperative partner who seems to like watching me wrack my mind trying to figure out its name
[18:22] * &Lkeas shakes her head and crosses over to where ZLOK is standing. "Hard to want to be unified when there is always something working against it."
[18:22] <&Elenor> Still no luck with it?
[18:22] * Starkin walks up to Tirlerion, "It has more then usual, I'm like that too."
[18:22] <+ZLOK> That is a perfect analogy of my being, why thank you.
[18:23] <De`thion> nope, I cant think of a valid translation of Death of a million honors
[18:23] <Eitak_Razal> Mim muu mry mreh mroubious mons
[18:23] * +Necro presses a few buttons on his PDA, and suddenly martini glasses filled with a mysteriously glowing blue liquid appear on the table. "I can't believe you never had one. We drank those all the time during the clan wars. Nothing hits the spot like one of those... might rub it out too, but it depends on your tolerance level"
[18:23] <&Lkeas> You too, huh?
[18:23] <&Elenor> Wait... You already know what it means? You just can't translate it right? That's strange.
[18:23] * Eitak_Razal swallows her food. "sorry, Did you try the oubious ones?"
[18:23] * +Brink taps Nick on the shoulder "Hey, did you here me? That table over there's the drink table tonight."
[18:23] <&Elenor> Does it only work in one language?
[18:23] <De`thion> Probably not
[18:23] * +Nick takes a drink from his glass when he gets back to his seat with tuna on his plate "Whatever you want" he however pours himself another glass, finishing the first bottle. He hands the second to Brink "Go ahead take it."
[18:24] <Tirlerion> "Tytoa Breath"
[18:24] * Eitak_Razal floats her bottle of juice over to said table
[18:24] * Sashuno stifles a yawn, and sinks into the ground.
[18:24] <Tirlerion> "Why would one want to drink that"
[18:24] <+ZLOK> Like right now. I would desperately want to be unified with my colleagues, but am however not able to. Due to imprisonment in concept.
[18:24] <+Nick> Ahh the Tytoa...
[18:24] * +Brink walks over to the table and smiles slightly, still a plate in his hand he finishes the last of the shrimp and tuna, and puts the plate aside.
[18:24] * Starkin finds a cup, pours some earl gray tea into it, and sets it right next to Tirlerion."
[18:24] <Sashuno> ((good night, people. oh, and enjoy the e-feast))
[18:24] <Eitak_Razal> Toyata? Isn't that a car?
[18:24] <+ZLOK> My window is growing smaller by the impulse.
[18:24] <&Lkeas> You believe us imprisoned, for having accepted his protection?
[18:24] <De`thion> though traditionally zanpakuto names are in japanese, the zanpakuto of the arrancar are named in spanish
[18:25] <&Elenor> What is an arrancar?
[18:25] * &Damsel sighs softly, sad to see that Arden had left before they had even really had a chance to talk. Her heart is perhaps even more troubled, because she overheard the discussion that caused him to leave and wonders if perhaps they ever might truely act as a family, even if it's only on rare occasions like this. She tries to give Talo a small smile, and she goes to collect a portion of what the two of them had cooked to eat in addition to wha
[18:25] <+ZLOK> No, I am imprisoned for not having accepted his protection. Although not physically, but by concept. As I am not delimited from leaving, but rather from returning.

02: [18:25] * Sashuno ( Quit (Drowned: )

[18:25] <De`thion> ... lets not go into detailed explanations
[18:25] * Cerb|Dinner is now known as Cerbero
[18:25] <&Lkeas> Is there a reason you would not want to accept his protection? You need only ask for it and you can rejoin your colleagues at will..
[18:25] <&Elenor> Well, good luck finding out it's name?
[18:25] * +Nick takes a bite of the tuna and savors the flavor and texture "Why this tastes great!"
[18:26] <+ZLOK> He does not smell safe.
[18:26] * &Elenor takes another drink from her glass.
[18:26] <Tirlerion> "Blue 'liquid' that increases pleasure and emotional response"
[18:26] <Eitak_Razal> Isn't that from an anime.
[18:26] <Tirlerion> "Tytoa Breath"
[18:26] * &Lkeas gestures towards Tirlerion. "I mean, he's right here, you can ask him what the catch is, if there is one."
[18:26] <+Nick> The Cold right?
[18:26] <+ZLOK> I did, he chose not to speak.
[18:26] <+ZLOK> Tirlerion, what is the catch of your generous offer?
[18:26] * Starkin walks back to his seat, sits down, sets the tea pot by his side, and resumes rejoicing by eating.
[18:26] <Tirlerion> I choose not to repeat myself ZLOK
[18:26] <+ZLOK> See?
[18:26] <Tirlerion> I already stated that there was no catch
[18:27] <&Lkeas> Well there you go.
[18:27] <Tirlerion> People wish to drive me into redundance and that does not amuse me
[18:27] <+ZLOK> And if there was no catch, he could not be the god of dissention and scheming.
[18:27] * +Necro eyes the substances. "Is that what that stuff was? That explains a good deal why it randomly appeared when we were re-programming the thing... Is that stuff lethal?
[18:27] <+ZLOK> Excepting of course the dissention caused by there not being a catch, but that requires me to dissent in the first place.
[18:27] <+Nick> Well...a form of it, as we know The Cold, doesn't always have to amplify the feelings of worthlessness and such, that much is evident by The festival booth...if I remember...
[18:27] * +Brink places the bottle from Nick on the table. He regards Necro's and puts them to the side. As well as Nicks. He snaps and smiles as a bottle of a fine whiskey appears on one side, and about 6 bottles of a 1743 Cabernet and two bottles of a whit wine that reads "White Veil".
[18:27] <+Brink> "Ah."
[18:27] <Tirlerion> "It is... a neurotransmitter"
[18:27] <+Brink> "Wonderful."
[18:27] <Tirlerion> "A drug the Tytoa require to live"
[18:27] <+ZLOK> So either I have to dissent, or accept the catch.
[18:28] * TaloToecan balances a plate of tidbits from what he freshly cooked for the lot of them, and the plate of remaining appetizers with the remaining tea before moving out of the kitchen to sit in a more comfortable chain and eat with relish and finally relax.
[18:28] <Eitak_Razal> I ain't having any then..
[18:28] <Tirlerion> "They breath it in. It enhances their psychic abilites a billion fold"
[18:28] <+ZLOK> Is there any flaw in my logic?
[18:28] <&Lkeas> Perhaps this "catch" is only caused by the nature of who is offering the protection, which causes doubt in your mind. I admit I was hesitant to accept it at first myself.
[18:28] * +ZLOK peers at Lkeas inquisitively.
[18:28] * SicklyPlushie|RadiantDawn is now known as SicklyPlushie
[18:28] <Tirlerion> "Abilities they turn toward the Cold"
[18:28] <+ZLOK> And you have yet to explode or turn into newts.
[18:28] <Tirlerion> "They in a very real sense Breathe Cold"
[18:28] <Tirlerion> "Without it they die"
[18:28] <+ZLOK> Perhaps a forced recoherence without your knowledge.
[18:28] * +Brink looks at Necro and motions for him to come his way "Care to drink some Cor Dem conconction with me?"
[18:28] <+Nick> And how do they breath it in? I mean...its seems somewhat...far-fetched to be able to breath something like that...
[18:28] <+ZLOK> Or the inability to recohere should the oppertunity arise.
[18:29] <Starkin> "Tirlerion, do you enjoy the tea?"
[18:29] <&Lkeas> Hmph. I have already been recohered.
[18:29] <Tirlerion> The flaw ZLOK is only in presuming the scheming is oriented in any way toward you
[18:29] <&Lkeas> And that was against his wishes, if he did not want it to happen the first time, why would he want it now.
[18:29] <+ZLOK> There is no limit to the amount of times you can recohere.
[18:29] * +Necro frowns. "Interesting... so we have liquid cold in a bottle... Hold on Brink, I'm just learning what this stuff actually is... is it lethal to creatures who aren't Tyota?"
[18:29] <Tirlerion> You may as easily say that falerin clearly had evil intentions toward you
[18:29] * &Damsel follows after Talo, finding a seat beside him and beginning to eat more in earnest than her quick tidbits earlier she took while cooking. She eats though a bit slower than she might otherwise, worried for her family.
[18:29] <Tirlerion> Or else he could not be god of evil
[18:29] <Tirlerion> It is... more or less false logic
[18:29] * +Brink nods to Necro.
[18:29] <Eitak_Razal> That is quite true
[18:29] <Tirlerion> "The tea is excellent"
[18:29] <+ZLOK> However could I be sure he did not?
[18:29] <&Elenor> So far, I haven't seen any real definition of "evil"
[18:30] <+ZLOK> My only argument so far for not accepting is that you don't smell safe.
[18:30] <+Nick> Evil is subjective, find a definition for yourself and roll with it...
[18:30] <Eitak_Razal> Then you haven't met Riza
[18:30] * +Nick takes a sip from his glass.
[18:30] <Tirlerion> "Forgive me for being blunt Sybiont but your assurance hardly drives the concerns of most deities..."
[18:30] <Starkin> "Tirlerion, when you have been eating rationed food on earth for a while, tea is suprisingly refreshing."
[18:31] <Tirlerion> "Go or Stay... I can care less"
[18:31] <&Elenor> From what I've seen, those who associate themselves with Evil are pretty good at saving people's lives and such.
[18:31] * &Elenor sips the wine in her glass.
[18:31] <+ZLOK> Of course, I never asked for reassurance, did I?
[18:31] <+ZLOK> Or assurance in the first place.
[18:31] <Eitak_Razal> Thats becuase they are also good at takeing them
[18:31] * +Nick turns around "Oi...Brink, is that whiskey I see?"
[18:31] <+ZLOK> I bumble my way, you scheme yours. It's the way the multiverse works.
[18:31] * TaloToecan focuses on enjoying the tastes and textures, both familiar and foreign, as he cocks a single ear to follow the conversation.
[18:32] <Tirlerion> "How limited"
[18:32] <&Durroth> you really should reconsider claiming evil as your own alignment Eitak, your not very good at it
[18:32] <+ZLOK> Luck has nothing to do with careful scheming.
[18:32] <Tirlerion> "Yes of course, naturally I must scheme at all juncture. Just as liars can never ever tell the truth"
[18:32] <Tirlerion> "
[18:32] <+Brink> "Aye."
[18:32] <+Brink> "It is Nick."
[18:32] <+ZLOK> Not scheming can be a scheme in itself, just as not lying would be a lie to a liar.
[18:32] <Eitak_Razal> I've done a few evil things in my time... I didn't get to be ruler of my world by being a gooie two shoes
[18:32] <+ZLOK> I did.
[18:33] <Eitak_Razal> ((*Goodie))
[18:33] <+ZLOK> Then again, my world is two feet by two feet tent.
[18:33] * +Nick takes a big gulp and makes an "ahhh" sound, his glass-empty "Wanna pour me some?"
[18:33] <&Durroth> thats not what I mean
[18:33] <+Brink> "Haley's too. It's sippin whiskey, and you know how strong her chuggin whiskey is. Imagine this stuff."
[18:33] * +ZLOK shrugs.
[18:33] <&Durroth> you say that your evil
[18:33] <Tirlerion> When you are done deluding yourself into the illusion that the muliverse works in black and whites
[18:33] * &Lkeas shrugs. "You expressed concern over not being able to return should you leave. He presented the opportunity to allow you to do so, it's really just up to you whether you want to accept it or not. Worrying about what the possible consequences of that acceptance may be will only leave you frustrated. If we tried to determine all possible outcomes of every decision we ever had to make, we'd never get anywhere."
[18:33] <Tirlerion> Let's talk again
[18:33] <&Durroth> but you dont come anywhere near close
[18:33] <Tirlerion> Untill then you are wasting my time
[18:33] <+ZLOK> I am very much not deluded.
[18:33] * +Brink twirls the bottle in his hand and walks over to Nick, and poors him half a glass. "There ya are."
[18:33] <Tirlerion> You are if you believe in absolutes
[18:33] <Eitak_Razal> Did i mention I once killed the president of the USA?
[18:33] <Tirlerion> There exist none
[18:33] <+ZLOK> I don't.
[18:33] <&Durroth> case and point
[18:33] <+ZLOK> If I did, I would be no more.
[18:34] <+Necro> Wait a second... Tirlerion... a liquid neurotransmitter? How does that work out? Forgive my lack of knowledge of biology, could you expand on that? And it's effects on non-Tyota? I need to know if this stuff it toxic to humans..."
[18:34] <&Durroth> you try too hard
[18:34] <&Elenor> If I mentioned all the people I'd killed, we'd be up late into the night..
[18:34] * +Nick smiles "Much" he adds as no more than a second thought.
[18:34] * &Lkeas takes another swallow from her glass and moves towards Talo's and Damsel's dishes.
[18:34] <Tirlerion> "They vaporize it"
[18:34] <+ZLOK> I believe in a strong intuition, which at the moment is telling me by all its might, not to accept.
[18:34] <Tirlerion> "I really am not very versed on this The`Galin and the network thing you know"
[18:34] * TaloToecan mutters softly around particularly tasty tidbits. "Magnificent choices, Tirlerion."
[18:34] <Tirlerion> "I fear you need to ask Falerin"
[18:34] <Tirlerion> "And he is a bit nonreceptive"
[18:35] <&Durroth> I hired the frog plushie to assassinate a high ranking fire priest, that has nothing to do with whether I'm good or evil
[18:35] <&Durroth> I just really really really hate fire
[18:35] <Starkin> "If I may, good and evil are extremely relative and subjective. Its the purpose behind the action, not the outcome that counts."
[18:35] <&Elenor> It can do assassinations now?
[18:35] <+ZLOK> Falerin is where Falerin wishes to be. He hears what he finds interesting.
[18:35] <&Durroth> ... well
[18:35] <&Durroth> to be more specific
[18:35] * +Nick sighs "There's no use arguing it, Either accept his help, or don't, really now, all your doing is making yourself and others heated..."
[18:35] <+ZLOK> I find this true to most greater beings.
[18:35] <&Durroth> it spent several weeks repeatedly spraying him with a spraybottle
[18:35] <+ZLOK> Point of fact, that I am nothing more than a bumbling loon too.
[18:35] <&Durroth> until he jumped off a cliff
[18:35] * +Necro shrugs. "So it essentially a booster... it hasn't killed anyone yet, and it's certainly taken our minds off the wars when they happen. Guess we'll need to try running some scans. Thank you for your insight Tirlerion
[18:35] <Tirlerion> "It certainly is true"
[18:35] <Eitak_Razal> I put an undectable, but non-leathal poisen in his tea... Then I kiddnapped and beheaded him. I then mailed his head back to the white house
[18:35] <Tirlerion> And yet you seek for evidence of duplicity.
[18:35] <Tirlerion> I have been quite forward.
[18:35] <&Durroth> ... you mailed it back?
[18:36] <Tirlerion> None of you reside in the abode any longer.
[18:36] <+ZLOK> Not at all.
[18:36] <Eitak_Razal> Just the head.
[18:36] <Tirlerion> Your protection is forfeit
[18:36] <&Durroth> thats ridiculous
[18:36] <&Elenor> Wait... Why didn't you just put a lethal poision then?
[18:36] <+ZLOK> I seek no evidence at all.
[18:36] <Eitak_Razal> Where would the fun be in that Elenor?
[18:36] <&Elenor> Posion is no fun in the first place.
[18:36] <&Durroth> what would you have done if it got lost in postage
[18:36] <+Nick> You find it fun to kill with poison? And you were lecturing ME on stealing?
[18:36] <Tirlerion> Sir you will find I respond poorly to less then straight forward assumptions
[18:36] * &Lkeas pulls a small amount of alfredo onto her plate, then moves towards the Japanese table for a few samplings.
[18:36] <&Damsel> "I wish father would join us at least for this dinner... but since we have already run off his avatar, I would think there is no hope of that." She sighs softly and after twirling a bit of pasta about her fork for a moment, takes a bite.
[18:37] <Eitak_Razal> It wouldn't have mattered
[18:37] <Tirlerion> So I choose to believe you just as much as you choose to believe me
[18:37] <&Durroth> its much more efficient to deliver it under cover of night yourself
[18:37] * +Necro walks over to Brink. "Want that drink? Doesn't appear to be dangerous. And if it does, oh well. WE all gotta go sometime. A toast to the future?"
[18:37] <+ZLOK> I believe you very much.
[18:37] * &Elenor finishes her glass of wine.
[18:37] <Tirlerion> Either speak directly and to the point immediately in the simplest lingustic fashion
[18:37] <Tirlerion> so simple even a 2 year old can understand
[18:37] <+ZLOK> The protection you offer has no catch that would affect me in any way.
[18:37] <Tirlerion> Or do not discuss the matter further
[18:37] * +Brink spins his whiskey and places it on the table, he takes the glass. "Aye!"
[18:37] * +ZLOK thinks.
[18:37] <Eitak_Razal> Besides how much fun would it have been for some poor mailman to find the presdent's head in a box
[18:37] * &Lkeas nods upon hearing Damsel's comment. "I wish I had been there... I don't know what I might have done, but.. I still wish I had been with my family when that happened.."
[18:38] * +Brink holds it up to Necro's "Cheers!?
[18:38] * +Necro picks up his own glass, makes the motion to toast, and chugs the entire glass down. "Cheers! Say, have you seen any cheese wheels round here?"
[18:38] <+Nick> No No No, You just said you enjoyed to some extent that murder was fun, and then you before hand even have the right? nay the priviledge of lecturing me about stealing some free baked goods!?
[18:38] * &Elenor looks at Brink and Necro. "What are you two doing?"
[18:38] * som3dud33 ( has joined #darkabode
[18:38] <+Necro> Toasting to the future, care to join us?
[18:39] * +Nick looks at Eitak and disbelief and stands to join the others at the other table "Wow..."
[18:39] <&Elenor> Toasting with what?
[18:39] * +ZLOK scowls as he thinks.
[18:39] * +Brink takes a single swig downing it all "Ssssss" he hisses through his teeth. "Strong..."
[18:39] <Eitak_Razal> Of course, There was already a fake waiting in place to recive said package. They then used it as a sign to pledge aligiance to me..
[18:39] <+Nick> What are we toasting to brother?
[18:39] * Eitak_Razal is seated by the others
[18:39] * &Lkeas glances over to the small group holding up glasses. "The future?"
[18:39] <Tirlerion> You know It occurs to me I am being flustered by something that does not matter in the slightest. I am disinterested in your reasoning. I honestly do not care how you think I smell. Or what motives you do or do not believe.
[18:39] <Tirlerion> None of that matters to me at all
[18:39] <Tirlerion> Your reasoning is irrelvant
[18:39] * +Nick takes a sip of the whiskey and clenches his teeth "Wow that is some good stuff..."
[18:39] <Tirlerion> Due as you will
[18:39] <Tirlerion> Go or stay
[18:39] * +ZLOK looks suddenly enlightened, but quickly turns it into a frown and resumes thinking.
[18:40] * Starkin finishs his plate and sighs with joy, "Tirlerion, would you like more tea?"
[18:40] <+ZLOK> Great, that is what I wanted to hear.
[18:40] <Tirlerion> Do not let the door hit your rear as you depart
[18:40] <+ZLOK> I accept your protection.
[18:40] * Eitak_Razal holds up her glass of juice.
[18:40] * +Nick smiles "Hmmm...To...Unity? and hell a little bit of forgiveness?"
[18:40] * &Lkeas raises her glass, which still has a bit of wine left in it. "I can toast to that."
[18:40] <Starkin> "Tirlerion, your offering protection?"
[18:40] <+Necro> It's an Aeroduian tradition. On the night before we went out for a big attack, we always had a feast, last meal thing. The squad captain always proposed a toast to the future, for us to have one. It's a general toast, allowing everyone to toast to what they really need"
[18:40] * &Elenor looks at her empty glass.
[18:40] <+Brink> "Ah... and Tirlerion? He has jsut pulled through in protection, eh?"
[18:41] <+Brink> "Eh, brother?"
[18:41] * +Nick looks at Elenor's glass..."Though we can't have you toasting on empty..."
[18:41] <+ZLOK> My issue is that I can't figure out which function we serve for you.
[18:41] * +Brink chuckles "Aye!"
[18:41] <+ZLOK> Or more importantly, what function I serve in the function we serve that is in your interest.
[18:41] * +Brink takes out a glass for him and Necro and poors whiskey "I've tried yours, now you try mine. This stuff is far stronger, I gauruntee."
[18:41] <Tirlerion> When you have that reduced into a simple black and white Sir
[18:41] <Eitak_Razal> My arm is going to fall off if we hold these glasses up any longer
[18:42] <Tirlerion> Be sure to let me knoe
[18:42] * Tirlerion stands
[18:42] * Starkin raises his glass, "I toast to the hope of our survival."
[18:42] <+ZLOK> I can't, nor will I try.
[18:42] <Tirlerion> "I bid you good eve"
[18:42] * Tirlerion vanishes
[18:42] <+ZLOK> Good evening.
[18:42] * Tirlerion ( has left #darkabode
[18:58] * Falerin-: [Asleep] steps out of the Shadow
[18:58] <+Brink> "The moon shines tonight on pertty red wings! On pertty red wings!"
[18:58] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> *Therlion
[18:58] <Starkin> "Lkeas, would you like milk?"
[18:58] <+Brink> "De da da da da da!"
[18:58] <&Lkeas> No thanks, I take my tea plain.
[18:58] <+Nick> It was on a fine summer's morning, When the birds sweetly tuned on each bough;
[18:58] * Starkin pours a glass of tea and hands it to Lkeas.
[18:59] <Falerin-: [Asleep]> Earl Grey is meant to be taken with Milk... even though I prefer Darjeeling plain as well
[18:59] * +Nick breaks into a somewhat jumpy dance and rapidly gets faster.
[18:59] <Therlion> *Therlion
[18:59] * Therlion smacks his buttons arround
[18:59] <+Nick> I heard a fair maid sing most charming, As she sat a-milking her cow;
[18:59] <+Cerbero> ((XDDDD))
[18:59] * Therlion looks at ZLOK
[18:59] * +Nick voice goes into high and low notes.
[18:59] <&Lkeas> Ah.. well.. if there is a milk substitute that may work... lactose does not agree with me, however.
[18:59] <Starkin> "I have mine with milk, but some prefer it without."
[18:59] <+Brink> "The thunder did weep in the moons compare, and the thunder did poor out it's cries!"
[18:59] * Eitak_Razal turns to Therlion. "Hello"
[18:59] <Therlion> My son's motives... very much simple and transparent I think
[18:59] <Eitak_Razal> Hush nick your runing my song...
[19:00] <Starkin> "Ummm, lets see what I have here, Lkeas."
[19:00] * &Elenor takes another sip of whiskey.
[19:00] * +Nick laughs "Oh-ho thats the best part! You never sing just one song!"
[19:00] * &Lkeas turns to Therlion with mild surprise. "What brings you here this evening, Therlion? It is not often we are graced with the creator's presence."
[19:00] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[19:00] <+ZLOK> Hmm. I am not having an easy time grasping much of anything at the moment, innuendo turning to more.
[19:00] <Eitak_Razal> The creator?
[19:00] <Therlion> "I hold that Portfolio no Longer"
[19:00] <+Brink> "Stabbity Stabbity Stab! The mountain did complain! Must this dragon sleep in my cave, and the warriors attack with their glave~"
[19:00] <+Nick> Of priests we can offer a charmin variety, Far renownd for learnin and piety!
[19:00] <Therlion> "Caelestia's creator is Prometheus"
[19:] <Starkin> "Ahhh, I have it right here, its lactose-free milk. Its actually quite good."
[19:] * &Lkeas shrugs. "It does not erase what you did initially."
[19:] <Therlion> "My portfolio is as Demipower of Diversity"
[19:] <Therlion> "If you say so"
[19:] * Starkin hands the lactose free milk to Lkeas.
[19:] * +Nick grabs Brink and shoulder locks him so they can kick and dance in a circle while he takes a drink of his whiskey.
[19:] <Therlion> "I have been observing my son since he left from under my wing"
[19:] * &Lkeas nods her thanks to Starkin and pours a small amount into her cup.
[19:] <Therlion> "What he is doing makes rather simple enough sense to me"
[19:] <+ZLOK> Dissention and diversity, the apple falls not far from the tree it seems.
[19:] <&Lkeas> Is he seeking balance?
[19:] * +Brink smiles and spins in a circle with Nick taking a sip of his drink.
[19:02] * LordBarrius is now known as LB|Wandering
[19:02] <Therlion> "Him?"
[19:02] <Therlion> "No..."
[19:02] <+Nick> Heres a health to you, Father OFlynn, Slainte and slainte and slainte agin!
[19:02] <+ZLOK> I am sorry for being no god, or not being granted insight into such.
[19:02] * +Brink smiles "Ah... good fun."
[19:02] * +Nick 's voice raises and lowers.
[19:02] <Starkin> "Lkeas, if you like, you can have it."
[19:02] <Therlion> "He never sought balance"
[19:02] <Therlion> "What has he done recently..."
[19:02] <&Lkeas> Well, I must say some of his actions have been confusing. Why would he wish me alive, or any of us, for that matter. What does it benefit him?
[19:02] <+Nick> Powrfulest preacher, and tenderest teacher! And kindliest creature in ould Donegal!
[19:02] * Eitak_Razal picks up a bucket and places it over Nicks head. "The grownups are talking now go sit down"
[19:02] <&Lkeas> Why would he bring me back..
[19:02] <Therlion> "Benefit..."

02: [19:] * +Brink (ashoup1@9B92D004.2D4D6190.184804C.IP) Quit (Awoke: G'night to all!)

[19:] <Therlion> "You are I fear seeking a logical and rational explanation"
[19:] <Therlion> "Where the answer is more primitive"
[19:] * &Elenor takes another sip of whiskey, wondering what Brink and Nick are doing.
[19:] * +Nick disappears and reappears right by "I don't see why you have to ruin it for me! It was all in good fun little lassie!"
[19:] <Therlion> "Allow me to put it to you this way"
[19:] <&Lkeas> Oh?
[19:] <+ZLOK> I don't think the benefit is a benefit that is a benefit but rather a benefit that is not the benefit of whomever the benefit was a benefit for.
[19:] * &Lkeas sips on her tea and smiles at Starkin, indicating her approval as she continues to listen to Therlion.
[19:] <Eitak_Razal> Yes but you ruined the pretty music I had playing. Plus he's he
[19:04] <Eitak_Razal> ((*here))
[19:04] <+Nick> I don't care if the Queen of France is at our doorstep!
[19:04] <Therlion> "Before you died... he had a conflict with Falerin"
[19:04] <Therlion> "One to which you are not Privvy"
[19:04] * Starkin sips some tea and savors it slowly in his mouth in delight."
[19:04] <Therlion> "Falerin answered his initial charge about his seeking to be the God of Evil"
[19:04] <+Nick> They can listen to him, clearly they can still hear him over me, let me have my fun...
[19:05] <Therlion> "I was there"
[19:05] <Therlion> "The entire pantheon was"
[19:05] <Therlion> "Falerin put it most unkindly"
[19:05] <+ZLOK> I would normally assume spiting the god of evil to b extremely unwise.
[19:] * +Nick breaks out into song, laughing and looking at every direction he can "In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone!"
[19:] <Therlion> He said as near as I recall: "You are a caricature of the evil villain, one sided lacking depth and doomed to wallow in your own misery.
[19:] * &Lkeas frowns. "I see.."
[19:] <Therlion> You are the sort of Evil that will ultimate fail because none whatsoever will offer you loyalty
[19:] <+Nick> As she wheeled her wheel-barrow! Through streets broad and narrow! Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive-O!
[19:] <Therlion> But will seek as evil does to stab you in the back at first opprotunity
[19:] <+ZLOK> Sounds like our guy.
[19:] <Therlion> Your allies will turn against you and you will fail miserably
[19:07] <Therlion> All you need to do now is perfect a cliched laugh and to tell your adversaries your plots in detail before you make them
[19:07] <Therlion> Then the image will be complete
[19:07] * +Cerbero raises an eyebrow, smiling
[19:07] * &Lkeas chuckles a bit. "Falerin would say something like that.."
[19:08] <+Cerbero> I understand it all now.
[19:08] * +Nick continues the chorus and spins in a circle "Alive, alive-O! alive, alive-O!" as it slowly dies, he stops facing Elenor, and tips his glass in her direction before drinking "All in good fun eh!?"
[19:08] <Therlion> You understand nothing. You will accomplish nothing. And you will have my portfolio about three years after the all creator ends everything
[19:08] <Therlion> I believe that was about the size of it
[19:08] * &Elenor finishes her whiskey. "Indeed."
[19:08] <&Lkeas> So then, Tirlerion seeks to be a more well-rounded evil character.
[19:08] <&Lkeas> Did he perhaps take position under Falerin order to... learn from him?
[19:09] * &Lkeas grins.
[19:09] <Therlion> Falerin then told him to turn aside and serve him instead and both would be better for it
[19:09] <+ZLOK> He tries to learn.
[19:09] <+ZLOK> That's a good quality.
[19:09] * +Nick downs the rest of the glass and sets it on the table. "Enough of that I should think, no else seems to want to join in, clearly not like Dublin..."
[19:09] <Therlion> Tirlerion of course refused utterly
[19:09] * &Elenor sets the glass down.
[19:09] <Starkin> "Lkeas, who are we refering to?"
[19:09] <Therlion> And then Morgan and Ryuusei betrayed him
[19:09] <+ZLOK> As they would.
[19:09] * +Cerbero frowns upon hearing those names
[19:09] <+Cerbero> That does not surprise me at all.
[19:10] * +Nick pays attention now "Well, that bites for him, Ryuusei seems to be doing that though..."
[19:10] * &Lkeas shudders involuntarily at Ryuusei's name, as has become second-nature. "And that's when he accepted.."
[19:10] <Therlion> No
[19:10] <Therlion> That is when he doubted
[19:10] <Therlion> But it did not stop there
[19:11] <Therlion> He got fairly annoyed at me
[19:11] <Therlion> For "Making him a caricature"
[19:11] <Starkin> "Ahh, Ryuusei, from what I've read, always seemed to be a bad apple."
[19:11] <Therlion> Realized that more or less his whole existance was said playing a one sided role and that he understood little else
[19:11] <Therlion> He could not even comprehend other emotions
[19:12] <&Lkeas> I see..
[19:12] <Therlion> And for the first time it occured to him that the lack of that capacity was in fact a weakness
[19:12] <&Lkeas> Had he come to you seeking to change his nature?
[19:12] <Therlion> No
[19:12] <Therlion> I told him that he was a free agent and if he sought to blame me for his own idiocy he was misguided
[19:13] <+ZLOK> Aww, the kitty just needs some love.

02: [19:13] * +Beo ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[19:13] <Therlion> Then I told him point blank that he was a mistake
[19:13] <Therlion> That I should never have created him at all
[19:13] <&Lkeas> I'm sure that helped his self-esteem.
[19:13] <Therlion> His self-esteem needed no help Lkeas
[19:13] <Therlion> He was the ultimate narcisist from the moment of his creation
[19:14] <&Lkeas> Ah, that's true.. so you still stand by your statement? Is he more of a danger now that he is trying to flesh himself out?
[19:14] <Therlion> Tell me... what has Tirlerion done here.... recently
[19:14] <Therlion> What are his actions reminiscent of
[19:14] <&Lkeas> Well, he changed the decor.. and brought dinner..
[19:14] * &Lkeas gestures at the common room.
[19:14] <+ZLOK> Falerin's previous actions.
[19:15] <+Nick> Offered us protection, when Falerin denied it, showed two who denied him, the er of their ways.
[19:15] <Therlion> Indeed...
[19:15] <+ZLOK> A mere echo.
[19:15] * &Lkeas nods in agreement with ZLOK.
[19:15] <+Nick> That sort of thing...
[19:15] <Therlion> Falerin's previous actions.
[19:15] <+ZLOK> He was flustered, is anger a new feeling for him?
[19:15] <Therlion> What Tirlerion seeks is to gain what Falerin has.
[19:15] <Therlion> Mo longer solely because he seeks Falerin's power
[19:16] <+ZLOK> So it is politics.
[19:16] <Therlion> Instead because he seeks what he finds missing in his existance
[19:16] <+Nick> So he wants us too? Company?
[19:16] <Therlion> Amd Falerin I must say encouraged that direction rather directly
[19:16] * &Lkeas shakes her head. "He's biting off more than he can chew, I'd wager. Considering how often we upset the Loremaster..."
[19:17] <Therlion> Because the moment Tirlerion set aside his quest for his power
[19:17] <Therlion> Falerin reiterated his previous offer
[19:17] <Therlion> and elevated Tirlerion that much closer to it
[19:17] <Therlion> Then Tirlerion accepted
[19:18] <Therlion> "Ah but Tirlerion is not Falerin"
[19:18] <Therlion> "He has a rather different demeanor"
[19:18] <+ZLOK> Nor will he ever be.
[19:18] <Therlion> "And in some ways a rather different approach"
[19:18] <&Lkeas> Would Falerin ever really give Tirlerion his full portfolio, though? If he did develop into a proper God of Evil.
[19:18] <Therlion> "He seeks what Falerin has to be sure. But not neccesarily in the same manner as Falerin has it"
[19:19] <Therlion> "In some ways Tirlerion is far more impatient then Falerin"
[19:19] <Therlion> "In another very real way he is far more pragmatic"
[19:19] <+ZLOK> Patience is more important than pragmatism.
[19:19] <Therlion> "Tirlerion will not grow angry with you and dismisive with you because he has no expectations"
[19:19] <Therlion> "Falerin does"
[19:20] <+Nick> Ahh...
[19:20] <&Elenor> Hummm...
[19:20] <Therlion> With Falerin you seek to live up to his expectation. He is as some have said a Father figure.
[19:20] <Therlion> Tirlerion is not a Fatherly figure
[19:20] * &Lkeas nods. "It is how some see him."
[19:20] <Therlion> Tirlerion is like a younger sibling
[19:21] <+ZLOK> I see him as a bumbling fool.
[19:21] <+ZLOK> I like bumbling fools.
[19:21] <+Nick> Trying to fit in his brother's shoes?
[19:21] <Therlion> Nay... seeking desperately approval
[19:21] <Therlion> Which is I must say a change for him
[19:21] <+Nick> Ahh, I see...
[19:21] <&Lkeas> Younger siblings can be sent to their rooms if they misbehave... I wouldn't want to try to correct Tirlerion on anything he did wrong.
[19:22] * &Lkeas 's hand moves to rub her throat absently again.
[19:22] <Therlion> But be sure. He is still Tirlerion. His motivations and drives are his own.
[19:22] <Therlion> It would be I think dangerous to forget that fact.
[19:22] <&Lkeas> Indeed.
[19:23] <+ZLOK> Driven, calculating machine.
[19:23] <&Lkeas> Is Tirlerion capable of understanding the emotions you say he lacks? Or is it impossible because of how you made him?
[19:23] <Therlion> He is capable
[19:23] <Therlion> but he has been sociopathic for so long
[19:24] <Therlion> Such a journey will not be one with out bumps
[19:25] <&Elenor> Aye..
[19:25] * +Cerbero nods "And the bumps will surely not be light ones"
[19:25] <Therlion> On the otherhand.
[19:26] * +ZLOK looks at Lkeas.
[19:26] <Therlion> My current portfolio behooves me to point out to you
[19:26] <+ZLOK> Which of these gods is the god of answers?
[19:26] <Therlion> That Tirlerion is subject now for the first time to coorection
[19:27] <Therlion> And there are things he might teach as well I think
[19:27] * &Lkeas smirks at ZLOK. "Are these not answers?"
[19:27] * Clyde ( has joined #darkabode
[19:27] <+ZLOK> I don't think he would want to be invoked just to answer some bumbler's questions.
[19:27] <+ZLOK> Teaching is good.
[19:28] * +ZLOK snaps his attention back to Therlion.
[19:28] * Eitak_Razal leans over to ZLOK "I've been looking for that one since we got here"
[19:28] <+ZLOK> I like being taught, if it is concise.
[19:28] * Starkin finishes his tea and sighs merrily, "Lkeas, would you like the rest of the tea?"
[19:28] * &Lkeas nods. "And what of his ward, Marrin? He's given him free reign of his powers, what if he should need reigning in?"
[19:28] <Eitak_Razal> With all this talking, the remaining food is getting cold...
[19:28] <Therlion> Concise... that I suspect not
[19:28] <Therlion> He is more like to teach by mutual discovery
[19:28] * maieo ( has joined #darkabode
[19:28] * Enmity sets mode: +v maieo
[19:28] <&Elenor> Eh? Why would Marrin need regining in?
[19:28] <Therlion> and experiential learing
[19:28] <+ZLOK> Doesn't sound very effective.
[19:29] <Therlion> "Doesn't it? Some people learn only by that method"
[19:29] <Therlion> "Lecture and concept prove nothing"
[19:29] <+Cerbero> Those who survive.
[19:29] <Therlion> "Wisdom comes from doing"
[19:29] * &Lkeas shrugs at Elenor. "I don't know at the moment. But should the situation arise, it'd be good to know there is something we can do."
[19:29] <+Cerbero> Some things are not meant to be learned tha tway.
[19:30] <Therlion> "At anyrate. I am perhaps rethinking things a bit"
[19:30] * Therlion vanishes
[19:30] <+ZLOK> In a good way or a bad way?
[19:30] <+ZLOK> Hmmm...
[19:30] <&Lkeas> Ah well. At least it explained some things..
[19:31] <+Cerbero> That vanishing act gets sort of annoying
[19:31] <+ZLOK> Nah, you get used to gods being unreliable.
[19:31] <Starkin> "Lkeas, would you like the rest of tea?"
[19:31] <+ZLOK> Whenever have any of them ever answered any prayer of yours anyway?

02: [19:31] * &Elenor ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)

[19:31] * Elenor ( has joined #darkabode
[19:31] * Enmity sets mode: +ao Elenor Elenor
[19:32] * &Lkeas turns to Starkin. "Oh, I think I'm alright for the evening. Thank you though. Don't want to drink too much before I sleep."
[19:32] * Selarep|questionarre is now known as Selarep|shower
[19:32] * +ZLOK turns to Lkeas.
[19:32] <+ZLOK> Are you very attached to this look?
[19:32] * +ZLOK indicates his own face.
[19:33] <Starkin> "Okay, if any desire, you can have the rest of the tea, otherwise I will finish it."
[19:33] <Eitak_Razal> Thats an odd question.
[19:33] * &Lkeas tilts her head. "Why would you want to change it?"
[19:33] <+ZLOK> Go crazier.
[19:33] <+ZLOK> The eight of us has made rather a few remarkable discoveries for younglings.
[19:34] <&Lkeas> I admit I am a creature of habit and I rather prefer familiarity, but if you'd like to change your look, I am not opposed. They say change is part of life, after all.
[19:34] <+ZLOK> Eh...
[19:34] * Starkin procedes to finish off the tea.
[19:35] <+ZLOK> If you prefer, I will stay this way for the duration.
[19:35] * &Elenor shrugs. "I recently changed my look."
[19:35] <+ZLOK> We're almost through the planeswalker's dee-
[19:35] * +ZLOK looks away.
[19:35] <Starkin> "I don't mind."
[19:35] <+ZLOK> We're almost done.
[19:35] <Eitak_Razal> 8 of you?
[19:36] <&Elenor> Huh?
[19:36] * &Lkeas looks at ZLOK inquisitively, but does not inquire for more explanation as ZLOK does not seem to want to be forthcoming.
[19:36] <+Nick> For the better I should say mi'lady *he adds snidely and cracks a wide smile at Elenor*
[19:36] <&Elenor> Well, duh. I wouldn't change it for the worse.
[19:37] * +Cerbero snaps out of a slumber
[19:37] * +Nick is still pretty happy and excited, The Irish songs always make him happy...
[19:38] <+ZLOK> We plot and device, the gaze of the gods are not happily accepted, though.
[19:38] <+ZLOK> They tend to muddle things up whenever they're around.
[19:38] <+ZLOK> Like now.
[19:39] <&Lkeas> I wouldn't necessarily say Therlion muddled anything up. If anything he helped clear up some confusion.
[19:39] * Vixen is now known as Vixen|Away
[19:39] <+ZLOK> One question answered is always one more.
[19:39] <+ZLOK> Can it be trusted?
[19:39] <+ZLOK> Is the answer solid?
[19:39] <&Lkeas> Why not?
[19:40] <>Ambiance<> A large box appears on the main dining room table it is white except for gold Caligraphy on the box bearing the word Poilâne
[19:40] <+ZLOK> I have no reason to believe it's not. Excepting the fact that it's politics. Godly politics at that.
[19:40] * +Cerbero stands up, alarmed
[19:40] <Eitak_Razal> Hmmm?
[19:40] * &Lkeas looks at the box. "Never a dull moment.."
[19:40] <+Cerbero> I dare not asking if it is safe
[19:41] <&Lkeas> What does that word mean?
[19:41] <&Elenor> Humm?
[19:41] <+ZLOK> I told you gods were listening.
[19:41] * Starkin looks at this strange device and inquires about all the multiple scenarios in his head.
[19:41] <+Nick> What is that box?
[19:41] <Eitak_Razal> Clearly It's a box
[19:41] * &Lkeas moves to the box and lifts the lid.
[19:41] * +Nick moves over to the table for a closer look.
[19:41] <Eitak_Razal> Try opening it nick.
[19:42] <+Nick> Lkeas already did that for me...
[19:42] <+ZLOK> Yes, because boxes that appear out of thing air is always safe to open.
[19:42] <Eitak_Razal> Quite true
[19:42] * +Nick smiles at Lkeas "Well done speedy!"
[19:42] <Eitak_Razal> It might be a gift
[19:42] <+ZLOK> We like to mess around with what we don't know anything about don't we.
[19:42] <Starkin> "I was about to ask somebody where the bathroom was, but I will wait."
[19:42] <>Ambiance<> The box contains bread
[19:42] * Starkin peaks inside the box
[19:42] <Eitak_Razal> ((I knew it!))
[19:42] <Eitak_Razal> What's inside?
[19:42] <+ZLOK> It is not for me, being such an incordial fellow as I am.
[19:42] <+Nick> ...Bread? We didn't rob anyone this time...
[19:42] <+ZLOK> I tend just to annoy people.
[19:43] <+ZLOK> Right?
[19:43] * +ZLOK looks at Lkeas for confirmation.
[19:43] * &Lkeas shrugs at ZLOK. "It depends. I annoy people too, on occasion."
[19:43] <Starkin> "Bread, I find it perfect after tea."
[19:43] <Eitak_Razal> Well Poilâne is a type of french bread according to my laptop
[19:43] * &Lkeas looks at the bread curiously. "What might this be for, though?"
[19:43] <+Nick> Eh? The french...
[19:43] <&Lkeas> Is it akin to Fal's pastries?
[19:44] <+ZLOK> Probable.
[19:44] <>Ambiance<> a second box appears more ornate and flatter but larger over all it bears the legend
[19:44] <>Ambiance<> Boulangerie-Patisserie in gold leaf
[19:44] <+ZLOK> I know.
[19:44] <+Nick> What the hell...
[19:44] <Eitak_Razal> Wait, lemme guess
[19:44] <+Nick> Gods, Dinner and now bread?
[19:44] * Starkin opens the lid and peeks inside.
[19:44] <Eitak_Razal> More pastiries
[19:44] <+ZLOK> It is an offering to the prophetess.
[19:45] * Eitak_Razal nearly falls over with that remark
[19:45] <Eitak_Razal> Actully they don't say who they are for,
[19:45] <>Ambiance<> The second box contains numerous elaborate french pastries
[19:45] <Starkin> "It may be for all of us."
[19:45] * &Lkeas shakes her head. "It does not have my name on it. I don't think I said anything particularly revelatory."
[19:45] <+ZLOK> No because they want as many people poisoned as possible.
[19:45] * Eitak_Razal nearly falls over again.
[19:45] <+Cerbero> It says "Pastry for the prophetess", I believe
[19:45] <Eitak_Razal> No
[19:45] <+Nick> Now the Baking gods are just screwing with us.
[19:46] <+Cerbero> I'm only sure about the first word
[19:46] * +ZLOK looks at Lkeas again and flashes a quick grin under his hood.
[19:46] <Starkin> "So whos going to try it first?"
[19:46] <+Cerbero> I shouldn't have quit learning french...
[19:46] <+ZLOK> It is of course Falerin trying to make amends for his inactions.
[19:46] <+Nick> Why must you toy with our emotions Baking Gods!
[19:47] * &Lkeas shakes her head again. "His inaction was purposeful and probably necessary."
[19:47] <+ZLOK> He has delivered unto us, evil pastry.
[19:47] <&Lkeas> We deserved it. I deserve it...
[19:47] * &Lkeas sighs and stands.

02: [19:47] * +Stromy ( Quit (Interred: )

[19:47] <+Cerbero> Dont blame yourself.
[19:47] <+ZLOK> Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, but so does evil pastry.
[19:47] <+Nick> You didn't do anything wrong, its not your fault, some misinterpreted your words.
[19:47] <+Cerbero> You're always too hard on yourself, Lkeas.
[19:47] <Computer> no poision detected
[19:47] <&Lkeas> If I had not started the conversation none of this would have happened.
[19:47] * Eitak_Razal nearly falls over a third time
[19:48] <+Cerbero> It would have, eventually.
[19:48] <Computer> Translation Boulangerie-Patisserie means Bakery Patissiere
[19:48] <+Nick> You caused us to think, and stop worrying about the Past Lkeas, whats done is done.
[19:48] <Eitak_Razal> I could have told you that
[19:48] <Computer> It is a pastry shop in french
[19:48] <Eitak_Razal> Indeed
[19:48] <Eitak_Razal> ((I actully just looked that up))
[19:48] <&Lkeas> Perhaps since it is unlabeled, it is for everybody.
[19:48] <Eitak_Razal> They want us to run a bakery!
[19:48] <Eitak_Razal> Not eat it.
[19:48] <+ZLOK> No, it is only for me.
[19:48] <&Lkeas> A sign of unity, and family.
[19:48] * Eitak_Razal giggles at her own joke
[19:49] * +Cerbero smiles
[19:49] <+ZLOK> Today we celebrate not knowing where I'm going.
[19:49] * Starkin takes out a pastry and hands it Lkeas, "For unity."
[19:49] <+Nick> Thats the best kind...
[19:49] * &Lkeas shrugs. "Eat up, seekers. I'm afraid I've rather stuffed myself.. I should head to bed."
[19:49] <Eitak_Razal> "You still sure it's safe to eat. Maybe it's not for us."
[19:49] <Starkin> "Suit yourself."
[19:50] <+ZLOK> Maybe it's for the rats, and has rat poison.
[19:50] <+ZLOK> Or for giants, and has explosive devices.
[19:50] <&Lkeas> The computer detected no poison, so..
[19:50] <Computer> These originate with La Patissiere in Seine
[19:50] * Starkin starts munching on a pastry.
[19:50] <+ZLOK> It is computer-proof trickery.
[19:50] * &Lkeas smiles and hugs ZLOK lightly. "Take care, ok? And you're free to travel now. I'll see you later."
[19:50] <Computer> A fairly famous french pastry shop
[19:50] * +ZLOK hugs Lkeas back.
[19:51] <+ZLOK> Take some pastry.
[19:51] <+ZLOK> I assure you it's quite safe.
[19:51] <Starkin> "If its evil, I'll gladly sacrfice for the seekers to enjoy delicious bread."
[19:51] * +Cerbero grabs a pastry, with a warm smile on his face "We are a family, after all. And we will always be"
[19:51] <&Lkeas> I don't deserve it.
[19:51] <+ZLOK> Unless you're a rat, or a giant.
[19:51] * +Nick takes one of the pastries, and bites into it "Oh! Its good!"
[19:51] <&Lkeas> You guys share it.
[19:51] * Eitak_Razal takes pastry. "Yummy!"
[19:51] <+Nick> Don't be silly Lkeas! Take one!
[19:51] <+Cerbero> Go ahead Lkeas.
[19:51] <+ZLOK> You would wish I accompany within the planar boundaries?
[19:51] * Starkin gives a pastry to Lkeas.
[19:52] * &Lkeas backs away towards the staircase. "Nah, I think I'll just try to get to sleep.."
[19:52] * &Elenor shrugs. "Not really hungry right now.
[19:52] <+ZLOK> You seem troubled.
[19:52] <+Nick> You'll take a pasty and like it missy!

02: [19:52] * som3dud33 ( Quit (Interred: )

[19:52] * +Nick smiles at her.
[19:52] * Eitak_Razal starts giggleing and starts to fall over.
[19:52] <Starkin> "What nick said!"
[19:52] * +Cerbero begins to eat the pastry
[19:52] <Eitak_Razal> You guys are gonna make me laugh so hard I fall over
[19:52] <+Nick> You can't be unified if you don't eat it...
[19:52] <+Cerbero> ((*he took))
[19:52] * &Lkeas sighs and accepts a pastry from Starkin reluctantly. "Mind if I just take it upstairs? Really, I'm full."
[19:53] * Starkin starts having a giggle fit on the floor struggling to not spit out the food.
[19:53] <Computer> Poilâne is the most famous french bread baker in paris
[19:53] <+ZLOK> Stay strong. Inspire hope.
[19:53] <+Nick> Aye, but atleast you took one.

02: [19:53] * +Crash ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Jesus))

[19:53] <+Cerbero> Keep hope within...
[19:53] <Starkin> "Okay, Lkeas."
[19:53] <Computer> Shall I continue further research?
[19:53] <Starkin> "You need the energy."
[19:53] * &Lkeas nods. "See if you can find its intended recipient, computer."
[19:53] * &Lkeas heads upstairs.
[19:53] <+ZLOK> It's for everyone.
[19:53] <Eitak_Razal> Or, it's sender
[19:53] <+ZLOK> More than any one person could eat.
[19:53] * +Nick sits back into the couch and continues munching "So El, like the whiskey?"
[19:53] * +Selarep|shower nods and grabs a pastry.
[19:54] * Selarep|shower is now known as Selarep
[19:54] * Crash ( has joined #darkabode
[19:54] * Enmity sets mode: +v Crash
[19:54] <&Elenor> Well... It's some serious stuffy... Quite strong.
[19:54] * +ZLOK follows Lkeas up the stairs.
[19:54] <&Elenor> Has a strange appeal about it.
[19:54] * +Selarep shoves the pastry into his mouth, chews a few moments, and swallows.
[19:54] * +Nick chuckles "Its an...Aqquired taste, but good none-the-less..."
[19:54] <Computer> Origin Paris and Seine France
[19:54] <Computer> Tommorow Morning
[19:55] <Starkin> "Okay, bread from the future?"
[19:55] <Computer> THe pastries and bread have a temporal shift of 5 hours backward
[19:55] <+maieo> ((acquired*))
[19:55] <+Cerbero> Not surprising at all, given the facts.
[19:55] <Starkin> "I like it."
[19:55] <&Elenor> Heh.
[19:56] <Starkin> "Computer, if I may inquire, do you know who made it?"
[19:56] <Computer> They have no apparent sender but their arrival did not alert the farpoint
[19:56] <Computer> That means there transport was effected by a Caelestian authorized to do so
[19:56] <+Nick> ((You an your spelling >.>))
[19:56] <Computer> *Their
[19:57] <Eitak_Razal> So we're not gonna get in trouble for eatting it then?
[19:57] <Starkin> "So as far as we know, its mystery bread."
[19:57] <Eitak_Razal> I don't want a god angery for eating his pastries
[19:57] <Computer> They origin is Terra. Eating them here has no effect on Caelestian Continuity
[19:57] <Computer> *Their
[19:58] <Starkin> "I wonder if we could travel there and thank whoever made them."
[19:58] <Computer> Origin determined
[19:58] <Eitak_Razal> Who is it?
[19:58] <Computer> I have recieved the following message
[19:58] * +Cerbero looks at Elenor warmly, yet his eyes seem to be hiding something. Only Elenor knows him enough to notice that
[19:59] <Computer> I cannot take you out on a crime spree tonight but did not want you to feel neglected. Especially after such a dinner. One needs dessert.
[19:59] * Eitak_Razal rolls her eyes
[19:59] <+Nick> Ahhh...
[19:59] <Starkin> "From who exactly?"
[19:59] * +Nick smiles "We love you too T!"
[19:59] <Computer> Deduction implies their origination is Tirlerion
[19:59] <+Cerbero> I...I'll go upstairs for the night
[19:59] * &Elenor doesn't really notice, as she's not paying too much attention.
[19:59] <&Elenor> Okay, later.

02: [19:59] * &Lkeas ( Quit (Iced: Keep Hope within.)

[20:00] <+Nick> He's such a nice god...they grow up so fast...
[20:00] * +Cerbero gives Elenor a soft kiss, but even his lips seem to be hiding something
[20:00] * +Nick would wipe away a tear but he has none.
[20:00] <Starkin> "Oh, Tirlerion, I wonder what his intention was?"
[20:00] <+Cerbero> Later...
[20:00] <+Nick> Our Nightly ritual Starkin, we go Baked-Goods Robbing.
[20:00] * +Cerbero walks upstairs
[20:] <Starkin> "That sounds funs."

02: [20:] * +Cerbero (Cerbero_25@41970BA1.FA0F169E.ED8EB99F.IP) Quit (Awoke: Au revôir)

[20:] * &Elenor rolls her eyes at his back. "Sheesh, when is he going to learn that kisses are not "hello" and "goodbye""
[20:] * Starkin chuckles a bit.
[20:] * &Durroth chuckles
[20:] * +Nick pulls out a ski mask waves it around and then shoves it in his pocket.
[20:02] <Abode> Seeing as he is a male you are fortunate that his kisses do not mean I think I have Selarep's crotch now do me
[20:02] <+Nick> If you're that dissatisfied...leave him, fix the equation eh? *munches on the rest of his pastry.*
[20:02] * +Nick laughs "You can't resist making a joke about Selarep eh?"
[20:02] <+Selarep> "No. Cerbero is worse than I."
[20:02] <Starkin> "I am so tempted to yell 'pastry fight' right now, just in such a good mood."
[20:] <Eitak_Razal> I thought Fal took abode with him!
[20:] <+Selarep> "And I love you too, Abode."

02: [20:] * Caelestia61448 ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[20:] * +Selarep smirks slightly.
[20:] <+Nick> I think the abode is smitten with you Selarep.
[20:] <Abode> He sent me away
[20:] <Abode> I am still not anchored here
[20:] <&Elenor> You know what... I'm not sure anymore... Why was I with him in the first place?
[20:] <+Selarep> "I can't blame it. Watching me in the shower and whatnot."
[20:] * Eitak_Razal shudders
[20:] <Eitak_Razal> AH! Scary mental picture
[20:] * +Nick starts laughing "Selarep, please no more, I might puke!"
[20:] <Starkin> "Does anybody know where the bathroom is?"
[20:04] <+Selarep> "Oh, psh. You're only 15, girl."
[20:04] <Abode> You which mirror crotch
[20:04] <+Selarep> "Grammar, please."
[20:04] * Eitak_Razal takes a noncolonte look. "Restroom? O
[20:04] * &Durroth chuckles
[20:04] <Abode> I refuse (the last is pronouned like trash not like refusal)
[20:04] <+Nick> Only you can really answer that Elenor...
[20:04] <+Selarep> "Haha."
[20:04] <Eitak_Razal> ver there" she points
[20:05] <&Elenor> I'm not sure anymore.
[20:05] <+Selarep> "You're OK, House."
[20:05] * +Selarep grins slightly.
[20:05] <&Elenor> Seems like all he does is randomly talk grandly about love.
[20:05] <Abode> Strictly speaking
[20:05] <>Ambiance<> A man appears
[20:05] * Starkin starts fidgeting at the table the need to go facilitate.
[20:05] * +Nick laughs "Its never been that great...Well hello"
[20:05] <Man> at the moment I am not your domicile
[20:05] <Man> I am anchored elsewhere
[20:05] <Man> Falerin sent me on
[20:] <&Elenor> You're.. the abode?
[20:] <+Nick> We heard him do it...
[20:] <Eitak_Razal> So the abode has a pysical form other than a house?
[20:] * +Selarep glances at the man.
[20:] <+Selarep> "Ah. Now you have a crotch, too."
[20:] <Starkin> "Who are you? and do you know where the bathroom is?"
[20:] <Eitak_Razal> News to me...
[20:] <+Selarep> "Congratz?"
[20:] <Man> I am an Avatar eitak. My natural form is spirit
[20:] * Eitak_Razal takes a noncolonte look. "Restroom? Over there" She pointrs
[20:] <Man> But I can take shape if not locked to a form
[20:] <Man> Falerin left me unlocked
[20:07] * Starkin gallops to the bathroom.
[20:07] <Computer> And no no crotch
[20:07] <Man> Indeed not
[20:07] <Computer> Just a ken like bump there
[20:07] <Starkin> "I'm singin' in the rain"
[20:07] <Man> Would not want to make him jealous computer
[20:07] <+Selarep> "Haha."
[20:08] <Eitak_Razal> but that area is the croctch. Not what else is there...
[20:08] <Starkin> Just singin' in the rain
[20:08] <Man> After all if I had a crotch... it would outshine his by a million fold
[20:08] <+Selarep> "Not that I would care. I'm rather secure in my own being."
[20:08] <Starkin> "What a glorious feeling"
[20:09] <+Selarep> "Also, I don't need to split women in half."
[20:09] * +Nick laughs.
[20:09] <Starkin> "I'm happy again."
[20:09] <Computer> Who said anything about women
[20:09] <&Elenor> Not to mention some around here would rip you in half if you tried.
[20:09] <Starkin> "I'm laughing at clouds"
[20:09] <Man> now that is just uncalled for
[20:10] <&Enmity> Your presence has been reported
[20:10] <Starkin> "So dark , up above ,"
[20:10] * +Nick is now roaring with laughter "I love this..."
[20:10] <+Selarep> "Hmm?"
[20:10] <Man> Ah psh
[20:10] <+Nick> Uh-oh...
[20:10] <Man> I suppose I should... dart off
[20:10] <Starkin> "The sun's in my heart"
[20:10] <Eitak_Razal> Who was that?
[20:10] <&Elenor> Bah.
[20:10] <>Ambiance<> The man vanishes into motes of light
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