The First Vision

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Revision as of 08:24, 1 January 2023 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[14:42] Falerin: a sudden flash. A vision. Falerin standing in a field of endless green. Another elf stands nearby with a white owl standing on his shoulder.
[14:42] Falerin: <Elf> It is quite A mess we have here.
[14:43] Falerin: <Falerin> We have dealt with the like before.
[14:43] Falerin: The owl takes flight and you seem to follow it
[14:43] Falerin: You stand at the edge of a vast field and Falerin stands there a sword in hand.
[14:44] * Lkeas gazes around warily
[14:44] Lkeas: Falerin...?
[14:44] * Falerin raises the sword and signals charge
[14:44] Falerin: Vision ends
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