Vanity and Mortality

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Revision as of 05:11, 1 January 2023 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[15:03] * Diviara has joined #755
[15:03] <Elaith> Hello Diviara.
[15:03] <Elaith> Lorithia's blessings on you.
[15:03] <Leo> Hello.
[15:03] * Damsel flashes a grin at Elaith
[15:04] <Diviara> She has none to offer me... but your sentiment is taken in the spirit it was given....
[15:04] <Damsel> Might I suggest the majority of this as well?
[15:04] <Diviara> I will remember it I do assure you
[15:04] <Elaith> Anything to drink? You weren't very thirsty last time.
[15:04] <Elaith> Well, I am in a better mood this time than last, so I felt it was the least I could do.
[15:04] <Diviara> No am I this time....
[15:04] <Diviara> I seem to be full of gas.
[15:05] <Elaith> What brings you here this day then? Just the desire for chit-chat?
[15:05] * dalefanwill has joined #755
[15:05] <Diviara> Observation
[15:05] * Useless observes Diviara warily
[15:06] <Elaith> Would you like a notepad then?
[15:06] <Useless> You choose to observe us...why? Was it because your last visit was so fruitful?
[15:06] * Damsel covers her notes and closes her books, then watches Diviara warily.
[15:06] * Diviara looks at Useless with utter contempt. You need not worry about me machine. You are well beneath my notice. The creation of the created
[15:07] <Elaith> And may we glean information from you?
[15:07] <Elaith> Or at the very least, attempt?
[15:07] * Damsel whispers something to Useless.
[15:07] * Blaster: [study] is now known as Blaster
[15:08] * Maxx chuckles to himself.
[15:08] <Useless> You will find that Artifice has its merits...and that your overconfidence fills me with more joy than your insults can ever harm.
[15:08] <Elaith> Cause I would like to know what you can tell us of the construction of Cor-Dem runes.
[15:08] <Diviara> You put much confidence in that machine..... Do you know how easy it is for technology to be.. perverted
[15:08] <Elaith> And my apologies in advance for the tongue you will get here, but you are on unfriendly ground, if not enemy ground.
[15:09] * Nautican_Ally has left #755
[15:09] <Diviara> I am only your enemy because you say so Elaith
[15:09] <Diviara> Only because you say so
[15:09] <Elaith> And what would you provide as an ally?
[15:10] * Useless twitches his whiskers with evident mirth. "Consider me what you will, Diviara. It is, after all, your choice to assume what you will."
[15:10] <Elaith> What makes alliance different from opposition?
[15:10] <Maxx> You claim to be preparing a move in Falerin's realm.
[15:11] <Diviara> You are a childs toy constructed of clockwork and the basest of all magical arts
[15:11] <Diviara> Nothing technological is immune to being coopted.....
[15:12] <Diviara> Its so very easy to insert something very tiny that betrays even beyond the devices intention
[15:12] * Useless laughs, an odd chittering sound with an eerily high pitch.
[15:12] <Diviara> And oddly.. people are very enamored with technology
[15:12] * KickKat was kicked by KickKat (Requested by Diviara )
[15:13] * Damsel stands and moves around the table, standing protectively near Useless.
[15:13] <Diviara> Perhaps because it is the pinacle of their own brilliance
[15:13] <Diviara> Human beings are after all very enamored with themselves
[15:14] <Useless> Hadin is quite well aware of his faults, and his pride in his achievements in the creation of my kin and I has nothing to do with any self-percieved notion of brilliance, but rather the simple joys we choose to bring him each day by our companionship.
[15:14] <Elaith> And what can you tell us of Cor-Dem rune construction, out of my idle curiosity.
[15:15] <Useless> Now then, I daresay that insulting me and mine is not your sole intent in being here, and you will get no further rise out of me, Diviara.
[15:16] * Elaith smiles *
[15:16] * Maxx has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[15:16] * Blaster expects no answer to Elaith's question
[15:16] <Elaith> Nor do I, but the attempt gives it a greater chance of success than not asking at all.
[15:17] <Elaith> Diviara, are you really here to simply observe and hope to glean more information? It seems like you would have better things to do.,
[15:18] <Diviara> Hadin.. that is your creators name?
[15:18] <Diviara> Thank you for that information.
[15:18] <Diviara> Though I was speaking of human kind in general.
[15:18] <Diviara> Not your creator individually.
[15:19] <Useless> It is well known information, Diviara, that one could have gathered by merely looking at me.
[15:19] <Diviara> I am sure thats true....
[15:19] * Useless hops up onto the table and swishes his tail idly.
[15:19] <Damsel> Hadin has died as well. I wonder what you will do with that information.
[15:19] <Diviara> Yet there is much gained from it being told to me by you personally
[15:20] <Elaith> Diviara, I suspect that everyone else is as anxious to hear the answer to my question as I am. What can you tell us about Cor-Dem rune construction?
[15:20] <Elaith> We all know you read it, and I'm sure everyone here would be interested in learning it as well.
[15:20] <Elaith> I for one would be more than delighted if you could enlighten me on the subject.
[15:21] <Diviara> I am not here to be quizzed
[15:21] <Elaith> We know, but we are not here to give you information either.
[15:22] <Blaster> I'm afraid you maybe wasting your time by observing
[15:22] <Diviara> Oh but you do give me information in abudance
[15:22] <Diviara> And its not as if you can hide from me
[15:22] <Damsel> If you'll not be quizzed and continue to act in a manner most threatening, I am sure some of our members would be happy to taught you instead.
[15:22] <Diviara> Your running would only defeat you faster for you see you would have no time to thinkg
[15:23] * LordBarrius sits up a bit. "Merely being present here will grant Diviara plenty of information, there's no denying it."
[15:23] <Diviara> Hovewever to make the point abudantly clear
[15:23] <Damsel> *taunt
[15:23] * Blaster is amused
[15:24] <Diviara> Do try....
[15:24] <Diviara> I am sure I would find the purile efforts quite refreshing
[15:24] <Diviara> I have railed against by far greater beings then you
[15:24] <Elaith> I do not mean to threaten. I just have absolutely no idea what you learned from what we gave you last time.
[15:24] <Diviara> and in the end a little ahem "respiratory infection" and they were mine
[15:25] * Useless raises an eyebrow
[15:26] <Damsel> A "respiratory infection," eh? You're not referencing pnuemonia, are you?
[15:27] <Diviara> Nothing so Grand....
[15:27] <Diviara> Just a cold
[15:27] * LordBarrius grins. "Your taunts and jabs are no more effective than ours would be."
[15:27] <Diviara> Oh but they are...
[15:27] <Diviara> I assure you they are.
[15:27] <Damsel> And what, pray tell, is the nature of this "cold?"
[15:27] <Diviara> I have learned mountains of information already. Added to what I already know.... it is quite interesting indeed
[15:28] <Diviara> Time is not on your side
[15:28] <Diviara> But then... you can remain self assured
[15:28] <LordBarrius> Mountains of information, you say....
[15:28] <Diviara> after all I nothing but a windbag right?
[15:29] <Damsel> You know, I don't see a case of the sniffles getting any of us down
[15:29] * Useless swishes his tail idly.
[15:30] <Diviara> No.... but we have our servants already.
[15:30] <Diviara> You may have before this end cause to welcome such a thing....
[15:30] <Diviara> To regret much.....
[15:32] <Useless> Hmm, so you say...
[15:32] <Damsel> You speak now of servitude? You jump from topic to topic just to make threats?
[15:32] <Elaith> I would suppose that instead Diviara is more than happy to take up the limited time we do have in order to decrease our work efficiency.
[15:33] <Useless> *idly voiced* Do you suggest we go ahead and attempt to cast Diviara from our midst, Elaith?
[15:34] <Elaith> I would advise against that.
[15:34] <Elaith> Diviara is the strongest one here and we all know it.
[15:34] <Damsel> He might give us the flu
[15:34] * dalefanwill chuckles.
[15:35] * LordBarrius chuckles. "Diviara is no bother to me at the moment. Let it continue to make threats all it wants."
[15:36] * Leo smiles peacefully.
[15:36] * Useless swishes his tail idly once more.
[15:36] * Blaster wonders what will Diviria come up with next
[15:38] * Useless thinks for a moment, pausing his tail motions, before shrugging and returning to his simple movements.
[15:38] <Diviara> Send my regards to the Prophet and to Lord Falerin. Tell him we are indeed still on for lunch. And if you see Mr. Cartwright tell him his delivery was recieved and put to good use.
[15:38] <Diviara> Good day
[15:38] * Diviara has left #755
[15:38] * LordBarrius shrugs.
[15:38] * Damsel grins wickedly.
[15:38] <Marrin|away> Damn I missed that <.,
[15:39] <LordBarrius> I suppose the thought that I simply didn't care bothered him.
[15:39] <Elaith> No worries. Less information was given this time.
[15:39] <Useless> Perhaps...
[15:39] <LordBarrius> But no matter.
[15:39] <Elaith> The primary information was that Hadin created Useless.
[15:39] <Useless> A name...and our continued ignorance of the meaning of the Cor'dem runes.
[15:39] <Marrin|away> oh well ill read it as soon as I get back from the shower..
[15:39] <LordBarrius> It has bought you the piece you wanted. Use it.
[15:39] <LordBarrius> *peace
[15:39] <Damsel> That name has been mentioned before
[15:40] <Leo> Such a shame, I didn't get to say good bye.
[15:40] * Damsel shoves books aside, upsetting piles, to grab a single sheet, which she raises above her head triumphantly
[15:40] <Useless> That name has been mentioned repeatedly, from my very self, in sight of The'Galin's overt eye. Diviara must learn to research what his master leaves availible to him.
[15:40] <Damsel>
[15:41] <Useless> Ah, yes, the document that Hadin transcribed.
[15:41] <Useless> Oh, and what is this? Intriguing...who here remembers #blackrabbit?
[15:41] <Damsel> I remember it well
[15:41] <Useless> [23:24] * Diviara ( has joined #blackrabbit
[15:41] <Useless> [23:24] * Diviara smirks
[15:41] <Useless> [23:24] * Diviara ( has left #blackrabbit
[15:41] <Leo> I remember it very fondly...
[15:42] <Useless> LAughable
[15:42] <Useless> Truly laughable
[15:42] * Damsel does, in fact, laugh.
[15:42] <LordBarrius> Merely an attempt to say "I see you".
[15:42] <Leo> I fail to see the humour in such an act.
[15:42] <Useless> Obviously Diviara is distracted by the slightest of red herrings...
[15:42] * LordBarrius shrugs. "I find it funny that he considers himself so ominous, but that is just me."
[15:43] * Damsel looks at Useless with a gleam in her eye that can only mean mischief.
[15:43] <Elaith> Well, it could have gone much worse. That is certain.
[15:44] <Elaith> So, any more categories?
[15:44] <Leo> I'm curious about this delivery, I wonder how it helped them.
[15:44] * Damsel clears the table quickly, seeming uncaring where she puts her once neatly piled stacks.
[15:45] * Damsel looks at Useless expectantly. "So where do you think we should start?"
[15:45] * Blaster returns to work
[15:45] <Leo> Oh well, I hope it assisted their cause as much as possible.
[15:45] * Diviara sets mode: +nt
[15:45] * Aria sets mode: -nt
[15:45] <dalefanwill> ...
[15:45] <Elaith> Aria counteracted that...
[15:45] <Blaster> Oh goodie
[15:45] <Useless> It is usually best to start at the beginning, but best to start where you see fit mi'lady.
[15:45] <dalefanwill> That was...
[15:45] <dalefanwill> Freaky
[15:46] <Damsel> No, no. You don't understand. You see we should...
[15:46] * Damsel glances about her suspiciously.
[15:46] * Alphonse has quit IRC (Distracted: Alphonse )
[15:46] <Damsel> Are we certain Diviara is gone?
[15:46] <Elaith> Diviara is watching.
[15:46] <Blaster> Uncertain
[15:46] <LordBarrius> You can't be certain of anything here.
[15:47] <Elaith> To set the topic, Diviara basically told us he was still watching.
[15:47] <Useless> Diviara is still within the realms of Caelestia
[15:47] <Elaith> *topic options
[15:47] <Damsel> Then I shall wait for a more opportune time to discuss this as a whole. However I need to...
[15:47] * Damsel breaks off to whisper to Useless.
[15:50] <Leo> So then, you best sort the facts, afterall, you said it would help your cause greatly.
[15:51] * Useless looks distracted, and moves away from Damsel for the mometn
[15:51] <dalefanwill> um
[15:51] <Elaith> Yes it would.
[15:51] * Damsel watches Useless carefully.
[15:51] <dalefanwill> I don't know what he meant by this but..
[15:51] <dalefanwill> He told me to show you guys this.
[15:51] <dalefanwill> <Diviara> Here.... offer this purple salmon as my conciliation gift to the channel
[15:52] <Leo> Purple? That just happens to be my favourite colour...
[15:52] * Damsel snorts in a half laugh/half scoff.
[15:52] <Blaster> Purple salmon..intresting
[15:52] <Damsel> Yes, didn't you know? It's related to the red herring.
[15:52] <Elaith> I'll pass on it.
[15:52] <Elaith> Thank Diviara for the offer though.
[15:53] <Damsel> Please tell me you've heard of the expression "Red herring?"
[15:53] <Elaith> Yes, I have.
[15:54] <Blaster> Aye
[15:54] <Leo> Who hasn't?
[15:54] <Elaith> But sometimes it is best to humor him.
[15:54] <Damsel> I'd rather not
[15:54] * Blaster is now known as Zeltan
[15:56] <Useless> Intriguing...very much so...
[15:56] * Diviara changes topic to 'Yellow Cod, Red Herring, Purple Salmon, White Perch... all of these I have seen... and see through (Diviara) '
[15:56] <Leo> Hmm...? What's so intriging?
[15:56] * dalefanwill sighs
[15:56] * LordBarrius shrugs.
[15:57] * Zeltan laughs at the topic
[15:57] <LordBarrius> You really should try harder.
[15:57] * dalefanwill is now known as DFW|Sleeping
[15:57] * Diviara changes topic to 'Yellow Cod, Red Herring, Purple Salmon, White Perch... all of these I have seen... and see through (Diviara) '
[15:57] <Useless> I have never told you all the lengths of what gifts lay within me, nor the details of my protections....and I shall not now...not whilst Diviara lurks within Caelestia.
[15:58] <Damsel> What a smeghead.
[15:58] <Useless> Let us just say that being extremely wary is quite wise.
[15:58] <Leo> Smeghead? I've never heard of that insult before...
[15:58] <DFW|Sleeping> Now I see why you won EC, RoD.
[15:59] <Useless> The Ronin of Dreams and I are not the same, dalefanwill.
[15:59] <Useless> Though I am honored you would honor me by that comparison
[15:59] * Elaith changes topic to 'If I had just one last wish, I would want

a tasty fish. (Elaith) '

[15:59] <DFW|Sleeping> Hmm...
[15:59] * Aria changes topic to 'Yellow Cod, Red Herring, Purple Salmon, White Perch... all of these I have seen... and see through (Diviara) '
[16:00] <Elaith> Blah. Was worth a shot.
[16:00] <DFW|Sleeping> I am even more confused then before, but alas, I need


[16:00] * Damsel glares at Aria.
[16:00] <LordBarrius> Heh.
[16:00] <LordBarrius> Naughty Aria....
[16:00] <Damsel> Traitor
[16:00] <Elaith> At least we know Aria could be watching us too. >_>
[16:00] <Zeltan> Maybe Diviria paid her a higher fee ?
[16:00] <Diviara> Technology
[16:01] <Diviara> It's a wonderful thing
[16:01] <Useless> Diviara's influence shall not be ridden from us whilst Diviara lurks still on Caelestia
[16:01] <Elaith> I suppose so, as is a sense of humor.
[16:01] <Useless> Did they not warn us how technology can be perverted?
[16:02] * Damsel nods at Useless.
[16:02] <Useless> It was far beyond a threat upon my personage, as you can well see.
[16:02] <Zeltan> Aye
[16:02] <Elaith> I wished to attempt anyways, rather than give up.
[16:02] * maieo has joined #755
[16:03] <Elaith> Hail, Sarah.
[16:03] <Leo> Greetings Maieo.
[16:03] <Damsel> His prescence amuses me. He wishes to play games and issue idle threats. If this is all we have to worry about, it should be simple.
[16:03] * Aria sets mode: +v maieo
[16:03] <maieo> 'Allo, all.
[16:03] <Zeltan> Hail maieo
[16:03] <Jeice|AFK|> It seems my absense once again was longer than I had liked, and once again it is time for rest when things start
[16:03] * Jeice|AFK| is now known as Jeice
[16:03] * Suikoman444 is now known as Sleepyman444
[16:03] <Elaith> Not quite. Whilst Diviara is here, we cannot discuss our work, else our work be compromised.
[16:03] <Sleepyman444> G'night
[16:03] <Leo> Sleep well.
[16:03] <Elaith> Which makes Diviara's position advantageous.
[16:04] <Useless> I would not link any page or ANY of our works beyond that which is present on the forums, and even then, use *great* caution in what you say
[16:04] <Damsel> I don't see why we can't continue our discussion about cutes AQ girl.
[16:04] <Damsel> *Cutest
[16:04] <Elaith> I vote, me!
[16:04] <Zeltan> Heh
[16:04] <Elaith> >_>
[16:04] <Jeice> heheh
[16:04] <Leo> Why? I don't intend to hide information from Diviria.
[16:04] <maieo> o.0
[16:04] <Elaith> O_O
[16:04] <Falerin> Whispering Elaith is rude....
[16:04] * maieo agrees.
[16:05] <Falerin> As for you Brilhado
[16:05] <Falerin> You have caused enough bemusement here
[16:05] <Falerin> Be gone
[16:05] <Diviara> as you will it old friend.
[16:05] <Diviara> as you will it
[16:05] <>Ambiance<> A bell chimes loudly in the distance its note deep and haunting.
[16:05] * Falerin has joined #755
[16:05] * Falerin appears, ghostly at first, but then gestures a cutting motion at his throat and becomes more solid. Even as he does this the bell stops ringing.
[16:05] * Aria sets mode: +o Falerin
[16:05] * Useless bows low to Falerin in vast thanks.
[16:05] <Jeice> Interesting.
[16:05] <Falerin> #c set topiclock off
[16:06] <Leo> Greetings Falerin.
[16:06] <Useless> I see that the Traveller did indeed contact you?
[16:06] <Falerin> He did
[16:06] <Useless> Please pass my gratitude to him as well.
[16:06] * Damsel sticks out her tougue at the vanished Diviara in a particularly childish manner.
[16:06] <Falerin> Though it required turning his attention away from trying to find the missing truth seeker
[16:07] * maieo giggles at Damsel
[16:07] <Falerin> Have you considered the possibility that Diviara is getting EXACTLY what he wants out of this relationship
[16:07] <Falerin> even now?
[16:07] <Jeice> He is missing? He tried to go into hiding when your protection dissapeared.
[16:07] <Falerin> And he apparently did so
[16:07] <Falerin> Beyond the Traveller's capacity to even locate him
[16:07] <Leo> Yes, I have considered it.
[16:07] <Useless> Hmmm...
[16:08] <Jeice> That certainly is well hid.
[16:08] <Jeice> I hope it is him hiding that is.
[16:08] * Damsel shrugs. "How can one guess? I shall act as I will, though with caution to sensitive subjects. If he takes satisfaction in it, at least he is not alone."
[16:09] <Falerin> Diviara is mortal
[16:09] <Falerin> Diviara is vain
[16:09] <Falerin> Diviara believes he is doing the right thing
[16:09] <Falerin> Therefore Diviara is corruptible
[16:09] * maieo has quit IRC (Drowned: )
Bold text[16:10] <Damsel> Are you suggesting that we be the ones to do the corrupting?
[16:10] <Falerin> I may be off base... but perhaps the most effective way of dealing with the Brilhado is the one he never would suspect
[16:10] <Useless> I suppose I should have made it more clear to the Traveller to use his judgement in forwarding you the information...I suppose I am indeed at fault for his turning his attentions away from finding the Truth Seeker. Reprimand me if you see fit, Falerin, but I shall keep this in the forefront of my mind the next time this occurs.
[16:10] <Falerin> I have no reprimand to give
[16:10] <Falerin> You will note I came regardless
[16:10] * Damsel studies Falerin with a thoughtful expression.
[16:11] <Useless> True, and through your presence, we become further educated.
[16:11] <Damsel> You could be right. I would have to take careful handling though.
[16:11] <Damsel> *it
[16:11] <Falerin> It would.
[16:11] <Falerin> Very much so
[16:11] <Falerin> There is a reason I have decided not to continously block him outright anymore.
[16:11] <Damsel> I will think on this.
[16:12] <Falerin> Doing so was doing noone any favors
[16:12] <Useless> Hmm, Falerin, would you advise using my situation of being a creation of a creator as an avenue to lead to 'corrupting' Diviara to our side?
[16:13] <Falerin> I cannot tell you how to do so....
[16:13] <Falerin> Look to Thorne Lorin though perhaps he can
[16:13] <Falerin> Now on to other topics
[16:13] <Damsel> Falerin, a question. Diviara was earlier threatening us with The Cold. In one of the recordings, it mentions that it is necromatic in nature. Is that actually correct, or simply a way of explaining things to beings of limited knowledge?
[16:13] * Useless glances to Damsel and nods.
[16:14] <Falerin> Has anyone had a chance to play arround with my music list
[16:14] <Falerin> The Cold is not necromantic in nature in truth
[16:14] <Damsel> Is it actually the aquiring of a faceless?
[16:14] <Falerin> There is a reason it appears that way
[16:14] <Falerin> No
[16:15] <Useless> Not as much as I had wished, I'm afraid
[16:16] * Elaith is now known as Sonic|Studies
[16:16] <Useless> ((Lately, I've run into repeated javascript errors trying to access WinAmp remote to try it, Falerin.))
[16:17] <Falerin> ((What browser are you utilizing))
[16:17] <Useless> ((Firefox))
[16:18] <Falerin> ((Hmm.. works fine with firefox for me... though the interface is distinctly different then in IE7))
[16:18] <Damsel> ((I use Firefox too, and I'm fine))
[16:18] <Falerin> ((Try clearing your cache is my recommendation....))
[16:18] <Falerin> ((Also update your JVM))
[16:18] <Useless> ((If your latest update brought it to a total of 28 songs, however, I can work with it...mostly hits me hardest just after logging in))
[16:19] <Damsel> Could you kindly elaborate on the nature of the Cold?
[16:20] <Falerin> The Cold is augmentation of self
[16:20] <Falerin> Do consider the music
[16:20] <Lex> gtg
[16:20] <Falerin> Good day
[16:20] * Falerin has left #755
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