Lavender Feathers - Behind the Barrier
From Caelwiki
- [00:05] *** Galrick has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
- [00:05] Useless: They had NOT.
- [00:05] Falerin: Synthetic
- [00:05] Lkeas: the feathers?
- [00:05] Useless: Hope remains?
- [00:06] Lkeas: the blood?
- [00:06] Falerin: Both
- [00:07] Lkeas: then it is even worse than i feared... if he had actually killed Diviara because of his past sins, that might have at least been a twisted excuse for the deed... but lying...
- [00:07] Damsel: What might he hope to gain from such an act?
- [00:07] * Useless stares at the spot where Galrick last stood, a dangerous glint still sparkling in his onyx eyes and hackles yet raised.
- [00:07] Falerin: Well the feathers are real enough
- [00:07] Falerin: but they are not ripped out of anything
- [00:07] Falerin: They were molted
- [00:08] Falerin: Eldron owns an owl named Keesish
- [00:08] Falerin: it was his familiar and companion
- [00:08] Falerin: A singular entity
- [00:08] Falerin: I have seen its molting numerous times. The tip of the feathers appears a certain way
- [00:09] Falerin: Likewise the beast once attacked me ... I wonder why .. and in defending myself I pulled a cluster of tail feathers out by their root
- [00:09] Useless: *in a low growl* So you have learned from observation of the owl, then, to know for a fact that those are molted.
- [00:09] Falerin: The look was most different
- [00:09] Falerin: An attempt was made to make these look plucked but it was.... weak
- [00:10] Lkeas: perhaps, then, Diviara did engage Galrick, but Galrick was not so victorious as he proclaimed..
- [00:10] Falerin: No real effort was made to disguise the forgery
- [00:10] Falerin: Even before his transformation Glenn Galrick could command enough art to make a more convincing illusion
- [00:10] Useless: Threats. Posturing. And here I am responding quite like the animal I resemble...
- [00:10] Falerin: He presented them to me directly
- [00:10] Damsel: Interesting.
- [00:10] Lkeas: oh? you think it was intentional then?
- [00:11] Falerin: The blood is not the right color it is flat.
- [00:11] * Useless forces his hackles to smooth and his claws to resheathe.
- [00:11] Falerin: The image on his page likewise
- [00:11] Falerin: is....
- [00:11] Falerin: What is the word
- [00:11] Falerin: Doctored
- [00:11] Lkeas: he must have known you would notice such things
- [00:11] Falerin: In order to have gotten molted Brilhado feathers....
- [00:11] Falerin: He would have had to have been given them
- [00:12] Lkeas: indeed...
- [00:12] * Lkeas scans the room suddenly, as if being watched
- [00:12] Lkeas: such implications should not be uttered where they might be overheard...
- [00:13] Falerin: There is no place my dear that is safe from prying ears
- [00:13] Useless: Not even telepathy is secure
- [00:13] Falerin: Though I can make a protracted effort to sheild this place for the moment
- [00:13] * Falerin gestures a a clear barrier appears over the room
- [00:14] *** Mode change "+i" for channel #755 by Falerin.
- [00:14] *** Mode change "+s" for channel #755 by Falerin.
- [00:14] Falerin: Now
- [00:14] Falerin: None may enter and none may observe
- [00:14] Falerin: At least for now
- [00:14] Damsel: My thanks.
- [00:14] * Lkeas looks at Damsel and Useless
- [00:14] Useless: Seconded.
- [00:14] Falerin: Glenn Galrick very deliberately forged the death of Diviara
- [00:14] Lkeas: should we tell him?
- [00:14] Falerin: But then he did what....
- [00:14] Useless: I think it best that we do.
- [00:15] Damsel: Yes. He has done nothing but aid us.
- [00:15] Lkeas: LoreMaster, Diviara intercepted a message and tried to relay it to us...
- [00:15] Lkeas: but it was garbled
- [00:15] Lkeas: he went back to New York to try to retrieve it
- [00:15] Lkeas: that is when Galrick showed up here
- [00:16] Falerin: Well it is quite obvious that Diviara aided Galrick in faking his death....
- [00:16] Useless: Roughly so, there was a brief downtime between such.
- [00:16] Falerin: Why?
- [00:16] Useless: Enough so that Diviara's "death" could be presumed.
- [00:16] Lkeas: yes... we had surmised that the message had come from Galrick himself
- [00:16] Lkeas: it was sent in the manner of Communicancy
- [00:16] Falerin: Very well but why
- [00:16] Useless: I see two possible reasons, if you would hear of them, for Diviara's death to be faked.
- [00:17] * Lkeas nods for Useless to go ahead
- [00:17] Falerin: I would here them Talo-Tocean
- [00:17] Falerin: speak
- [00:17] Useless: The first is that Diviara wishes to throw Cartwright off of his own tracks and tail, and by using Galrick specifically, hopes that our saving him to further muddy that path.
- [00:18] Falerin: Cartwright would undoubtedly be pleased by Diviara's death
- [00:18] Lkeas: would he..
- [00:18] Falerin: It appears quite clear the two forces within the Network are not friendly
- [00:18] Useless: The second for such a staged fake, with such an evidently seen through ruse, is that Diviara might soon be switching sides of his own volition to our Cause. As a hidden ally. However, this is alot harder to substantiate as truth.
- [00:18] Useless: Or rather, as an assured truth.
- [00:19] Falerin: Either case means that Diviara is doing what he is doing to benefit us
- [00:19] Lkeas: quite.
- [00:19] Useless: They are...optimistic. That much is true.
- [00:19] Lkeas: and the fact that he is using Galrick to convey that message indicates to me that he believes Galrick is not completely gone, either
- [00:20] Useless: A third possibility is that Diviara wishes to instill yet more instability of emotions within us few assembled, to keep us shaken and off balance such that poorer decisions are made.
- [00:20] Lkeas: he returns...
- [00:20] Useless: That would be the manipulative side, the side against our Cause.
- [00:21] Useless: Those are the three possibilities that I can Observe as apparent, given what Memory lends to me.
- [00:22] * Lkeas glances at Falerin
- [00:22] Diviara: That was extrodinarily painful. I seem to be impeded so I will not stay. Having a good portion of a wing ripped off for display really sucks. Fortunately my magic regenerates damage very quickly. Glenn Galrick's damage to me in our fight before I calmed him was quite extensive... and it was definitely neccesary for me to die once it happened.... as Cartwright saw us together
- [00:22] Lkeas: perhaps we should lift the barrier... however Diviara would not be wise to make his presence known.. especially considering the elaborate ruse he just performed to fake his own death
- [00:22] Lkeas: or not...
- [00:23] Useless: ((And its Talo-Toecan, not Talo-Tocean...))
- [00:23] Diviara: There is little left human in him.. but a spark still cries..... and revolts.....
- [00:23] Lkeas: was it he who sent the message?
- [00:23] Diviara: A mindless psychopath serves his own lusts. He serves not The`Galin.... This is NOT an acceptable transformation
- [00:23] Useless: Is the spark strong enough to thrive and throw off the inhumanity instilled within?
- [00:24] Lkeas: i see.
- [00:24] Diviara: You have very very little time before this is peramanent
- [00:24] Lkeas: but how can we hope to pull him away? we cannot even approach Cartwright without fear of him using The Cold upon us
- [00:24] Diviara: Untill you see or hear from me again act as if I am dead... and do not post this conversation even for the faithful
- [00:24] * Lkeas nods
- [00:24] Useless: I had presumed you would ask that.
- [00:24] * Damsel nods, her face grave.
- [00:25] Useless: Diviara, you know Cartwright better than we a direct confrontation possible by the Assembled?
- [00:25] Lkeas: he is gone, little Artifice...
- [00:25] Lkeas: but perhaps the LoreMaster might help prepare us
- [00:25] Useless: Without a pyrrhic cost from the Cold...hmm...
- [00:25] Useless: ((Damn my Notice function not working at all...))
- [00:26] Falerin: This transformation was allowed to proceed because Galrick was allowed to remain cooerced
- [00:26] Lkeas: by use of The Traveller as a hostage, you mean?
- [00:26] Falerin: It was a grave error on my part to given in to Barrius' sentementality and sence of fair play
- [00:26] Falerin: to have given in
- [00:27] * Lkeas frowns
- [00:27] Lkeas: i know it is painful for you to have an avatar die... but perhaps it is the only way.
- [00:27] Falerin: Galrick might not have been saved had I done so...
- [00:27] Falerin: But he would also not have had a reason to cooperate
- [00:27] Lkeas: hmm.
- [00:27] Falerin: he might have collapsed in misery or snapped
- [00:28] Lkeas: yes, that was my fear
- [00:28] Falerin: But he protecting The Travller would not have caused him to allow what was happening freely
- [00:28] Falerin: By not removing The Travelller... I have aided in Cartwright's demolition of Galrick's defense and moral fiber
- [00:28] Falerin: The change is at is core....
- [00:29] Falerin: There can be little doubt that Galrick DID attack the Brilhado
- [00:29] Useless: Is the change reversable?
- [00:29] Falerin: and his current blog indicates it filled him with euphoria
- [00:29] Lkeas: how was Diviara able to calm him?
- [00:29] Useless: Do we have the means to do so if we save him?
- [00:29] Lkeas: will we be able to do the same...
- [00:29] Falerin: Further there is little doubt the fight in the park was not staged
- [00:29] Falerin: How could it have been....
- [00:30] Falerin: Cartwright was present
- [00:30] Lkeas: if you speak of the jogger, i'd hardly call that a fight
- [00:30] Falerin: A victim was selected at random
- [00:31] * Useless glances over at Damsel questioningly, wondering why she remains so silent.
- [00:32] * Lkeas shudders at the mention of Cartwright's name
- [00:32] * Damsel shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I was puzzling over the code. It seems like we are only missing one small thing."
- [00:32] Lkeas: i cannot hope to face him... he overwhelmed me utterly, i was an easy target...
- [00:33] * Useless glances over at Lkeas. "Archivist, do not fear the man at every mention of his name. Be brave and defiant, and know that we here and Hadin there will most assuredly do everything in their respective powers to prevent such happening again."
- [00:34] * Lkeas nods
- [00:34] Lkeas: my friends... i must remember there is Hope in the world, and love and friendship
- [00:34] Lkeas: Cartwright would have me believe there is no such thing
- [00:34] Useless: Ah...and that reminds me. Lore Master, how is it so that Hadin alone was unaffected by contracting the Cold by touch?
- [00:35] Useless: Both the Archivist and the Lord Barrius fell prey to it in that vivid vision state from that machine...but he did not.
- [00:35] Falerin: there is only one explanation
- [00:36] Falerin: The wielder of the cold in that vision chose not to affect him
- [00:36] Useless: But why chose not to?
- [00:37] Falerin: because wasting resources is inefficent
- [00:37] Falerin: Why corrupt someone who is already dead
- [00:37] * Lkeas frowns
- [00:37] *** Falerin has left #755.
- [00:37] Useless: The worst of all options that I had feared.
- [00:38] * Damsel sighs. "I am sorry friend."
- [00:38] Useless: Not every prayer may be answered in its fullest hope and regard.
- [00:39] * Useless sighs and returns to laying between Damsel and Lkeas.
- [00:39] Falerin-: [Asleep]: I might point out that the action was part of a form of future projection. A projection where in you continued in your delays.
- [00:39] * Lkeas places a hand on Useless's back
- [00:39] Useless: It does not matter, I shall still hope, still pray, and still dream.
- [00:39] Falerin-: [Asleep]: So while it is indeed true that all prayers may not be answered
- [00:39] Lkeas: indeed, i was just about to mention David's willingness to maintain some of our displacement...
- [00:39] Falerin-: [Asleep]: ... nothing is fixed.
- [00:40] * Damsel 's lips curl slightly. "Falerin, may I emplore a feather or two? I think that it would do some good when we break the tragic news tomorrow if we show some respect and honor his sacrifice."
- [00:40] Falerin-: [Asleep]: ... Yes regarding that.. you must uphold the illusion. Even if that means convincing other seekers of the lie... I need not tell you why
- [00:40] Lkeas: of course.
- [00:41] Falerin-: [Asleep]: ... Agents will see a thin subterfuge
- [00:41] Damsel: No, you do not.
- [00:41] *** Mode change "-si" for channel #755 by Falerin-: [Asleep].
- [00:41] * Lkeas looks over at the sleeping seekers
- [00:41] * Falerin-: [Asleep] gives several feathers to Damsel
- [00:42] * Damsel hands one to Useless and Lkeas, holding one for herself.
- [00:42] * Useless rests it under one paw, looking on it sorrowfully.
- [00:42] Damsel: To remember this night of dire news.
- [00:43] * Lkeas slips her feather carefully into her satchel
- [00:43] Useless: I fear my dreams this eve will be dark indeed.
- [00:43] Damsel: I do not think you will be alone.
- [00:43] *** Sonic12040 has joined #755.
- [00:43] *** Mode change "+v Sonic12040" for channel #755 by Tralin.
- [00:43] * Lkeas nods
- [00:43] * Sonic12040 waves to Lkeas *
- [00:44] * Lkeas waves to Sonic
- [00:44] Useless: Greetings to thee, Sonic...
- [00:44] Sonic12040: Greetings Useless. How do you fare?
- [00:45] * Damsel sighs heavily and retakes her seat on the couch. She takes white thread and beads from a pouch on her hip and begins to weave the purple feather into her hair.
- [00:45] Useless: I...well...the words to express my feelings escape me.
- [00:45] * Lkeas looks slightly crestfallen herself
- [00:45] Useless: For how I fare is linked to those feelings.
- [00:46] Sonic12040: Understood. How I fare is equally poor, for I have yet to link the story of the runes to numbers in any way, shape or form. I fear I may be out of my league.
- [00:46] * Damsel meets Sonic's gaze sorrowfully. "Visit the Seekers' page. We can confirm the news."