Fruit Baskets and Faceless

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Lord_Me: hey, the Seeker's online
Lkeas: he is?
*** TruthSeeker: No such nick/channel.
*** End of /WHOIS.
Lkeas: oh on myspace?
Lord_Me: yup
Lkeas: yeah he gets on at odd times doesn't he?
Lord_Me: yeah, i don't see why he posted the same blog twice though =/
Lkeas: it is interesting, isn't it?
Lkeas: what do you think it means?
Lord_Me: i dunno, either a mistake, or there's a hidden message in one.
Lkeas: hmm
Leo_Biaxomus: I stand by my theory about it, we have to make a choice between two sides.
Lkeas: ah, hello Leo
Leo_Biaxomus: Hello, Lkeas.
Lkeas: what if we do not choose either side? or what if the two sides are really the same?
Leo_Biaxomus: An answer I not have.
Lkeas: but yeah Lord, i looked at both entries pretty carefully... haven't been able to see a difference between them at all
Lkeas: both entries the same, yet two sides... if both sides are really the same, and we are "choosing" the same thing, aren't we just all choosing one side? are we united after all?
Lkeas: except for the fact that people believe they are on two sides
Lord_Me: he's delted the second one
Lord_Me: I think that explains it
Lkeas: hmm.
Lkeas: that could explain it, or it could only make it more confusing
Lkeas: a lot of things about his blog are transient
Lord_Me: "MySpace accidentally double posted this blog entry, This has caused people to believe the message has either hidden meaning is highly important or that there was some mystical diffence between the two messages.
Lord_Me: Ironically two out of three of these is true enough so I suppose the error on myspace was fortuitous."
Lord_Me: from the Seeker
Lkeas: hmm
Leo_Biaxomus: Does anyone know the meaning of the new song?
*** Alphonse has joined #755.
Lkeas: there is yet another new song?
Lord_Me: nope, i'll look for some lyrics
Leo_Biaxomus: Yes
Leo_Biaxomus: Live Like You Were - Tim Mcgraw
>Ambiance<: A bright light suddenly appears in the heavens and brings light to the channel stunning all in its brilliance
>Ambiance<: A chorus of angels appears from within the light with lyres and harps.
* ChorusOfAngels begin to sing.....
ChorusOfAngels: Halelujah he is coming.. Oh glorious day Aaaaaaaaaaleluia....
*** Falerin has joined #755.
* Falerin turns and looks at the angels.
Falerin: That was great you can go now.
* Falerin turns back to the channel with a smirk and asks "So anyone miss me?"
Lord_Me: um, google search comes up with live like you were dying
Lkeas: yeah i was just going to point out the omitted word
Lord_Me: I missed ya
Lord_Me: probably wasn't enough space
Falerin: So what do you think of my new join
Lkeas: it's quite good
Falerin: pretty sweet huh
Falerin: XD
Leo_Biaxomus: unimpressive.
Lkeas: :P
Falerin: There is no accounting for some peoples tastes... or total lack of it Leo_Biaxomus
*** You are now known as Lkeas[phone].
* Falerin turns to people that actually matter
Falerin: So whats new
Lord_Me: you're stories don't seem so long anymore :P
Leo_Biaxomus: *crys* How could you say that! you big meanie! *crys*
Lkeas[phone]: aww
* Lkeas[phone] pats Leo's head
Falerin: Forum emotes... how sophmorish
Falerin: Thats done as follows
* Falerin cries "How could you say that! you big meanie!" tears streaming down his face
Lkeas[phone]: man, you're good.
Falerin: Though of course I would not cry...nor say meanie as I graduated 3rd grade
*** You are now known as Lkeas.
Lord_Me: i would, given the chance
Leo_Biaxomus: Loritha, I hate loremasters.
Lkeas: lol
Falerin: Now why is it my stories seem shorter Leo
Falerin: You hate me.. how strongly you feel...
Lkeas: i think that was Lord who said that
Lord_Me: um, yeah, hi
*** AEChatter has joined #755.
Alphonse: actually short or long doesnt matter.. its the quality that counts
* Falerin scribbles note on paper "Note to Self take Leo_Biaxomus of Gift basket list for Christmas he hates you"
Falerin: Ah so it was... Lord_Me
*** AEChatter has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
Lord_Me: quality schmuality
Leo_Biaxomus: Pssh, you only send fruit, anyway.
Lord_Me: shortness > goodness
Falerin: Why is it they seem shorter now...? Because my join was so long... or because you actually have read them....
Lord_Me: basically because I'm almost done
Falerin: Shortness > Goodness is the most idiotic thing you have said to date.....
* Lkeas gets a D- in her reading homework
Lord_Me: actually, I have said stupider things, but for all you know, it is
Falerin: At least most people who have such an idiotic attitude cannot be bothered to actually read anything of substance anyway
Falerin: and hence will not survive the next purging
* Falerin turns to Lkeas ... i realize you work but.. shame shame on you
Lkeas: :-(
Leo_Biaxomus: I really need to read an IRC manual, and take grammar lessons.
Falerin: the command to emote is called /me
Alphonse: but Lkeas is not really a human =) she is a vixen ^^ so getting a D is like an A for human =p
Lkeas: /you?
Falerin: it is formatted /me <what you do>
Lord_Me: LORD Me?
Lkeas: wow, i'm a vixen
*** agentredemption has joined #755.
Alphonse: vixen = female fox :p~~
*** LionelTwain has joined #755.
*** LionelTwain has left #755.
Leo_Biaxomus: I know, Falarin. I'm not a complete idiot.
Lkeas: ROFL
Lord_Me: that guy's indecisive
Lkeas: lionel twain?
Falerin: It also means a sedcutress
* Falerin turns to Leo_Biaxomus "Really... could have fooled me"
Leo_Biaxomus: ..Then again, i just spelled Falerin, "Falarin".
Falerin: Precisely
Lkeas: man you guys are funny at night
Lkeas: Murder By Death was a hilarious movie
Falerin: It was indeed
Lord_Me: yeah, I've never seen Falerin so full of comebacks
* Leo_Biaxomus Throws keyboard out the window, wait, how am I supposed to communicate, then?
Lkeas: LOL
Falerin: LionelTwain is * Mr. Lionel Twain
Lkeas: erm
Lord_Me: TWAIN!
Lord_Me: he's related to Matthew Twain, you know >_>
Lkeas: no doubt :P
Leo_Biaxomus: So, thats why he sounded familar.
Falerin: Truman Capote played him in the movie
Lkeas: he was quite good
Falerin: his only "Acting" role.. he should have done more he was almost as good an actor as a writer
Lkeas: yeah
* Lord_Me just nods, looking intelligable
Lkeas: you should watch the movie, Lord_Me, it's really funny
Lkeas: although the ending could have been better
Lkeas: a fault with most comedies :-/
Falerin: As it happens LionelTwain appears to be a bot.. who runs an IRC version of the game Clue/Cluedo in the channel #cluedo
Lord_Me: but he's a twain, so i don't like him
Lkeas: eh. too many Twains around here
* Lkeas kicks a few Twains out
Falerin: How intelligent....
Falerin: Dislike Samuel Longhorne Clemens too then do we?
* Lord_Me refrain from join #cluedo >_>;
Lord_Me: who?
Lkeas: no, i said Twains.
Lkeas: i am aware Mark Twain was a pen name
Falerin: The author wrote all of his Literature under the name Twain
Falerin: It is what he was effectively known as....
Falerin: Largely this is because he was a pretty political man and well known in social circles
Lkeas: so he wanted to hide his fame?
Falerin: Possibly or possibly he was afraid his politics would affect the sale of his writing
Lkeas: i see
Falerin: Or would effect peoples opinions about other unrealted matters
Falerin: I can relate to that sentiment myself at times
Lkeas: i imagine you could
Falerin: People do like to combine irrelevant things together
Lkeas: :-/ we can't help if it's near impossible to tell the relevant things from the irrelevant
* Leo_Biaxomus is thinking, yes I can think. Anyway, Leo_Biaxomus is thinking why we aren't disccusing Truth, and Truth related things.
*** Lord_Me884 has joined #755.
Lord_Me884: >_>
Lord_Me884: PING!
*** Lord_Me has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
Lord_Me884: ^_^
*** Lord_Me884 is now known as Lord_Me.
Falerin: Apparently we are...
Falerin: As Matthew Twain is the founder of NOVA
Lkeas: right
Lord_Me: don't forget Robert Twain
Leo_Biaxomus: True, but we were starting to go off topic.
Lord_Me: and isn't Lisa Smith that family too?
Falerin: I do not know their family tree... I am not privy to it... I do not know if Daniel married in or Lisa did
Falerin: one did anyway
Lkeas: if we must draw connections, then NOVA was apparently involved in the sudden "illness" of the messenger and perhaps the sudden disappearance of Truth
Falerin: As for that I already gave a lecture on people trying to forbid off topic discussion here
Lord_Me: Lisa would've, coz she's a smith
Falerin: I am against it
Falerin: Off topic discussion serves several highly valuable purposes..... and should be embraced
Lkeas: but again... that is making several assumptions
Leo_Biaxomus: I don't mind people going off topic, but you do know alot more then us, and I want you to enlighten us.
Lkeas: what would you like to ask him Leo?
Lord_Me: assumptions make the world go 'round
Falerin: Why should I enlighten you sir... You hate me...
Lkeas: hmm. is hate a relative word? ;)
Lord_Me: can you enlighten me? I'm open to long stories, y'know >_>
Lkeas: ugh. no long stories tonight, i'm gonna go to sleep in a while
Lord_Me: i hate sleep
Lord_Me: i wish i were undead
* Leo_Biaxomus panics, grabs a pie, throws it in Falerin's face, and runs away.
Lkeas: ah, see, it IS a relative word :)
Lkeas: hmm. Leo is fond of pie
Falerin: You also assume that I include only fruit in my gift baskets.... While some wonderful otherworldy fruits may make an apperance. Ambrosia from Olympus is always popular. I do tend to be far more selective in my gifts. Nothing I do, especially gift giving, is done without thinking it quite thoroughly out thank you.
Leo_Biaxomus: No, I am not. People on the forums have started to brainwash me.
* Falerin disintegrates the pie midflight with a flict of his small finger
Falerin: Puhlesse
Lkeas: heh
Leo_Biaxomus: Well, sorry for jumping to conclussion, Falerin.
Lord_Me: why is Seeker's birthday 99 on thehomepage of his myspace, but 100 on his blogs?
Falerin: But you of course will never know that... for while I might forgive people for "hating" me... once of the Holiday List always off
Lkeas: lol
Falerin: That is peculiar and I have noted that too
Falerin: Its always hopping between 99 and 100
Lord_Me: is it his birthday maybe?
Falerin: Which seems to be a mockery of the organization NOVA setting their age at 100
Falerin: When they clearly state in literature they are much younger
Falerin: Of course I am somewhat alarmed that the orginzation as a whole does not want Children....
Falerin: Perhaps they are some of those Zero population growth nutjobs
Lkeas: heh. well, earth is getting rather crowded
Lord_Me: isn't that what the devourer wants?
Falerin: Hardly.....
* Leo_Biaxomus starts acting like a good little boy, and sucks up to Mr. Falaerin.
Lkeas: i thought you didn't like the fruit Leo
*** KM|zzzz is now known as Quin.
Leo_Biaxomus: I don't, but I am not fond of being left out.
Falerin: As a person who has a degree in biology familiar with population ecology and economics I can assure you that the earth can sustain a much higher population then those people seem to believe
Lkeas: yes, but that would require a lot more international cooperation
Lkeas: and a substantial overhaul of economic and social systems
Falerin: The united states throws away or destroys more crops/food each year then it would take to feed all of the starving countries of the world
Falerin: twice over
Falerin: In some cases they actually give farmers incentives to destroy....
Lkeas: yes, i've heard of such stupidities
Falerin: Because an excess of product in local market would drive inflantion wild
Lkeas: it's ridiculous
Falerin: And because otherwise they would loose their livelihoods to market price plummeting
*** Leo_Biaxomus is now known as Leo|Remaining_Quiet.
Falerin: Why they do not take those exact same incentives and buy excess product and ship it overseas
Falerin: one wonders
* Falerin turns to Leo
Lkeas: ok well, if Leo's gonna stay shut up, i'll bring up his question again - what else do we need to know about Truth and Truth-related stuff?
Falerin: As for you if its one thing I detest more fully then a person who apparently bears me hostility through no fault of my own it is someone who is what the modern people term hypocrisy and/or being twofaced. Brown nosing sycophantry will get you nothing except perhaps an extra hot immolation on your funeral pyre
Lkeas: nice
Falerin: I abhor a suck up
Lkeas: sorry
Falerin: If I am to be admired I prefer it be honest... and if not then being detested is fine so long as I have earned it
Falerin: Which if Leo keeps up his current tact will be quite soon
Falerin: and that was not to you Lkeas
*** Lord_Me has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Lord_Me821)).
Falerin: I do accept compliments honestly given
* Leo|Remaining_Quiet thinks Falaerin is a pain, but repects his oppinion.
*** Leo|Remaining_Quiet is now known as Leo_Biaxomus.
Lkeas: alright
*** Lord_Me has joined #755.
Lord_Me: v_v
Falerin: As for your question I cannot answer vaugeries with infinite possible answers
Falerin: particularly if I lack all of them myself
Lkeas: haha true
Lord_Me: will the messenger come back? i miss him
Falerin: If NOVA has indeed done away with him he will not
Falerin: If in fact he is hiding as he seemed to indicate
Falerin: It is possible he will or will not
Falerin: Neither of which I can answer for you
Lkeas: hmm
Falerin: his fate something to which I am privvy
Lord_Me: well, I guess I'll have to hate nova 'til he comes back
Lord_Me: do you have any idea of what NOVA stands for?
Lkeas: is it an acronym at all?
Leo_Biaxomus: Lord_me, do not hate NOVA, we do not even know their true intention, yet.
Falerin: As has already been stated I do not know what they stand for... oh what the name stands for.... it could be Not just Old Very Ancient for all I know
Falerin: Or it may not be an acronym at all
Falerin: That Leo_Biaxomus has always been my opinion as well.. You score one point
Lord_Me: Nand of Vising Avil maybe >_>
Lkeas: oh, are we playing a game now?
Lkeas: wait...
*** agentredemption has left #755.
Falerin: Though I do recommend being vigiliant where they are concerned...
Lord_Me: I just don't like them
Falerin: How rational....
Lord_Me: there's something about the picture of the fetus...
Falerin: A fetus signifies growing life...
Lkeas: but yes, i agree... we should keep all three eyes open
Lord_Me: it could also signify that they do animal tests on unborn babies >_>
Falerin: The fetus in the picture is clearly still alive its not as if they are some kind of abortion clinic
Falerin: Now that is a stretch of even my imagination.. You score -1 points for lameness and for doing The'galin's work for him
Lkeas: yikes
Lord_Me: no fair!
Lord_Me: I don't like this game
Falerin: Thats unfortunate.. as The'galin does not let anyone choose not to play
* Falerin considers the latest changes to the seekers site
Falerin: A new profile avatar
Falerin: which... means something...
Falerin: thats very clear
Lkeas: isn't it the same head that's been popping up in other places?
Lord_Me: it's like Maxwell's avatar but..y'know... not
Falerin: A song choice.... Tim McGraw
Lord_Me: so it's Tim McGraw in his avvy? It all makes sence now!
Leo_Biaxomus: Falaerin, this is slightly old news.
Falerin: Its different from maxwells avatar in some keyways.. there are more discernable features in can tell for instance for sure that its definitely a masked figure... the color has distinct color in it
Leo_Biaxomus: Arrgghh! Curse my evil hands and their misspellings!
Lkeas: it's news, but it's still in need of explanation
Falerin: Where maxwells is much more shadowy
Falerin: The other changes are pretty apparent two the light is eroding the image....
Lord_Me: Maxwell's is like a sillouhette
Falerin: and glaring on its face
Lkeas: true
Lkeas: a destructive light force?
Lkeas: hmm
Lord_Me: those thingies!
Lord_Me: that start with b... it think
Lkeas: lol
Lkeas: how eloquent
Lkeas: brilhado
Lord_Me: yeah
Leo_Biaxomus: Maybe, It is the representation of the evil and good in Hope?
Falerin: No I do not think it represnts the Brilhado
Lkeas: what is evil? what is good? what is Hope?
Lord_Me: maybe Lorithia is eaten The'galin
Falerin: As the original image Maxwell's shilloute .... seems sinister
Falerin: So if that image is designed to be sinister
Falerin: and its eroding that image
Leo_Biaxomus: Evil and good cannot be defined, as, everyone has diffrent opinion on the matter.
Lkeas: hmm... so the light is attempting to erode a sinister representation?
Lkeas: does that make it "good" then?
Lord_Me: not really, Leo, it's simple. Lorithia = good, The'galin = bad
Falerin: In either case.. there is one thing totally unseen in both images.... tho
Falerin: Even with the increased detail and features to the collar and hood on the image on Seeker's site
Lkeas: what is that?
Falerin: And even with light glaring right there to reveal it
Lkeas: no face?
Falerin: No face
Lkeas: faceless.
Lord_Me: the eyes?
Leo_Biaxomus: Lord_me, that isn't true, Lorithia is creation, and The'Galin is uncreation. Creation brings evil and good, while uncreation end everything. And, yes I know uncreation Isn't a real word.
Lord_Me: it has eyes in Nova's myspace
Falerin: Neither image has any facial details whatsoever
Leo_Biaxomus: ends*
Falerin: Uncreation is a real word
Leo_Biaxomus: It is?
Leo_Biaxomus: Not according to my dictionary.
Falerin: With in the context of Lore it most certainly is because it is a force... within the world
Falerin: Your dictionary defines terms unique to LORE then does it?
Leo_Biaxomus: No, it does not.
Falerin: Did I write it I wonder...
Falerin: Ah
Lord_Me: yeah, but i could make up a wor'd of my oen, and call elephants glacks. Would that make glack a word?
Falerin: Good I was going to say I do not recall writin such a thing
Falerin: Yes....
Lkeas: glack would be a word to you
Lord_Me: really?
Falerin: Reference Jaberwocky
Falerin: It would not make it a proper word in your language however
Lord_Me: Jabberwocky sits in the old gum tree...
Lkeas: not quite
Lkeas: lol
Falerin: Reference the word Ain't
Lkeas: heh. try "D'oh!" while you're at it too
Falerin: Which is improper because it actually defies rules of words/contractions
Falerin: D'oh is not a contraction as such so its fine.. its an "Expletive"
Lord_Me: what about won't? Eh?
Lkeas: i see
Lord_Me: it should be will'nt
Lord_Me: but it ain't
Falerin: The contraction of Will and not to w'ont is actually explained by gramatical rules and their bizzare exceptions with semantics to tiresome to follow
Falerin: but it at least has the same rules with just a letter substitution
Lkeas: fun
Falerin: Aint on the other hand... does not use any identifiable root and WORSE substitues for a contraction that already exists
Falerin: Isn't
Lkeas: true - how did we get on this again?
Falerin: Which is just as easy to use
Lkeas: ah yes. uncreation
Falerin: Also worse it substitutes for MULTIPLE things
Falerin: providing a pseudo contraction for Amn't
Falerin: which is not used in the english language really
Lkeas: that's true, huh. it's always "i'm not"
Lkeas: versus "you aren't"
Leo_Biaxomus: Why are we disccusing grammar, and the english language?
Lkeas: because you said uncreation wasn't a word
Lkeas: if you recall
Lord_Me: i wanna talk about nova
Falerin: because sir you said uncreation was not a word
Falerin: And then when I told you it was because it was defined in a specific vocabulary
Leo_Biaxomus: I know why it started, but not why we are still disccusing it.
Falerin: Lord_Me tried to argue that it would still not be a word
Lkeas: alright alright, so why does NOVA have a picture of a faceless at all... and why does The Seeker show a faceless getting eroded by light? presumably a blue light?
Falerin: And thats of course nonsensical. Words enter language all the time when they need to be provided to describe somehting new
Falerin: The light does not seem colored to me
Falerin: Its just glare
Lkeas: then what is the blue for?
Falerin: could be white light
Falerin: Color of the clothing itself?
Lkeas: a blue faceless?
Falerin: I mean its clear it is clothing
Lkeas: is something going to happen to the faceless in the blue clothing?
Falerin: its not in Silloute like Maxwells
Falerin: Where we can assume nothing
Falerin: If its a specific faceless in blue clothing it would be an Avatar
Lord_Me: there's a full verson of Maxwell's with eyes in Nova myspace
Falerin: though I tend to think it does not represent a specific being at all
Lkeas: no? then why blue at all? why not just erode the unspecific one in maxwell's image?
Leo_Biaxomus: It could represent us.
Falerin: Because thats featureless
Falerin: It does not look like a being
Falerin: it looks like a sillouette as you said
Lkeas: my monitor must be miscalibrated... the blue image does not look much clearer
Lkeas: just a head with sunglasses
Lord_Me: but the EYES
Lkeas: are they eyes? or reflections?
Lord_Me: (Link:
Lord_Me: there
Falerin:: That head with the eyes does NOT look like the same picture as Maxwells forum icons or the figure to me
Falerin: That is a different image
Lord_Me: wait a sec
Falerin: The shape is not even right
Falerin: The shape of maxwell's forum head is hooded
Falerin: same with Seekers
Falerin: that one is not
Falerin: its clearly wearing glasses
Lkeas: goodness, must i bust out the photoshop to compare?
Falerin: Evidentally
Falerin: But the differences are GLARING to me
Falerin: and I looked just casually
Lkeas: perhaps you see more than we do
Lord_Me: yeah, Falerin's right
Lord_Me: it's ear's are too big =/
Lord_Me: that's all i picked up
Falerin: it has no hood
Falerin: it is a bald man with glasses on
Falerin: it has no hood
Falerin: at all
Lkeas: NOVA's?
Falerin: aye
Lord_Me: the other one has a hood on?
Lord_Me: geez
* Leo_Biaxomus thinks he musts be blind, he sees no glasses, only a blue and black orb.
Lord_Me: really?
Falerin: Though it does look .. hmm now isn't that peculiar
Lkeas: ?
Falerin: An optical illusion....
Falerin: how clever
Lord_Me: eh?
Lord_Me: where?
Falerin: And that explains it...
Lord_Me: i see no illusion >_>
Lkeas: explains what??
Lkeas: ok, here are the three together. i see very little difference.
Lkeas: (Link: 47dhljo.jpg
Lord_Me: Falerin's building up tension and i don't like it
Falerin: And the reason for that is quite apparent...
Falerin: Which image did you see first?
Lord_Me: Maxwell's
Lkeas: yeah
Leo_Biaxomus: Intruiging, I see an illusion, but not what this illsuion is.
Falerin: I too saw Maxwells first
Falerin: adn then the seekers second
Falerin: I only saw this third image today
Lord_Me: i saw maxwell's, nova's then seeker's
Falerin: When I saw the two of them....I assumed that seekers and maxwells pictures were totally complete
Falerin: I never though they were cropped images
Lord_Me: cropped?
Lkeas: oh?
Lkeas: what did you believe the glasses to be?
Lord_Me: er... what's a cropped image?
Lkeas: it means it's cut up
Lkeas: not the entirety
Lord_Me: oh, i knew that
Falerin: I took the bottom of the image to be not glasses frames or something but an elaborate collar of the sort you might see on some uniforms or like a stormtrooper or something drakel like
Falerin: And the head was facing profile with no face apparent beneath a hood
Lkeas: facing left?
Falerin: The face would be ABOVE where the eyes appear to be in the other image
Lord_Me: i thought it was sarth vader when i first saw it
Falerin: Since I saw that.... I took nothing of it
Lkeas: an interesting imagination you have, Falerin
Falerin: and when the colored picture made it appear as the Seekers was wearing blue
Falerin: They definitely did not appear as glasses
Falerin: Absolutely appearing to confirm it was some type of clothing
Lkeas: but has your opinion changed?
Leo_Biaxomus: Oddly, it looks like the back of someone's head.
Falerin: Therefore when I saw the new image....
Lkeas: eyes in the back of the head, eh leo?
Lord_Me: you know, the ears ARE bigger on the complete image
Falerin: But now I see that it does.... but I still do not think I was wrong to begin with
Falerin: What I think is....
Falerin: Hold on
* Lkeas looks for something to hold on to
Leo_Biaxomus: And now Falerin will assasinated, great.
Lkeas: yeah right
Falerin: dames.gif
Lkeas: he's probably got some kind of deal going on with the reaper
Leo_Biaxomus: It's happened to everyone who hs helped us before.
Falerin: Wgat do you see in that image
Lkeas: that's a famous image
Falerin: Yes
Falerin: It is
Falerin: For a reason
Falerin: What is in there
Lkeas: the young woman, or the old woman
Lord_Me: an old lady and a young lady
Falerin: But heavens it cannot be both
Lord_Me: the young lady looks realler
Falerin: it has to be one person
Lkeas: but in reality it is neither, since it's really a drawing
Falerin: I have seen old women walk exactly like that with their chin in their coat
Lord_Me: it's the young one
Lkeas: ;)
Falerin: I have never seen women wear a veil that tacky
Falerin: if the young woman is real
Falerin: So I think not
Falerin: Reality is not something that can be derived from representational media
Lkeas: exactly
Falerin: Which leads me to the point....
Falerin: These images all three of them are like that.. they are shadowy and designed to evoke different things
Falerin: Though I think it safe to say all three represent the Faceless
Lkeas: yes
Falerin: But the one on Nova's site is really crappy
Lkeas: lol
Falerin: Eyes are part of a face
Falerin: If you have eyes... you have a face
Falerin: if you have no face you have nothing
Falerin: blankness where the face should be
Falerin: not eyes floating there
Lord_Me: maybe he has his eyes closed
Lkeas: a faceless cannot have ears either?
Falerin: Which is not to say that these beings have no "Face" literally
Falerin: Generally my definition of face includes the ears
Lord_Me: messenger sez faceless have faces
Lkeas: hmm
Lkeas: that IS interesting... i thought they were the same, but NOVA's does indeed have eyes
Lkeas: (had to crank up the contrast in PS)
[01:17] Lkeas: well, regardless... why would The Seeker show a faceless getting eroded? we don't even know what the intentions of the faceless are
[01:17] *** Leo_Biaxomus is now known as Leo.
[01:17] *** Quin has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[01:18] Lord_Me: a foodsource is their goal, apparently
[01:18] Leo: It could symoblize a soul, as the faceless's foorsource are souls.
[01:18] Leo: foodsource*
[01:19] Lkeas: don't we all need food sources?
[01:19] Lord_Me: yeah, but they're controlled by agents
[01:19] Leo: Yes, and without them we die, and wend we die our bodys decompose/erode.
[01:20] Leo: when*
[01:20] Leo: Sorry, I'm watching Naruto, I'm still wondering why people think it's great.
[01:20] Lkeas: heh
[01:20] Lkeas: it has its ups and downs
[01:21] Lkeas: i think i shall be signing off for the night
[01:21] Leo: G'night.
[01:21] Lkeas: goodnight!
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