She of the East

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Revision as of 08:12, 5 October 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[19:10] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[19:10] Fayt: hey max?
[19:10] Edynol: MAX!
[19:10] Maxwell: hey there
[19:10] LordBarrius: Greetings Maxwell.
[19:10] *** Rimblade has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Rimblade586)).
[19:10] *** Rimblade has joined #755.
[19:10] Fayt: bang bang maxwell's silver hammer went down on his head
[19:11] Genoclysm: Hello Maxwell.
[19:11] Master: is this really maxwell or an imposter because earlier we had like so many imposters
[19:11] Fayt: well im convinved hes the real deal
[19:11] Maxwell: you did?
[19:11] Lkeas: any news, maxwell?
[19:11] Master: ya anything new?
[19:11] Maxwell: sorry if you did, I was going to form a real channel for this
[19:11] Maxwell: but didnt really know how >>;
[19:12] Beo: Hello Maxwell. Interesting to see you, not someone impersonating you, for once :P
[19:12] Maxwell: well, it seems some people are afraid that NOVA has gone too far
[19:12] Lkeas: too far into what?
[19:12] Master: someone ipersonated truth and lies lol
[19:12] Lkeas: what is NOVA's purpose?
[19:12] Edynol: I don't think NOVA has gone far enough. Keep going NOVA.
[19:12] Edynol: lol.
[19:13] Fayt: ...
[19:13] Maxwell: NOVA wants nothing more than to save the human race from the end times
[19:13] Genoclysm: How do they plan to do that?
[19:13] Edynol: That's right!
[19:13] Marrin: Then why does their symbol represent the antithesis of creation?
[19:13] Master: well than why dont they show themselves and help us
[19:13] Fayt: i dont no whether to trust the truth or nova or just myself...
[19:13] *** Crash is now known as Bender.
[19:14] Marrin: The inverted symbol fo the triquerta... why represent the polar opposite of creation?
[19:14] Maxwell: don't ask me, I am just telling you what the website says
[19:14] Fayt: heh
[19:14] Marrin: If you trust it so much, wouldnt you have asked these things first?
[19:14] Genoclysm: Maxwell, how do they intend to save us? For us to help and not hinder, we must know their plans other than vague refferences.
[19:15] Maxwell: I am sure they will say in due time
[19:15] Master: god i hate when u guys say that lol
[19:16] Lkeas: what are your plans now maxwell? what should we do?
[19:16] Genoclysm: Then they will continue to be hindered untill then.
[19:16] Edynol: Have patience. They are probably organizing their plan right now and when it is complete, they will tell us.
[19:16] Rimblade: And why are they driving for membership when they won't give out their methods or purpose?
[19:16] Master: and what happened exacly to the messenger?
[19:16] Maxwell: pretty sure it says on their page what they want to do
[19:17] Maxwell: save the human race
[19:17] Master: whats the like for the page?
[19:17] Edynol: What is their website?
[19:17] Master: ive seen it but forgot
[19:17] Genoclysm: That is too vague. I mean we need to know their methods.
[19:17] Master: link*
[19:17] Lkeas: maxwell, we're kinda stuck right now... we don't seem to be any nearer to fulfilling either Truth's or Kaliope's wishes
[19:18] Maxwell: if events in our world play out in Lore in the same manner
[19:18] Maxwell: I would guess that you will find a guide in the world of Lore
[19:18] Master: wat was truths and kailopes wishes and wats the NOVA site link?
[19:18] Edynol: What is their website?
[19:18] Maxwell: a white rabbit
[19:19] Master: ??
[19:19] Genoclysm: How can we know who the rabbit is when we find it/he/she?
[19:19] Maxwell: who can you really trust?
[19:19] Lkeas: a white rabbit in the world of Lore?
[19:19] Maxwell: is trust even the truth or a lie?
[19:19] Maxwell: only you can make up your mind
[19:19] Alphonse: trust= lie and lie = trust isnt it?
[19:19] Marrin: Maxwell, perhaps trusting others is different from agreeing they know the truth.
[19:19] *** Rimblade has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Rimblade620)).
[19:19] Fayt: ...
[19:20] *** TheDude has joined #755.
[19:20] Maxwell: A wise man once said, I can only show you the door
[19:20] Fayt: hey thdude
[19:20] TheDude: is Circa Survivr on yet?
[19:20] Lkeas: no..
[19:20] *** Marrin has left #755.
[19:20] Fayt: not yet
[19:20] Beo: Do you see him on?
[19:20] Beo: Why must you ask?
[19:20] Genoclysm: Can you show us the door then Maxwell?
[19:20] TheDude: sorry Maxwell for the interuption
[19:20] Maxwell: Yes, I can lead you to the one person that can take you to the door
[19:21] Lkeas: oh?
[19:21] Maxwell: the white rabbit
[19:21] Fayt: kingdom hearts!
[19:21] Edynol: Someone post a link to their website please.
[19:21] Master: !
[19:21] Lkeas: afterwards edynol
[19:21] TheDude: i thought the white rabbit wasn't a live being
[19:21] Fayt: a portal
[19:21] Genoclysm: You can lead us to the rabbit? Please do.
[19:21] Maxwell: look to the east, and you will find your rabbit
[19:21] Lkeas: this person wouldn't be called The Traveller by any chance, would he?
[19:21] Maxwell: no, she would not
[19:21] ranma236: (Link:
[19:22] Fayt: look to the east with three eyes...
[19:22] Master: the little furry things in paxia (explore paxia)
[19:22] ranma236: *saveyou
[19:22] TheDude: the molga-habillies?
[19:22] Lkeas: she?
[19:22] BaneOfTheUnborn: She, and yet again we assuem too much.
[19:22] TheDude: or the blocked cavern?
[19:22] Maxwell: the white rabbit hides in the shadows, waiting for your call
[19:22] Lkeas: is this an in-game "rabbit?" or are we meant to explore outside?
[19:22] TheDude: the blocked cavern
[19:22] Fayt: im pretty sure its not out yet
[19:22] LordBarrius: Hm.
[19:22] TheDude: it must be
[19:22] Maxwell: she will only come if you call her, and you can only call her if you know how to call.
[19:22] TheDude: it is in a dark place and that cavern is sealed
[19:23] Fayt: she?
[19:23] Master: it says it does not exsits (website)
[19:23] Maxwell: yes, the white rabbit
[19:23] *** Rimblade has joined #755.
[19:23] kingk: kaliope?
[19:23] Fayt: mmkay
[19:23] kingk: is a she?
[19:23] Genoclysm: How can we learn how to call?
[19:23] kingk: lisa?
[19:23] *** Diskord has joined #755.
[19:23] Maxwell: I trust you already know how
[19:23] TheDude: Maxwell what else do you know?
[19:23] Fayt: hi diskord
[19:24] Maxwell: I warn you
[19:24] *** Edynol has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[19:24] Genoclysm: I'm afraid I don't know how.
[19:24] Maxwell: she will not be alone
[19:24] TheDude: do we yell it's name?
[19:24] Lkeas: i think we know how... but we don't know where to go to get the how
[19:24] TheDude: hmmmm........
[19:24] Fayt: anna!?
[19:24] Maxwell: you must save her
[19:24] *** GuardianofNekops has joined #755.
[19:24] kingk: im willing to take my chances
[19:24] TheDude: she isn't alone
[19:24] TheDude: hmmm.......
[19:24] Maxwell: if you do not, our world and all others
[19:24] kingk: how though?
[19:24] Maxwell: will fall
[19:24] TheDude: lady tomo?
[19:24] Master: wats NOVAS site that other link doesnt work
[19:24] Rimblade: To The'Galin or NOVA?
[19:24] Diskord: someone get me up to speed
[19:24] TheDude: she is wiht a bunch of naimals
[19:24] kingk: but how?
[19:24] Genoclysm: What do we need to call her?
[19:25] Genoclysm: other than the relic
[19:25] *** dalefanwill has joined #755.
[19:25] *** altrocks has joined #755.
[19:25] Fayt: the white rabbit?
[19:25] Lkeas: do we need more than the relic? it seems we do not have even that
[19:25] TheDude: Who sin't alone
[19:25] *** Takun has joined #755.
[19:25] kingk: so the relic is alive
[19:25] Maxwell: you know, what you need
[19:25] kingk: anna maybe?
[19:25] TheDude: what?
[19:25] Fayt: im pretty sure its anna
[19:25] TheDude: a compass that shows us the way to the white rabbit?
[19:25] Diskord: Don't be so cryptic.
[19:25] TheDude: ......i wish
[19:25] Maxwell: if you search your soul, you will find it
[19:25] Genoclysm: Can you point us to the Relic?
[19:25] Maxwell: I must be going know
[19:25] *** Edynol160 has joined #755.
[19:25] * altrocks searches his soul.
[19:26] TheDude: hmmmm.....
[19:26] altrocks: Found it!
[19:26] *** LordOuranos has joined #755.
[19:26] Lkeas: ok, we will continue looking...
[19:26] Maxwell: good luck
[19:26] Maxwell: Avatars
[19:26] * Bender sold his soul for a cookie a while back.
[19:26] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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