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Revision as of 22:28, 21 August 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[15:01:55] * Maxwell (TheLast@755.755.755.755) has joined #755-TotallyOOC
[15:01:56] <Anna> [Maxwell] Teerg segassem era os detarrevo!
[15:01:56] * Anna sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[15:02:00] <FulcanX> Maxie!
[15:02:07] <Maxwell> heya
[15:02:24] <FulcanX> Happy anniversary!
[15:02:24] <Selarep> Wb Max
[15:02:55] <Lightbringerlord> we were just digging the old logs
[15:03:00] <Durroth_De`thion> Hey! max! check out all the retro-nicks!
[15:03:03] <Lightbringerlord> HAH!
[15:03:11] <Maxwell> retro nicks huh?
[15:03:14] <Formerly_Somebody> Maxwell! :D
[15:03:15] <FulcanX> Yar.
[15:03:16] <Lightbringerlord> I found when did the RP began!!!!!,
[15:03:16] * Maxwell is now known as The_Messenger
[15:03:17] <Lightbringerlord> [13:36] Falerin: ((For one thing when I speak in this channel.. I speak IN character..... not out of it))
[15:03:20] <Durroth_De`thion> LBB even went back to Formerly_Somebody
[15:03:24] <Formerly_Somebody> :O
[15:03:28] <Formerly_Somebody> He did?
[15:03:29] <Formerly_Somebody> WHERE?
[15:03:35] * Oblivion_Necroninja thinks you're all lunatics.
[15:03:36] <Lightbringerlord> http://psyham.googlepages.com/actions
[15:03:36] <Selarep> <.>
[15:03:50] <Lightbringerlord> mark that date!
[15:04:09] <Durroth_De`thion> I remember when Zephyr called Ar-Thara'nes the "Guardian of Entropy"
[15:04:16] <Durroth_De`thion> that still confuses the hell out of him
[15:04:42] * The_Messenger is now known as Maxwell
[15:04:48] <Lightbringerlord> TheLast@755.755.755.755
[15:04:49] <Lightbringerlord> ???
[15:04:50] <Maxwell> I like like that nick more..
[15:04:57] <Formerly_Somebody> O:
[15:05:18] <Formerly_Somebody> Does Truth still send you e-mails at 7:55 o'clock? :P
[15:05:27] <Maxwell> I am Truth.
[15:05:37] <Formerly_Somebody> No WAY.
[15:05:46] <Formerly_Somebody> Inconceivable!
[15:05:49] <Formerly_Somebody> 8U
[15:06:00] <Lightbringerlord> 13:54] Falerin: ((What you say or do and what a player says or does will effect what is said or done next...))
[15:06:00] <Lightbringerlord> [13:54] Lkeas: that's why it's freakin' awesome
[15:06:00] <Lightbringerlord> [13:54] Lkeas: and confusing as all get-out :P
[15:06:03] <Lightbringerlord> I remember that!
[15:06:30] <Formerly_Somebody> I remember the first time I walked in on IC in #755. :O
[15:06:40] <Formerly_Somebody> I saw all the parenthesis and was all wtf?
[15:06:44] <FulcanX> XD
[15:06:47] <Durroth_De`thion> [15:18] <Ojodeldevorador> You are a man of peculiar analogs Guardian of Entropy.
[15:06:55] <Formerly_Somebody> And everyone jumped me and said "GET INTO CHARACTER, n00b!"
[15:06:55] <Formerly_Somebody> :P
[15:07:10] <Lightbringerlord> [13:58] Leo: ((please don't bring me into this, I don't have an intention of adding anything to this conversation))
[15:07:11] <Lightbringerlord> [13:59] Falerin: ((Sorry bud you brought yourself in.. cannot just back out now))
[15:07:11] <Lightbringerlord> [13:59] Falerin: ((You are part of it))
[15:07:11] <Lightbringerlord> HAH!
[15:07:19] <Maxwell> I remember the first time I walked in on #755.
[15:07:26] <Maxwell> It was empty, and I was all alone.
[15:07:29] <Lightbringerlord> XD
[15:07:36] <FulcanX> XD
[15:07:37] <LB|CandC> Awww.
[15:07:40] <Lightbringerlord> and we created a community with that
[15:07:42] <LB|CandC> Poor widdle Maxie. D:
[15:07:45] <Selarep> XD
[15:07:47] * LB|CandC patpats.
[15:07:49] * LB|CandC is now known as LordBarrius
[15:07:53] * Selarep snugs Max
[15:08:05] <Maxwell> Of course, I was not really alone.
[15:08:29] <FulcanX> Pet pink hippo?
[15:08:33] <Formerly_Somebody> :O
[15:08:34] <Maxwell> Anna was there!
[15:08:36] <Maxwell> :D
[15:08:37] <FulcanX> XD
[15:08:39] <Lightbringerlord> right!
[15:08:40] <FulcanX> Bow chicka bow wow!
[15:08:42] <Formerly_Somebody> FAIRY BUTT-BEAMS!
[15:08:45] <Lightbringerlord> and some staff members!
[15:08:50] <Formerly_Somebody> Anna's an elitest bastard. :/
[15:08:50] <Lightbringerlord> Like Icemasteryeti and Rdagast
[15:08:52] <Maxwell> pixie dust butt beams
[15:08:54] <RoninOfDreams> I need another Short Bow D:
[15:08:58] <Formerly_Somebody> D:
[15:09:01] <Formerly_Somebody> Get a Steel Bow.
[15:09:05] <Formerly_Somebody> Moar damage. :O
[15:09:28] <Maxwell> So where is the cake?
[15:09:30] <RoninOfDreams> Steel doesn't show up this early
[15:09:31] <RoninOfDreams> Further
[15:09:40] <RoninOfDreams> Rath can't use regular bows, can he?
[15:09:47] <Lightbringerlord> wait..
[15:09:56] <Lightbringerlord> there
[15:10:04] <Lightbringerlord> http://unguideoftruth.googlepages.com/home
[15:10:13] <Lightbringerlord> and now the birthday song1
[15:10:14] <Lightbringerlord> !
[15:10:21] <Lightbringerlord> Happy Birthday to us,
[15:10:21] <Lightbringerlord> We're born from chaos.
[15:10:21] <Lightbringerlord> From flaming to stabbing,
[15:10:21] <Lightbringerlord> Happi Birthday to us!
[15:10:33] <Lightbringerlord> all together people!
[15:10:34] <Formerly_Somebody> They're all the same, RoD. >_>
[15:10:45] <FulcanX> We... are... run... ning... out... of... LIFE!
[15:10:46] <Formerly_Somebody> A bow is a bow is a ranged death-dealer.
[15:10:57] <FulcanX> Happy! Birthday! Happy! Deathday!
[15:11:34] <Lightbringerlord> [14:05] Falerin: Muhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
[15:11:34] <Lightbringerlord> [14:05] Lkeas: oh great.
[15:12:06] <Maxwell> So, do I get any gifts?
[15:12:12] <Formerly_Somebody> Uhm...
[15:12:16] <Maxwell> I will share them with Cor-Demi and Truth if you want.
[15:12:25] <Lightbringerlord> umm
[15:12:26] <Formerly_Somebody> I'd say "All our love" but I don't want to scare you off. :P
[15:12:37] <Lightbringerlord> ah I have a present!
[15:12:44] <Lightbringerlord> A very rare yu-gi-oh card!
[15:12:49] <Formerly_Somebody> 'cause man, if any of these weirdos offered ME their love, I'd bolt. >_>
[15:12:53] <Maxwell> A whatioh?
[15:13:04] <Lightbringerlord> wait a min
[15:13:05] * Geno|sleeping| is now known as Genoclysm
[15:13:35] <Lightbringerlord> btw
[15:13:36] <Lightbringerlord> Maxwell changes topic to 'Next year we go to the moon! '
[15:13:36] <Lightbringerlord> <Maxwell> Get your helmets!
[15:13:38] <Lightbringerlord> Moon?!
[15:13:57] <Formerly_Somebody> :O
[15:14:06] <Lightbringerlord> here's your present
[15:14:08] <Lightbringerlord> [1]
[15:14:10] <Formerly_Somebody> Maxwell was probably on the moon when he said that. :P
[15:14:29] <Maxwell> neato :D
[15:14:55] <Maxwell> are those dragon balls?
[15:15:04] <Lightbringerlord> nah
[15:15:12] <Lightbringerlord> power stars... I think
[15:15:14] <FulcanX> They're RARITY STARS
[15:15:24] <Lightbringerlord> FULCAN'S WINGS ARE RED
[15:15:27] <LordBarrius> Power level.
[15:15:29] <FulcanX> NO U
[15:15:31] <Maxwell> Maxwell's wings are clear!
[15:15:34] <Lightbringerlord> I just wanted to say it:P
[15:15:44] <Formerly_Somebody> OMG GUYS.
[15:15:45] <LordBarrius> That sucker needs two sacrifices. D:
[15:15:48] <Maxwell> Wait..I have no wings just an awesome eye.
[15:15:54] <Formerly_Somebody> Truth's eyes are RED! REEEEEEEEEED!
[15:15:57] <Maxwell> Mad-Eye Maxwell
[15:15:58] <Formerly_Somebody> :@
[15:16:05] <Lightbringerlord> and it changes its color when you poke it :o
[15:16:07] <LordBarrius> Yay imbalanced sacrificial system!
[15:16:43] <Maxwell> So what did everyone think of the last update to Maxwell's journal.
[15:17:02] <Formerly_Somebody> I should prolly read it. :O
[15:17:12] <Maxwell> you should
[15:17:16] <FulcanX> Linx
[15:17:25] <Lightbringerlord> http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=11094774
[15:17:26] <Maxwell> http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=11094774
[15:17:30] <Lightbringerlord> Jinx!
[15:17:43] <Lightbringerlord> noone can link things faster than I!
[15:17:45] <Maxwell> Mr. Jinx!
[15:18:00] <Lightbringerlord> Is that guy Ryuusei?
[15:18:51] <FulcanX> Ew, Clyde.
[15:19:46] <Maxwell> it could be
[15:20:44] <Lightbringerlord> Have you seen our new album Max?
[15:20:49] <Lightbringerlord> Pink Hippos
[15:20:56] <Maxwell> Already have it.
[15:21:04] * FulcanX plays Lead Guitar.
[15:21:08] <Lightbringerlord> critise it:P
[15:21:11] <Durroth_De`thion> LBL is in a band?
[15:21:18] * Formerly_Somebody doesn't play the drums. He IS the drums. :O
[15:21:18] <Durroth_De`thion> where can I get this album?
[15:21:20] <Lightbringerlord> *critise
[15:21:26] <Maxwell> It sounds like happy.

[15:33:02] <Maxwell> So..
[15:33:04] <Formerly_Somebody> We need a slushie machine.
[15:33:05] <Durroth_De`thion> I've got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL
[15:33:07] <Maxwell> this is my present to all of you
[15:33:09] <Maxwell> the next truth saga meme
[15:33:14] <Formerly_Somebody> :@
[15:33:18] * MechCelery is now known as MechSlushie
[15:33:20] <MechSlushie> :o
[15:33:25] <Formerly_Somebody> XD
[15:33:31] <Maxwell> Are you ready for it?
[15:33:39] <Durroth_De`thion> yes
[15:33:40] <Formerly_Somebody> Yush. :o
[15:33:41] <Durroth_De`thion> no
[15:33:42] <Lightbringerlord> !SEY
[15:33:48] <Durroth_De`thion> I dont think we're ready for this jelly
[15:34:01] <Maxwell> one momment
[15:34:04] <Maxwell> it is very random
[15:34:04] * MechSlushie is now known as Selarep
[15:34:11] <Maxwell> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq5tFpTbtPI&mode=related&search=
[15:34:23] <Maxwell> Nathaniel the new Truth Saga meme.
[15:34:33] <Lightbringerlord> who?
[15:35:58] <Lightbringerlord> ...
[15:36:08] <Lightbringerlord> IT'S AWSOME!
[15:36:11] <Formerly_Somebody> XD
[15:36:18] <Formerly_Somebody> I LOVE IT!
[15:36:22] <Maxwell> He likes to dance.
[15:36:25] <Formerly_Somebody> EVERYBODY DANCE!
[15:36:31] <Selarep> XD
[15:36:33] * Formerly_Somebody breaks it down.
[15:37:23] * Selarep declares it to be Truth time.
[15:38:01] <Lightbringerlord> EVERYBODY DANCE NAO!
[15:38:06] <Formerly_Somebody> Stop! Maxwell time! :O
[15:38:08] <Durroth_De`thion> Stop! Grammar time!
[15:38:08] <Maxwell> This kid will be showing up... somewhere!
[15:38:17] <Lightbringerlord> ingame?
[15:38:18] <Formerly_Somebody> Jinx. :P
[15:38:20] <Lightbringerlord> please..
[15:38:27] <Lightbringerlord> XD
[15:38:28] <Maxwell> BECAUSE HE IS
[15:38:37] <Maxwell> Nathaniel!
[15:38:40] <Lightbringerlord> NATHANIEL!
[15:39:13] <Durroth_De`thion> nu! the next truthseeker meme is Hitsugaya Toushiro!
[15:39:36] <Maxwell> Only Maxwell picks memes.
[15:39:53] <Durroth_De`thion> nu
[15:39:58] <Durroth_De`thion> I picks memes
[15:40:12] <Durroth_De`thion> Sit upon the frozen heavens, HYOURINMARU!
[15:40:26] <Formerly_Somebody> -.-
[15:40:36] <Formerly_Somebody> Durroth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBG-vOHtWJk&mode=related&search =
[15:40:57] <Durroth_De`thion> no, I DLed the MP4
[15:41:56] <Formerly_Somebody> MP...4? >_>
[15:42:02] <Lightbringerlord> So...
[15:42:08] <Durroth_De`thion> why WOULDNT I stay here, ya short idiot
[15:42:16] <Durroth_De`thion> ... oops, wrong window
[15:42:17] <Lightbringerlord> Maxwell, tell me.
[15:42:24] <Lightbringerlord> Will you be here one year later?
[15:42:35] <Maxwell> I will be here forever.
[15:42:41] <Maxwell> Even when your all dead and gone.
[15:42:44] <Selarep> :o
[15:42:46] <Formerly_Somebody> :D
[15:42:47] <Lightbringerlord> will we continue seeking?
[15:42:48] <Formerly_Somebody> Yay.
[15:43:08] <FulcanX> [15:11] DarkFulcan: Me?
[15:43:08] <FulcanX> [15:11] DarkFulcan: Laundry Duty?
[15:43:11] <FulcanX> Whoops.
[15:43:13] <Lightbringerlord> will you continue to give encrypted texts?
[15:43:14] <FulcanX> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9120240943504656922&q=tsubasa+chronicle+Eng.+1&total=1&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
[15:43:43] <Lightbringerlord> will we ever learn the true meaning of 755?
[15:43:59] <FulcanX> Will we Ever get that phone fixed?
[15:44:05] <FulcanX> Find out next time on...
[15:44:11] <FulcanX> Falerinman and Maxwellboy!
[15:44:28] <Lightbringerlord> XD
[15:44:35] <Selarep> XD
[15:45:06] <Maxwell> Why am I the boy?
[15:45:15] <FulcanX> 'Cause you're younger than Falerin.
[15:45:17] <Lightbringerlord> cuz Fal is older?
[15:45:21] <Maxwell> But..
[15:45:22] <Maxwell> But..
[15:45:31] <Durroth_De`thion> because fal is more important
[15:45:44] <FulcanX> See that ~?
[15:45:45] <FulcanX> Yeah.
[15:45:52] <FulcanX> Next to Falerin's name?
[15:45:55] <FulcanX> That says he's the man.
[15:45:58] <Selarep> x.x
[15:45:59] <Lightbringerlord> because he's married with children!(hmm, reading it like that is odd)
[15:46:09] <Maxwell> I better get a robot dog.
[15:46:16] <Formerly_Somebody> >.>
[15:46:26] <Formerly_Somebody> Just pray you don't get the fairy boots. :P
[15:46:43] <Durroth_De`thion> Falerin is Al Bundy?
[15:46:52] <Lightbringerlord> no?
[15:47:00] <Maxwell> I have to get going in a half hour, so I have a half hour to hang out with you all.
[15:47:07] <Durroth_De`thion> but you said hes from Married With Children
[15:47:11] <Maxwell> If you want to ask me questions or anything now is the time to do so.
[15:47:14] <Lightbringerlord> no
[15:47:34] <Lightbringerlord> I said he IS married with children!
[15:47:39] <FulcanX> Why is Maxwell Maxwelling?
[15:48:08] <Lightbringerlord> When will we see The Other side anwyay?
[15:48:27] <Lightbringerlord> isn't it odd to draw Kaliope before it gets ingame?
[15:48:30] <Maxwell> That would be the other world, or the outland world.
[15:48:39] <Maxwell> She was drawn a long time ago.
[15:48:43] <Lightbringerlord> I mean, you drew her 10 months ago
[15:48:44] <Raimeon> http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/110131
[15:48:45] <Raimeon> XD
[15:48:52] <Lightbringerlord> ok
[15:48:52] <Maxwell> before the truth saga even.
[15:48:57] <Lightbringerlord> oh?
[15:49:12] <Lightbringerlord> so you had all of the stuff in your head?
[15:49:19] <Maxwell> yep
[15:49:33] <Lightbringerlord> anyway
[15:49:35] <Cy> * Maxwell changes topic to 'Next year we go to the moon!'
[15:49:35] <Cy> <Maxwell> Get your helmets!
[15:49:36] <Cy> ?
[15:49:42] <Formerly_Somebody> How much wood could a wooodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? :O
[15:49:46] <Lightbringerlord> When will we see Outland anyway=
[15:49:53] <Lightbringerlord> *?
[15:50:42] <Cy> Maxwell
[15:50:46] <Cy> Its all in your head
[15:51:13] <Formerly_Somebody> Go to bed, Wes. :P
[15:51:15] <Cy> YOu know whaT
[15:51:16] <Lightbringerlord> and when you wake up, all of this will end
[15:51:23] <Cy> I think i just found the Song
[15:51:27] <Maxwell> You will see Outland when you see it.
[15:51:31] <Cy> For the truth seekers
[15:51:46] <Lightbringerlord> [13:42] lightbringerlord: Tell me the lies then.
[15:51:46] <Lightbringerlord> [13:42] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[15:51:46] <Lightbringerlord> [13:42] Maxwell: Alright.
[15:51:50] <Maxwell> And it looks nothing like anything in WoW.. I promise.
[15:51:52] <Cy> I realize its from Bionicle website but it fits
[15:51:58] <Lightbringerlord> [13:44] Maxwell: The creator is actually just a hobbo in a coma.
[15:51:58] <Lightbringerlord> [13:44] Zeltan: I wouls post them to the forums and tell them it's cannon
[15:51:58] <Lightbringerlord> [13:44] Maxwell: And when he wakes up, this all goes away.
[15:51:59] <Cy> http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/BionicleDownloads/otherfiles/1033/uploadC8F AA2A6-4B82-42F7-8CA7-5D2979F1F9EF.mp3
[15:51:59] <Lightbringerlord> :P
[15:52:42] <Maxwell> Anything else?
[15:52:48] <Lightbringerlord> uh..
[15:53:03] <Lightbringerlord> what is The Darkness?
[15:53:08] <Lightbringerlord> The exodus?
[15:53:10] <Formerly_Somebody> Heya, Maxwell? Exactly how big of an impact are we gonna have on the plot? I mean, all the characters you've come up with are on the upper end of Uber Beyond Belief, and we can't even figure out the riddles they keep sending us, but everyone's all "Yarr, teh t00ts33kars are make teh bad stuff go away!!!" >_>
[15:53:36] <Lightbringerlord> Where is Jacob?
[15:54:00] <Maxwell> the darkness is the evil that is sweeping across the universe
[15:54:11] <Maxwell> the truth seekers only have an impact on the happenings here on Earth
[15:54:14] <Durroth_De`thion> can we attack it with magic missile?
[15:54:14] <Lightbringerlord> What's Jacob's purpose?
[15:54:27] <Lightbringerlord> hm?
[15:54:38] <Lightbringerlord> Earth eh?
[15:54:47] <Lightbringerlord> So..
[15:54:56] <Lightbringerlord> global warming is his fault?
[15:54:56] <Maxwell> Jacob is searching for someone
[15:54:56] <Lightbringerlord> :D
[15:55:15] <Lightbringerlord> not the man with glasses(Marduk) I suppose?
[15:55:39] <Lightbringerlord> wait
[15:55:43] <Maxwell> I really do not want to spoil who he is searching for.
[15:55:48] <Lightbringerlord> He's looking for Dan.
[15:55:49] <Lightbringerlord> right?
[15:55:59] <Lightbringerlord> aka The Messenger?
[15:56:15] <Maxwell> Cant say.
[15:56:18] <Lightbringerlord> ok
[15:56:39] <Cy> In otherwords
[15:56:41] <Lightbringerlord> who is Anna's father?
[15:56:42] <Genoclysm> Did you really ask Maxwell what The Darkness is? I hope you aren't refering to the Ballyhoo thing.
[15:56:44] <Cy> Yes, But i cant say it in the open
[15:57:30] <Maxwell> the ballyhoo thing is nothing really
[15:57:33] <Durroth_De`thion> woah
[15:57:40] <Maxwell> but the darkness is a cor-dem myth also
[15:57:45] <Lightbringerlord> oh?
[15:57:54] <Durroth_De`thion> yesterday when I did the golden quest I had MY health put to 755 by a troll
[15:57:57] <Lightbringerlord> what does the myth say?
[15:58:08] <Durroth_De`thion> today I'm in reign quest and the trolls health is 755
[15:58:15] <Durroth_De`thion> coincidence? I think not!
[15:58:21] <Durroth_De`thion> Trolls are the key to the truth!
[15:58:30] <Maxwell> I think so.
[15:58:47] <Maxwell> I'm sure you already know who Anna's father is.
[15:58:48] <Lightbringerlord> <Lightbringerlord> who is Anna's father?
[15:58:55] <Lightbringerlord> we do?
[15:58:58] <Lightbringerlord> Damn >.<
[15:59:03] <Lightbringerlord> o
[15:59:05] <Lightbringerlord> *ok
[15:59:07] <Durroth_De`thion> Who is lukes father?
[15:59:17] <Maxwell> Han Solo
[15:59:24] <Lightbringerlord> what does the Cor-dem myth say about the Darkness
[15:59:25] <Lightbringerlord> ?
[15:59:37] <Maxwell> You will have to read it and find out.
[15:59:46] <Lightbringerlord> we'll able to read it?
[16:00:06] <Lightbringerlord> *we'll be
[16:00:23] <Lightbringerlord> If so, please write it in Cor-dem runes:P
[16:00:30] <Maxwell> Wait and see :P
[16:00:36] <Lightbringerlord> I really haven't tested that decoder yet
[16:01:24] <Maxwell> I have to get going in a few.
[16:01:35] <Formerly_Somebody> Why do the Cor-Dem runes correspond with body parts? :O
[16:01:36] <Lightbringerlord> Is Reens still mad at you about the artwork?:D
[16:01:44] <FulcanX> Anybody know a site that has Anime for viewing like youtube?
[16:01:46] <Maxwell> I hope not.
[16:02:11] <Lightbringerlord> why did she delete that anyway? You said you had Galanoth's permisson?
[16:02:14] <Lightbringerlord> *permission
[16:02:21] <Maxwell> Just leave that alone :P
[16:02:25] <Lightbringerlord> :D
[16:03:36] <Lightbringerlord> heya Xforce
[16:03:40] <Maxwell> ALright one more question.
[16:03:44] <Maxwell> Make it a good one
[16:03:45] <Xforce> hey LBL
[16:03:45] <Lightbringerlord> hm
[16:04:15] <Formerly_Somebody> Read any good books lately? :o
[16:04:17] <Lightbringerlord> Is Hope a person like Omega?
[16:04:35] <Maxwell> No, I have not read any good books lately.
[16:04:39] <Maxwell> Good night everyone.
[16:04:40] <Lightbringerlord> >.<
[16:04:41] * Maxwell (TheLast@755.755.755.755) Quit (Vanished: )
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