Never Squeeze A Cor-Dem

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<Maxwell> sorry the order journal updates have been so slow, I will post another one tomorrow
<Marrin> .. i totally forgot that link. :<.:<
<Maxwell> it will be about Atlas's father and his dreams of another world he has all his life, and some info about how Max met Cor-Demi
<GiacomoCasanova> Sounds epic.
<Marrin> Amusing.
<Little_Brown_Box> :O
<Selarep> Was it at a bar? :o
<Maxwell> no
<Selarep> :(
<Maxwell> Cor-Demi has no mouth
<Selarep> XD
<GiacomoCasanova> Then how does he speak?
<Zeltan> >>
<Little_Brown_Box> >.>
<Marrin> ... then how does cor-demi get drunk?
<Zeltan> Thought-speak
<Zeltan> Injecting alchol into bloodstream?
<Marrin> :<.:<
<Isper|out> @Marrin, the same way they eat?
<Marrin> dude it wasnt a serious question.
<Zeltan> They eat?
<GiacomoCasanova> It's like saying your dog doesn't bite. And then wondering how it eats.
<Maxwell> they have no need to eat
<Maxwell> Cor-Dem eat energy
<Maxwell> yummy lightning
<lightbringerlord> lol
<GiacomoCasanova> With or without milk?
<Maxwell> Without I would hope, they have no mouth.
<Selarep> And Maxwell only eat pizza :P
<GiacomoCasanova> Do they have need for calcium for strong bones?
<Maxwell> I guess they can cover themselves in milk and absorb it with their glands...
<GiacomoCasanova> Or are they supported by a system of bladders? Like Kif from Futurama.
<Selarep> Cover themselves? o.0
<Marrin> lmao
<Maxwell> No, they are not supported by a system of bladders.
<Zeltan> Skin eh?
<Selarep> Do they have any excretory system?
<Maxwell> They have bones and skin just no need for a mouth since they do not speak or eat.
<Maxwell> Nope
<Selarep> Respiratory system?
<Maxwell> They dont poop or pee, since all they eat is energy.
<Marrin> ]...
<Selarep> Energy poop. :x
<Durroth|eating> o.O max is here!
<Isper|out> They are 100% efficient?
<Zeltan> Cool
* Durroth|eating is now known as Durroth
<Zeltan> This'll go into the guide
<Marrin> :<.:<
<Maxwell> Well they do actually emit gasses from their glands.. but very small amouunts.
<Zeltan> What?
<Selarep> But seriously, do they have a respiratoty system?
<Zeltan> It's about cor-dem no?
<Maxwell> yes, they do
<Selarep> respiratory*
<Maxwell> they breath like humans do
<Selarep> Ah.
<GiacomoCasanova> So they'd explode in space like everyone else?
<Maxwell> yeah
<Selarep> So...Can they be strangled to death?
<Maxwell> Not many people know this..
* Little_Brown_Box is now known as LBB_Reading_Bonehunters
<Maxwell> But dont ever squeeze a Cor-Dem.
<Dale> XD
<Selarep> XD
<Marrin> ... are they like pimples?
<GiacomoCasanova> But they're 'sho cute!
<Marrin> ... and do they explode into white puses of energy?
<LordBarrius> No, marrin
<Maxwell> Unless you want to die a very painful death..
<Marrin> ... damn.
<LordBarrius> They're like Pikachu.
<Selarep> XD
<Marrin> ... yes. so if you squeeze them they explode into lightning?
<LordBarrius> Squeeze their cheeks and you die.
<Dale> Pikachu?
<GiacomoCasanova> So what is a Cor-Dem death like? Is it like Yoda's death?
<lightbringerlord> Done
<Dale> >_>
<Selarep> But what if they were unconscious? :o
<GiacomoCasanova> Neat!
<Selarep> Speaking of which, do they sleep?
<LBB_Reading_Bonehunters> LB would be the one to talk about squeezing alien cheeks. Today's been weird enough to warrant it. .-.
<Marrin> ... then ill just have to eat a gomu gomu devil fruit
<LordBarrius> ....Selkie, why does *you* asking that question fill me with dread?
<Maxwell> Your mind would turn to mush if you squeeze them, unless you had some sort of helmet protecting you.
<Maxwell> Or if you had no brain, like Fry.
<Maxwell> Because Cor-Demi does not understand English.
<Maxwell> Not all of them do that.
<FulcanRyst> ?sdrawkcab kaeps t'nod eW
<Dale> yo?
<GiacomoCasanova> I'm just saying, how would someone pronounce "Sdrawkcab"
<Dale> Er
<Dale> XD
<Selarep> The red spoke well.
<Maxwell> Would it matter? He could present it as words in your mind's eye for all you know.
<Selarep> red one*
<Maxwell> He is not actually talking anyways.
<Selarep> Cor-Demu, I believe.
<Maxwell> Shes a girl, shes smarter. >>
<Selarep> :<:<
<Selarep> Which brings up the inevitable question from me.
<Selarep> How can you tell if they're female? o.0
<Isper|out> the tail
<FulcanRyst> Tailz.
<Selarep> Ah.
<GiacomoCasanova> Neat.
<Maxwell> and her aura
<Selarep> And...How do they reproduce?
<LordBarrius> ....again Selkie.
<Maxwell> something you cant see
<Selarep> X3
<Maxwell> they dont
<Selarep> Aww...;.;
<Maxwell> when they die they come back
<LordBarrius> Stop asking questions which, from you, sound frightening.
<Selarep> XD
<Selarep> Nu. :P
<LordBarrius> Tell other people to ask them for you, please.
<Genoclysm> Only sound?
<Selarep> XDDD
<Selarep> :3
<Maxwell> of course the Cor-Dem can no longer obtain rebirth since they are not on their home planet
* maieo|shopping|FBgame has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<lightbringerlord> Random question which I really don't think you'll answer correctly: What is 755 besides trinity?
<Maxwell> so they are slowly becoming extinct
<Selarep> "Obtain" rebirth?
<GiacomoCasanova> Cloning mayhaps?
<Zeltan> Nu
<Zeltan> They are like phoenix
<GiacomoCasanova> Damn.
<Maxwell> 755 is a number, that means many many things to many many people
<Zeltan> Die and reborn.
* lightbringerlord headdesks
<lightbringerlord> thanks!
<Selarep> :<.:<
* Zeltan notes he uses 755 too. >>
<Marrin> its 755speak. Its what the l33t cordemi use :-P
<Genoclysm> Food time
<lightbringerlord> + + 1 2 - 5 2 +1 2 -
<lightbringerlord> like that?
<Marrin> ... ill have to write that one down, maxwell. Thats kinda silly
<Zeltan> Anyone logigng this?
<lightbringerlord> as always
<Maxwell> Cor-Demi is just one alien.
<Zeltan> Cos I'm sending it to teh fawxy
<Marrin> .. cordemu.
<Marrin> ... its been a while for me, maxwell. Do forgive my misgnomers.
<Maxwell> I seem to be in a giving mood today, so logging would make sense.
<Zeltan> :p
<Selarep> So if they don't reproduce, then what's the purpose of having two genders?
<Marrin> ... just because they dont now, doesnt mean they once did.
<Zeltan> I'm curious Maxwell, do Exodus reproduce?
<Selarep> Hmm...
<Maxwell> They used to Sel, you have to remember that Cor-Dem are advanced beings, they are pretty much evolved version of Kor-Dem.
<Maxwell> Of course, now that the Kor-Dem are still around, Cor-Dem find them to be useless slaves.
<Selarep> ^_^
<FulcanRyst> Maxwell, are there any agents of The`Galin that are like Metroids?
<Maxwell> You would have to ask The Network that.
<Marrin> Maxwell, as a personal interest, do the Cor-dem and Kor dem have any religious background?
* Brink|Cooking is now known as Brink|Supper
<GiacomoCasanova> Or more importantly, like Daleks?
<Maxwell> Yes, they do have many myths and legends and gods.
* Isper|out points to the Salek in the void.
<GiacomoCasanova> Yes, but I don't think the Salek is quite canon in AQ.
<GiacomoCasanova> No matter how awesome it is.
<Maxwell> I also plan to update the Saleks and make them a real member of the network :P
<Maxwell> If I can get the OK.
<Zeltan> What is Kor-Dem? I keep forgetting about them
<GiacomoCasanova> Yay!
<Selarep> XD
<Marrin> Would it be possible to you know, learn of their religious background, i think it could be pretty cool.
* GiacomoCasanova loves Maxwell.
<Maxwell> Kor-Dem are lesser Cor-Dem.
<Maxwell> The result of failed evolutionary procedures.
<Selarep> So...They're like Caveman Cor-Dem?
<Maxwell> No, they are what the Cor-Dem are suppose to be.
<GiacomoCasanova> It's like Heroes. Except I enjoy this game more. Evolution is successful. And... Everything's different.
<Selarep> So the Cor-Dem are the mutants?
<lightbringerlord> and Vor-dem?
<Maxwell> Evolution is not always a good thing.
<Maxwell> Vor-Dem are the gate keepers, or the warriors of the race.
<FulcanRyst> Evolution turned buff kickass cavement into pussy nerds.
<Selarep> XD
<lightbringerlord> will we kill one someday?
<Selarep> :<.:<
<Maxwell> At one time the Vor and Kor tribes bonded and formed a society.
<Maxwell> They are not the same species, and I doubt you will ever see Vor-Dem in AQ.
<Maxwell> They look alike though, since they are both from the same world.
<GiacomoCasanova> What happened to the society?
<Maxwell> And they did live together.
* Dale summons Maxwell.
<FulcanRyst> Was there any cultural diffusion to other races from the Cor-Dem?
<Selarep> How are the Kor-Dem supposed to be evolutionally superior to the Cor-Dem if they're like lesser Cor-Dem?
<Dale> "Meteor Storm!"
<Maxwell> That was back when there was just Kor and Vor, there was no upper classes of beings.
<GiacomoCasanova> Do they have some sort of caste system?
<Maxwell> it is the other way around..
<Maxwell> Cor-Dem are the top of the food chain
<Selarep> ....
* Selarep is confused. .-.
<GiacomoCasanova> So what are the dominant species in the AQ multiverse?
<FulcanRyst> Moglins.
<Selarep> :<.:<
<Selarep> In the entire multiverse: Gods, if they were a species.
<Maxwell> Well, it is hard to say there are so many races you are unaware of in other worlds.
<GiacomoCasanova> Ah.
<Maxwell> I would have to say the gods though.
<Maxwell> Of course there are more Gods than you are all aware of.
<GiacomoCasanova> So there isn't any sort of "Phoenix" entity?
<Maxwell> You know there are elemental gods, and they are the very top of Lore's food chain I suppose.
* Lyoko has joined #755-TotallyOOC
* Anna sets mode: +v Lyoko
<Zeltan> >>
<Selarep> Hey Lyoko
<Lyoko> Hai.
<Zeltan> Next thing you know, Anna will be Jean Grey >>
<Maxwell> heh.
<GiacomoCasanova> And I'll be Storm.
<Maxwell> Her new costume looks more like Psylocke :P
<FulcanRyst> :o
<FulcanRyst> Hawt.
<Maxwell> [1]
<Maxwell> like that kidna
<GiacomoCasanova> ...
<GiacomoCasanova> Hot.
<Zeltan> Haha
<lightbringerlord> woah!
<Maxwell> Not JUST like that of course :P
<Zeltan> Why doesn't that surprise me XD
<lightbringerlord> XD
<Maxwell> Anyways..
<GiacomoCasanova> Make it an NPC.
<GiacomoCasanova> Please.
<Maxwell> Anna is one of my favorite characters.
<Maxwell> She will be..
<lightbringerlord> a pretty one
<lightbringerlord> hawt?
<Maxwell> But she is taken.
<GiacomoCasanova> Damnit!
<lightbringerlord> ;_;
<LordBarrius> Hm?
<LordBarrius> Oh, Anna's new costume?
<Maxwell> her boyfriends a man with super strength
<lightbringerlord> ORLY?!
<GiacomoCasanova> Well... I'm the lord of time.
<LordBarrius> I dunno....I got a bit of a Raven vibe.
<Maxwell> I am.
<lightbringerlord> I have 200 STR! PASS THAT!
<Maxwell> Yeah, Raven too.
<LordBarrius> Not that that's a bad thing. :P
<FulcanRyst> Raven?
<Maxwell> Starfire is cooler
<FulcanRyst> Like in--
<FulcanRyst> ...
<LordBarrius> Raven's pretty good-looking for a crazy goth chick.
* Durroth mutters something about hollow and wanting to see him wearing a hollow mask
<FulcanRyst> ;_;
<GiacomoCasanova> Especially for a crazy goth chick.
<Maxwell> wow..
<Maxwell> I had to listen to the counting crows for three hours today.
<FulcanRyst> I hate Teen Titans.
* Maxwell cries
<LordBarrius> Hehe. Starfire is cute, but I wouldn't say cooler. ;P
<GiacomoCasanova> I listened to the Beatles for half of the day.
<GiacomoCasanova> Still awesome.
<FulcanRyst> ...But the Beatles own?
<Durroth> Know who beats them ALL? Orihime!
<lightbringerlord> !seen truth
<Anna> truth was last seen online 346 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes ago.
<Maxwell> well the concept was that Morgan's outfit would be like fairchild from Gen-13 and Anna's outfit would be a spoof of Psylocke a bit
<Selarep> :<.>
<Damsel> O_o
<FulcanRyst> !seen lies
<Anna> lies was last seen online 347 days, 3 hours, 9 minutes ago.
<GiacomoCasanova> But more revealing?
<GiacomoCasanova> amirite?
<Maxwell> Anyways, you can ask more questions if you wish.
<Maxwell> I will be going in about ten minutes to eat dinner and watch some Doctor Who.
<Durroth> ooh! I have a question
<lightbringerlord> when will this end?!
<lightbringerlord> :D
<Zeltan> :<Zeltan> I'm curious Maxwell, do Exodus reproduce?
<Selarep> XD
<Durroth> what are the odds we'll ever see Hollow wearing a hollow mask?
<Selarep> Good Zeltan...Good...
<Maxwell> ok.. let me answer all at once
<Maxwell> No, Exodus do not reproduce. Hollow is random, who knows. And this will end when I die.
<Zeltan> Interesting
<Selarep> ;3
<Zeltan> So they can be killed off entirely. Provided every single parts is gone.
<Selarep> Need a hand?
<Maxwell> Right, they can be killed just not very easy to do.
<Maxwell> Since they are not always together at once.
<Durroth> kill them all!
<Durroth> KILL!
<Zeltan> And that we're keeping them as pets and weapons >>
<Maxwell> Like I said, it is very hard to kill the exodus.
<Durroth> no, I have a plan
<Maxwell> They can just regenerate from one left.
<Durroth> I plan to use the one thing Exodus wont expect
<Zeltan> Regenerate?
<Maxwell> And there is always some who hide from combat for that very eason.
<Durroth> because NOBODY expects the spanish inquisition
<lightbringerlord> XD
<Maxwell> They are called lifekeepers, they are just big balls of smoke that float around.
<Zeltan> How do they regenerate? Binary fission?
<Maxwell> It is hard to say, they are not a very understandable race.
<Maxwell> They were created from arcane magic.
[16:10] Lkeas: hey max, did you design the Cor Dem drone pet?
[16:10] Maxwell: ummm no
[16:10] Maxwell: where is that?
[16:10] LordBarrius: DF.
[16:10] Selarep: DF.
[16:10] Lkeas: it looks kinda... not like Cor Dem technology
[16:10] Maxwell: nope
[16:10] Lkeas: compared to the beamships i mean
[16:10] Maxwell: DF kinda took my stuff and never asked me about it :P
[16:10] LordBarrius: Curses.
[16:10] lightbringerlord: XD
[16:10] LordBarrius: I had it....
[16:11] Selarep: XD
[16:11] Lkeas: so the key and the drone don't really relate to the truth saga?
[16:11] Maxwell: the key does, sort of
[16:11] LordBarrius: Need to run a quest to find it again methinks.
[16:11] Maxwell: the drone, nope
[16:11] lightbringerlord: or the reset?
[16:11] Lkeas: ah ok
[16:11] Maxwell: or anything else from it will not have anything to do with the saga
[16:11] Selarep: What about the helmet? :<.:<
[16:11] Lkeas: definitely not the helmet :P
[16:11] Selarep: :P
[16:11] Maxwell: the helmet is the index
[16:11] lightbringerlord: O.o
[16:12] Selarep: XD
[16:12] Lkeas: lol
[16:12] lightbringerlord: oh wait..
[16:12] lightbringerlord: IT is!
[16:12] LordBarrius: Damn! D::<
[16:12] Ness: Wow
[16:12] Lkeas: seriously though. doesn't dr. lae'ula or whatever his name is have it?
[16:12] Maxwell: Too bad it wont fit your head in AQ, it is far too big.
[16:12] Zeltan: XD
[16:12] Selarep: XD
[16:12] Ness: I just read the "Hellseeker" thread and it makes me want to sacrifice puppies to dark gods in hopes that it will further their demise.
[16:13] Selarep: But will it fit Cysero's head? :o
[16:13] Maxwell: I can not say where the index is.
[16:13] lightbringerlord: of course you can't..
[16:13] Maxwell: I can say where it is not.
[16:13] lightbringerlord: that'd blow up the universe
[16:13] lightbringerlord: ok, shoot
[16:13] Maxwell: 52nd street

[16:18] Maxwell: God I am such a nerd.
[16:18] lightbringerlord: nah
[16:18] Maxwell: I like Lost, sue me.
[16:18] lightbringerlord: I like Lost?
[16:18] Ness: I'm a nerd, too, don't worry
[16:18] Zeltan: I like Heroes, counter sue me.
[16:18] Durroth: ban-KAI!
[16:18] lightbringerlord: and so does Azer?
[16:18] Lkeas: so you think we'll see more Lost references in the truth saga?
[16:18] Durroth: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
[16:19] Zeltan: ._.
[16:19] Durroth: ... what did we tell you about talking cy
[16:19] Ness: Maxwell is a die hard fan
[16:19] Ness: Of course we will
[16:19] Cy: Spock is awesome I love Star Trek
[16:19] Durroth: only say smart things
[16:19] FulcanRyst: Great, Cy.
[16:19] Zeltan: Weee....20 days without update
[16:19] FulcanRyst: Don't spam.
[16:19] Maxwell: To be honst there are far too many spoofs in the return fo the order.
[16:19] Durroth: Peh, you cant replace leonard nemoy as spock
[16:19] lightbringerlord: wee.. 365 days of craziness
[16:19] Durroth: I dont suppose any of those spoofs are Bleach spoofs Maxwell?
[16:19] Maxwell: Lost, X-files, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Twilight Zone...
[16:19] Maxwell: Star Fox..
[16:20] Maxwell: a lo
[16:20] FulcanRyst: Star Fox is awesome.
[16:20] Maxwell: lot*
[16:20] * Zeltan drinks his Loremaster Brew
[16:20] Cy: Star fox Rocks
[16:20] * Durroth looks hopeful
[16:20] Lkeas: awesome
[16:20] Ness: Personally, I think spoofs should be left out of Saga related stuff
[16:20] Maxwell: So yeah.. there is one big Lost spoof in the returh I hope you all laugh at, and enjoy.
[16:20] Maxwell: I wont say what it is, but expect it to be big.
[16:20] Lkeas: ^_^
[16:20] Cy: Of course theres a Lost Spoof
[16:20] Zeltan: Provide we know what's the spoof
[16:20] LordBarrius: Do a barrel roll!
[16:20] Zeltan: XD
[16:20] Ness: Because spoofs in Saga stuff make people take it less seriously
[16:20] Cy: Maxwell and Lost go together
[16:21] Maxwell: Who ever said this was serious?
[16:21] Lkeas: don't call them spoofs then, call them "homages"
[16:21] Maxwell: Other than me.

[16:25] Lkeas: anyway. i have a question; when we last talked to Daniel he said he was going to Lore. But what about saving the baby? Are there going to be two Daniels?
[16:25] GiacomoCasanova: Ah.
[16:25] Maxwell: There would be two Daniels yeah.
[16:25] Xforce: could he just go away if you tried that, Zeltan?
[16:25] Zeltan: Oh look that's me.
[16:25] Legault: There's already about 300 Daniels. XD
[16:25] Xforce: teleprot, or something?
[16:25] Lkeas: what's the adult Daniel going to do?
[16:26] Maxwell: He is going to go Lore?
[16:26] Xforce: name one of the younger ones "Jack"
[16:26] Lkeas: but why?
[16:26] Zeltan: Make him stunned
[16:26] Xforce: more of them.
[16:26] Maxwell: to Lore*
[16:26] Xforce: "Check out my Jack Daniels!"
[16:26] GiacomoCasanova: Jack Harkness.
[16:26] Maxwell: Because he said he was going to I suppose.
[16:26] Cy: Thank you jack
[16:26] Selarep: * Legault would comment on Selarep being dragged about by Lyoko, but decides against it.:<--X3
[16:26] Durroth: Xforce, go invent me a zanpakuto and be quiet for a bit
[16:26] Zeltan: Then slice the skull with his telekenitic powah
[16:26] Lkeas: using Atlas's time stick thing?
[16:26] Cy: Make me a Zanpakuto too
[16:26] Lkeas: or is he coming in with the Order?
[16:26] Maxwell: It is not a time stick thing, it is a sonic time stick.
[16:26] Maxwell: STS
[16:27] lightbringerlord: hehe
[16:27] FulcanRyst: Beats and STD
[16:27] Zeltan: ._.
[16:27] Durroth: so its not a device?
[16:27] Zeltan: Maxwell's Sonic time stick
[16:27] FulcanRyst: Sonic Time Drive >_>
[16:27] Lkeas: why is it a "sonic" time stick?
[16:27] * Xforce invents a magical soul-cutter that allows the user to visit 4chan in their mind.
[16:27] * Zeltan spoofs that >_>
[16:27] GiacomoCasanova: Sonic?
[16:27] Maxwell: Maxwell's stick got him into a lot of trouble.
[16:27] GiacomoCasanova: What makes it Sonic?
[16:27] Xforce: here you go!
[16:27] GiacomoCasanova: I'd rather have a Laser Time Drive.
[16:27] LordBarrius: can say that again, Max.
[16:27] Xforce: It won't drive you insane!
[16:27] Xforce: honest!
[16:27] Maxwell: It is sonic because it is sonic.
[16:27] Maxwell: It glows blue.. that makes it sonic.
[16:27] Durroth: Is it supersonic?
[16:28] Lkeas: er, ok.
[16:28] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: XP
[16:28] GiacomoCasanova: I have a Laser Time Drive.
[16:28] Maxwell: Enough questions about how it works, he did not make it he just uses it.
[16:28] LordBarrius: Oh, come on.
[16:28] GiacomoCasanova: Who'd have Sonic? >:)
[16:28] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: Is it spiney, Maxwell? :O
[16:28] Maxwell: It came to him in a dream, and he forgot about it in another dream.
[16:28] LordBarrius: XD
[16:28] LordBarrius: Like Farnswarthy?
[16:28] Maxwell: Good news everyone.
[16:29] Cy: FUTURAMA
[16:29] Selarep: XD
[16:29] Cy: XD
[16:29] Cy: i love Futurama.
[16:29] GiacomoCasanova: Good news everyone! The station that cancelled us has been fired for incompetence.
[16:29] Maxwell: Any more questions for the writer of this mess we call the saga?
[16:30] FulcanRyst: Where do babies come from?
[16:30] LordBarrius: Lkeas: In regards to the STS.....[19:19:06] <Maxwell> To be honst there are far too many spoofs in the return fo the order. :<--- He wasn't just saying that. :P
[16:30] Maxwell: Ask your mother.
[16:30] Lkeas: are the avatars actually awakened now, or was that cutscene at the temple just a vision of the future?
[16:30] Genoclysm: I have one.
[16:30] GiacomoCasanova: Where'd my mother come from?
[16:30] Zeltan: ._.
[16:30] Genoclysm: Why do we want to go to Outland?
[16:30] Maxwell: Ask her mother.
[16:30] Lyoko: You mother's mother
[16:30] Lyoko: :P
[16:30] Lyoko: *your
[16:30] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: Of COURSE he answers the stupid questions. :P
[16:31] Maxwell: They are awake, they are just sleeping.
[16:31] lightbringerlord: ...
[16:31] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: >.>
[16:31] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: So...
[16:31] Maxwell: I am kidding, they are awake.
[16:31] LordBarrius: Damn you Maxwell, now I'm listening to the Teen Titans theme.
[16:31] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: The Avatars are taking a catnap?
[16:31] GiacomoCasanova: Nicky!
[16:31] Lkeas: so what does that mean?
[16:31] lightbringerlord: Finally!
[16:31] Lkeas: what are we supposed to do with them now?
[16:31] * Selarep laughs at the moment when his brother told him about "where babies come from" and he was grossed out about it
[16:31] Maxwell: It means they can use their powers freely.
[16:31] Lkeas: what power?
[16:31] Legault: ...
[16:31] Lkeas: *powers
[16:31] GiacomoCasanova: I found out where babies come from myself.
[16:31] Maxwell: And they are aware of being a host.
[16:31] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: :O
[16:31] GiacomoCasanova: 'Bout the age of 8.
[16:31] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: Oh.
[16:32] GiacomoCasanova: It just seemed to make sense.
[16:32] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: So, does that mean we'll be seeing them doing stuff now?
[16:32] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: Like blowing up mountains with the power of their MINDS? :O
[16:32] LordBarrius: ....
[16:32] Lkeas: ...
[16:32] Maxwell: No
[16:32] lightbringerlord: ...
[16:32] Nick: That'd be kinda cool
[16:32] GiacomoCasanova: Indeed.
[16:32] Insanity_Incarnated: And shaking pencils with the power of their hands?
[16:32] Maxwell: dot dot dot
[16:32] LordBarrius: No, only I can get away with that. And only when I have dynamite.
[16:32] * GiacomoCasanova smokes corncob pipe.
[16:32] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: My approval rating just dropped by...
[16:32] Nick: Popcorn?
[16:32] * LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum counts the dots.
[16:33] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: 10!
[16:33] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: :D
[16:33] GiacomoCasanova: Yes.
[16:33] Zeltan: ....
[16:33] LordBarrius: Your approval rating is tanking faster than Bush's.
[16:33] Lkeas: is the Order going to be interacting with the Avatars?
[16:33] * Selarep laughs mostly at the fact that he used to be grossed out by smex. XD
[16:33] Lkeas: i mean considering Anna, i'd assume yes?
[16:33] Maxwell: I'm sure they will cross paths.
[16:33] LBB_AFK_Ad_Nauseum: Will there be witty banter? :O
[16:33] Insanity_Incarnated: This Bugs in the Beach quest is so much mor efun when you actually know what the hell they are talking about :p
[16:33] Selarep: Noone would want a nice, nonpervy Sel, though. :P
[16:34] Maxwell: I would want that.
[16:34] Selarep: >:@
[16:34] Legault: I wonder if Anna lost that that tacky sense of clothing.
[16:34] Selarep: Then go back in time with your stick.
[16:34] Insanity_Incarnated: I would like a damburgar.
[16:34] Selarep: :P
[16:34] Maxwell: It was the style at the time.
[16:34] LordBarrius: That depends Leggy
[16:34] GiacomoCasanova: You have a sick mind!
[16:34] * Selarep doesn't give a dam
[16:34] Selarep: :P
[16:34] LordBarrius: Do YOU like Raven?
[16:34] Maxwell: Maxwell's daughter dresses like Anna did when she was a kid.
[16:35] Little_Brown_Box: So, Maxwell, what kinda ubar hax can we expect now that the Avatars are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
[16:35] Maxwell: So if anyone liked Anna's outfit well I kinda kept it around.
[16:35] Nick: I like the russian titan >.>
[16:35] GiacomoCasanova: Furries?
[16:35] Legault: Erm... Which Raven?
[16:35] Insanity_Incarnated: I liked her clothes.
[16:35] Insanity_Incarnated: And the new Maxwell is so über.
[16:35] Maxwell: Of course Emmmas clothing is far mroe awesome.
[16:35] Insanity_Incarnated: He is what again? 60?
[16:35] LordBarrius: Haha. XD
[16:35] Lkeas: i hope people will stop thinking the black moon is Omega now
[16:35] Maxwell: He is 373.
[16:36] Little_Brown_Box: Why would they do that, Lkeas?
[16:36] LordBarrius: What, you mean the moon can't manifest itself on the planet's surface? o:
[16:36] Insanity_Incarnated: Nah, he is 755 years old!
[16:36] Little_Brown_Box: That Brilhado was OBVIOUSLY talking to the sky! 8U
[16:36] Lkeas: ...
[16:36] Lkeas: >_:<
[16:36] Maxwell: No, he is really 373.
[16:36] lightbringerlord: XD
[16:36] GiacomoCasanova: DX
[16:36] Maxwell: He appears to be in his 50s though.
[16:36] Lkeas: oh hey Max, maybe you can answer that question too; where is the black moon located?
[16:36] Cy: I still see the moon coming down on lore
[16:37] Insanity_Incarnated: Okay, I got a new theory, I think the VOID is Omega!
[16:37] lightbringerlord: wasn't that red?
[16:37] Maxwell: the black moon is near Lore
[16:37] Lkeas: is it orbiting Lore?
[16:37] Maxwell: If you mean the Omega Moon
[16:37] Zeltan: o/
[16:37] Lkeas: :o
[16:37] lightbringerlord: O.O
[16:37] GiacomoCasanova: Neat.
[16:37] Cy: and our characters wearing Green Tunic and stopping it in 3 days with dudes with long legs green beards small eyes and long arm and no body 4 dudes actually
[16:37] Lkeas: the one that lit up when the beacon hit it.
[16:37] Zeltan: He's really talking to the moon!
[16:37] lightbringerlord: The moon!
[16:37] Maxwell: Yeah, that moon is floating around Lore.
[16:37] Zeltan: M-O-O-N that's how you spell moon.
[16:37] LordBarrius: Oh, fun.
[16:37] Lkeas: why is it called the Omega moon?
[16:37] Cy: I still see the moon coming down on lore
[16:38] Little_Brown_Box: Shouldn't it be messing with tides and crap?
[16:38] Cy: and our characters wearing Green Tunic and stopping it in 3 days with dudes with long legs green beards small eyes and long arm and no body 4 dudes actually
[16:38] Insanity_Incarnated: Its coming to Lore. We got to awake the 9th element, Lilu, who will shoot a beam out of its mouth and destroy it.
[16:38] Little_Brown_Box: Lore should be one giant hurricane. XD
[16:38] * GiacomoCasanova goes into fetal position chanting, "Three days... Three days..."
[16:38] Insanity_Incarnated: And ablue lady will sing Opera.
[16:38] Lkeas: psst, LBB... what about that almost black hole sitting in Paxia?
[16:38] Maxwell: It is inbetween time and space, it can also be seen in the outland realm.
[16:38] Little_Brown_Box: Pfft.
[16:38] lightbringerlord: hmm
[16:38] Lkeas: so Omega has something to do with the Outland?
[16:38] Little_Brown_Box: That's a psuedo-singularity event, Lkeas.
[16:39] Maxwell: No... Lore is just a bit broken so somethings cross over into Outland.
[16:39] Little_Brown_Box: Logic doesn't apply. 8U
[16:39] lightbringerlord: that moon at isle d'oriens has nothing to do with this right?
[16:39] GiacomoCasanova: Shouldn't we all die if we see a Black Hole?
[16:39] Maxwell: It is an almost black hole.
[16:39] Maxwell: and it is fine
[16:39] GiacomoCasanova: "Almost" meaning... ?
[16:39] Little_Brown_Box: It has an ubar gold ring around it.
[16:39] Maxwell: meaning it is almost deadly
[16:39] Little_Brown_Box: It's TOTALLY under control! 8U
[16:39] Maxwell: yeah, it will never break and consume everything
[16:39] Maxwell: that would be silly
[16:40] GiacomoCasanova: Of course.
[16:40] Insanity_Incarnated: We should buy a playground over it so kids can play.
[16:40] Little_Brown_Box: So, if it's an almost black hole, does that make it, like, a navy blue hole, or a dark gray hole? :O
[16:40] Lkeas: how come the moon can be seen from both Lore and the Outland? is it situated near the portal?
[16:40] Maxwell: It appears to be very dark gray.
[16:40] Maxwell: No, it is like I said some things bleed over.
[16:40] Insanity_Incarnated: ZOMG, blood!
[16:40] Maxwell: A bit like ghosts.
[16:41] GiacomoCasanova: Like the rift in time and space located in Cardiff!
[16:41] Little_Brown_Box: Does the bleedover effect have to do with mass or density? Or magical power n'stuff? :O
[16:41] Maxwell: Yeah, sort of.
[16:41] Maxwell: It has to do with the moon being the Omega Moon I suppose.
[16:41] Maxwell: All that really matters is that it can be seen in both worlds at the same time.
[16:41] Maxwell: Who knows who else can see it.
[16:41] Legault: ... What, the Gran. Moon is Omega Moon? >>
[16:42] lightbringerlord: ahem
[16:42] lightbringerlord: :<lightbringerlord> that moon at isle d'oriens has nothing to do with this right?
[16:42] Maxwell: That is what the Cor-Dem call it.. and as you know I speak fro the Cor-Dem before the humans since they are my side of the story.
[16:42] Maxwell: for*
[16:42] Genoclysm: Legault, the Granemor moon is NOT the Omega Moon.
[16:43] Maxwell: No, that is not the Omega Moon.
[16:43] lightbringerlord: oh good
[16:43] Maxwell: Anyways, any more questions?
[16:43] LordBarrius: Hm....returning to the Avatar....what exactly *will* they do now that their powers are awakened? Are they meant to stop the Manifestation, or to stop Omega, or...?
[16:43] Genoclysm: Yes, what incintive do we have to go to Outland?
[16:43] lightbringerlord: why does the annunaki have outfashined robes?
[16:43] Little_Brown_Box: So, Maxwell, what kinda ubar hax can we expect now that the Avatars are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
[16:43] Zeltan: ._.
[16:43] GiacomoCasanova: Furry Power!
[16:44] Maxwell: Because the white rabbit told you to.
[16:44] Cy: Tell me you havent wanted to do that to Kirby?
[16:44] Insanity_Incarnated: Stop the Manifestation and Stop Omega isin't kinda the same? :<_:<
[16:44] Maxwell: So.. I would listen to the white rabbit and just do it.
[16:45] Maxwell: I'm sure she has a good reason.
[16:45] Lkeas: which one is the white rabbit again?
[16:45] Little_Brown_Box: Why do all these people keep telling us to do random things without telling us how or why? ;_;
[16:45] GiacomoCasanova: The rabbit told me to destroy the school sewer pipes.
[16:45] FulcanRyst: Goodbye.
[16:45] GiacomoCasanova: Then it told me to burn down the motivational speaker's house.
[16:45] Maxwell: That was the other rabbit.
[16:45] Genoclysm: And there's no chance of the White Rabbit secretly out to get us?
[16:45] Zeltan: Mhm
[16:45] Maxwell: The gray almost white rabbit.
[16:46] Lkeas: which daughter is the white rabbit?
[16:46] GiacomoCasanova: Oh. Damnit! Frank lied to me again.
[16:46] Maxwell: I cant say which daughter.
[16:46] Zeltan: Hmm
[16:46] Zeltan: 12 more hours
[16:46] Maxwell: But I can tell you this Emma is with Maxwell.
[16:46] Selarep: Bunnies? :D
[16:46] Lkeas: hmm
[16:47] Insanity_Incarnated: Wich Maxwell?
[16:47] Maxwell: The "real" one.
[16:48] Little_Brown_Box: Why does Truth have the universe's worst case of pinkeye?
[16:48] Maxwell: Because he has glowind red eyes?
[16:48] Maxwell: glowing*
[16:48] Little_Brown_Box: Yeah, but WHY?
[16:48] Maxwell: Because he does.
[16:48] Maxwell: Why do you not?
[16:48] Insanity_Incarnated: They look cool?
[16:49] Little_Brown_Box: Because I'm not old enough for the surgery. ;_;
[16:49] Insanity_Incarnated: My AQ char has red eyes too >_>
[16:49] Lkeas: are there still going to be just 5 forsaken?
[16:49] Maxwell: There are more than five...
[16:49] Lkeas: but what about the pentagram?
[16:49] Maxwell: I mean, it happens all the time.
[16:50] Maxwell: Perhaps that means something else.
[16:50] Maxwell: Maybe not though.
[16:50] Lkeas: does it have to do with this list?
[16:50] Lkeas:
[16:50] Little_Brown_Box: <&Maxwell> I mean, it happens all the time. :<--Do they do this just to confuse us? It sure seems like it. :/
[16:50] LordBarrius: The pentagram is a symbol, I'd think. Not so much how many Forsaken exist, as it is just a symbol.
[16:51] Insanity_Incarnated: Makissar? Truth left him before he died?
[16:51] Lkeas: "[13:43] :<Maxwell> You could consider The Mark of Seven to sound very much like the Mark of Five, the pentagram that represents the Forsaken."
[16:51] Lkeas: why would a pentagram represent the Forsaken, though?
[16:51] Maxwell: You all record so much, your right there are five Forsaken planned to die for a eason.
[16:51] Lkeas: hmm
[16:51] Maxwell: And that list is five people.
[16:52] Lkeas: but Truth could be many people
[16:52] Cy: Praise Hojo
[16:52] Maxwell: But one is already dead, and the other is not born yet.
[16:52] Little_Brown_Box: Are they all Forsaken at present? Or are some of them, like, pending? :O
[16:52] Lkeas: and wasn't Makkisar one of them?
[16:52] Insanity_Incarnated: For the come back of the one winged angel!
[16:52] Zeltan: Dead?
[16:52] Zeltan: K----- ?
[16:52] Maxwell: ten minutes
[16:53] Little_Brown_Box: Is there a way to know them by sight?
[16:53] Zeltan: I mean, Maxwell's wife
[16:53] Little_Brown_Box: Like, do they glow green or summat?
[16:53] Zeltan: ._.
[16:53] Maxwell: Know who by sight?
[16:54] Little_Brown_Box: The Forsaken. >.>
[16:54] Zeltan: I think not
[16:54] Insanity_Incarnated: Death can.
[16:54] Maxwell: There are signs once they are Forsaken, but not before.
[16:54] Zeltan: Since Riona doesn't have a giant billboard over her head that says "I'mah forsaken"
[16:54] Lkeas: lol
[16:54] Maxwell: She did show signs though.
[16:54] Insanity_Incarnated: She is not forsaken anymore :<_:<
[16:54] Zeltan: When we first met her >>
[16:55] Little_Brown_Box: She had a hood fetish.
[16:55] Maxwell: She hid herself, she was a bit pale, she was running and never still.
[16:55] Little_Brown_Box: What with the cloak and all. :P
[16:55] Zeltan: Plus, Lkeas can give Riona a run for her money as Profet
[16:55] Insanity_Incarnated: I rememeber the awe "ZOMG, the prophet!"
[16:55] Lkeas: psh
[16:55] Little_Brown_Box: Oh, ZING. They hide themselves. :O
[16:55] * Selarep heard the word "fetish" :D
[16:55] Zeltan: Rionacantseedeadpeople
[16:55] * Selarep notes that LBB got him started again :o
[16:55] Zeltan: ...
[16:55] * Zeltan stabs Selarep
[16:56] Lkeas: well i hope they become forsaken for a good reason
[16:56] * Selarep licks said stabby thing.
[16:56] Maxwell: Another trait in being Forsaken is the power to never die from a mortal would or disease.
[16:56] * Zeltan orders a Sackelberry & Berry-O Parfait
[16:56] Maxwell: A Forsaken can last as long as they can carry the pain and suffering with them.
[16:56] * Selarep shoves said parfait down Zel's throat.
[16:56] Little_Brown_Box: So, you could carve a Forsaken's heart out, and it wouldn't die? >.>
[16:56] * Zeltan dodges
[16:56] Maxwell: They will always be hunted, and they will never find rest.
[16:56] Maxwell: They must always be moving, running from their fate.
[16:56] Lkeas: but the Anunnaki, they'll eventually die, right?
[16:57] Lkeas: unless they find a new host?
[16:57] Maxwell: right
[16:57] Lkeas: so did these 5 become forsaken in order to try to kill their Anunnaki, or in order to let the Anunnaki find a new host?
[16:57] Maxwell: a Forsaken is a gift, and a curse your nothing more than a shell
[16:57] Zeltan: anywho, I must be off
[16:57] Maxwell: I will not say why or who they are, sorry.
[16:58] Lkeas: ok
[16:58] Maxwell: one more question and I should be going
[16:58] Selarep: Byez Zel
[16:58] Zeltan: Ciao
[16:58] Zeltan: >>
[16:58] Genoclysm: Bye
[16:58] Legault: So they're immortal until they're crushed by their own emotions?
[16:58] Lkeas: see ya Zel
[16:58] Zeltan: 3 :o
[16:58] Selarep: 3 people...
[16:58] Zeltan: Come on D::<
[16:58] Legault: See ya.
[16:59] Selarep: XD
[16:59] Selarep: 4 :o
[16:59] Maxwell: They are immortal until their body kills them, or lets it.
[16:59] Zeltan: Nuuuu, I failed
[16:59] Selarep: XD
[16:59] * Selarep patpats
[16:59] Lkeas: goodbyes are usually less than hellos
[16:59] Little_Brown_Box: Bye Zel. :O
[16:59] Lkeas: i rarely get more than 3 goodbyes ;)
[16:59] Lyoko: Liez
[16:59] * Selarep notes that we're all really nerds anyway ^^
[16:59] Maxwell: Only one Forsaken has ever lived a full life.
[16:59] Little_Brown_Box: You log out too fast. D::<
[16:59] *** Zeltan has signed off IRC (Awoke: D: I was that close to qualify for a Popular. LBB's too late).
[16:59] Selarep: XD
[16:59] Maxwell: Of course, he is a special case.
[17:00] Lkeas: hmmm
[17:00] Little_Brown_Box: Dude, gender-specific pronoun ftw! :O
[17:00] Lkeas: do they all become Forsaken at the same time?
[17:00] Maxwell: Since he contains trace amounts of Truth, he will never really die even without a soul.
[17:00] Maxwell: Good night.
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