The Harbinger Identified

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Revision as of 08:09, 21 August 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[20:48:40] * Falerin ( has joined #darkabode
[20:48:41] * Abode sets mode: +qo Falerin Falerin
[20:48:42] * Macer ( has joined #darkabode
[20:48:42] * Abode sets mode: +v Macer
[20:50:27] <NhoxTheDivided> ( Welcome back falerin.
[20:50:28] <NhoxTheDivided> )
[20:51:23] * Fiona nods. "I guess..."
[20:51:54] * Brink grumbles "If only they were Tai-Si tea... things would be so much easier."
[20:52:57] * Necro ( has joined #darkabode
[20:53:01] <Brink> "But alas... I'm stuck with sugar water and a bay leaf..."
[20:53:09] <Brink> Actaully tree bark
[20:54:54] <>Ambiance<> There is the sound of bells tinkling and a flask containing a greenish amber liquid appears at Brink's feet
[20:55:16] * NhoxTheDivided widens his eyes slightly in interest.
[20:56:05] * Brink looks down at the flask "Hmm?"
[20:56:11] * Fiona looks up. "Ah... I only know how to make herba- Huh?" She glances inquistively at the liquid.
[20:56:23] <NhoxTheDivided> "I would love a bottle of iced lemon tea."
[20:57:16] <Brink> Quite... new...
[20:58:36] <>Ambiance<> There is the sound of bells tinkling and a smalll plastic bottle ( [1] ) appears at Nhox's feet
[20:58:56] * NhoxTheDivided picks up the bottle, and examines it, "Most... interesting..."
[20:58:57] <Durroth> thats just plain weird and has never happened before
[20:59:35] * Brink picks the flask up, jiggling it slightly.
[20:59:36] * NhoxTheDivided unscrews the lid, and sips it.
[21:00:34] * maieo ( has joined #darkabode
[21:00:34] * Abode sets mode: +v maieo
[21:01:02] * NhoxTheDivided lowers the bottle from his mouth, "Tastes like... tea and lemonade... peculiar."
[21:01:30] <NhoxTheDivided> "And you said this does not usually happen?"
[21:01:31] * Cy-08 ( has joined #darkabode
[21:01:57] * Brink sniffs his "By gods... it's Tai-Si...."
[21:02:09] * Brink takes a sip "Rather good grade too."
[21:02:13] * Val|Dinner is now known as Val|Lurking
[21:02:46] <>Ambiance<> A figure steps out of the shadows
[21:02:52] * Selarep-work ( Quit (Vanished: �)
[21:02:59] * NhoxTheDivided glances at the figure.
[21:03:21] * Cy-08 . the android stands up its green eyes scanning the figure.
[21:03:29] * LordBarrius stretches a bit on the couch and casts a glance around the room. His eyes halt on the figure.
[21:03:55] <>Ambiance<> The figure seems to be composed of the very shadow from which it has steeped out its figures undiscernable and unclear
[21:04:45] <NhoxTheDivided> "A being of shadow...? That seems odd."
[21:04:47] * Fiona glances up at the figure. "An... Exodus?"
[21:04:50] * Brink examines it, soon hwoever, he vanishes, mumbling something about gods and tea again.
[21:04:52] * Brink (ashoup1@9B92D004.2D4D6190.184804C.IP) Quit (Interred: �)
[21:06:09] <>Ambiance<> The man one minute walking out of the bathroom the next falling onto a body
[21:06:27] <NhoxTheDivided> ( What? )
[21:07:03] <NhoxTheDivided> ( i'm sorry, could you rephrase, please? )
[21:07:03] * LordBarrius frowns a bit. "Shadow beings are not so odd, such can be created at least in puppet form....sentient ones are another matter entire." He stands slowly to observe the figure more closely, his interests peaked.
[21:07:48] * Cy-08 looks at the shadow figure "Substance: Unknown Need Further Analysis. Heartrate: None Visible. Brain Waves: None Visible." he scans the body "Pulse: None Visible at current time. Brain Waves: None Visible At Current Time. Heartrate: None visible at current time."
[21:08:27] * NhoxTheDivided glances at Cy-08 from the corner of his eye and thinks to himself: 'Great, robots. I HATE robots.'
[21:09:03] * Cy-08 looks at Nhox "I'm offended. I am not a robot I am an Android."
[21:09:23] <NhoxTheDivided> ( Cy-08 could not have heard that, because Nhox thought it. )
[21:10:03] <Cy-08> ( He is very advanced he can read your brain waves and tell what you are thinking to some extent.)
[21:10:10] <NhoxTheDivided> ( Bull. )
[21:10:15] <NhoxTheDivided> ( It's god modding. )
[21:10:35] <Cy-08> (Sorry I'm new here. )
[21:10:47] <NhoxTheDivided> ( It's alright. Just don't read minds. )
[21:11:09] <Cy-08> (Okay Sir!)
[21:11:15] * Figure turns to the android
[21:11:18] <NhoxTheDivided> ( Call me Fulcan. Sir doesn't seem right.)
[21:11:37] <Fiona> ((XD))
[21:12:04] * NhoxTheDivided observes whilst sipping on his teanade.
[21:12:06] <Figure> You and I are one
[21:12:46] * Cy-08 stares at the figure confused "How are we one? I do not understand your meaning."
[21:13:33] <Figure> sends out a tendril of shadow and then sinks into the shadow at his feet rising up again from the Shadow at the far end of the tendril having crossed the room entirely in one fluid movement
[21:13:45] <Durroth> ...peculiar
[21:14:02] <Figure> One source but I have been liberated
[21:14:09] * NhoxTheDivided turns his head to look at the figure.
[21:14:45] <NhoxTheDivided> "Are you the donor of this fine beverage, O figure of shadows?"
[21:14:50] <Figure> I am the Harbringer of Forever the Scion of Shadow the portent of ill omen
[21:15:16] <Figure> And yes I am the source of your plenty. I acquired it otherwhere
[21:15:32] <NhoxTheDivided> "You have my thanks, Harbringer of Forever."
[21:15:49] * LordBarrius observes the figure with the utmost curiousity. "And what news or omens do you bring, then?"
[21:15:56] * Cy-08 quickly turns to stare at the figure "Source? Liberated? You are not making sense. Harbringer of Forever? Scion of Shadow? I was created by Dr. Geo`Crae."
[21:16:30] <Figure> Call me Fulcan. Sir doesn't seem right.
[21:16:41] <NhoxTheDivided> "...come again?"
[21:16:59] <Figure> I see through the barrier of illusion
[21:17:02] <NhoxTheDivided> "You are Fulcan?"
[21:17:14] * Cy-08 saves the figures name "Very well Fulcan. Why are you here?"
[21:17:17] <Figure> I know what is and has been and is to come
[21:17:34] <Figure> I am the shadow. The shadow and I are one.
[21:17:43] <Figure> We are everywhere. We are everywhen
[21:17:48] <Durroth> he doesnt look like fulcan, or sound like him
[21:17:49] <Figure> We are the created uncreated
[21:18:05] <Durroth> and he has no wings
[21:18:13] <Figure> Fulcan's wings are RED!
[21:18:21] <Durroth> ... ok, hes fulcan
[21:18:24] <Figure> My wings are shadow
[21:18:25] <NhoxTheDivided> ( XD Fal. <3 )
[21:18:31] <NhoxTheDivided> "So you are not Ryst?"
[21:18:49] <Figure> You can call me many names. I have been called them all...
[21:18:52] <Cy-08> "Tell us what is to come Fulcan."
[21:19:08] <Figure> I am not called fulcan. I was echjoing voices of another when
[21:19:09] <Durroth> he doesnt appear to be, but fulcan got absorbed by that rasa thing didnt he?
[21:19:19] <NhoxTheDivided> "Thought not."
[21:19:25] <NhoxTheDivided> "What have you, Shadow?"
[21:19:26] <Figure> I out rank him regardless
[21:19:30] <Figure> I always did
[21:19:36] * Dale (Dale@XD.XD.XD) has joined #darkabode
[21:19:37] * Abode sets mode: +v Dale
[21:19:46] <Figure> I am the shadow manifest
[21:19:51] <NhoxTheDivided> "Outrank him in what?"
[21:19:55] <Cy-08> "Then What is your True Name. My True Name is Cy-Alpha-08. Cy for short."
[21:20:05] <Figure> I have been called at times by the name of the Great beast of the Sea
[21:20:16] <NhoxTheDivided> "Kraken?"
[21:20:18] <Dale> ... Leviathan?
[21:20:19] <Durroth> Leviathan
[21:20:21] <NhoxTheDivided> ( WES! D:< )
[21:20:24] * LordBarrius frowns suddenly, thinking back. "Shadow manifest...." His eyes narrow to slits. "Wes."
[21:20:41] <Durroth> Wes
[21:20:46] * Damsel quietly walks in from the kitchen but does not move far into the room past the doorway.
[21:20:48] <Figure> Your astute observation is less then fast Barrius
[21:20:50] <NhoxTheDivided> "Wes? There is no beast of the sea called 'Wes.'"
[21:21:18] <LordBarrius> "I have not been known for my speed. But that is besides the point. Why are you here?"
[21:21:41] * Cy-08 searches through his banks but finds no records of a Wes, Kraken, or Leviathan. "No Records found for any of the listed names."
[21:21:43] <Figure> You were quite thankful for my aid recently enought Brother
[21:22:12] <Figure> I warned you of Giliara's fate
[21:22:20] <Figure> Little good it did you
[21:22:38] <LordBarrius> "....I see. So the two were one, then. Foolish for me to think otherwise."
[21:22:45] <Figure> I delivered to you the words of the prophecy. Little good did you heed them
[21:23:00] * NhoxTheDivided observes silently.
[21:23:11] * LBB_Homework is now known as Little_Brown_Box
[21:23:32] <Dale> "Speaking of.. Why are you here, anyways?"
[21:23:47] <Figure> Because my origination has returned
[21:24:02] <Figure> And I find the matter most interesting indeed
[21:24:03] * LordBarrius blinks in surprise. "Hm?"
[21:24:05] <Dale> "You've lost me already."
[21:24:09] * Little_Brown_Box edges out of the kitchen, where it had been rattling around in until just about when it edged out. It scampers across the floor with much silent aplomb, and takes refuge under a couch.
[21:24:24] <Cy-08> "Origination?"
[21:24:48] <Figure> "My original Dhe Ehmn apparently has decided to turn his favor in your direction again"
[21:25:47] * lightbringerlord (lightbring@4B5E10F3.5F440042.503335DB.IP) has joined #darkabode
[21:25:47] * Abode sets mode: +v lightbringerlord
[21:25:47] * Cy-08 searches his records for Dhe Ehmn "Unknown Words Dhe Ehmn."
[21:26:08] <Fiona> "... Creator of Creators."
[21:26:30] <Figure> Your knowledge or lack thereof is irrelevant Android. We are none the less from the same origination
[21:26:35] <Dale> "What do you mean? Your "Dhe Ehmn? I know what it is, but what of yours?"
[21:26:57] <Figure> In another time we would have shared the soul bond
[21:26:59] <Cy-08> "I was created by Dr. Geo`Crae"
[21:27:19] <Figure> Who created Dr. Geo Crae pray tell?
[21:27:33] * LordBarrius tilts his head at Cy-08, though still addressing the figure. "An analog, then?"
[21:27:49] <Figure> Yes the android is my analog
[21:27:55] <Figure> After a sort
[21:28:01] <Little_Brown_Box> Bah.
[21:28:12] <Little_Brown_Box> Bah hymnbug.
[21:28:19] <Figure> I have moved beyond him
[21:28:25] <NhoxTheDivided> ( Wes? z0mg! )
[21:28:35] <NhoxTheDivided> ( LIek, hi! )
[21:30:19] <Cy-08> "Dr. Geo`Crae. Born: Samuel Geo`Crae. Father: Wesley Geo`Crae. Mother: Lucielle Cradamos. Lived a life of poverty until He created an invention at age 13 the first Sentient robot. created copies of these robots and sold them, which got his family out of poverty. continued his life creating robots androids."
[21:30:39] <Falerin> Creative highly linear
[21:30:48] <Falerin> That is not however what the Harbringer meant at all
[21:30:58] <Falerin> It's not as if you did not know that of course
[21:31:33] * NhoxTheDivided wisps away, dropping the bottle of lemotea in a trash bin as he does so.
[21:32:08] <Little_Brown_Box> All this talk of androids and analogs has me hankering for something more streamlined. It's getting a bit unweildly in this discussion.
[21:32:17] * Geno|college| is now known as Genoclysm
[21:32:45] * Elaith ( has joined #darkabode
[21:32:46] <Cy-08> (True. sorry I moved and wanted to pop in and say Hi. Kill me if you wish. I evaded an Akill which is bad and I am sorry for that Sir.)
[21:33:01] * Abode sets mode: +ao Elaith Elaith
[21:33:04] <NhoxTheDivided> ( D: )
[21:33:39] * BlakKat ( has joined #darkabode
[21:34:11] <Cy-08> (but if you noticed my rp style has changed and so have my manners. you guys didnt even know it was me till Falerin mentioned it. I wasnt trying to trick you guys. I was just trying to start over.)
[21:34:21] * BlakKat appears in a whirlwind of flames, causing several fires that dissipate quickly.
[21:34:53] <NhoxTheDivided> ( I think you should stay, but you DID evade a gline, so I'm not going to push it. That's just my personal opinion. )
[21:35:06] * RoD|HallMeeting is now known as RoninOfDreams
[21:35:13] <Dale> (I'd take the fact you haven't been reakilled to be a good thing. You've changed, and we've noticed, I'd really have no problem with you staying, but sadly it's not my decision to make.)
[21:35:30] <LordBarrius> ((I did know, actually, but that's irrelevant. And let's use the OOC for extended disc please.))
[21:35:42] * lightbringerlord (lightbring@4B5E10F3.5F440042.503335DB.IP) Quit (Distracted: CaelIRC Webchat�)
[21:36:08] * NhoxTheDivided ( Quit (Interred: Chicka-wha?�)
[21:42:08] * Fiona just sits and remains silent, having absolutally no clue what is happening.
[21:44:49] <Harbiringer> I stopped being Wes 2000 years ago
[21:45:05] <Harbiringer> Let us see if our Dhe Ehmn has moved on as well
[21:45:39] * Harbringer fades into the shadow
[21:45:57] <Little_Brown_Box> Was it just me, or was that mildly portentious?
[21:46:08] <Durroth> mildly
[21:46:20] <Little_Brown_Box> Eh, okay then.
[21:47:58] * Necro ( has left #darkabode
[21:48:04] * BlakKat pokes the Box carefully.
[21:48:34] * LordBarrius glances into the shadows where the figure vanished and almost smiles. "Interesting." He then resumes his seat in silence, pondering a bit.
[21:48:50] * Little_Brown_Box pokes the Kat back.
[21:48:57] * Little_Brown_Box also smells horrific.
[21:49:26] * Cy-08 takes a seat "Dhee Ehmn... Someone tell me who this Wes is."
[21:50:16] <Falerin> It would be too complicated
[21:50:25] <Falerin> Worry about other issues for the moment
[21:50:33] * Falerin looks arround and frowns
[21:50:41] <Little_Brown_Box> Too many varying tiers of existance to comprehend? Or just indigestion.
[21:50:46] <Falerin> I just cannot stay here right now
[21:50:49] <Falerin> things are far too recent
[21:50:51] * Falerin vanishes
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