Maxwell Dodges

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[13:49] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[13:49] *** Mode change "+ao Maxwell Maxwell" for channel #755 by Epsilon.
[13:49] Lkeas: heya Max
[13:49] Maxwell: Hello :)
[13:49] *** Kazuma has joined #755.
[13:49] Lkeas: sounds like there's a big event this week
[13:50] Maxwell: Oh?
[13:50] Lkeas: yeah, we'll be hunting for the orb of creation
[13:50] *** Eitak_Razal has joined #755.
[13:50] Kazuma: quest for the Creation orb
[13:50] Kazuma: well, the 5 peices of them
[13:50] Eitak_Razal: of it
[13:50] Lkeas: although we're still not entirely sure what will happen... will that be the final piece we need to get to the outland?
[13:50] Deathbringer: And new art :)
[13:51] Kazuma: That's the way it seems in the Videos we have
[13:51] Maxwell: You really think you will be going to the outland huh?
[13:51] Eitak_Razal: out land?
[13:51] Maxwell: If only you knew what the outland really was...
[13:51] Kazuma: no, I've never expected to
[13:51] Lkeas: well... we're supposed to meet the white rabbit there, aren't we?
[13:52] Kazuma: That's the reason I think we won't go there, Lkeas
[13:52] Lkeas: what do you mean?
[13:52] Kazuma: what if there is no white rabbit, code name, or otherwise. What if it's a trap?
[13:53] Eitak_Razal: or the other rabbit is waiting
[13:53] Lkeas: what other rabbit?
[13:53] Lkeas: >_<
[13:53] Eitak_Razal: Lies
[13:53] Lkeas: The Portal will guide you to the white rabbit. The white rabbit will guide you to the Truth and the Lies.
[13:54] Eitak_Razal: hmm
[13:54] Eitak_Razal: I thought we determined that the white rabbit was truth though
[13:54] Kazuma: Then perhaps we don't go to outland, but instead, the portal flash will be something important
[13:54] Maxwell: You still have no idea what the white rabbit really is either, I find that somewhat odd.
[13:54] Lkeas: It's not Kaliope?
[13:54] Lkeas: White Rabbit: greetings Avatar i am Kaliope i am here to guide you
[13:54] Maxwell: In a sense, it is Kaliope.
[13:54] Deathbringer: Is it a type of program?
[13:55] * Eitak_Razal is totally confused
[13:55] Eitak_Razal: Then agian.. When haven't i been
[13:55] Lkeas: But we know Kaliope is a vague term, it could refer to the mother or any of the three daughters
[13:55] Lkeas: or the daughters collectively, maybe
[13:56] Kazuma: in what sense is it Kaliope?
[13:57] Kazuma: or are you going to ignore me because that'd require a direct answer
[13:57] *** Fulcan has joined #755.
[13:57] Fulcan: Hey Maxwell.
[13:57] Fulcan: Can you set -N please.
[13:57] Fulcan: please?*
[13:57] Fulcan: I find it rather annoying, and unnecessary.
[13:57] Kazuma: I asked him yesterday and he said no
[13:58] Kazuma: perhaps he needs to be bribed with a cookie
[13:58] Maxwell: I find it more annoying that people have to change their nick every day, Fulcan.
[13:58] Lkeas: heh.
[13:59] Fulcan: Yeah, but if I'm in this room, which is the first on my Auto-Join list.
[13:59] Fulcan: ,*
[13:59] Lkeas: so why wouldn't we go to the outland?
[13:59] Fulcan: If I'm here, and I want to change my name to Fulcan-[Detached], for example, I can't.
[14:00] * Maxwell sighs
[14:00] Maxwell: thats true
[14:00] Fulcan: :/
[14:00] Maxwell: But I would rather not have nick changes due to people that abuse it Fulcan.
[14:00] Fulcan: I have a solution.
[14:00] Fulcan: +R
[14:00] Eitak_Razal: Take it off your auto join???
[14:01] Fulcan: Then I'll forget to join at all >_>
[14:01] Eitak_Razal: You can discuss this later'
[14:01] Fulcan: Indeed we can.
[14:01] Fulcan: I'll talk about it with my lawyer.
[14:01] Fulcan: >:D
[14:01] Kazuma: XD
[14:01] Eitak_Razal: We have questions that are more importent right now
[14:01] Kazuma: now danck to the important stuff
[14:01] Kazuma: back*
[14:02] Lkeas: soooo... why wouldn't we want to go to the outland?
[14:05] Maxwell: Going and opening the portal are two very different things.
[14:05] Lkeas: i see.
[14:05] Eitak_Razal: It could be a vison portal
[14:06] Eitak_Razal: or the portal may let something out
[14:06] Kazuma: hmm
[14:06] Deathbringer: Could be one-way only...
[14:06] Lkeas: I wonder, do you think the orb of creation is what Kaliope referred to as the "relic?"
[14:06] Lkeas: or is there something else?
[14:06] Kazuma: I have a feeling that gathering all 9 orbs will tell reveil to us what needs to be typed
[14:07] Deathbringer: That would be nice.
[14:07] Kazuma: indeed it would
[14:07] Lkeas: typed into what?
[14:08] Fulcan: Into ZUUL!
[14:08] Kazuma: the portal flash
[14:09] Fulcan: :o
[14:09] Lkeas: ah, that thing.
[14:09] Lkeas: what if there's nothing TO type?
[14:09] Lkeas: that may have been a one-way communication too
[14:09] Kazuma: exactly
[14:09] Fulcan: The first time I did that I typed in 4 8 15 16 23 42 Xo
[14:09] Kazuma: XD
[14:09] Lkeas: " i need you to find the relic once you have it you must seek me in the land of Lore in the once place you know you are safe from all evil"
[14:10] Lkeas: did we ever find out where that place was?
[14:10] Fulcan: :o
[14:10] Fulcan: The bathroom!
[14:10] Maxwell: Pretty sure you did..
[14:10] Lkeas: ...
[14:10] Fulcan: Nobody evil's going to bother you in the bathroom!
[14:10] Kazuma: Isn't that the Temple of Hope
[14:10] Eitak_Razal: The guardian tower?
[14:10] Fulcan: HAHAHAHAH.
[14:10] Fulcan: Guardian tower.. that's funny.
[14:10] Fulcan: Look at Willowshire. Maybe even Amityvale if you have the time.
[14:10] Kazuma: it's been attacked how many times now?
[14:10] Kazuma: 5?
[14:11] Lkeas: But Kaliope's not at the Temple of Hope
[14:11] *** Beo has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[14:11] Kazuma: not yet
[14:11] Kazuma: something else that may happen with the 9th orb
[14:11] Kazuma: it may open a door. How far off am I Maxwell?
[14:12] Lkeas: hmm.
[14:12] Eitak_Razal: I have a question... About the avatars... is the Avatar of war Mercuria? and is Eternal the eternal or is that the huntress... and is this going to even get anwsered...
[14:12] Lkeas: [19:22] Maxwell: the white rabbit hides in the shadows, waiting for your call
[14:12] Lkeas: [19:22] Maxwell: she will only come if you call her, and you can only call her if you know how to call.
[14:12] Maxwell: are you sure she is not in the temple of hope?
[14:12] Eitak_Razal: And is the moglin one Twig?
[14:12] Maxwell: if she is in the shadows who is to say you have looked in the darkness?
[14:12] Lkeas: he's not going to answer that question
[14:12] Deathbringer: Well she might be... just not where we can go at the moment...
[14:13] Lkeas: Is there darkness in the temple?
[14:13] Eitak_Razal: Yes!
[14:13] Fulcan: There's always darkness.
[14:13] Kazuma: only Tralin, Nel, and some stain glass windows
[14:13] Eitak_Razal: The that circle behind the statue with the orbs is a window that opens and closes
[14:13] Kazuma: if the window behind the statue is closed, there is plenty of darkness
[14:13] Eitak_Razal: We need to open it when the orbs are all there!
[14:14] Fulcan: With every light, there is darkness.
[14:14] Kazuma: I'm starting to think you need to play AQ more, Lkeas
[14:14] Lkeas: But if we open the window with all the orbs there, what does that have to do with shadows?
[14:14] Lkeas: Kaz, I know what's in the temple.
[14:14] Eitak_Razal: It removes them...
[14:14] Lkeas: I haven't found Kaliope yet, have you?
[14:14] Kazuma: nope, but that's not why I was saying that
[14:15] Eitak_Razal: If she's hideing in the shadows the only way to dispell them is with light!
[14:15] Kazuma: Lkeas>Is there darkness in the temple?
[14:15] Maxwell: I will just say this, you all need a clue it seems.
[14:15] Kazuma: oh yeah
[14:15] Deathbringer: Can we have said clue?
[14:15] Eitak_Razal: A clue?
[14:15] Maxwell: A mirror's image is always never clearly the same.
[14:16] Eitak_Razal: A mirror's image?
[14:16] * Eitak_Razal REALLY hates cryptic anwsers
[14:16] Kazuma: ...Eitak could have told us that
[14:16] Eitak_Razal: I know
[14:16] Kazuma: we all do
[14:16] Lkeas: what, you wanted him to give you a straight answer?
[14:16] Maxwell: Of course, it seems to be temporaly the exact image.
[14:16] Deathbringer: Well no... the mirror's image is reversed.
[14:16] Lkeas: You mean the Outland.
[14:16] * Eitak_Razal was just on a think about Mirror worlds
[14:17] Eitak_Razal: *thing
[14:17] Deathbringer: The Outland could be a mirrorworld of LORE.
[14:17] Lkeas: That's been said before, I think
[14:17] Lkeas: Perhaps that's what is meant by shadows, a shadow world?
[14:18] Eitak_Razal: I was the one who first brought up the mirror world...
[14:18] Lkeas: ...
[14:18] Kazuma: as far as you know
[14:18] Deathbringer: I think your on to something Lkeas
[14:18] Eitak_Razal: I was createing that from off the top of my head
[14:18] Lkeas: Eitak...
[14:18] Lkeas: [1]
[14:18] Kazuma: right, but great minds think alike, read the link
[14:18] Lkeas: it's been around longer than you think.
[14:19] Eitak_Razal: Wow..
[14:19] Eitak_Razal: I must be pysicic
[14:19] Lkeas: but a mirror world isn't necessarily a shadow world
[14:19] Deathbringer: Could be both...
[14:19] Lkeas: but then, the clue he just gave about mirrors never showing the same thing?
[14:19] Kazuma: I'm Thinking: broken mirror
[14:20] * Eitak_Razal is starting to get a whole Legend of Zelda vibe here
[14:20] Kazuma: haha
[14:20] Eitak_Razal: Mirror worlds: Dark World/Sacred relm
[14:20] Eitak_Razal: Broken mirror: Twilight mirror
[14:20] * Deathbringer is pushing the LoZ vibe out of his head.
[14:20] Eitak_Razal: Shadow World: Twilight realm
[14:20] * Lkeas points Eitak to the "Nothing New Under the Sun" forum thread.
[14:20] Kazuma: doesn't LORE stand for Lands of Rising Evil?
[14:20] Eitak_Razal: yes
[14:21] Kazuma: wouldn't that make us a shadow world?
[14:21] Eitak_Razal: Not nessairly
[14:21] Fulcan: Land, of Rising Evil.
[14:21] Lkeas: let's get back to the white rabbit. have we figured out how to call her out of the shadows yet?
[14:21] Fulcan: Not Lands.
[14:22] Eitak_Razal: Rabbit food?
[14:22] Kazuma: hehe
[14:22] Deathbringer: The 9th orb?
[14:22] *** Fulcan has left #755.
[14:22] *** Fulcan-[Detached] has joined #755.
[14:22] Lkeas: that's what i'm wondering.
[14:22] Eitak_Razal: oh the 9th orb isn't an orb at all.. Its a carrot
[14:22] Kazuma: XD
[14:22] Fulcan-[Detached]: I have to do that to change my name >:(
[14:22] Kazuma: not that
[14:22] Lkeas: just deal with it Fulcan, it's not a huge inconvenience
[14:23] Fulcan-[Detached]: Psh Fyne.
[14:23] Fulcan-[Detached]: Carry on.
[14:23] Fulcan-[Detached]: I have stage crew.
[14:23] Fulcan-[Detached]: Maxie, Lkeas, everybody who isn't important, adieu.
[14:23] * Maxwell laughs
[14:23] Maxwell: bye Fulcan, but we are all important
[14:24] Lkeas: but are we way off? is the 9th orb going to be what we need to "call" her, or is it something else entirely?
[14:24] Deathbringer: Maybe it is the ninth orb and the window.
[14:25] Kazuma: what? like a clear orb with a signal?
[14:25] * Eitak_Razal already said the 9th orb and the window and Lkeas shot him down
[14:25] Deathbringer: Maybe...
[14:25] Lkeas: When did i shoot you down? geez.
[14:26] Kazuma: sometimes you need to put it up again so the people who disagree can re-think it
[14:26] Eitak_Razal: You said "Why the window"
[14:27] Kazuma: she just wanted you to think about what you were saying
[14:27] Eitak_Razal: I've had a feeling that window was a key for a while..
[14:27] Kazuma: speaking of thought, here's one I think is rather disturbing and in dire need of some thought [2]
[14:28] Kazuma: I was attacked by Falerin
[14:29] Lkeas: I don't think it was aimed specifically at you.
[14:29] Eitak_Razal: Its more random than anything
[14:29] Lkeas: and it's very much NOT random
[14:29] Lkeas: look at the letters
[14:29] Kazuma: I know, I was an inadvertant target
[14:29] Eitak_Razal: BCDEFGHI
[14:29] Eitak_Razal: What about them?
[14:29] Deathbringer: Its B to I
[14:30] Deathbringer: In order
[14:30] Lkeas: well, i don't know what it means, i'm just saying it's not random
[14:30] Eitak_Razal: So
[14:30] Kazuma: and it goes animal, action, action, animal over and over
[14:30] Eitak_Razal: Hmmm
[14:30] Lkeas: anyway, that's Falerin's game, we should be asking maxwell-related questions
[14:30] Kazuma: right
[14:30] Deathbringer: Good point.
[14:30] Kazuma: sorry, forgot who's watching us
[14:31] Maxwell: Epsilon is always watching.
[14:31] Kazuma: right
[14:31] Deathbringer: So is Big Brother >.>
[14:31] Lkeas: Is the Watcher a Draco Anunnaki?
[14:31] Lkeas: Damsel and I were wondering
[14:31] Lkeas: because she doesn't take a host
[14:31] Kazuma: bravo! *applauds*
[14:32] Kazuma: oh, I'm sorry, it's Brava for women.
[14:32] Maxwell: She could be, of course Minerva never shows her true form anyways.
[14:33] Maxwell: So you would never know what she is.
[14:33] Lkeas: right, but Demu said she looked like an ugly monster
[14:33] Maxwell: that is because Demu can see her true form
[14:33] Maxwell: All Cor-Dem can see past Anunnaki's tricks.
[14:33] Kazuma: ah
[14:33] Lkeas: What sort of trick is it? Is it true shapeshifting or some kind of cloaking thing?
[14:34] Maxwell: It is not true shapeshifting.
[14:34] Maxwell: But you would never be able to tell.
[14:34] Lkeas: ok
[14:34] Lkeas: Is Matthew Twain a Vespirian?
[14:34] *** DB has joined #755.
[14:34] Maxwell: Well he formed N.O.V.A.
[14:35] Maxwell: What do you think?
[14:35] Eitak_Razal: I thought that was obvious
[14:35] Eitak_Razal: even i could tell htat much
[14:35] Lkeas: well, i would assume so... except that Lisa is his daughter and she's supposedly a halfling, but someone said the mother was Vespirian, so where'd the "halfling" part come in?
[14:36] *** Deathbringer has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[14:36] Maxwell: that is a good question
[14:36] * Maxwell dodges the question
[14:36] Kazuma: haha
[14:36] Lkeas: oook...
[14:36] Lkeas: is Ryuusei full Vespirian?
[14:36] DB: Whoa! Maxwell is ninja O.o
[14:36] Maxwell: That is also a very good question.
[14:36] Kazuma: we found something he doesn't know
[14:37] Lkeas: oh he knows.
[14:37] Lkeas: he just won't tell us :P
[14:37] Kazuma: same thing
[14:37] *** DB has left #755.
[14:37] *** Deathbringer has joined #755.
[14:37] Maxwell: Ryuusei is in fact a full Vespirian, or he was.
[14:37] Lkeas: Was? What happened?
[14:38] * Maxwell dodges
[14:38] Lkeas: hmm.
[14:38] Maxwell: New questions please! :D
[14:38] Deathbringer: Sneaky Maxwell ninja >.>
[14:38] Kazuma: does something change when you choose to serve The'Galin?
[14:39] Kazuma: Max just needs to lay off the caffeine
[14:39] Maxwell: Take a look at Eternal and Epheel and tell me what you think about that Kazuma.
[14:39] Lkeas: heh..
[14:39] Lkeas: why would Matthew Twain form NOVA if he wasn't Vespirian?
[14:39] Kazuma: heh, good point, but does something change with you're race
[14:40] Maxwell: Why would a Christian form a church if they are not God?
[14:40] Lkeas: hmm.
[14:41] Eitak_Razal: Wait max... Eternal doesn't serve the'Galin
[14:41] *** iago has joined #755.
[14:41] Eitak_Razal: He's one of the avatars
[14:41] Kazuma: he encountered The'Galin
[14:41] Eitak_Razal: that doesn't matter
[14:42] Kazuma: yes it does
[14:42] Eitak_Razal: the way he said makes it seem like Eternal is serveing The'Galin
[14:42] Kazuma: everything matters until proven otherwise
[14:42] Lkeas: ok, here's one... what's the relationship between Vespirians and Alpha?
[14:42] Kazuma: as far as we know, he may be
[14:43] Maxwell: There is not much of a relationship at all.
[14:43] Lkeas: that's confusing, then...
[14:43] Eitak_Razal: Well i must be off...
[14:44] Eitak_Razal: I have a band concert
[14:44] *** Eitak_Razal has signed off IRC (Suppressed: ).
[14:44] Lkeas: [19:41] Diviara: I was using the cold before your great vesperian ancestors formed Epsilon
[14:44] Lkeas: i thought the Alpha formed Epsilon.
[14:44] * Maxwell dodges yet again
[14:45] Maxwell: quit getting into the big stuff
[14:45] * Lkeas sniffles
[14:45] Kazuma: XD
[14:45] Deathbringer: xD
[14:45] Maxwell: ask stuff that is happening or already happened.
[14:45] * Deathbringer patpats Lkeas.
[14:45] Lkeas: Ok, um... how did the brilhado get their hands on the creation orb?
[14:45] Maxwell: They are sneaky?
[14:45] Deathbringer: Like ninja?
[14:45] Lkeas: but i thought they were all trapped past the gate, and Tralin had the orb.
[14:45] Maxwell: It seems they got out.
[14:46] Lkeas: Who let them out?
[14:46] Kazuma: you can't wait until tomorrow to see if it's answered, Lkeas?
[14:46] Lkeas: Wait, that was probably Galrick's fault..
[14:47] * Kazuma waits for another highlight by Lkeas responding and using his name somewhere in the responce
[14:47] *** Lego3400 has joined #755.
[14:48] * Lego3400 (Eitak) has 15 mintues to spare) and has returned
[14:48] Maxwell: Hello Lego
[14:49] Lego3400: Max: Is twig involved in all this somehow?
[14:49] Lego3400: I've had a big hunch for a while now
[14:49] Lkeas: join the club :P
[14:49] * Lego3400 thinks he may be the Moglin avatar
[14:49] Maxwell: You will soon see that everything points back to Twig.
[14:49] Deathbringer: I knew it!
[14:50] Lkeas: lol
[14:50] Lkeas: Twig is the creator? z0mg
[14:50] Kazuma: he *did* have the 'future shoes'
[14:50] Maxwell: And the icreatoreme.
[14:50] Lkeas: lol
[14:50] Deathbringer: XD
[14:50] Lego3400: Thats new one Lkeas... normally he's acussed of being the uncreator
[14:51] Deathbringer: Twig is both O.O
[14:51] Lkeas: well, he summons fish and ice cream out of nowhere
[14:51] Maxwell: Actually Twig is just Twig.
[14:51] Lego3400: But twig isn
[14:51] Lego3400: his real name
[14:51] Lego3400: We've already learned that
[14:51] Maxwell: True, but Twig is just.. well himself.
[14:51] Kazuma: Lkeas, A wizard did it, not Twig.
[14:51] Lego3400: I also have feeling that Mercuira is one of the avatar.
[14:51] Maxwell: We know very little about any of the Moglins other than Zorbak and Kabroz.
[14:52] Lkeas: what's Warlic got to do with anything, Kazuma?
[14:52] Lego3400: What about Twilly?
[14:52] Lkeas: Twilly's related to Nel
[14:52] Deathbringer: Twig needs a whole saga all to himself
[14:52] Kazuma: Remeber Maxwell's responce to the new AE game?
[14:52] Lego3400: Really so he's the cusion.. Blast i was hopeing it was twig
[14:52] Lkeas: ... it was a joke.
[14:52] Kazuma: ...oh...
[14:52] Lkeas: ^_^
[14:53] * Kazuma is so embarased
[14:53] Lkeas: Ok... why did Makkinax turn to stone when we defeated him?
[14:53] Maxwell: Why did Carnax turn to stone when you defeated him?
[14:53] Lkeas: That was going to be my next question.
[14:53] Kazuma: he was free
[14:53] Maxwell: Was he?
[14:53] Lego3400: Cuse it was made out of stone in the first place
[14:53] Lego3400: ?
[14:53] Deathbringer: It was a cool death animation :)
[14:54] Lkeas: Do all Alpha turn to stone when they die? Or whatever it is Carnax did?
[14:54] Lego3400: The staff couldn't thing of anything better?
[14:54] Kazuma: According to the dialogue, yes
[14:54] Lego3400: What about Mercuria, does she play a large role?
[14:55] Maxwell: She could, anyone could.
[14:56] Lkeas: if you're looking for maxwell to say "yes, mercuria happens to be an avatar, in particular, the avatar of war" then you're not gonna get it, we've been trying to get solid answers out of him for months on the identities of the avatar
[14:56] *** Kira has joined #755.
[14:56] Kazuma: so true
[14:56] Maxwell: You will find out who they are soon enough.
[14:56] Kazuma: oh god, I'm back to the 'a lot on our plate' log
[14:56] * Lego3400 falls over
[14:56] Kazuma: we tried so hard it was funny to read
[14:56] Lkeas: :D
[14:57] Lkeas: How did Truth kill the Alpha?
[14:58] Maxwell: What do you mean how?
[14:58] Lkeas: Well i mean, did he just go up to 'em one at a time with a dagger or something?
[14:58] Lkeas: :P
[14:59] Deathbringer: xD shank'd
[14:59] Maxwell: Alpha could not defend themselves.
[14:59] Maxwell: They were a peaceful race, that had no idea what was happening as he killed them.
[14:59] Lkeas: I see.
[15:00] Maxwell: If you are asking if he used a weapon, and killed them off one by one.
[15:00] Kazuma: ouch
[15:00] Maxwell: You would be somewhat correct.
[15:00] Kazuma: spells?
[15:00] Maxwell: It was a massacre, much like the massacre to the Cor-Dem.
[15:00] Kazuma: ouch
[15:00] Lkeas: Was he using Makkisar as a host at that time?
[15:00] Kazuma: so much killing
[15:01] Maxwell: No, he was not using Makkisar at the time.
[15:01] Maxwell: Makkisar was not even born yet.
[15:01] Lkeas: Ah.
[15:01] Lkeas: Were Project I and II created before or after Carnax was transformed with the Cor Dem?
[15:01] Lego3400: These anwsers make me feel like Alice in wonder land...
[15:01] Lego3400: Tumbleing down the rabbit hole into the unknown
[15:02] Kazuma: stop quoting The Matrix
[15:02] Maxwell: After, Lkeas.
[15:02] Kazuma: which, in turn, quoted from Alice in Wonderland.
[15:02] Lkeas: so does that mean Project I and II also have Cor Dem blood in them?
[15:03] Lego3400: Actully i quoted Neroticly yours there Kazuma
[15:03] Maxwell: Not necessarily.
[15:03] Kazuma: d'oh. I love that. Back on topic now.
[15:04] Lego3400: Well now i have to go
[15:04] *** Lego3400 has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[15:05] Kazuma: it's bad enough that I go off topic, but now sombody goes off with me
[15:05] Lkeas: lol
[15:05] Maxwell: I and II have properties of Carnax, but they are not in any way the monster you have seen.
[15:05] Maxwell: They are Makkisar's children, and they look very human.
[15:05] Lkeas: Okay.
[15:05] Lkeas: Did Makkisar make them under the control of Truth? Or on his own volition?
[15:05] Maxwell: And no, they are not green.
[15:05] Lkeas: hehe
[15:05] Ovid: >_>
[15:05] Deathbringer: I was about to ask that >.>
[15:06] Maxwell: If you noticed, at one time Makkisar was left without Truth, as he entered the hatch.
[15:06] Kira: Do the projects have names? or did Makkisar name them I and II?
[15:06] Maxwell: He had a busrt of free will, but was then taken over by Truth yet again.
[15:06] Lkeas: Intriguing...
[15:06] Maxwell: Makkisar gave his children names.
[15:07] Maxwell: But their names were never fully given, for Truth took over and used them as pawns.
[15:07] Maxwell: And he called them of course, I and II.
[15:07] Lkeas: Like... Jacob? >.>
[15:08] Maxwell: Maybe even Bob or Billy?
[15:08] Lkeas: heh.
[15:08] Maxwell: Who knows what he named them.
[15:08] Deathbringer: Or Billy-Bob?
[15:08] Kira: Sven :-p
[15:08] Deathbringer: XD
[15:09] Maxwell: Maybe he named them Marduk and Minerva even.
[15:09] Lkeas: Marduk?
[15:10] Lkeas: but... Minerva's an anunnaki...
[15:10] Ovid: What are I and II's personalities like?
[15:10] Maxwell: Who is to say Ovid, we have yet to meet them.
[15:10] Kazuma: and yet, we fought them
[15:10] Kazuma: right?
[15:10] Kazuma: I feel off by a mile
[15:11] Maxwell: I feel your off by a couple miles.
[15:11] Ovid: How did Anna's parents die?
[15:12] Maxwell: they were killed by Makkisar's army
[15:12] Maxwell: It said that in the game actually.
[15:12] *** Beo has joined #755.
[15:12] Kazuma: where?
[15:13] Maxwell: The hatch..
[15:13] Ovid: Why do King Atlas and Tasha destroy Lore in the one timeline?
[15:14] Kazuma: you can use your other name Ovid.
[15:14] Kazuma: heh
[15:14] Maxwell: The world was being taken over by The Network.
[15:15] Ovid: So they took a sizeable amount of the Network out before they jumped. Ok.
[15:17] Ovid: You once mentioned that one of Maxwell's daughters was not like the other two. Which daughter is the one you referred to?
[15:17] Maxwell: That is a good question...
[15:19] Kazuma: don't you *dare* dodge it
[15:19] * Deathbringer stops Maxwells dodge!
[15:20] Ovid: Will it unlock important information if we understand the answer?
[15:21] Ovid: Scratch that, it's a stupid question.
[15:21] Kazuma: that's the one he'll answer
[15:22] * Maxwell dodges
[15:22] Ovid: Play nice. Info isn't easy to get, Kaz.
[15:22] Deathbringer: No! Sneaky ninjas...
[15:22] Kazuma: I know
[15:23] Kazuma: I also know he's avoiding questions with direct answers
[15:23] Kira: Wouldnt be any fun if he just came out and answered them would it?
[15:23] Kazuma: yes it would >.>
[15:23] Ovid: Can the baby be saved and still die?
[15:24] Maxwell: No, the baby can not die.
[15:25] Ovid: Ryuusei mentioned he joined The'Galin because the baby dies. What would make Robert believe the baby dies when he ran away with Daniel?
[15:26] Maxwell: Could be a different baby.
[15:26] Maxwell: Or he could be mistaken.
[15:27] Maxwell: My headache is getting a bit bad, so I am going to take a walk or something.
[15:27] Maxwell: Be back later maybe.
[15:27] Ovid: Ok.
[15:27] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
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