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- [23:53:00] <>Ambiance<> The sky shimmers momentarily and an odd tinniness fills your ears. It is as if all sound is somehow muted.
- [23:54:14] * Damsel takes a finger to her right ear, uncertain if she's hearing correctly.
- [23:54:33] * Voices can be heard but not made out. Distantly and as if underwater.
- [23:54:54] * Voices begin to clarify and strengthen.
- [23:55:28] * Jeice stirs, and wonders what is going on.
- [23:55:33] * MaleVoice What will you have me do then Feldrin. It is not as if we have much choice in the matter.
- [23:55:54] * Damsel stands worridly, peering out of the windows in an unfocused manner.
- [23:56:47] * SecondVoice I recognize you distrust me. Clearly you have reason... however if we do not act carefullly....
- [23:57:23] * FemaleVoice Forgive my interuption but it is pressing
- [23:57:24] * Legault has joined #darkabode
- [23:57:25] * Reality sets mode: +v Legault
- [23:58:07] * MaleVoice What is it Lauren?
- [23:58:35] * FemaleVoice Anleya is missing
- [23:58:44] * Damsel shakes her head slightly. "Echos from so far back in time?"
- [00:07:33] <>Ambiance<> The voices fade... in their fading an odd impression forms .... a key of sorts. The impression is the following odd sequence of letters and numbers: [1]
- [00:07:57] <>Ambiance<> Sound returns to normal in the abode.