Voices in Fog

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Revision as of 07:36, 29 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[22:57:40] <>Ambiance<> A deep fog begins to cover the abode
[22:57:52] <Little_Brown_Box> If your aura's are even remotely comparable, your friend has suffered rather astounding backlash.
[22:57:59] <Mobuis> We get alot of different people...
[22:58:00] <Little_Brown_Box> Her aura's in a knot.
[22:58:12] <Mobuis> And events, it seems more and more often.
[22:58:12] <Little_Brown_Box> It is...bizzare.
[22:59:18] * Mobuis has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by John)�)
[22:59:25] * Mobuis has joined #darkabode
[22:59:25] * Reality sets mode: +v Mobuis
[23:00:06] <Kazuma> is it dark out, or are my eyes messing with me agai?
[23:00:15] <Mieko> ((again*))
[23:00:16] <Kazuma> ((again))
[23:00:21] <Little_Brown_Box> (( XD ))
[23:00:23] <Mobuis> ((^5))
[23:00:30] * LordBarrius glances out the window and frowns slightly. "It's....not just you, it appears."
[23:00:34] <Mieko> ((^^))
[23:00:35] <Mobuis> I wish it was just you...
[23:01:10] <>Ambiance<> The fog continues to thicken and visibility quickly falls to near zero
[23:01:21] * Mellisa stays by the wall, sitting, expecting bad things to happen again.
[23:01:30] * Mieko sighs and pats the box. "Well, we'll worry about it later." She stands and walks into the fog. *
[23:01:42] <Mieko> ((Bye everybody.))
[23:01:49] * Useless has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
[23:01:54] <LordBarrius> ((Bye.))
[23:02:25] * Mobuis lays his head onto the back of his couch, "Oh boy."
[23:02:32] * Ness walks back into the abode
[23:02:34] <Little_Brown_Box> ((Who's doing the Ambiance?))
[23:02:46] * maieo has quit IRC (Vaporized: curses - foiled again!�)
[23:03:00] * Jeice awakens and notices how dark it is.
[23:03:11] <Ness> Fog?
[23:03:12] <LordBarrius> ((Reality, if you'd like the technical answer.))
[23:03:15] * Nick opens the door, shadow appearing ominous against the fog, feeling for the doorknob he quickly closes it behind him.
[23:03:22] * Kazuma sits up.
[23:03:23] <Nick> It's like Pea-soup out there
[23:03:23] <Little_Brown_Box> ((Smartaleck.))
[23:03:26] <Jeice> Huh? How late is it? Why is it so dark?
[23:03:34] <Little_Brown_Box> This is unnatural.
[23:03:40] <Kazuma> I don't know, but it's not night time
[23:03:45] * Mieko has quit IRC (Vaporized: curses - foiled again!�)
[23:03:52] * Little_Brown_Box clicks, and the spark on maieo's forehead jumps back to it.
[23:04:38] * Kitara glances out the window and grins a bit. "So I take it the weather's not normally like that?"
[23:04:59] * Kazuma looks at the bx, Do you keep the time?
[23:04:59] <Kazuma> ((Box*))
[23:04:59] <>Ambiance<> A keening wail can be heard from within the fog. Inhuman and pericing the wail continues oscilating there is a strange musical apsect to it.
[23:04:59] * Ness has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected�)
[23:04:59] <Nick> Banshee?
[23:04:59] <Kazuma> perhaps
[23:04:59] * Ness has joined #darkabode
[23:04:59] * Reality sets mode: +o Ness
[23:04:59] <Kazuma> only time will tell
[23:04:59] * Ness looks around
[23:04:59] <Nick> ((so reminds me of Scooby Doo...))
[23:04:59] <Nick> ((Jinkies))
[23:04:59] <Kazuma> ((ruh roh))
[23:04:59] <Jeice> Hm...
[23:05:17] <Kazuma> I so have to get this to Lkeas when this is over.
[23:05:24] <Little_Brown_Box> Time relative to what, Kazuma?
[23:05:48] * Damsel awakens at the sound of the wail, almost starting as she looks about with wide eyes as the dense fog and vague shapes. "Hello?"
[23:06:03] <Little_Brown_Box> Request: Permission to call for assistance if situation becomes dangerous?
[23:06:12] <Kazuma> granted
[23:06:18] <Ness> Naturally, box.
[23:06:25] <Kazuma> TIme relitave to this relm
[23:06:28] <Nick> ((She outside Damsel?))
[23:06:29] * Mellisa stills remains unmoving and quiet.
[23:06:38] <Kazuma> ((relative*))
[23:06:40] <Little_Brown_Box> No, Kazuama.
[23:06:44] <Kazuma> ((realm*))
[23:06:49] <Little_Brown_Box> I only keep time relative to Earth.
[23:06:50] * Kazuma sighs
[23:06:53] <Damsel> ((in abode))
[23:06:54] <Kazuma> that works
[23:07:11] <Nick> ((ahh...I was gonna say if you were outside...ouch..))
[23:07:15] * Damsel relazes slightly as she hears other voices around her.
[23:07:33] <Mobuis> This is one of those weeks...
[23:07:33] <Kazuma> I know the rule between the two realms with the time
[23:07:54] <>Ambiance<> A voice speaks just once before the noise stops leaving behind the thick unatural fog which remains clinging to everything. "It is their fault. They did it. All of this is because of them. He however will eventually win."
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