The Abode Vanishes

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Revision as of 23:26, 28 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[22:11:28] <>Ambiance<> The abode building abruptly vanishes leaving you all in the snow covered clearing in which it previously stood
[22:12:07] * Fenix shivers, and looks around, "What in the name of...?"
[22:12:27] * Aaronrules380 is confused "what just happened?"
[22:12:53] * Damsel wakes up at the sudden change in temperature.
[22:13:03] * Lkeas wanders back onto the estate grounds, and stops short, noticing a rather obvious lack of abode.
[22:13:03] * Lyoko is wearing his warm cloak, so he is ok. He summons hot cocoa for everyone.
[22:13:29] * Aaronrules380 drinks cocoa "Thanks Lyoko"
[22:13:29] * Nickwright has joined #darkabode
[22:13:32] <Lkeas> Wait, don't tell me... you guys pissed off Eldron again?
[22:13:34] * LordBarrius stops in the clearing and frowns and turns back to the ground where the abode stood, having noticing the temperature change.
[22:13:39] * Avarie looks up from her magical practices, her eyes wide. Pulling herself to her feet, she quickly sets off at a run for where the abode should be."
[22:13:39] <Nickwright> Again?
[22:14:23] * Damsel stands, growling softly under her breath at the sudden disappearance of her couch and the whole abode. "What's happened?"
[22:14:32] <Lyoko> Again?
[22:14:41] <Lyoko> This happened before?
[22:14:43] * Aaronrules380 looks at Lkeas "Huh? Who is Eldron?"
[22:14:45] * Lkeas shrugs as she walks over to Damsel. "Beats me.. I was going to ask you."
[22:15:01] * Lyoko summons warm traveling cloaks for everyone.
[22:15:12] * Lkeas chuckles at the three. "Well, the estate didn't disappear entirely, but it burned rather nicely...
[22:15:17] * LordBarrius sighs and moves back over to stand closer to the rest of the group.
[22:15:25] <Fenix> Um...
[22:15:27] * Nickwright is sitting on the ground where the chair should've been and sighs "I'm beginning to hate this place...I really am"
[22:15:29] <Fenix> Who is Eldron?
[22:15:40] * maieo walks in. "Wha-?" *
[22:15:43] <Nickwright> Eldron is a God
[22:15:46] * Damsel brushes the snow from her clothing, shivering slightly. "Don't ask me. I just woke up with snow as my pillow."
[22:15:53] <Lyoko> Eldron the Good?
[22:16:00] <Nickwright> Yes Eldron the Good
[22:16:02] <Lkeas> Yeah, that one.
[22:16:06] <Fenix> The God of Good?
[22:16:06] * Mobuis walks up with a yawn, not affected by the sudden climate change.
[22:16:15] <Lkeas> Use'ta have a statue of him hanging out in the main room..
[22:16:21] * maieo looks over at Damsel and smiles. "Don't you just hate when this happens?" *
[22:16:43] * Damsel nods wordlessly, looking worried.
[22:17:06] * Lkeas frowns. "Hmm.."
[22:17:09] <Fenix> Oh...
[22:17:22] <Lkeas> I don't think I'll be joining the Omninauts today, unfortunately...
[22:17:26] * Fenix looks at Chill, which turns white and flows into him, merging with his soul again
[22:17:42] <Rimblade> Whoa, I once had a statue in my room. But... erm. 'Twould be best not to go into detail.
[22:17:42] * FlameMasterAxel has left #darkabode
[22:18:02] * Avarie skids to a halt as she reaches the group. "What's going on?"
[22:18:18] * Lkeas looks over at Avarie. "Some realm jumping, I'd wager.."
[22:18:36] * Lkeas waves to the other seekers as she heads back down the trail towards the creek. "Let me know what you find out about Aledrin and Lauren!"
[22:18:42] * Lyoko has quit IRC (Vanished: Switching to mIRC.�)
[22:18:51] * Avarie shakes her head. "I've had enough of that for a lifetime, I think."
[22:19:03] <Fenix> Aledrin...
[22:19:10] <Fenix> You mean The`Galin.
[22:19:15] * Lyoko has joined #darkabode
[22:19:30] * Lkeas stops and turns back to Fenix at the edge of the forest. "Be careful where you say that name in that town..."
[22:20:05] * Lkeas turns and continues walking until she is lost amongst the trees.
[22:20:06] * Lkeas has left #darkabode
[22:20:08] * Fenix nods, "Can do..."
[22:20:15] * Damsel looks at her analog and nods. "Then I shall go in your stead."
[22:20:52] * Avarie returns Damsel's gaze. "As you wish it. Be well on your journey."
[22:21:13] * Damsel winks before turning to join the Omninauts.
[22:21:14] * Fenix looks down at the book in his hand, "Perhaps I should take this..."
[22:21:18] * Damsel|Avarie is now known as Avarie
[22:23:11] * Avarie shivers as she wraps her arms about herself. "No abode, no blankets, I guess...."
[22:23:46] * maieo unwraps the blanket from her shoulders and hands it to Avarie. "Here." *
[22:23:52] <Rimblade> I believe that it must truely bite to have nerve endings.
[22:24:06] * Avarie hesitates to take it. "But what about you?"
[22:24:28] * Fenix stands calmly, as if the cold did nothing to him
[22:25:03] * maieo shakes her head. "I'll be fine. I can always find an alternative." *
[22:27:43] * Avarie shakes her head. "Thank you, but I can not accept. If magic is not blocked this time, I may be able to warm myself..."
[22:28:34] * Fenix vanishes from the abode, returning to the house of The`Galin
[22:29:16] * Nickwright has left #darkabode
[22:29:25] <Rimblade> Bwha! By Lath, and Lethe, and whatnot, that's a brilliant plan!
[22:30:15] <Rimblade> Oh, and Archeron, for good luck, eh? Plans need not be perfect to fail.
[22:30:31] * Rimblade falls over, lifeless once more as the spirit departs.
[22:31:09] * Rimblade has quit IRC (Vanished: Everyone needs to quit sometime, right? Oh lord, I hope so.�)
[22:33:31] * Lyoko starts to concentrate.
[22:33:46] * Lyoko summons a few blankets.
[22:34:35] * Avarie tries to summon her magic to her, using the concept of the flame juggling technique to direct the magic just beneath her skin, hoping for it to provide some warmth.
[22:42:59] * Zeltan wakes up to find the abode nearly empty.
[22:43:14] <maieo> ((XD there is no abode, dear boy.))
[22:43:21] <Legault> ((Why...?))
[22:43:28] <Zeltan> ((hence nearly))
[22:44:07] <Legault> ((What happened to the Abode? o_o))
[22:44:39] * Gamer45 has joined #darkabode
[22:45:44] <Avarie> ((abode gone... landscape snowcovered. Why? something to do with epic... other than that... no clue))
[22:46:07] <Zeltan> ((wait...abode gone?!))
[22:46:09] <Legault> ((Well, I'm still missing, so meh.))
[22:46:15] <Zeltan> ((then...))
[22:46:39] * Zeltan closes his eyes and opens them once more to find himself sitting on snow.
[22:49:06] * Zeltan looks around. "What in the name of Dar'vern has happen?"
[22:51:01] * Avarie shivers slightly as she looks at Zeltan. "I honestly don't know."
[22:51:50] * Zeltan looks at Avarie in surprise. "Thank Lorithia. Do you know what happen?"
[22:52:14] * Avarie shakes her head. "I wish that I did."
[22:53:59] * Jarod fades in.
[22:54:06] <Jarod> Where am I now?
[22:54:23] <Jarod> I know he's around here somewhere.
[22:54:30] <Avarie> "All I know is that there was a call for the Omninauts after the abode was replaced by the snow.."
[22:54:49] <Jarod> Yes, I noticed that.
[22:55:01] * Jarod is standing knee-deep in snow.
[22:55:18] * Jarod pulls himself out.
[22:55:27] * Zeltan shivers slightly, his purple robe unable to provide much protection against the cold. He grumbles under his breath about forgetting to enchant it before creating a tiny wisp of flame in his palm. He focuses and encase the flames in a psionic energy field with begins emmiting heat.
[22:57:54] * Mieko walks into the snowcovered field that was the abode. "What's going on?" *
[23:01:31] * Zeltan allows the orbs to hover where the abode used to stand. He stands closer to it and gestures for the others to do the same.
[23:02:29] * Avarie doesn't hesitate in moving closer to the heat.
[23:02:46] * Ester walks toward the snow covered space that was the abode, "What happened here?"
[23:03:02] <Zeltan> I know as much as you do.
[23:03:03] <Kazuma> so whats with that?
[23:03:05] * Mieko looks over at Ester. "I have no idea." *
[23:03:58] * Ester looks at Mieko, "I haven't seen you here before. My name is Ester Fortunal, pleased to meet you."
[23:04:58] <LordOuranos> Hi, everybody!
[23:05:25] * Ester waves, "Hey there, Lord Ouranos!"
[23:05:35] * Zeltan looks at Ouranos. "I'm afraid the mood is a bit cold today."
[23:05:46] * LordOuranos puts on a sweater, lol
[23:06:08] * Kazuma jumps around. "jump or move, it'll keep you warm."
[23:06:20] <>Ambiance<> The abode reappears, larger then before and in a slighly different configuration.
[23:06:31] <Zeltan> "What in the-?'
[23:06:47] <Kazuma> namely, that!
[23:06:47] * Fenix reappears with the abode, "This is rather disturbing..."
[23:06:57] * Avarie takes a few steps backward in surprise. "This keeps getting odder."
[23:06:57] * LordOuranos is confused, "What is an abode?"
[23:06:58] <Kazuma> ay, where'd you go?
[23:07:00] * Zeltan finds himself in the main hall of the abode. "I don't remember the abode this big."
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