The Books Change

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Revision as of 22:57, 27 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[22:21] <>Ambiance<> A cold wind fills the abode
[22:22] * bule finish his tattoo on his left hand
[22:22] * Ness looks up and shivers
[22:22] * LouisZephyr appears
[22:22] * bule looks around. "Bit cold"
[22:22] * SnowShoeRabbit shivers and scurries back behind Raku staring at LouisZephyr scared.
[22:22] * Ness looks at Zephyr
[22:22] * LouisZephyr an unfortunate side effect
[22:22] * LordBarrius looks up and smiles slightly. "Doctor?"
[22:22] <Ness> Is that...who I think it is?
[22:22] * Deathbringer pulls his cloak close to him.
[22:22] * Elaith shivers as he greets LouisZephyr * "Hello!"
[22:23] * Dale sighs.
[22:23] * bule looks at Zephyr
[22:23] * Ness stands and walks over to Zephyr. Ness bows deeply "It is truely an honor to meet you, Dr. Zephyr."
[22:23] <LouisZephyr> A bit of advice for those watching events unfold from outside. Sometimes what we store in memory prevents us from seeing that which is new thats right in front of us. The magic of the books has already occured.
[22:24] <Dale> Hm.
[22:24] <LordBarrius> Then, they have altered already?
[22:24] <LouisZephyr> Diviara sends his regards
[22:24] * LouisZephyr vanishes
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