The Chaotic Gift

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Revision as of 21:14, 27 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[20:04] *** Lisa has joined #darkabode.
[20:04] *** LB|AFK has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[20:05] *** You are now known as Lkeas.
[20:05] *** Jeice|AFK| is now known as Jeice.
[20:05] Lisa: Good evening ... prophet
[20:05] * Rif opens one eye, seeing an unfamiliar face.
[20:05] * Lkeas looks up from her sketchbook. "Good evening, Lisa."
[20:05] * Mobuis frowns.
[20:06] Lkeas: What brings you to the truth seeker's haven tonight?
[20:06] *** Ness has joined #darkabode.
[20:06] *** Mode change "+ao Ness Ness" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[20:07] * Kazuma takes out a pocketbook in anticipation
[20:07] Lisa: You thought you would evade me....
[20:07] * Ness sits up
[20:07] * Mobuis stays near Mellisa, but looks over at Lisa.
[20:08] Ness: Oh, hello, Ms. Cartwright
[20:08] Lisa: Have you not considered Prophet.. that psychology is one thing that Epsilon understands very very well
[20:08] Lisa: Ryuusei and I are not related
[20:08] Ness: How can we help you this evening?
[20:08] Lisa: He is an "uncle" only in vernacular terms
[20:08] * Lkeas frowns. "I understand that you knew where we were going all along, so I'm not sure what you meant by evasion.."
[20:10] Ness: Lisa, we can sit around and banter forever, or you could simply tell us why you have graced us with your prescence
[20:10] Lisa: Oh how coy of you
[20:10] * Kazuma pulls out a pencil
[20:10] * Lkeas glances at Ness.
[20:10] * Ness looks at Lkeas "What? What's wrong with being direct?"
[20:11] * Mobuis frowns slightly, clenching his hand into a fist.
[20:11] Lisa: [1]
[20:11] * Rif stands up, pushing the body out of view behind a couch. He proceeds to sit on the couch.
[20:11] Lkeas: Oh, you must have missed the time I was direct with David Viara and got chased out of his apartment by a few fireballs..
[20:11] Lisa: We have known about your record from the begining
[20:11] * Lkeas scowls and tugs on her satchel. "Yes, I know, the secret encyclopedia proved rather useless.. hence why I got rid of it."
[20:12] Lisa: We even knew about your clever hidden archive when you bothered with that pretense
[20:12] * Ness shrugs "Unsurprising."
[20:12] Lkeas: But what do you care about it? You supposedly know more of the Truth than we do, what could you possibly gain from reading the Archive?
[20:12] Ness: Our progress.
[20:12] Lisa: I care about the end of your little journey
[20:13] Lisa: I care about the fact that you deviated from the Caelestian's instructions
[20:13] *** koffax has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[20:13] Ness: Are our goals opposed, Lisa?
[20:13] * Lkeas smirks. "So I see. That's what you meant, then."
[20:13] Ness: I'm afraid I honestly do not know for certain.
[20:14] Lisa: Opposed Ness. Only if you are opposed to the Salvation of Creation
[20:14] Ness: Allow me to rephrase.
[20:14] Ness: Assuming we both have the same theoretical goal
[20:14] Ness: Are our methods opposed?
[20:15] Lkeas: How exactly do you plan on bringing about this Salvation, Lisa? Purification of faults?
[20:15] Kazuma: sounds like The'Galin
[20:15] Kazuma: I'm not helping huh
[20:15] Lkeas: You say you care for our souls.. but I've still yet to hear how NOVA goes about doing such a thing..
[20:15] Lisa: You Kazuma utter the ineffable with complete callousness
[20:16] Kazuma: I already know I'm a fool
[20:16] Lisa: The only thing worse then a fool is a fool who knows it yet changes not
[20:16] * Mobuis sits down in the open space on the couch, next to Mellisa.
[20:17] Ness: Well, Lisa, would you care to tell us exactly how you plan on salvaging Creation?
[20:17] Kazuma: I try to change it, really I do, but I'm unable without help
[20:17] Lisa: Why do you ask questions for which you believe you already know the answer
[20:17] *** LB|AFK has joined #darkabode.
[20:17] *** Mode change "+v LB|AFK" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[20:17] Lisa: Mothing I could say will convince you one way or the other
[20:18] Lisa: I have no time for games of pretense
[20:18] * Kazuma shuts up
[20:18] Ness: Well, two reasons. First, I don't believe we know the answer, exactly and second, I, personally, don't profess to know all there is to know.
[20:18] * Ness shrugs "There are things we know as a group that I don't personally know"
[20:19] Lisa: Creation has long been a Cesspit
[20:19] Ness: And you wish to filter it into pure water, so to speak
[20:19] Ness: Quite.
[20:19] Ness: But *HOW*?
[20:19] Lisa: When a cesspool is backed up
[20:19] Lisa: You pump out the waste
[20:20] Ness: And you plan to do this how?
[20:20] Lkeas: How do you decide which is waste? Is any being of creation worthy of not being 'pumped out,' so to speak?
[20:20] Lisa: I plan on doing this in no way whatsoever save being an angel
[20:20] Ness: Being an angel?
[20:20] Lisa: Yes
[20:20] Kira|inandout: there are many kinds of angels...
[20:20] Lisa: In the true greek meaning of the word
[20:21] Lkeas: A messenger.
[20:21] * Mobuis frowns slightly.
[20:21] Ness: And your message is?
[20:23] Rif: So, your hand will not be doing the filtration.
[20:23] *** LB|AFK has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[20:24] *** LordBarrius has joined #darkabode.
[20:24] *** Mode change "+v LordBarrius" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[20:26] Jeice: Lisa, did Epsilon do some work on Lore around... let's say 1000 years ago?
[20:27] Lisa: Nothing hides that is not seen
[20:27] Lisa: Nothing is seen that is not known
[20:27] Ness: Now you sound like Falerin, Lisa.
[20:28] Ness: Could you be the one source of information we will ever have that doesn't speak in riddle?
[20:28] Ness: riddles*
[20:28] * Lkeas glares at Ness. "You expect the truth to just be handed to us on a silver platter with garnish, perhaps?"
[20:29] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Broken pipe).
[20:29] *** Ness has joined #darkabode.
[20:29] *** Mode change "+ao Ness Ness" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[20:29] Lisa: It is only a riddle to minds that deny what they do not wish to see
[20:30] * Ness chuckles at Lkeas a bit "No, no, of course not. I just think we shouldn't have to fight like dogs for every last morsel of it."
[20:30] *** LordBarrius has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[20:30] * Lkeas turns back to Lisa.
[20:30] Jeice: Lisa, will you answer my question, or have you already and I missed it?
[20:31] Lisa: Espsilon is everywhen
[20:31] Lkeas: What do you need Galrick for, anyway? What use is he to NOVA?
[20:32] Lisa: He has already done what is useful for NOVA
[20:32] Jeice: It didn't put any extra effort into that particular period of time?
[20:32] Ness: Lisa, are Epsilon's methods and our methods in conflict?
[20:32] Lisa: Had I wanted to take Galrick I could have. I told you myself where he could be found
[20:33] Lisa: You define conflict Ness
[20:33] Lisa: Our methods are in conflict if you say that they are
[20:33] Ness: If we both pursue our goals via our methods to the fullest, will they at some point cross each other and only one will continue?
[20:34] Lisa: This is suppositioned on the premise that we do indeed have the same desire
[20:34] Lkeas: Yes.. you did. What has he already done for you? We heard little about his actions while he was in your grasp, we only saw the effects of his transformation..
[20:34] Lisa: It is nothing that he did
[20:34] Lisa: It is what others did
[20:35] * Ness points at the clock that appeared earlier "Out of curiosity, do you know anything about that?"
[20:35] * Lkeas hesitates as if already guessing the answer to her question, "...what others?"
[20:36] Lisa: You have a cute saying about Division being the work of this being... the Uncreator. Division however is more the work of human beings. They themselves divide. The Caelestian also said something else was the work of that being...
[20:36] Lisa: Think on that
[20:36] *** Lisa has signed off IRC (Interred: Remember your Soul. We certainly will.).
[20:36] * Ness sighs
[20:37] * Lkeas bites her lip. "Unification.."
[20:37] Ness: What else is the work of The'Galin
[20:37] * Mobuis let's his hand drop to his side, slightly calmer.
[20:37] Ness: Unification?
[20:37] Jeice: I figured whe meant what we did, but what purpose did it serve them exactly?
[20:37] Jeice: she*
[20:37] * Mellisa goes back to being emotionless.
[20:37] Ness: Did she just imply Epsilon *condones* The'Galin's actions?
[20:38] * Mobuis looks over at Mellisa, and refrains from showing his anger.
[20:38] Mobuis: Riddles, it's always riddles...
[20:38] Rif: I remember back far when we had said that The'Galin had sometimes shown himself inside us.
[20:38] Jeice: Ah, there was one question I really should have asked her.
[20:38] Lkeas: I have my suspicions.. she mentioned they understand psychology, perhaps they have been studying us this whole time, seeing how we react to a friend in trouble, seeing how we go about taking action..
[20:39] Ness: Well, I think we're generally well-meaning....
[20:39] * Lkeas suddenly goes pale.
[20:39] Ness: Although a bit immature at times.
[20:39] * Ness looks at Lkeas worriedly
[20:39] Jeice: I should have asked, do they wish to purify even the Pantheon of Lore?
[20:39] Jeice: Lkeas?
[20:39] Ness: Are you alright?
[20:39] Kira|inandout: the road to hell is paved with good intentions ness
[20:39] * Mobuis eyes Lkeas.
[20:40] * Lkeas waves to the others and shuts her eyes.
[20:40] Ness: Our prophet is prophecizing, it would seem
[20:40] * Lkeas gasps and falls to her knees. "No..."
[20:40] * Mobuis eyes dart between Lkeas and Mellisa, and then watch Lkeas.
[20:40] * Ness walks over to Lkeas
[20:41] Jeice: Ness, wait until it is done.
[20:41] * Ness looks at jeice and nods
[20:41] * Lkeas shivers and her eyes fly open. "What have we done..."
[20:41] Ness: What?
[20:41] * Mobuis closes his eyes.
[20:42] Ness: What did you see?
[20:42] Rif: Don't forget Lkeas, psychology consists of 6 major aspects. Biology, mostly the brain; cultural, response in environment; humanistic, human potential, "Be all you can be."; Freud, influences from birth; Watson, being trained and learning by observation.
[20:42] Lkeas: I... I should have interpreted Lisa's words faster.. I didn't think...
[20:42] Ness: What?
[20:42] Ness: Tell us
[20:42] Rif: Seems I am missing one.
[20:42] * Lkeas furrows her brows. "She said a 'vessel' is useless to us in New York.."
[20:43] Lkeas: I had thought she meant a ship... not... a person...
[20:43] Jeice: Oh crud...
[20:43] Rif: People, just think for a few seconds. It isn't what Galrick did, it is what others did.
[20:43] Jeice: I wish I had been there!
[20:43] Ness: Well, I figured that's what she meant
[20:43] * Mobuis stills has his eyes closed.
[20:43] Ness: But I thought nothing of it
[20:43] Ness: What did it mean?
[20:43] * Lkeas looks at Ness. "Why did you think nothing of it?! Don't you see? Galrick is meant to be a vessel..."
[20:44] Ness: I didn't know!
[20:44] Jeice: For something to manifest...
[20:44] Ness: Vessel of WHAT?
[20:44] Kira|inandout: a vessal for the faceless? or something...worse...
[20:44] Mobuis: Why...
[20:44] * Lkeas rocks on her heels. "Oh gods, what have we done.."
[20:45] Ness: I don't know, what?
[20:45] Lkeas: And Galrick... he has forgotten who he is..
[20:45] Rif: In these terms of psychology, it would seem they've been studying our responses to change. Also, epsilon research, it seems to be very humanistic, measuring a human's potential and thereby its purity and worth.
[20:45] Jeice: It cannot be stopped.
[20:45] Ness: Lkeas...
[20:45] Ness: What do you mean?
[20:45] Rif: Galrick, was merely a tool of NOVA.
[20:45] Rif: Lore...
[20:45] Kira|inandout: is avatar?
[20:46] Mobuis: A curse be upon this day...
[20:46] * Lkeas looks at Ness. "I had a vision... Ryuusei was speaking... he said the Master's communicant is now home.. and the manifestation will proceed.."
[20:46] Kira|inandout: galrick is omega?!
[20:46] * Lkeas shakes her head and balls her hands into fists.
[20:46] Ness: So Galrick is Omega
[20:46] Jeice: He was controlled to summon the army of undeath.
[20:46] * Kira|inandout has been
[20:46] Lkeas: And Galrick has lost his memory... has likely lost everything he's ever fought for...
[20:46] * Ness shrugs, apparently unworried
[20:47] Mobuis: Is there nothing we can do?
[20:47] * Rif drops his head, "The research, the studying, all that. Yet, in the end, it was us who did it."
[20:47] Jeice: He was controlled before as others Lords have acted through their communicants.
[20:47] *** Kazuma has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[20:47] Ness: The Manifestation will proceed. Were we ever even concerned with stopping it? Omega will awaken when Hope awakens, I believe we were told.
[20:48] Ness: Plus, it was Falerin's instructions to bring Galrick to Lore, which is what we were going to do anyway.
[20:48] Lkeas: Yes, but.. Galrick was a friend, a guide, a beacon of hope..
[20:48] Mariel: Have you abanoned all hope already....
[20:48] Kira|inandout: a hero
[20:48] Jeice: Mariel, is there a way to undo this?
[20:49] * Rif looks around, hearing a voice that sounds vaguely familiar, "No, but I will admit, we are in quite a bind."
[20:49] *** Kira|inandout is now known as Kira.
[20:49] Mobuis: We must keep hope, at least...
[20:49] * Lkeas balls her hands into fists. "Mariel.. no of course not... Galrick told us what was important was not the person, but his words.. his memory.."
[20:49] Mariel: I would not know. I do know this though. Prophecy is my domain on Caelestia.
[20:49] Mariel: There is perhaps no more chaotic gift
[20:49] *** Kazuma has joined #darkabode.
[20:49] Lkeas: This is true..
[20:49] * Ness looks at Mariel
[20:49] Jeice: What can you tell us of such prophecy?
[20:49] Ness: Then give us a Prophecy
[20:50] Mariel: Ones interpretation of it often self-fulfilling
[20:50] * Rif smiles a little, "Can't lose hope." He looks at the body, "Nope, because he wouldn't."
[20:50] Mariel: Very well then Ness... my prophecy is this....
[20:50] Mariel: English is a nasty language. Words often have many meanings
[20:50] Mariel: Take of it what you will
[20:50] Mariel: I wish you well
[20:51] * Mariel fades
[20:51] Jeice: Thank you Mariel!
[20:51] * Kazuma jots all of that down
[20:51] Ness: Wait, what?
[20:51] * Mobuis sighs, and lowers his head.
[20:51] * Lkeas struggles to recall Ryuusei's words exactly.
[20:51] Lkeas: The Masters communicant is now home as is proper. A debt is owed for his safe delivery.
[20:51] Lkeas: And now the manifestation will proceed.
[20:52] Jeice: Perhaps there is another it refers to.
[20:52] Lkeas: Yes, perhaps.
[20:53] Lkeas: It does not specifically say that the communicant will be used for the manifestation.
[20:53] * Rif looks at Lkeas, a smile starting to come across his face. His voice starts soft and slowly gets more confident, "Puns, double meanings. Lkeas, you know what this means? Research time!"
[20:53] Kazuma: oh oh oh! Research! can I help!
[20:54] * Lkeas stands and looks at Rif. "Indeed. We must be on the lookout and keep an open mind."
[20:54] * Mobuis takes up Mellisa in his arms and carries her out of the Abode.
[20:54] *** Mellisa has left #darkabode.
[20:54] *** Mobuis has left #darkabode.
[20:54] *** Rif is now known as Donto_M.
[20:55] Lkeas: I must depart. The Omninauts are travelling.
[20:55] Kazuma: goodbye
[20:55] *** Genoclysm has joined #darkabode.
[20:55] *** Mode change "+ao Genoclysm Genoclysm" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[20:55] *** Jeice has left #darkabode.
[20:55] * Wrakigink leaves
[20:56] *** Rif has joined #darkabode.
[20:57] Kazuma: so, the chatter in Epic has begun?
[20:57] Genoclysm: Yes, I believe it has.
[20:57] Kazuma: I'll just kick back then
[20:58] *** RoD|AFK is now known as Hadin|Useless.
[20:59] Genoclysm: I hear we are in Galrick's home town.
[20:59] Genoclysm: they*
[21:00] * Rif looks up, "Galrick, hmm, nice name."
[21:01] * Donto_M starts to pulse faster, irregularly.
[21:01] Rif: Weird, now what kid?
[21:01] Kazuma: talking about #epic
[21:02] Kazuma: I've only started hanging around here 2 days ago
[21:02] Kazuma: so I need to learn as much as possible
[21:03] Rif: ((Very well aware, just a little thing. I'll explain it some other time.))
[21:03] Kazuma: ((ah, okay))
[21:24] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Broken pipe).
[21:28] *** Ness has joined #darkabode.
[21:28] *** Mode change "+ao Ness Ness" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[21:30] *** Nicholas has joined #darkabode.
[21:30] *** Mode change "+v Nicholas" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[21:30] >Ambiance<: A Large spinning black gemstone appears from nowhere
[21:30] * Rif jumps back, startled, "Whoa! What is that!"
[21:30] Genoclysm: Interesting...
[21:31] * Kazuma writes about ths intresting new apperance
[21:31] >Ambiance<: The gemstone stops
[21:31] * Lanfire steps out of the Gemstone carefully
[21:32] * Lanfire Last stop. Caelestia. Everyone out. Next stop the Nine Hells.
[21:32] * Wrakigink steps out after him. "'Ello everyone."
[21:32] Kazuma: hey hey
[21:32] Wrakigink: Sounds nice?
[21:32] * Lkeas hops out quickly. "No thanks, one hell is good enough for me.."
[21:32] Wrakigink: All expences paid?
[21:32] * Nicholas slowly strolls out.
[21:32] * Kira gets out
[21:32] * Donto_M flies out in a spiritual form. He flies back to his shell, slugging Rif in the face on the way.
[21:32] * Ness steps out
[21:32] Kazuma: Epic?
[21:32] * Avarie wanders back in from the forest, hearing Rif's exclimation and feeling perhaps just the faintest twinge of magical power. "What in the?"
[21:33] *** Damsel has joined #darkabode.
[21:33] *** Mode change "+ao Damsel Damsel" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[21:33] *** Jeice has joined #darkabode.
[21:33] *** Mode change "+ao Jeice Jeice" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[21:33] *** Hadin|Useless is now known as RoD|Hadin.
[21:33] * Rif looks at Avarie, "It seems our friends have returned."
[21:33] Jeice: Hey Geno. I guess we're back already.
[21:33] Kazuma: so it seems
[21:33] Wrakigink: Whats Hell like anyways?
[21:33] *** RoD|Hadin is now known as RoD|Useless.
[21:33] * Lanfire and the Gem stone vanish as soon as the last of its occupants step out
[21:33] Kazuma: you might like it, lots of fire
[21:33] Wrakigink: Sounds Nice
[21:34] * Donto_M curses, only showing pulses again.
[21:34] Kazuma: the rest of the details are sketchy though
[21:34] Jeice: He said he lied about why we were brought back I think...
[21:34] * Damsel glances about, surprised. "This isn't our old room. Where are we?"
[21:34] Rif: Lied? How much had he said?
[21:34] Kazuma: what did y'all do?
[21:34] Mariel: If nice is demons and devils chewing on you yeah
[21:34] Mariel: Real nice
[21:34] * Lkeas sighs and looks at Damsel. "We were.. relocated, for various reasons."
[21:34] * Useless hops out and wraps his arms about Damsel from behind. "Calm down, dearest. We were relocated, apparently."
[21:34] Wrakigink: Welcome to The DarkAbode! located in tropical un explored Regions of lore!
[21:34] * Wrakigink laughs
[21:35] Lkeas: I think you mean Caelestia, Wrakigink..
[21:35] Kazuma: it's not THAT bad. the demonds are misunderstood
[21:35] Wrakigink: Its a joke.
[21:35] * Avarie folds her arms and leans against the wall nearest the door, her usual location for observation.
[21:35] Mariel: Yeah right. You tell yourself that. Well good morrow seekers I have buisness of chaos to attend
[21:35] Lkeas: Take care Mariel
[21:35] Genoclysm: See ya Mariel!
[21:35] * Ness nods to Mariel
[21:35] Kazuma: chaos you say?
[21:35] Mariel: <<End of Session>>
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