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- <>Ambiance:<> Flurries begin to fall outside
- <AlastorRyst> ( Who did that? )
- * Kira|inandout looks out window and shivers out of memories
- * AlastorRyst looks out the window, "It's snowing!":
- * Bob looks down at his bare chest.
- <Bob> anyone got an extra shirt?
- * Ness looks out the window
- <Ness> Oh, HELL
- <Ness> Not again
- * Dale looks out the window with curiosity. "Not this again..."
- * Ness grabs all the blankets he can find
- * Bob looks around in panic
- * Nick snaps awake "Remember last time, they'll be coming again I think"
- <Bob> i need a shirt!
- * Bob runs around
- * Ness tosses Bob a blanet
- <Ness> blanket: *
- * Bob catches it
- * Bob thanks Ness
- <AlastorRyst> What's going on?
- <Bob> snow
- * Ness shrugs
- * Bob points to window
- <AlastorRyst> I see that.
- <Ness> Let's hope it's Falerin
- <AlastorRyst> ( I've gotta go )
- <Ness> And not something or someone else
- <Ness> ((Later))
- * AlastorRyst falls asleep
- <AlastorRyst> ( I'll keep the window open. )
- * AlastorRyst is now known as Ryst|AFK
- * Ness sighs
- <>Ambiance:<> A large clock appears 50:35:20
- * Ness looks up "Falerin, is that you?"
- * Ness looks outside
- <Ness> SHIT!
- * Bob looks at the clock
- <>Ambiance:<> The clock begins counting downward
- <Nick> 50:35:20
- <Bob> what are we doing
- * Ness sits on the couch and covers up with all the blankets and huddles
- <Bob> whats happining
- * Rif looks up from meditation, sensing a new disturbance. His eyes swing open, "What just happened?"
- <Bob> nick go all wolfy and cuddle with me im cold.
- <Ness> Last time a clock appeared and it snowed we all almost died from hypothermia
- * Nick chuckles "I'll pass bud"
- <Bob> and what is with that clock?
- <Bob> o
- * Bob looks sad
- <Ness> ((Is that 50 hours?))
- * Rif stands up, looking out the window to hwere the clock stands, "Hm, wonder what happens this time."
- <Nick> ((Maybe...))
- <Ness> ((Guess we don't know till the next tick))
- <Ness> Well, I'm staying RIGHT HERE
- <Ness> I'm retaining all the warmth I can.
- * Bob sits next to Ness.
- * Bob tries to cover himself with his blanket. "you would give me the smallest one."
- <Bob> wait!
- * Bob runs into he kitchen
- * Nick sighs "Maybe after this I'll be able to sleep"
- * Bob returns holding his helmet in one hand.
- <>Ambiance:<> The snow switches over to an early spring mix
- <Ness> Huh
- * Ness uncovers
- <Ness> Maybe this WON'T be so bad
- <Bob> if it gets too cold, ill just put this on.
- <Ness> Unless it keeps going in the direction it's going....
- * Bob knocks on the table.
- <Nick> I like the rain
- * Bob looks at nick
- <Bob> what is it like... being..... you know
- <>Ambiance:<> The temperature warms substantially and the rain switches entirely to an midsummer shower. complete with the rare but regular flash of lightning and crash of thunder.
- <Nick> Not really different. you know
- <Ness> Oh, joy!
- <Ness> Here we go
- <Ness> We should all probably get to high ground
- * Nick gets up and sprints outside "I'm Singinnnnnnnnng in the Rain!"
- * Bob sits on the couch, thinking.
- * Ryst|AFK is now known as AlastorRyst
- <>Ambiance:<> The rain lightens to a steady thunder drizzle
- * Ness frowns
- * Ness looks up
- <Ness> Eldron?
- * AlastorRyst wakes up
- <Nick> The Rain drops keep falling on my head, but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red, no the rain drops keep falling!
- <Dale> Hm...
- <Ness> Keshish?
- * Kira|inandout sighs "i like thunder"
- <Dale> I don't think this has anything to do with them...
- * Dale shrugs. "I've been wrong before."
- <Ness> Why?
- <>Ambiance:<> The clock continues counting downward at a near perfect rate second per second. Currently it reads 50:27:24
- * Bob looks at the clock
- <Bob> what is with that
- <AlastorRyst> A clock?
- * Nick starts jumping in puddles
- <>Ambiance:<> The rain stops
- <Ness> Well, logic would say that when it hits 0 something will happen
- <>Ambiance:<> The sun comes out and birds begin to sing