Outright Suicide

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Revision as of 07:49, 27 July 2008 by Rhowena (Talk | contribs)
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[19:57] * Mobuis waves his hand and a fire creature goes to pester Daniel to dance.
[19:57] * HarL|rest| calls forth a gust of wind and makes it seem to dance with Mobuis
[19:57] *** Dale has joined #darkabode.
[19:57] *** Mode change "+v Dale" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[19:57] * Link goes to Falerins throne and falls asleep
[19:57] *** HarL|rest| is now known as HarLeQuin.
[19:57] Dale: ((Sorry about that, comp just rebooted itself. 'Twas weird))
[19:58] * Daniel mutters something about fire being the poor elemental's light in his sleep *
[19:58] Mobuis: ((Its SBC! I swear!))
[19:58] * Mobuis has an ice creature jump with the other around Daniel.
[19:59] * Lkeas stops dancing suddenly.
[19:59] * Daniel grumbles and awakens *
[19:59] Lkeas: Galrick...
[19:59] * Mobuis smiles as Daniel wakes.
[19:59] * Lkeas looks at Dale apologetically. "I'm sorry Dale.. could we continue the dance another time?"
[19:59] * Link wakes up "galrick?"
[19:59] Link: Where?
[19:59] *** QueenTEP is now known as QueenTEP|Sleep.
[19:59] * Lkeas runs over to her scrolls and watches as new writing appears on one of them.
[19:59] * Az|Distracted harumphs, still asleep.
[19:59] * Daniel conjures a blanket over himself and goes back to sleep *
[19:59] Lkeas: Galrick has written in his journal...
[19:59] * Dale nods. "Duties first."
[20:00] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow.
[20:00] * Mobuis stops dancing, and the music lessens.
[20:00] * Lkeas frowns. "No..."
[20:00] Az|Distracted: He's the martyr?
[20:01] * LordBarrius gestures, bringing a portal flaring to life in front of him, which he gazes into.
[20:01] Lkeas: I told him not to go alone...
[20:01] * HarLeQuin looks concerned "what is it"
[20:01] Dale: He's gone to fight Ryuusei, hasn't he?
[20:01] Lkeas: He intends to..
[20:01] Az|Distracted: "An alternative..." what could be an alternative?
[20:02] * LordBarrius reads silently, then curses aloud and smashes his hand into the portal, shattering it. "Damnit!"
[20:02] * Link looks at the scroll
[20:02] Link: Restoration and Complication
[20:02] Link: It is quite likely that I will not survive what comes. It is important to me that you carry on regardless. I intend to fight against his agents and if neccesary fight him myself. This is a fools errand. I will not survive. I will howver buy you time to implement an alternative.
[20:02] Link: Please do not make the mistake of following my example. It will cost you everything.
[20:02] Link: ?
[20:03] bluemanrocks: ((Adiue))
[20:03] *** bluemanrocks is now known as Sprrie.
[20:03] * Lkeas sits down on the couch, her eyes distant. "I don't know.. what does he intend us to do if we don't follow his example?"
[20:03] Genoclysm: Wow... that song...
[20:03] * Mobuis silences his music and the creatures vanish. He slumps down on his couch.
[20:03] Az|Distracted: What's an alternative, Lkeas?
[20:03] Az|Distracted: I don't see anything else we can do...
[20:03] * LordBarrius sighs and takes a few deep breaths before speaking again. "Why....why does he have to do it now? Without anyone's help...."
[20:03] * Daniel wakes up, his alarm ringing and sits upright *
[20:03] Link: he doesnt want us to kill The`Galin's agents.....like he is
[20:03] HarLeQuin: ((so where are u guys getting this msg from?))
[20:03] * Lkeas shakes her head. "To fight, to give in, to flee.."
[20:04] Az|Distracted: This would have to be the first choice for Galrick...
[20:04] Link: (( (Link: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=115526472&blogID=218814038&MyToken=e0a66931-fb70-4b78-82f2-8c4fb8584359)http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=115526472&blogID=218814038&MyToken=e0a66931-fb70-4b78-82f2-8c4fb8584359 ))
[20:04] Lkeas: ((yes we see it Link thank you))
[20:04] Daniel: Subverting Ryuusei is always an option.
[20:04] Daniel: He was clearly borderline treacherous. No reason not to gain him as an ally.
[20:04] Link: ((no Har wanted the link))
[20:05] Az|Distracted: The picture supplied to the lyrics of his song...
[20:05] * Lkeas turns to LordBarrius. "He doesn't think that we'd have any better chance of surviving than he.. he's trying to protect us.."
[20:06] * LordBarrius grits his teeth, clearly restraining his voice. "You think that makes it easier to let him go?"
[20:06] Az|Distracted: The Sigma Directive he issued seems to have gone missing.
[20:06] Daniel: The Sigma Directive's purpose had expired.
[20:07] Az|Distracted: That works too.
[20:07] Daniel: I asked him that specifically cause I intended to follow him into battle.
[20:07] Lkeas: Not easier, no...
[20:07] * Mobuis looks down.
[20:08] LordBarrius: It's just....
[20:08] * LordBarrius trails off and turns away.
[20:08] * Az|Distracted gets up and begins to pace, his eyes trapped in a 1000 yard stare.
[20:09] * Lkeas lowers her gaze to her scrolls. "His front page... he had said something similar before.."
[20:09] Lkeas: What matters is the lives we have touched..
[20:09] * Mobuis forms ice in his palm and crushes it.
[20:09] Az|Distracted: I noticed his headline changed.
[20:09] Genoclysm: That song hurts... but it stresses forgiveness. I think he is at peace with himself.
[20:09] *** max has signed off IRC (Supressed: <Weeeee Fear me I am a evil kitty lol GoodNight and I have other stuff to do bye>).
[20:10] Mobuis: Mm...
[20:10] *** Galrick has joined #darkabode.
[20:10] * Mobuis looks up.
[20:10] Az|Distracted: It stresses sacrifice, in my opinion. Perhaps he is the martyr...
[20:10] Daniel: Hello Galrick.
[20:10] *** Az|Distracted is now known as Azerkail.
[20:10] * LordBarrius turns his head quickly. "Galrick!"
[20:10] Daniel: You seem... resolved.
[20:10] Dale: Greetings, Galrick.
[20:10] Mobuis: Greetings.
[20:10] Galrick: Far too somber
[20:10] Azerkail: Aloha, Galrick...
[20:10] Genoclysm: Galrick. Hello.
[20:10] Galrick: You also misread me entirely.... which is nothing new
[20:10] Galrick: My life has been nothing but being misread
[20:11] * Lkeas looks up. "Seeker... "
[20:11] Galrick: I never said I was going it alone
[20:11] Galrick: I said... I do not expect to survive what comes
[20:11] Galrick: And when it comes time I will fight
[20:11] Daniel: Yes, and that you do not know yet who will be with you, right?
[20:11] Galrick: even though that is a loosing course
[20:11] Genoclysm: I thought you'd keep your word to not go alone.
[20:11] Lkeas: Mmm. It appears we did misread... you said not to follow your example.
[20:12] Galrick: Yes my dear
[20:12] Galrick: For if it comes down to it I will fight my lord myself
[20:12] Galrick: bodily
[20:12] Galrick: And that is suicide
[20:12] Galrick: outright suicide
[20:12] * LordBarrius frowns. "Then why do it?"
[20:13] Azerkail: No alternatives?
[20:13] Galrick: it will by only the barest moments from shock value
[20:13] Galrick: But moments are precious in the scheme of infintesimal time
[20:13] Lkeas: But what will those moments buy us? What are we to do while you are stalling for time?
[20:13] Galrick: By then one hopes we have an answer Prophet
[20:14] Galrick: Or else none of this will matter anyway
[20:14] * Lkeas shakes her head. "I am no Prophet in this case... for it seems you know more about what will happen than I.."
[20:14] Galrick: Have you tried looking within prophet
[20:15] Lkeas: ...
[20:16] * Lkeas glances down
[20:16] Genoclysm: Galrick, you were silenced before... why is it we are not allowed to learn of the temple's whereabouts? I still believe we should head there to seek knowledge as one of our priorities. If you cannot say, don't get silenced again trying to tell me.
[20:16] Daniel: I suppose what we should do is ensure that we reach the temple and activate the Index.
[20:17] * Lkeas closes her eyes. "...is that why he has gone to LORE..."
[20:18] * Lkeas shudders
[20:19] Azerkail: Perhaps this is the "north" we have been hinted to look for recently?
[20:19] Lkeas: Who will answer his call... it's all a game to him..
[20:21] * Lkeas opens her eyes.
[20:21] Lkeas: Galrick...
[20:21] Galrick: Deren
[20:21] Lkeas: Do you know the part you are to play, then..
[20:21] Galrick: It is off the coast of Deren
[20:21] *** Galrick has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[20:22] * Mobuis looks up.
[20:22] Genoclysm: As I suspected, but why did he leave so suddenly again?
[20:22] * Azerkail sighs uncomfortably, "Deren is not to the north."
[20:22] Link: it is if you are below it
[20:22] Link: actually it is
[20:22] Link: think of a globe
[20:22] Genoclysm: Depends on where the continents have drifted Azer.
[20:22] Link: its above.
[20:22] Link: and below
[20:22] Genoclysm: We aren't quite certain about the true map.
[20:23] * LordBarrius sighs as Galrick leaves. "I wish you good fortune until the end, Galrick...."
[20:23] Mobuis: Well, maybe the masses should be informed?
[20:23] Genoclysm: Lkeas, please, what have you seen?
[20:23] * To the north of What? You presume Battleonia? Why?
[20:24] * Lkeas glances up. "Geno... it will take some time to decipher... it was as a dream, full of symbols.."
[20:24] Genoclysm: Personally I'm not sure which meaning of north it is supposed to be.
[20:24] Azerkail: The in-accurate map...
[20:24] Link: Lkeas explain it to us
[20:24] Link: or draw it
[20:24] LordBarrius: Please try your best to explain, sister.
[20:24] Genoclysm: Link, be patient.
[20:25] Azerkail: In retrospect, assuming Battleonia as the reference point was a little self-centered...
[20:25] Lkeas: I saw the Temple.. and 9 orbs..
[20:26] Mobuis: Man, from a party to a puzzle... quite a day...
[20:26] Daniel: You saw our goal...
[20:26] Genoclysm: Everyone, please be quiet until she is finished.
[20:26] Link: 9 orbs
[20:26] Lkeas: i saw masks, like from a dramatic play, comedy, tragedy.. we were all wearing a bride's veil..
[20:26] Lkeas: and The'Galin's voice...
[20:27] RoseTyler: ...if you are an alien how come you sound like you are from the north
[20:27] Link: what did he say?
[20:27] Link: Who are you?
[20:27] Lkeas: he was playing that game.. the one where one shouts with his eyes closed, and the others answer in return..
[20:27] * Lkeas trails off
[20:27] Daniel: Rose?
[20:27] TheDoctor: Lot's of planets have a north
[20:28] Link: Marco polo? the terran game?
[20:28] Genoclysm: Marco Polo? That game?
[20:28] * Lkeas tilts her head, listening to the voices echoing in the room.
[20:28] Link: gotta say this
[20:28] LordBarrius: Hm. Curious.
[20:28] Link: eh, whats up doc?
[20:28] Voice: And more pointedly every country south of the pole has a north too
[20:29] Voice: Adieu
[20:29] * Lkeas grins slightly. "North can mean many things.. it's like Maxwell said.."
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