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: [17:30] *** TheControlled has joined #755.

[17:30] *** Rimblade154 has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:30] Rimblade: Yes, I was diverted to Aether
[17:30] Gastria: yeah, but you went into the other group
[17:30] bob: the controlled?
[17:30] bob: oh ok
[17:30] Edynol: Hey Rimblade.
[17:30] Gastria: the group I was in had circa
[17:30] Gastria: you weren't there

: [17:30] TheControlled: Are you sure?

[17:30] bob: huh?
[17:30] Rimblade: 'The oracle sees all?' That sounds quite fammilar.
[17:30] bob: sure about what?
[17:31] Gastria: believe me Bob, why should I lie about this?
[17:31] bob: i trust you...
[17:31] Rimblade: What are you not lying about?
[17:31] Edynol: What are yall talking about?

: [17:31] TheControlled: ........humans

[17:31] Gastria: that Bob was not here when Circa's name was being changed
[17:31] bob: wow
[17:31] bob: worst
[17:31] Lkeas: what about humans?
[17:31] Edynol: What are yall talking about?
[17:31] bob: fake
[17:31] Genoclysm: There are so many distractions. Have you all forgotten our goal?
[17:31] bob: ever

: [17:31] TheControlled: ...........the worst kind

[17:31] Gastria: nothing
[17:31] Gastria: yeah, we have
[17:32] *** Andrew has joined #755.
[17:32] Rimblade: Humans are the worst kind, or 'you are the worst kind of humans'?
[17:32] Edynol: What are yall talking about?
[17:32] Genoclysm: Our goal is to survive the Devourer. That is much more important than NOVA.

: [17:32] TheControlled: ........sickens me

[17:32] bob: ahh
[17:32] Gastria: you, know this is pointless, I think I shall leave... I will return tomorrow. Bye all!
[17:32] Edynol: Ahh the devourer.
[17:32] Lkeas: this is true geno
[17:32] bob: wow im logging but not sure why
[17:32] Gastria: Walete Omnes!

: [17:32] TheControlled: you all do not know what you are getting into

[17:33] Edynol: Yall think the devourer might be disguised as someone we know?
[17:33] bob: i do
[17:33] *** Gastria has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[17:33] Rimblade: We have a fair idea.
[17:33] Lkeas: do you know what we are getting into?
[17:33] bob: i was prepared
[17:33] TheControlled: tell me.....your purpose mortals
[17:33] bob: good question Lkeas
[17:33] Genoclysm: The devourer can manifest himself as he wishes. I don't know if he can copy or not.
[17:33] bob: to find the truth and save the wolrd so i can keep my seeker badge!

: [17:33] TheControlled: there is some.........that talk to much

[17:33] Lkeas: what is our purpose, controlled?
[17:34] Genoclysm: He isn't like the story in the clock though, from what I've seen. At least, I doubt it.

: [17:34] TheControlled: you will never understand

[17:34] Lkeas: why not?
[17:34] Edynol: Some people think he might be Falerin, or whatever his name is. The elf on the Isle.
[17:34] bob: why not?
[17:34] *** Ranma236 has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

: [17:34] TheControlled: .....dont even understand what i am saying.........

[17:34] bob: nopers we donty

: [17:34] TheControlled: so....primitive

[17:34] bob: dont*
[17:35] Lkeas: you say people talk too much... yet you say we do not understand
[17:35] Rimblade: Thank you for your vote of confidence. Have you anything of worth to add?
[17:35] *** Ranma236 has joined #755.
[17:35] Lkeas: can you help us understand?

: [17:35] TheControlled: help yourselves.........i tried

[17:35] bob: uh
[17:35] Lkeas: how can we help ourselves?
[17:35] Genoclysm: When and how did you try/
[17:35] bob: you dident answer any of our questions we asked to help us understand
[17:35] Genoclysm: ?*
[17:35] Ranma236: ?
[17:36] Ranma236: what is happening?

: [17:36] TheControlled: because all of my answers are right in front of you

[17:36] TheControlled: humans need to all need.....knowledge
[17:36] Lkeas: why are you called TheControlled?

: [17:36] TheControlled: because i being controlled

[17:36] Lkeas: who is controlling you?
[17:36] bob: by whom? can you say?
[17:36] Genoclysm: am*
[17:37] bob: stop it geno

: [17:37] TheControlled: i cant say much with them monitoring my............mind

[17:37] Genoclysm: What?
[17:37] bob: mabye he is real and just cant spell
[17:37] Lkeas: are you a Cor Dem?
[17:37] *** Fayt has joined #755.

: [17:37] TheControlled: not working

[17:37] bob: no wait
[17:37] Edynol: Does anyone understand the clue here? (Link:
[17:37] Ranma236: dang

: [17:37] TheControlled: farewell

[17:37] bob: ...
[17:37] Lkeas: wait!

: [17:37] *** TheControlled has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).

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