Eitak Razal
From Caelwiki
Formally known as Queen Lady Enirhtak "Eitak" Esor Razal, Eitak is the Child Queen of Neggerra and a Truth Seeker. While she is known to be a klutz, over dramatic, self-centered, among other things, she genunay cares for the other Seekers as if they were family.
Impact on the Saga
Eitak's overall impact on the saga has been quite minor until late March 25th 08/early March 26th 08, where it was revealed she is an Anunnaki host. The details of her Anunnaki are unknown, even to her.
Eitak In the abode
Eitak tends to make alot of mistakes causeing problems for the other seekers, though she does have good inentions in mind. She has become quite close to the seekers and would sacrifice her life for them. After L'keas was brought back to life, Eitak was among the seekers that tried to reassured her that she would always be the same person regardless and that they loved her regardless. After discovering she has been an Anunnaki host, she has become more withdrawn and unsure of her place among the seekers. She only remains in the abode because she realizes the others are going to try and help get through this, just as she tried to help them many times.
Eitak's Anunnaki
Details on The Annunaki bonded to Eitak are currently scarce. The only known fact is that it is broken to Ryussei's will and should allow him access to anything she knows, sees and hears. It was implanted in her during her visit to Technocrancy prime and first showed itself on March 25th after A Chronobomb 9000 planted on her by Tirleon to teach her to humility and to be nicer to others, exploded. It took control of her body and cast a massive ice spell that totally eliminated the smell caused by the bomb.