The Epic - Session LV: Part 3

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[18:03] * Clyde 's back looks for a wall to support him.
[18:03] Cerbero: ...Why am I not surprised?
[18:03] * Elenor stands, and reactivates her enchantments with a mental command.
[18:03] Elenor: ... Now that's better.
[18:04] * Cerbero stands up and his hair waves for a few seconds
[18:04] Cerbero: ...indeed...
[18:04] * Elenor lets out a sigh of relief.
[18:04] >Ambiance<: You stand in a vast forest
[18:04] Eitak_Razal: Well, at least it
[18:04] Cerbero: We're here again...
[18:04] Eitak_Razal: 's nice here
[18:04] Legault: "... Please say this isn't Immerot."
[18:05] * Clyde trips over a root of some tree.
[18:05] Cerbero: I think its Immertot.
[18:05] Kazuma: F
[18:05] >Ambiance<: Night birds sing
[18:05] Kazuma: Fruit
[18:05] Elenor: There we go... all back to normal.
[18:05] * TaloToecan blinks and glances about with his onyx eyes curiously.
[18:05] * Lkeas takes a few steps back, trying to reorient herself.  "Is this, the dream halls again?"
[18:05] Cerbero: Elenor... this is not normal at all.
[18:05] * Damsel goes over to Talo and stands beside him as she looks about. "Birds... I doubt it's Immertot."
[18:05] Kazuma: Singing? Did Immertot have anything singing?
[18:05] Elenor: I was referring to me.
[18:05] * Marrin looks about "hmm..."
[18:05] Cerbero: Ah, its not Immertot then.
[18:05] Puddles: "Yay for being in a singing forest!"
[18:05] Marrin: "Where are we, then?"
[18:05] * ZLOK shrugs and shakes his head in disbelief.
[18:06] * Eitak_Razal blinks
[18:06] Legault: "No... Immerot only has undead stuff."
[18:06] Eitak_Razal: Wha!
[18:06] Eitak_Razal: Guys
[18:06] Cerbero: I'll try to see.
[18:06] * Damsel shrugs. "I have no way of deturmining that."
[18:06] * TaloToecan shakes his head to multiple queries. "It is odd for Immertot...and...I find it hard to believe we would wind up in the Dream Halls again."
[18:06] * Cerbero opens the gap in his armor's back and sprouts his wings
[18:06] * Lkeas narrows her eyes at the seekers. "Let's try to accomplish something other than random wishes this time, if so, shall we?"
[18:06] Eitak_Razal: theres a Massive Temporal "Distortion"  but its kinda tangled...
[18:06] ZLOK: Yes!
[18:06] Cerbero: I agree with Lkeas.
[18:07] ZLOK: I completely agree with both of you, now let's not dawdle, shall we?
[18:07] * Clyde gets back up and brushes off his pants.
[18:07] * Legault looks at ZLOK. "Huh... Been a while. We should get going though."
[18:07] Rimblade: "Think of the time you waste?"
[18:07] Damsel: "You have a destination in mind then?"
[18:07] Elenor: Hey, last time I was the one who thought of Falerin appearing...
[18:07] Cerbero: I'll see if I can see anything from above...
[18:07] Eitak_Razal: I can't make anything out but, we have travled through time
[18:07] * Marrin is silent, looking about
[18:07] ZLOK: Of course I do, so do you.
[18:08] Eitak_Razal: I just can't tell how far or in what direction...
[18:08] Damsel: "Ah perhaps a better question:  You have a way of reaching that destination?"
[18:08] >Ambiance<: An antlered deer bursts through into the clearing. Startled by seeing you it takes off toward one side
[18:08] * TaloToecan reflexively moves to check if he is still carrying the laptop Computer after teh fhist.
[18:08] Cerbero: ...
[18:08] Selarep: "Bambi!"
[18:08] * Lkeas 's gaze follows after the stag.  "Well... there's a lead we could follow.."
[18:08] Legault: "... It's not a Deery. All good."
[18:08] Eitak_Razal: We could very well be in Imorrtett, just before or after the undead stuff
[18:08] * Cerbero tries to fly upwards, to look around from above
[18:09] * Clyde looks around, "Animals, running away means..."
[18:09] Eitak_Razal: We just scared.
[18:09] Lkeas: It means we startled it.
[18:09] Lkeas: However if it continues at that pace it's doubtful we'll be able to catch it.
[18:09] Clyde: "Guys, we should just...walk back before something bad happens."
[18:09] Rimblade: "No fear- it doesn't seem dangerous."
[18:10] Durroth: ...
[18:10] * Cerbero looks around from above
[18:10] Kazuma: aww
[18:10] Eitak_Razal: ok...
[18:10] Kazuma: startled? by us?
[18:10] Eitak_Razal: Something else is going on...
[18:10] Kazuma: We're slihtly more scared
[18:10] * ZLOK orients himself.
[18:10] Eitak_Razal: Something is getting rid of the fact that we're not from this timeline...
[18:11] * TaloToecan breathes in deeply, smiling gently at the more natural reaction of...well...nature.
[18:11] * Damsel glances at Eitak. "I'm sorry?"
[18:11] * Marrin is still being silent
[18:11] Eitak_Razal: We've travled through time, but something, I can't tell what, is makeing us native to this timeline.
[18:11] ZLOK: Oh, come on, is it that hard?
[18:11] Damsel: "Are you certain?"
[18:12] Genoclysm: So does anyone have any idea why Tirlerion and the abode went poof?
[18:12] Eitak_Razal: Yes. I am.
[18:12] Elenor: The abode tends to go poof quite a bit.
[18:12] Legault: "I'm... Disliking that idea. Regardless, standing here won't help us."
[18:12] Eitak_Razal: I can't tell the details but that's what I know.
[18:12] * Lkeas continues to watch the area where the deer disappeared to as she responds to Geno.  "There were those klaxons sounding.."
[18:12] * Marrin shudders suddenly, and throws up
[18:12] ZLOK: That was an intruder alert, not necessarily physical intrusion.
[18:13] Marrin: "that... was not pleasant."
[18:13] ZLOK: Shall we get on with it?
[18:13] Elenor: Marrin? Are you okay?
[18:13] Genoclysm: I'm used to people going poof, but not in mid sentence.
[18:13] * Cerbero tries to see if there is anything besides trees around them
[18:13] Marrin: "I... "
[18:13] * Marrin shakes his head
[18:13] * Legault frowns. "Probably displacement sickess, Elenor."
[18:14] * Damsel frowns and runs a hand through her hair.
[18:14] LBB_LurkKing: See, THIS is why I said that the Abode should be teleport-proofed.
[18:14] Marrin: "Don't worry.. I just... we'll leave that be. I'd be more worried about whats around us."
[18:14] * ZLOK starts walking.
[18:14] Eitak_Razal: That doesn't stop them from hurling us through time Boxy.
[18:14] Marrin: "So much.. power.. so many energies."
[18:14] Elenor: ... Greaat.
[18:14] Marrin: "or .. you may ignore me."
[18:14] Eitak_Razal: I'm listenining Marrin.
[18:14] Elenor: I'd rather not.
[18:14] * Lkeas shakes her head.  "ZLOK! Wait up!"
[18:14] Genoclysm: We're surrounded by power?
[18:14] LBB_LurkKing: Eldritch overload, Marrin?
[18:15] Genoclysm: Yeah... that's encouraging.
[18:15] * Lkeas trots off after him, hoping he'd followed in the same direction as the deer.
[18:15] * Legault shrugs, quickly pacing off along after ZLOK.
[18:15] * TaloToecan sighs softly, dropping other concerns and focusing on the troubles at hand much more thoroughly. As such, he uses his own gifts, leaving the laptop be, and makes a dedicated effort to scan for influences as he moves to follow the uncanny ZLOK.
[18:15] * ZLOK waits for Lkeas, and turns around to regard the lot again.
[18:15] * Cerbero lands in the spot where he was
[18:15] * Durroth follows ZLOK
[18:15] * Rimblade emits a rather odd 'eeep' sound, and follows suit.
[18:15] Elenor: Now that you mention it...
[18:15] Genoclysm: Considering we've only got a 50/50 chance they're friendly.
[18:15] Eitak_Razal: The first thing we should find out is WHEN we are. Where we are is less importent at this time.
[18:15] * LBB_LurkKing cackles and bounds after Rimblade like a demented puppy.
[18:16] * Clyde stays close by, trying not to lose the group.
[18:16] Marrin: "there are a lot of powers around here..."
[18:16] * Selarep nods and follows the others.
[18:16] Elenor: Aye...
[18:16] Marrin: "And I can no longer reach delva..."
[18:16] ZLOK: I bet we are exactly where we were before.
[18:16] Elenor: Oh.... Hell.
[18:16] Elenor: That can't be good.
[18:16] ZLOK: Just a couple of millions cycles before.
[18:16] * Damsel moves to walk alongside Talo. Her expression is one of doubt for the wisdom of this course of action, but she knows splitting up would be even more foolish.
[18:16] ZLOK: And in order to check that, I need to find the stream, which is that way.
[18:16] * ZLOK points.
[18:16] >Ambiance<: The smell of fire can be detected ahead
[18:17] Genoclysm: That knowledge doesn't do us very good, unless you are a Caelestia history buff.
[18:17] * Cerbero sniffs the air
[18:17] Eitak_Razal: I smell smoke
[18:17] * Durroth tenses noticably
[18:17] Cerbero:
[18:17] Eitak_Razal: Indeed Cerb.
[18:17] Elenor: Hurm..
[18:17] Kazuma: That's bad
[18:17] LBB_LurkKing: Well, if we're TOO far back, we could get caught up in the old godswars.
[18:17] Selarep: "Aye."
[18:17] ZLOK: I should afterwards, through consulting some wildlife, be able to determine if we are before or after.
[18:17] LBB_LurkKing: Assuming we're back in time at all.
[18:17] Eitak_Razal: Forest fire?
[18:17] ZLOK: And if we're after, an approximation of how long after.
[18:18] Genoclysm: If we are in the past, shouldn't we avoid people?
[18:18] Selarep: "First Bambi, now Smoky?"
[18:18] Kazuma: I think so
[18:18] * Lkeas sighs and closes her eyes for a moment, trying to clear her mind of extraneous thoughts and remain open to anything that might present itself from an outside source.  She re-opens them after taking a few deep breaths and noticing the faint trace of smoke in the air.
[18:18] Clyde: The smell of a man hunt?
[18:18] Genoclysm: You know, to avoid paradox?
[18:18] LBB_LurkKing: Pfft.
[18:18] Eitak_Razal: THere aren't any Geno
[18:18] LBB_LurkKing: Paradox can go hang itself.
[18:18] Kazuma: agreed.
[18:18] * TaloToecan mutters softly. "You never cease to amaze, ZLOK."
[18:18] Eitak_Razal: We've been merged with this timeline
[18:18] Genoclysm: Then why is there fire or whatever it is I'ms smelling?
[18:18] Elenor: What?
[18:18] Genoclysm: Oh, no chance of paradox...
[18:18] Eitak_Razal: I just explained to Damsel. Do you people not listen.
[18:18] Durroth: I hate fire
[18:18] ZLOK: What? My dazzling and canny bumbling through situations like this?
[18:18] Legault: "Avoid a paradox? G'luck with that. They happen regardless of how hard you try to stop them..."
[18:18] Genoclysm: I'm not sure how that would be accomplished.
[18:19] Durroth: hate it hate it hate it
[18:19] Selarep: "Why is that, Durroth?"
[18:19] Damsel: "What concerns me more is why it would have happened."
[18:19] Genoclysm: I agree with Legault.  Even being "native" to this timeline has to have some effect.
[18:19] Durroth: its a long story, and not one YOU would understand in any case
[18:19] * Clyde gets the smell and his eye twitches somewhat. "The burning of paper? Maybe books?"
[18:19] Elenor: Eh, I've no particular opinion towards fire..
[18:19] * Marrin is still shuddering, looking about
[18:19] Selarep: "You're acting like when I'm exposed to ho-"
[18:19] Marrin: "Fires fine.. its this.. gah..
[18:19] * Selarep closes his mouth and shakes his head.
[18:20] ZLOK: Fire means people. People means answers, if you can communicate with them.
[18:20] >Ambiance<: Music and laughing can be heard ahead
[18:20] ZLOK: That might also be a strong indication.
[18:20] * Lkeas takes a few steps to draw close to Marrin.  "What are you sensing?"
[18:20] Cerbero: That could be good...
[18:20] Selarep: "ZLOK's on the spot, apparently."
[18:20] Eitak_Razal: People...
[18:20] * ZLOK heads for the people's fire.
[18:20] LBB_LurkKing: Hark! Merriment awaits!
[18:20] * LBB_LurkKing bounds after the group merrily.
[18:20] Genoclysm: I don't lie messing around with pasts...
[18:21] * Genoclysm reluctantly follows.
[18:21] * Selarep nods and continues tredding towards the fanfare.
[18:21] * Elenor follows, cautiously.
[18:21] * Durroth follows, but stays as far from the fire as possible while still being part of the group
[18:21] * Cerbero follows silently
[18:21] Clyde: Are they chanting? I feel a nice rhythem.
[18:21] * Legault sighs, heading off towards the fire, carefully examining their surroundings.
[18:21] * Clyde follows close behind.
[18:22] >Ambiance<: You come upon a forest clearing a campfire is here as are several large covered wagons. Several beings dance arround the fire. A lyre is being played by a elven figure.
[18:22] Marrin: "Lkeas, i'm sensing.. energy.. lots of energy... figrues everywhere... who.. is that?'
[18:22] Legault: "Ah... Just a troupe, I guess."
[18:22] ZLOK: Go on, mingle, waste your time.
[18:22] Selarep: "Moka tiki wokka?"
[18:23] Selarep: "Oh. Elves...Nevermind."
[18:23] Lkeas: Figures?  Can you tell what they're doing?  Are they watching us?  Or going about their own business?
[18:23] Eitak_Razal: I can speak Elvish if it helps...
[18:23] ZLOK: Not even aware.
[18:24] Genoclysm: Brilliant, Eitak.  I'm sure all elves from all worlds speak the same language and dialect...
[18:24] Cerbero: I can heal a lyre
[18:24] Elenor: They don't seem to have noticed us yet.. Strange.
[18:24] Eitak_Razal: Gift of Tounges Geno.
[18:24] Eitak_Razal: I'll be able to pick out the right one.
[18:24] Genoclysm: What if it happens to be one you've never heard before?
[18:24] * ZLOK turns to look at the group again.
[18:24] * Eitak_Razal hopse Cerb ment HEAR a lyre
[18:24] >Ambiance<: A large human comes from behind you and stops
[18:24] ZLOK: Ah, there he is.
[18:25] * Elenor spins around.
[18:25] LBB_LurkKing: Ooh, we've been spotted!
[18:25] * Legault twirls around having heard the footsteps. "Hmm?"
[18:25] Eitak_Razal: Well... The gift is magic so...
[18:25] Lkeas: ZLOK?
[18:25] * ZLOK points at the person behind the entourage.
[18:25] * Eitak_Razal trails off so she turns to look at the person
[18:25] * Lkeas turns and notices the stranger.  "You, er.. know him?"
[18:25] * Durroth plays with his hair nervously, which is slowly turning black from the roots up
[18:26] Figure: Ah how wonderful to see you again
[18:26] ZLOK: Thank you.
[18:26] Figure: After your disapperance at the cavern we were worried.
[18:26] * Damsel looks between the figure and ZLOK, a bit confused.
[18:26] Elenor: Huh?
[18:26] Figure: Come. Caliban is just preparing dinner
[18:27] * LBB_LurkKing chuckles.
[18:27] * Rimblade licks his lips nervously.
[18:27] ZLOK: As he would be.
[18:27] * Lkeas nods in greeting.  "Thank you, sir.."
[18:27] Genoclysm: Is't Caliban the same name that Eldron avatar has?
[18:27] * Figure enters the camp.
[18:27] Marrin: "We are appreciative.."
[18:27] * Figure The others have returned
[18:27] * Marrin nods at geno "I think so."
[18:27] Eitak_Razal: It might be the same guy...
[18:27] Elenor: Okay...
[18:27] * TaloToecan raises a brow and whispers softly to Damsel.
[18:27] Damsel: "Aye, that was my thought as well, Geno."
[18:27] * ZLOK follows a few steps behind the figure, appearing to know what he's doing.
[18:28] Genoclysm: Hm... I suppose it wouldn't hurt if he remembers some of us...
[18:28] * Genoclysm follows a short ways behind ZLOK.
[18:28] Lkeas: I remember a Caliban.
[18:28] * Lkeas pads after Geno.
[18:28] * Damsel glances at Talo and whispers something back.
[18:28] * Eitak_Razal walks behind Geno and Lkeas.
[18:28] * Legault continues his brisk pace after the others, still slightly suspicious.
[18:28] * Elenor follows, cautiously.
[18:28] * The elf looks up at Marrin
[18:29] * Durroth follows, still keeping as far from the fire as possible without leaving the group
[18:29] * LBB_LurkKing bounds along after nobody in particular, keeping in the group's midst.
[18:29] ZLOK: People, you probably know this guy.
[18:29] Falerin: "You look ill Mariel"
[18:29] ZLOK: Look closely.
[18:29] * Durroth mutters to himself "hate it hate it hate it"
[18:29] Eitak_Razal: Fal!?
[18:29] * Ferret blinks and tilts his head slightly to one side, taking in the caravan's nature as he responds to Damsel. "It...would fit. Oddly well."
[18:29] * Falerin is much younger and fairer haired then you remember
[18:29] ZLOK: He might not remember you though.
[18:29] Genoclysm: I'm not good at remembering names and faces I'm not recently familiar with.
[18:30] Marrin: "We .. have been dispalced. in time, apparently.
[18:30] * Falerin has distictly the same features however
[18:30] * Damsel smiles faintly. "Well... I suppose this isn't entirely unexpected."
[18:30] ZLOK: Seeing as he probably haven't met you yet.
[18:30] Marrin: "Mariel?"
[18:30] Genoclysm: That's... yeah, this doesn't seem good.
[18:30] Eitak_Razal: I know that.
[18:30] * Elenor raises an eyebrow. "Fal?"
[18:30] * Lkeas waves at Geno.  "Just go with the flow."
[18:30] * Falerin turns at looks at Elenor
[18:30] ZLOK: And of course, due to his friendly demeanor, has not yet achieved full coherence.
[18:30] * Clyde looks around, "Mariel, where?"
[18:30] ZLOK: He is however not our main attraction.
[18:30] Falerin: "Something wrong Elandria?"
[18:30] * ZLOK turns to follow the figure.
[18:31] LBB_LurkKing: Oooh. I get it.
[18:31] LBB_LurkKing: Hehehe.
[18:31] Elenor: Okay...
[18:31] * Eitak_Razal looks at Elenor. "Elandria?"
[18:31] Genoclysm: Elandra?  Do we all have modified names from what we remember?
[18:31] * Durroth fidgets nervously
[18:31] * Lkeas tilts her head slightly.  "That's different.."
[18:31] * Lkeas turns to address the younger Falerin.  "Do you know all of us?"
[18:31] LBB_LurkKing: I wonder why you people never think to stop talking when strange stuff like this happens.
[18:31] Selarep: "Who am I, Fal?"
[18:31] * TaloToecan smiles to himself as he moves to Genoclysm's side and shares, this time mentally, his suspicion.
[18:31] LBB_LurkKing: You ALWAYS wind up saying something stupid and making it all worse.
[18:32] * Marrin looks curiously
[18:32] * Clyde points to himself, "And I, Fal?"
[18:32] Genoclysm: It would be so spooky if they knew me as Gene Clatic, my old pseudonym.
[18:32] Selarep: "This should be interesting..."
[18:32] Falerin: "Naturally. We travelled together for some time. We were seperated at the cavern of ages"
[18:32] Durroth: 'beth, back up my stability please
[18:32] Legault: "... Huh."
[18:32] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[18:32] Marrin: "Falerin, How do you know me... there seems to be a distortion."
[18:32] Durroth: screw it
[18:33] * Damsel tilts her head to the side and considers Falerin, trying to understand fully what is occuring.
[18:33] Elenor: There's something wrong with the timeline.
[18:33] Falerin: "Know you? You are Mariel the Hermit"
[18:33] Falerin: "Of course I know you"
[18:33] Durroth: And do you know me?
[18:33] * Cerbero coughs
[18:33] Selarep: "Say all our names."
[18:33] Marrin: "see, Falerin, I don't know myself that way..."
[18:33] Lkeas: What happened at this cavern of ages?  There seems to have been some lapse of memory on our part..
[18:33] * Clyde scratches his hair, "Fal how old are you?"
[18:33] LBB_LurkKing: Hi? You guys, remember how you were SOOO worried about paradoxes?
[18:33] Falerin: "A bit over 200"
[18:33] LBB_LurkKing: We're WAAAAY back in time now.
[18:33] * Marrin 's jaw drops
[18:33] ZLOK: People, sit down, let the man talk.
[18:33] * Cerbero raises an eyebrow
[18:34] LBB_LurkKing: No it would be a REALLY good idea to stop talking.
[18:34] ZLOK: That, or don't bother him.
[18:34] Eitak_Razal: Maybe you should stop talking boxy...
[18:34] Selarep: "Good idea, box."
[18:34] ZLOK: Everything will be explained in due time.
[18:34] Durroth: ... If De`thion were here he'd be working in a movie reference
[18:34] >Ambiance<: A young blond male enters the figure dressed in robes
[18:34] ZLOK: Ah, there we have him.
[18:34] * Eitak_Razal turns to the new figure. "Hello."
[18:34] * ZLOK greets the robed figure.
[18:34] * Selarep nods to the approaching man.
[18:34] Figure: 200!? Ha still playing at being an Elf Ardendor"
[18:34] * Rimblade remains silent.
[18:35] Falerin: Oh mind your buisness Merlin
[18:35] Merlin: he is 25
[18:35] * Legault remians quiet, still nervously contemplating how many thing could possibly go wrong should someone say something wrong.
[18:35] Cerbero: Me-Merlin?
[18:35] Merlin: And as human as I
[18:35] Selarep: "Merlin?"
[18:35] * LBB_LurkKing slowly edges closer to Rimblade.
[18:35] Eitak_Razal: Merlin? As in the wizard from Terra?
[18:35] * Clyde kinda gives up. "Merlin?"
[18:35] Eitak_Razal: Told in the stories.
[18:35] Selarep: "Where the bloody 'ells are we?"
[18:35] Marrin: "Long time ago... and analogs, remember."
[18:35] Elenor: Sel, the better question is "when"
[18:35] Selarep: "Both."
[18:35] Marrin: "The question is not where, for we are near caelestia, or what will become.."
[18:36] Durroth: ... I'd be thinking this to be completely insane if the fire wasnt causing me to be nervous as hell
[18:36] Selarep: "As I said. Both when and where."
[18:36] Selarep: "And perhaps what."
[18:36] * TaloToecan 's eyes twinkle as he looks at the others, winking to convey a message. "Please, merry troupe, please...remember your manners."
[18:36] Puddles: "Selarep, I'll give you a 'magazine' if you shush until we get home."
[18:36] * Damsel folds her arms and keeps silent, trusting ZLOK's word that everything will be explained.
[18:36] Selarep: "'K."
[18:37] Selarep: "Gimme."
[18:37] Durroth: meh, fire and remembering my manners do not go together Talo
[18:37] >Ambiance<: The abode reforms arround you as do the night sounds of fair harbor.
[18:37] * Eitak_Razal blinks.
[18:37] Elenor: That was extremely weird..
[18:37] Selarep: "...No magazine?"
[18:37] Cerbero: ...we're back?
[18:37] * Durroth calms down
[18:37] ZLOK: Unlikely.
[18:37] * Marrin shudders
[18:37] >Ambiance<: The Mantle clock reads several hours earlier.

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