Request the Laptop Reveal the Update

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Revision as of 19:53, 14 December 2007 by Lkeas (Talk | contribs)
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[10:41] <>Ambiance<> A small sheet of paper falls to the floor of the abode from nowhere.
[10:42] * Cerbero raises an eyebrow, stands up and walks towards it. He picks it up to read it.
[10:42] * Away|Lurking is now known as Away
[10:42] <>Ambiance<> The paper reads enigmatically: Request the laptop reveal the update
[10:43] * Elenor appears.
[10:43] <Cerbero> Hmm...
[10:43] <Cerbero> Hey there
[10:43] <Elenor> Hey.
[10:43] <Elenor> What's that you're holding?
[10:43] * Cerbero walks towards the laptop's location, pulls it out and opens it
[10:43] <Cerbero> A "task"
[10:43] * Elenor follows
[10:43] * Cerbero turns the computer on
[10:44] <Cerbero> Computer, display latest update.
[10:44] <>Ambiance<> The paper disintegrates
[10:44] <Cerbero> I can't say that I didnt expect that.
[10:44] <Computer> Pardon?
[10:45] <Cerbero> Have you updated your software lately?
[10:45] <>Ambiance<> A small sheet of paper falls to the floor of the abode from nowhere.
[10:45] * Elenor goes over and picks it up, reading it.
[10:45] * Cerbero picks this sheet up as well
[10:45] * Away is now known as Demonstar
[10:45] <>Ambiance<> The paper reads enigmatically: Request the laptop reveal the update
[10:45] * Demonstar is now known as Away
[10:45] <>Ambiance<> The paper disintegrates
[10:45] <Cerbero> Computer, reveal the update
[10:45] <Cerbero> ((smack me!))
[10:45] <Computer> Priority command received.
[10:46] <Computer>
[10:46] * Cerbero raises his eyebrow once more and approaches the laptop
[10:47] * Elenor walks up to the laptop and takes a look.
[10:47] * Elenor raises an eyebrow.
[10:48] <Cerbero> He...
[10:50] <Elenor> How did we get... why is this... Whaat?
[10:51] <Cerbero> We are meant to know this.
[10:51] <Cerbero> We are supposed to understand.
[10:52] * Kazuma blinks, having been awake for a while, "Falerin finish something?"
[10:51] <Cerbero> We are supposed to understand.
[10:52] * Kazuma climbs out of the sofa and to the laptop.
[10:53] <Elenor> ... Loremaster indeed, how he finds such things I don't even have the slightest clue.
[10:53] <Kazuma> It's his journal
[10:53] <Kazuma> He's restoring it page by page, you know.
[10:53] <Elenor> The`Galin's...
[10:53] <Kazuma> Yes.
[10:53] <Kazuma> When you read this, you realize he isn't that bad a person
[10:54] <Kazuma> we've learned a lot of things through it
[10:54] <Cerbero> He does what he must do, despite what he wants to...
[10:54] <Elenor> I'd already figured that out from other sources, but yes. The Network isn't really a good representation of The`Galin..
[10:55] <Kazuma> I'm willing to consider sepret.
[10:55] <Elenor> Asstards like Ryuusei are in this for personal motives.. The`Galin defintely isn't.
[10:55] <Kazuma> ((I can't spell today >.>))
[10:55] <Kazuma> yeah. It's amazing what happens when you get in his head.
[10:55] <Elenor> Who's?
[10:55] <Cerbero> He surrounds himself of such vile creatures for the greater good.
[10:56] <Kazuma> The'Galin's head, of course.
[10:56] <Kazuma> Signs...
[10:56] <Elenor> He'd like nothing more for us to send the Network running like hell.
[10:56] * Kazuma reaches over to a scroll, "I know I saw something about signs"
[10:57] * Cerbero reads the last phrase outloud "Ah, how right Zeltan... :P
[10:57] <Cerbero> *points at Cerbero's mark*
[10:57] <Cerbero> And about this...
[10:57] <Cerbero> ((sorry <.<))
[10:57] <Cerbero> ((wrong paste))
[10:58] * Cerbero reads the last phrase outloud "They need me more then the pure. They are far more lost."
[10:58] <Cerbero> Why does this not puzzle me...
[11:00] <Kazuma> ah. signs...
[11:01] <Cerbero> His actions are comprehensible
[11:01] <Kazuma> I found the archive about the signs, not sure if they're the same ones
[11:01] * Kazuma puts the scroll on the table.
[11:02] * Cerbero approaches it and opens it
[11:03] <Elenor> Well.. I've got to head out for a while.
[11:03] * Elenor dissapears
[11:03] <Kazuma> okay bie.
[11:06] * Cerbero raises an eyebrow
[11:06] <Cerbero> I must admit the abode has a sense of humour

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