Session XLII - The Fairgrounds

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Revision as of 00:38, 6 November 2007 by Lkeas (Talk | contribs)
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[21:37] * Deathbringer walks over from the booth, "Legault? Damsel?
[21:37] <Deathbringer> "
[21:37] * Iago still is running when he enters the fairgrounds
[21:37] <Iago> "Damsel!" he calls, "Legault!"
[21:37] * Brink enters calmly.
[21:37] * Legault grins, "I'm here."
[21:37] * Iago looks at Legault
[21:37] <Necro> Have you seen Damsel?
[21:37] * Damsel hears the calls and heads towards them at a measured pace.
[21:37] * Joins: Elaith (
[21:37] <Legault> Yeah, she came in.
[21:37] * Iago spots Damsel, "Damsel!"
[21:38] <Durroth> hey! damsel!
[21:38] * Deathbringer walks over to Legault, "So... how was it?"
[21:38] * Damsel smiles slightly, though she seems more thoughtful than anything.
[21:38] * Brink looks at legault "Goodday my friend."
[21:39] * Iago reaches Damsel, "What... was it like?"
[21:39] <Legault> Don't know how to describe it... I felt... Happy. The happiest I've felt in a long time.
[21:39] <Durroth> so did you get the answer damsel?
[21:39] <Deathbringer> Strange eh?
[21:39] * Adam_Hartholm wanders into the fairgrounds, having retraced his steps from the night before.
[21:39] <Figure> ((Damsel now knows the reason))
[21:39] * Damsel nods her head. "Aye, I was answered."
[21:39] <Necro> Will you share it with us?
[21:39] <Figure> ((Both that she was wrong... and also why knowing the truth could have been VERY VERY bad))
[21:39] <Figure> ((XD))
[21:40] <Iago> "Cryptic"
[21:40] <Figure> ((The punch line comes...))
[21:40] <Figure> ((XD))
[21:40] * Falerin appears
[21:40] * Damsel considers. "I am not certain where to begin, actually."
[21:40] * Adam_Hartholm spies the others and jogs over, passing by the various venders and stalls.
[21:40] <Falerin> "Taking time is one thing..."
[21:41] <Falerin> "But your comrades are starving"
[21:41] <Falerin> "Can we move this along and chat at the abode"
[21:41] * Brink looks at Falerin "Ello Loremaster"
[21:41] * Iago pays close attention to the situation, but wonders, absently about the pasta
[21:41] <Falerin> "I have completed the shopping myself"
[21:41] <Falerin> "And finished the cooking too"
[21:41] * Damsel glances at Falerin and appears momentarily saddened.
[21:41] <Deathbringer> Whoa...
[21:41] <Falerin> "I did it tommorow"
[21:41] * Adam_Hartholm appears dismayed. "What? You're already done here?"
[21:41] * Iago crumples up the grocery list and imagines Falerin comparing prices at a Supermarket
[21:41] <Elaith> Of course we can then.
[21:41] <Brink> ((I wanted to ride D:<))
[21:42] <Damsel> "Yes...this should be heard by more than just those here...We should return and have dinner, and then I can explain after."
[21:42] * Brink sighs and takes not the time to walk. He vanishes.
[21:42] <Falerin> "Perfect"
[21:42] <Falerin> "People are listening to me after all"
[21:43] * Falerin getures and mass teleports ALL to #DarkAbode

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