Session XV - Hadin

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[17:55] <Falerin> You awake in grey darkness a dribble of blood at your chin... you see wes marching off and vanishing before you can say a word
[17:56] * Hadin coughs, presumably to clear his throat of any clotting blood, and spits off to one side to try and rid himself of the coppery taste. "What in the hell...?" After blinking a few times, he looks about to get his bearings.
[17:57] <Falerin> A grey shadowy landscape. You can see the buildings of New York City all arround but they appear to be made of cobwebs and shadows
[17:57] <Falerin> Some of the shadows move almost purposely through the city of shadow
[17:59] * Hadin feels as if he ought to be losing his mind to percieve what he is, then shakes his head to rid himself of that thought. "I'm not senile yet...but this is not quite what I remember. I wonder, how the hell did Wes get me here?"
[18:00] * Hadin stands after a few moments, feeling what he may about his body's condition, and leans on his cane in this shadowy version of the world.
[18:00] <Falerin> You have had a minor coronary incident.... not a heart attack
[18:01] <Falerin> but major palpitations
[18:01] <Falerin> It has caused you to lose conciousness
[18:02] * Hadin spits out some more remnants of blood and leans heavily on his cane. "Either I'm older than I thought, or my time has nearly run out. Bet take it easy either way...and I hope those other two are handling this better than I."
[18:05] * Hadin slowly hobbles forward, testing the shadows under scrutiny with both cane and sight.
[18:09] <Hadin> "Hmm...if I had to speculate...this seems akin to an ethereal plane on the same realm of existance David got us to.  I think.  But if that's the case, how do I get out of it?"
[18:11] * Hadin begins to probe with what Sight Arcana he can muster as well, trying to find seams or holes in the deeper shadows.
[18:12] <Falerin> Probing the deeper shadows makes you become aware of a VAST empty PLANE behind this shadowy near world
[18:12] <Falerin> You gather that you are on a cusp of something much bigger
[18:12] <Falerin> And that probing that way will actually thrust you into those depths
[18:13] * Hadin halts probing to consider his options. "Don't want to be too hasty, but like hell do I plan on staying here." He trys to summon what little power age has left him in his bones, to gauge his strength in this realm.
[18:18] <Falerin> Magic is unrestricted here.
[18:19] <Falerin> So even his limited power is unfetted but there is a barrier between this realm and the real
[18:20] * Hadin harumphs as his probing reveals the barrier. "Not likely to be breaking that down...and not so sure I ought to try. Too bad I don't have the gift both Rikshi and Talo-Toecan have, that might be useful. Or..."
[18:22] * Hadin ponders for a moment before sketching a few arcane symbols in the air, attempting to establish a scrying window to see what the others are up to.
[18:22] <Falerin>  A window opens on Central Park East
[18:24] * Hadin peers into the window, looking for Lkeas or Wes. Seeing as how one seems to be the unvoted leader of the group and the other 'trapped' him in this shadowy domain.
[18:24] <Falerin> Such a task is quite simple
[18:25] <Falerin> They stick out as not native instantly
[18:26] <Hadin> "Hmm, simple is as simple does.  I wonder..."  Funneling a bit more of his meager powers, he taps on the image of Wes behind his shoulder, trying to send a vague impression his way.
[18:28] <Falerin> You concrerely feel his shoulder
[18:28] <Falerin> and he seems to shift indicating he feels you
[18:28] <Falerin> but he then refuses to acknowledge it
[18:30] * Hadin grumbles, despite having gotten nearly the expected response. Leaning in, he taps Wes' shoulder again and speaks in measured tones. "Lad, tis Hadin. Do you mind getting me out of here?"
[18:31] <Falerin> He clearly responds but does not answer or acknowledge you
[18:33] * Hadin harumphs and takes a step back to examine the whole of the circle again. "Well, why the hell not." Taking a step forward, he pushes against the very 'fabric' of the scrying circle to see if it somehow might act like a portal spell.
[18:36] <Falerin> It does not do such a thing
[18:38] <Hadin> "Well, can't blame myself for trying."  Deciding that maybe Wes doesn't believe that he can be gentle, he smacks the image of Wes on the shin decently hard while saying, "Wes, git your scrawny hide back here!"
[18:40] <Falerin> The reason for Wes ignoring you becomes more and more glaringly apparent as he speaks
[18:40] <Falerin> He can hear you but he claims to have delivered you to a hospital
[18:40] * Hadin harumphs again, then decides to tap Lkeas on the shoulder instead, since she seems to have a grain of wit.
[18:40] <Falerin> not a grey neather region
[18:41] <Hadin> "I'm not at no damn hospital, lass."
[18:42] * Hadin taps her again, thankful to have gotten a response, and states again. "Wes is a damn fool, I'm not at a bloody hospital!"
[18:44] * Hadin laughs, appreciating Lkeas' wit and reasoning. "That's a lass, and smack him once for my sake."
[18:46] * Hadin looks about expectantly for Wes..."He'd better get here fast, the fool."
[18:47] <Falerin> He does not apparently run in your direction.
[18:47] <Falerin> You never see him appear
[18:47] <Falerin> Indeed he knew you were there from tapping him
[18:47] <Falerin> He clearly chose to run the other way
[18:48] * Hadin takes a deep breath before yelling into the shadow domain. "WES, YOU BLOODY FOOL! I'M OVER HERE!"
[18:50] * Hadin sighs, then taps Lkeas' image again before speaking. "The idiot. I think he's actually �avoiding� picking me up from here. There anything you'd like me to scry, since I have the capability for the moment while I wait?"
[18:55] * Hadin nods then turns and draws a new set of arcane symbols for a second scrying portal. "While I've got it, might as well flaunt it..." Though no one could hear his words, they served to comfort him while he worked. "Now then, Galrick..."
[18:58] * Hadin turns back to the Lkeas scrying circle and states clearly. "Speak up a tad lass, the task is distracting. As for myself...some sort of shadowy domain that I don't think I wish to play with."
[19:00] <Falerin> You see a large building there is a pool of red liquid and within a glowing sigil => 206850126.jpg
[19:00] <Falerin> Ryuusei: I see you old man
[19:01] * Hadin speaks loud enough so that *both* portals can hear him. "Why am I not surprised."
[19:02] <Hadin> "So you can see me, but obviously that doesn't concern you overmuch.  Otherwise you'd just shut this scry attempt down on me.  So...since you aren't...where's Galrick?"
[19:03] <Falerin> The green glow increases 1000 fold and both portals vanish and you are thrown backwards 200 meters
[19:04] <Falerin> Fortunately there is no ground as such here
[19:04] <Falerin> Just more grey cobwebs and mist
[19:05] <Falerin> so you are uninjured
[19:05] * Hadin flies through the air in sudden astonishment, awaiting the thud and feeling none. "Well...that's a silver lining, but what a cloud. That's not something to tangle with again."
[19:06] * Hadin gets to his feet eventually and takes stock, still surprised at the lack of physical injury, but also checking his magical capacity.
[19:08] * Hadin attempts to reestablish a scrying connection with Lkeas and crew, provided he is able.
[19:09] <Falerin> Ryuusei: he sold you down the river for power
[19:09] <Falerin> allow me to replay a recording of our conversation
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> You wish control of your power
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> I can give that to you
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> But there will be an accounting to be paid
[19:09] <Falerin> <Wes> what is the cost?
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> They clearly are not listening to you about the old man
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> He is clearly dead weight
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> He will slow you
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> So take matters into your hands. The first thing you do when activating this power is to ... take the old man with you into the shadows
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> and leave him there
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> That will begin the recompense. And after all as you say he is a hindernace and a harm
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> You do not have time to debate it either
[19:09] <Falerin> <Ryuusei> Tell them that they should clear the sidewalk ahead so you are not imped
[19:09] <Falerin> Later he conciously chose to flee rather then be found out
[19:10] <Hadin> Bah, you manipulative bastard, preying on one of the weaker of our number like that.
[19:11] <Falerin> Preying
[19:11] <Falerin> he did not at all resist
[19:11] <Falerin> He KNEW what he was doing
[19:11] <Falerin> You saw his reaction to you
[19:11] <Falerin> and his behavior to the group
[19:11] <Falerin> He knew you were alive
[19:11] <Falerin> and even then...
[19:11] <Falerin> He abandoned you
[19:11] <Falerin> It did not take prompting from me for that Old Man
[19:12] <Falerin> He did it volitionally
[19:12] <Hadin> Only after you offered him the best temptation.
[19:12] <Falerin> He is... our property ... we are pleased with the results
[19:12] <Falerin> He was our property before even that
[19:12] <Hadin> Obviously.
[19:12] <Falerin> he sold himself to us
[19:12] <Hadin> So, why detain me here, hmm?
[19:14] <Falerin> Because I can
[19:14] <Falerin> I am waiting out your clock old man
[19:15] * Hadin abandons his attempts to gain a scrying portal and begins gathering the cobwebs of this domain as he talks. "Well, wait all you'll find I'm not one to act quite as expected."
[19:20] * Hadin takes what he has 'picked' so far and weaves them into a string of some substance, before proceeding to add to it.
[19:21] <Hadin> "Gone silent, eh?  Very well..."
[19:25] * Hadin begins chanting in a whisper as he works, holding his cane in the crux of one arm to have both hands free. 'Fabric of this realm indeed, String of thread of shadow's weave. Instilled to act when I have need, target those hostile to bereave.'
[19:29] <Hadin> 'Protections found of common means, embued with Touch of Arcane fine.  In shadow of shadow hide in those seams, to bend to serve these needs of mine.'
[19:31] <Falerin> "The weaver owns all of those webs"
[19:32] * Hadin he pauses in his chant Arcana to check how much a length of hand-spun cobweb he has been able to gather as he thinks of a final verse. Meandering idly, he continues. 'Strength to defy the one of all, for of all I choose one. Serve none but I in dire call, so that victory in defeat might yet be won.'
[19:33] <Falerin> "... material stolen... poor victory gives. Never to suffer an old fool to live..."
[19:34] * Hadin spins about slowly once, casting the string in a double overlapping circle around him. Satisfied despite the words he had heard, he returns to his efforts to scry.
[19:35] <Hadin> "It is of this realm, and it will remain of this realm.  You would criticize every action I take?  Leave an old man well enough alone, and go watch that hourglass set to my lifespan."
[19:39] * Hadin reinforces his efforts at reopening a scrying circle to commune with Lkeas, knowing well that such would only be allowed if his 'warden' was lax, but ready to respond quickly if a moment of time was gained.
[19:50] <Hadin> ((Dare I ask if I've initiated a limbo status?))
[19:51] <Falerin> You have
[20:09] <Hadin> " I simply to sit here and test my meager strengths against yours...exactly how much do I have on the clock, hmm?"
[20:19] <Hadin> "Not one to gloat, I see..."
[20:20] <Hadin> "Hmph, you could at least spare me a book or a one-way scrying portal to bide my time with."
[20:26] * Hadin taps his cane upon the ground in an annoyed fashion
[20:27] <Falerin> Am a 4 pronged lighning bolt appears
[20:28] <Falerin> Ryuusei: Your friends await old man
[20:28] <Falerin> DO not keep them waiting
[20:28] * Hadin hobbles toward it with a raised eyebrow. "I'd like to say I hate to leave, but Hell itself is preferable to limbo." Without further hesitation, he enters.

[20:30] <Falerin> Here is the offer old man and think long and hard. I am willing to speak it in the ancient speech by which all things are bound and in which no falsehood can be uttered.
[20:30] <Hadin> Speak and I will listen, but know that I promise neither answer
[20:30] <Falerin> Your life and soul for the seeker. I will release him to your friends. Your life is about done regardless.....your clock has just about run out. I will also send your friends direct to Falerin and Caliban so they might be saved.
[20:31] <Falerin> Refuse you die and so do they
[20:31] <Falerin> Agree and you die and they are all set free
[20:31] <Falerin> The choice quite frankly is yours
[20:31] <Falerin> but I will wait precisely 1 minute for an answer
[20:31] <Falerin> and not a nanosecond more
[20:31] <Hadin> And what assurances do I have that you will fulfill your end of this?
[20:32] <Falerin> (an ancient magical tounge that speaks of creation itself and yet you can somehow comprehend as if it were english) I guarantee all I have promised to you.
[20:33] <Hadin> And what of that which was left unsaid?
[20:33] <Falerin> Leave nothing unsaid
[20:33] <Hadin> I meant in the bargain, I am far from senile.
[20:33] <Falerin> I offer no guranatees beyond what I have otherwise promised
[20:33] <Falerin> You will be evaluated.
[20:33] <Hadin> Evaluated? Explain.
[20:33] <Falerin> If you are of use you will be retrained
[20:34] <Falerin> If you are not of use you will be raised as mindless undead. In which case your mind is freed
[20:34] <Falerin> and you are not aware of what you do or have done. Y
[20:34] <Falerin> It is that simple
[20:34] <Hadin> Ah...but I have many secrets in my mind...secrets which beget Creation.
[20:34] <Falerin> and that blunt
[20:34] <Falerin> Select
[20:34] <Falerin> You have 20 secongs
[20:35] <Hadin> I decline, for even in such bargains, much is lost in so tempting an offer.
[20:40] <Falerin> when he finds him he will rip their throat out with his teeth and he will ENJOY it
[20:40] <Falerin> You have 20 secongs
[20:40] <Falerin> 19
[20:40] <Falerin> 18
[20:40] <Falerin> 17
[20:40] <Falerin> 16
[20:40] <Falerin> 15
[20:40] <Falerin> 14
[20:40] <Falerin> 13
[20:40] <Falerin> 12
[20:40] <Falerin> 11
[20:40] <Falerin> 10
[20:40] <Falerin> 9
[20:40] <Falerin> 8
[20:40] <Falerin> 7
[20:40] <Falerin> 6
[20:40] <Falerin> 5
[20:40] <Falerin> 4
[20:40] <Falerin> 3
[20:40] <Falerin> 2 1/2
[20:40] <Falerin> 2
[20:40] <Falerin> 3/4
[20:40] <Falerin> 1 1/2
[20:40] <Falerin> 1 1/2
[20:40] <Falerin> 1
[20:40] <Falerin> 1/2
[20:40] <Falerin> 0
[20:40] <Falerin> Very well your refusal is noted old man
[20:40] <Falerin> I will be sure to let Glenn know how little you care
[20:40] <Falerin> How unwiling you were to sacrafice even though his whole life has been about sacrafice
[20:40] <Falerin> He will be heartened by the consistency of the human spirit
[20:40] <Falerin> Even now he is prowling
[20:40] <Falerin> Looking for a person to slay
[20:40] <Falerin> When he finds him he will rip their throat out with his teeth and he will ENJOY it
[20:40] <Falerin> and then.. the transformation will be irreversable
[20:40] <Falerin> His lust fixed
[20:40] <Falerin> his soul bent
[20:40] <Falerin> And he will know that you had an opportunity
[20:40] <Falerin> and you abandoned him.. He already thought this... now he will have first hand confirmation
[20:40] <Falerin> Thank you for that Old man
[20:40] <Falerin> when he finds him he will rip their throat out with his teeth and he will ENJOY it

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