Session XLVI

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[16:30] >Ambiance<: Tjeli

streches out beyond the lighning bolt like a vast sea of possibility. The answers and questions that this place holds are unimaginable
[16:30] Matthew: "Air is a bit stagnant but non toxic. The must be a source of oxygenation"
[16:31] Grett: Plants wouldn't do it, as they would die from lack of carbon dioxide.
[16:31] * Lkeas nods. "The laptop hadn't detected any life forms in here anyway."
[16:31] *** Dale has left #epic.
[16:31] TaloToecan: "It may be the cavern system to the surface, but ventilation is the problem with that alone."
[16:32] Matthew: It does mean the dome must be breached somewhere if that is the case
[16:32] Eitak_Razal: If that were true wouldn't it be alot colder
[16:32] Matthew: Not really
[16:33] Matthew: If there is a caverous system
[16:33] Grett: There was a meteor that came through at some time, but we weren't sure of the timeframe.
[16:33] Matthew: it would be through geothermal heat
[16:33] TaloToecan: "I would imagine that the depth we are at plays a role in insulation."
[16:33] Matthew: So it would warm as it filtered down
[16:33] *** Durroth has joined #epic.
[16:33] Eitak_Razal: But there was no damage to the Dome Grett, we estabished it was here before the city was put here.
[16:33] Lkeas: We had thought the meteorite would have damaged the dome, but it appeared to be intact, yes.
[16:33] Matthew: Unless the dome is self reparing
[16:34] Matthew: Which is possible
[16:34] Lkeas: That could be a possibility.
[16:34] Matthew: Though it would speak to an even more advanced technology
[16:34] Lkeas: Was this city that advanced?
[16:34] Durroth: A self repairing transparent dome made of some kind of unknown metal? That is advanced
[16:34] * Matthew looks arround
[16:35] Eitak_Razal: Deffenitly not built by humans...
[16:35] Matthew: The building materials are typical of moderate metropolitan regions
[16:35] Matthew: The technology level is
[16:35] * Matthew approaches a building and looks closely
[16:35] * Matthew thinks
[16:35] Matthew: Talo
[16:36] Matthew: What do you make of the precision of these corners and lack of scratch marks?
[16:36] * TaloToecan approaches Matthew. "Yes?"
[16:36] *** Iago has joined #epic.
[16:36] Eitak_Razal: They were built by machines...
[16:37] Matthew: Not neccesarily built by machines but definitely machines were involved in the manufacture.
[16:37] * TaloToecan makes his own careful examination, utilizing the mechanical precision he assumes Matthew is after. "Either the material is extremely durable, or it would almost be as if this is brand new construction despite the assumed age...although the precision is consistently of high quality."
[16:37] Matthew: Hand tools cannot do this
[16:37] Matthew: And yes
[16:38] Matthew: Its either highly durable as it has not gotten any damage since its origin
[16:38] Matthew: Or...
[16:38] Matthew: Its not old
[16:38] * Lkeas opens her sketchbook and gazes at the architecture with a critical eye as she begins a rough drawing.
[16:38] TaloToecan: "Precisely."
[16:38] Durroth: so it was recently built?
[16:38] Durroth: who would build an empty city?
[16:38] Eitak_Razal: Thats odd...
[16:38] TaloToecan: "That is someone inconsistent to what we were led to believe, however."
[16:38] Lkeas: Wait... a monument... is this just a replica?
[16:38] Matthew: You See Eitak your observation is true
[16:38] Matthew: Definite machine work
[16:38] Matthew: But even machined material
[16:39] Matthew: suffers weather damage
[16:39] Matthew: Even isolated in this dome
[16:39] Matthew: There is oxygen in the air
[16:39] Matthew: And current
[16:39] Matthew: And gravity
[16:39] Matthew: Weatherization should have occured
[16:39] TaloToecan: "And therefore not a condition of true stasis from weathering effects."
[16:39] Grett: So it appears as if The`Galin recreated it recently.
[16:39] Matthew: Maybe
[16:39] Matthew: I am not so sure
[16:39] TaloToecan: "What of the possibility of maintenance?"
[16:39] Eitak_Razal: That would explain the lack of furniture in the estate...
[16:39] *** Isper has joined #epic.
[16:40] Matthew: That possibility occurs
[16:40] Matthew: but what or who is maintaining this city
[16:40] Lkeas: Well... he had moved out of his estate long before his death, his belongings might have been long gone.
[16:40] * Eitak_Razal 's cell beeps "uh oh. I gotta go, I'll catch up later...
[16:40] * Eitak_Razal vanishs
[16:40] TaloToecan: "The evidence of machine workings might suggest autonomous artifice like myself."
[16:40] LordBarrius: "Then this is not as abandoned a location as we were led to believe. Something had to do this." He glances around a bit more carefully. "In any case, if there is no biological life, that does not eliminate other possibilities."
[16:40] Matthew: "If so they lack sentience"
[16:40] Matthew: "The Laptops life scan is not based on biologics"
[16:41] Matthew: "it is based on the sphere of life"
[16:41] Matthew: "Which will detect anything living"
[16:41] Matthew: "Including undead"
[16:41] TaloToecan: "Meaning extremely limited programming and directives?"
[16:41] Grett: It goes on if they have a "ghost" as some say.
[16:41] Matthew: "Clearly"
[16:41] Durroth: so that means no spirits either?
[16:42] Matthew: Spirits are not alive if they are not bound to flesh
[16:42] TaloToecan: "I would wonder if we could even communicate with them, if such is true."
[16:42] Matthew: I would wager this place should eb crawiling with spirits
[16:42] Matthew: Given what happened here
[16:42] LordBarrius: "Then it includes life such as Talo, or unlife. But that doesn't explain how something this 'new' or upkept is being upkept if nothing of sentience is around."
[16:42] Matthew: Stand back
[16:42] TaloToecan: "Life far more limited than myself, Brother."
[16:42] Durroth: wonderful... not
[16:42] *** ApexFog has joined #epic.
[16:42] * Lkeas takes a few steps away from Matthew in compliance.
[16:43] * LordBarrius moves back from Matthew somewhat.
[16:43] * TaloToecan steps behind Matthew, watching carefully and yet with intrigue.
[16:43] * Matthew points at the floor and a huge pillar of sand rises from the floor and begins swirling arround exceedingly rapidly
[16:43] * ApexFog enters
[16:43] * Matthew points the sand at the edge of the building
[16:43] * Matthew waits several moments and allows the sand to fall to the earth
[16:43] Matthew: Hmm
[16:43] Matthew: No damage
[16:44] TaloToecan: "Perhaps a Geas then?"
[16:44] Matthew: No weathering even when trying to induce it
[16:44] Lkeas: That's... rather incredible
[16:44] Matthew: I essentially too a sandblaster to it
[16:44] * LordBarrius grins faintly. "Then it needn't be upkept, if it is that durable. Still, what formed it?"
[16:44] Matthew: and it underwent literally no change
[16:44] Isper: Could the buildings be under a sort of stasis then? Or frozen in time?
[16:45] Matthew: Possible
[16:45] Matthew: But I detect no temporal distortion
[16:45] Matthew: Let me see
[16:45] * Matthew gestures at the building
[16:45] Matthew: "I just aged it 1 day"
[16:45] TaloToecan: "If that is the case, it would be select stasis in any case, or the Seekers who were here before would not have been able to interact with anything."
[16:45] Matthew: "If in fact it had been in stasis"
[16:46] * Lkeas winces. "Is that going to piss off the pantheon?"
[16:46] Matthew: "The second I caused time to move forward for it"
[16:46] Matthew: "ALL of the damage it took in the entire period of stasis"
[16:46] Matthew: "Would have immediately effected it"
[16:46] Durroth: ... so its a brand new building?
[16:46] Matthew: "Even if it reentered stasis the second my spell ended"
[16:46] Matthew: "it would have shown effect"
[16:46] Matthew: "Not stasis"
[16:47] TaloToecan: "So many inconclusivities."
[16:47] Grett: It is impervious. What is its composition?
[16:47] Matthew: "And not a brand new building either"
[16:47] Matthew: "As I shot a sandblaster at it"
[16:47] * Lkeas shakes her head. "But would the people of Tjeli themselves have been able to construct this? Or is this all The'Galin's doing?"
[16:47] * Matthew goes over to the building and hits the corner with a chisel and a peice of brick cleaves cleanly
[16:47] Matthew: "Ah"
[16:47] Matthew: "Not impervious"
[16:48] Matthew: "Just exceedingly resistant to elemental wear"
[16:48] * LordBarrius blinks in surprise. "How very curious."
[16:48] Matthew: "Built to withstand a sand storm"
[16:48] Grett: That suggests magical protection.
[16:48] Matthew: "but not human modification"
[16:49] Matthew: It suggests something yes
[16:49] * TaloToecan swishes his tail from side to side. "Astonishing characteristics, actually."
[16:49] Lkeas: Hmm. Was it perhaps constructed in a harsh environment then?
[16:49] * Matthew closes his eyes
[16:49] Matthew: Magic
[16:49] Matthew: Definite Magic
[16:49] Matthew: Elemental Magic
[16:49] Matthew: The entire building is cloaked in Elemental Protections
[16:49] TaloToecan: "Elemental magic is, after all, consistent with Lore."
[16:49] Matthew: It is woven into the building materials
[16:49] Matthew: at every step
[16:49] TaloToecan: "But this is a degree beyond what I have seen."
[16:49] Matthew: not just the final product
[16:50] Matthew: Each peice was enchanted as it proceeded
[16:50] Matthew: then the building as a whole was too
[16:50] Matthew: The material though still should have aged
[16:50] Matthew: Some sort of transmogrification
[16:50] * Matthew looks at the chip
[16:50] Matthew: What is this made of
[16:50] * Matthew gestures and drops it into a test tube
[16:51] Isper: Wouldn't that take a great deal of power and talent to do? Expecially for every building?
[16:51] Matthew: "Laptop send this to my Lab and have it Mass Speced"
[16:51] Durroth: interesting
[16:51] Matthew: Yes
[16:51] Matthew: "The cost of maintaining this culture"
[16:51] *** Durroth is now known as Durroth.
[16:51] Matthew: "Would have been exceedingly high"
[16:51] Matthew: "It is a rather wasteful practice too"
[16:51] TaloToecan: "But it is The`Galin we are talking might wonder if this was his doing for the monument, or if this is true to the culture."
[16:52] Matthew: "Thorough but wasteful"
[16:52] * Lkeas frowns. "When we visited the first time, it was mentioned that every citizen had to have some value. Resources."
[16:52] * Matthew leans his head sideways
[16:52] Isper: Are you suggesting sacrafice Lkeas?
[16:52] Lkeas: Perhaps because of that high cost of living..
[16:52] Matthew: Fullerenes?
[16:52] Matthew: What?
[16:53] Matthew: Nanotubes?
[16:53] Matthew: You are quite sure?
[16:53] Lkeas: Not sacrifice.. although those who were found to be without value WERE put to death.
[16:53] ApexFog: Well perhaos they didn't need to sacrifice themselves...but some resource they had...
[16:53] * TaloToecan swishes his tail. "Nanotubes?"
[16:53] Matthew: The material is rather advanced
[16:53] Matthew: Well beyond anything on modern lore
[16:53] Isper: Nanomachines does seem a little out of reach of Lore at the moment.
[16:53] Durroth: ((Aldenata!))
[16:54] Matthew: Beyond most reach of Terra at the moment
[16:54] * Lkeas frowns. "Then I suppose this is not the original Tjeli."
[16:54] Matthew: Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes
[16:54] Matthew: are not
[16:54] Durroth: some other race?
[16:54] Matthew: Easily available
[16:55] Matthew: High electrical conductivity
[16:55] Matthew: Amazing tensile strength
[16:55] Matthew: High ductili....
[16:55] Matthew: Borofullerenes?
[16:55] Matthew: Are you certain
[16:55] Matthew: Hmm
[16:55] TaloToecan: "Such a material would send thrills of pleasure over possibilities in Hadin...and even I look forward to the concepts if they can be recreated."
[16:56] Matthew: Those do not yet exist on most of Terra's analogs
[16:56] Lkeas: Or at least, not a faithfully reproduced one in terms of original materials. But then, we may still be able to learn something depending on how faithful the reproduction was in other areas..
[16:56] Matthew: Third City has them do to the awakening revolution
[16:56] Matthew: But in general
[16:56] Matthew: no
[16:56] Matthew: "Yes?"
[16:56] Matthew: "I see"
[16:56] Matthew: Well
[16:56] Matthew: Thats problematic
[16:56] ApexFog: What is...?
[16:56] Matthew: A regular conundrum
[16:57] Durroth: so then who could have done it? Other unknown races?
[16:57] Matthew: Carbon 14 dating
[16:57] Matthew: This material has none in it
[16:57] Matthew: at al
[16:57] TaloToecan: "Already more puzzles, from something we might easily have overlooked."
[16:57] ApexFog: Hmm odd...
[16:57] Matthew: Which given it is composed of Carbon Fullerenes
[16:57] Matthew: Is nearly impossible
[16:57] Matthew: unless
[16:57] Matthew: The material is over 60000 years old
[16:58] ApexFog: True...
[16:58] ApexFog: Yet to be so old yet so advanced...
[16:58] Matthew: Ah
[16:58] Matthew: Affirmative C14 then?
[16:58] Matthew: Ah
[16:58] Matthew: Well what levels
[16:58] * Matthew thinks
[16:58] * Lkeas shuts her sketchbook, completely bewildered. "How long ago was The'Galin's lifetime, again?"
[16:58] * LordBarrius appears rather surprised by this, but waits to hear further information.
[16:59] Matthew: This structure is about 4500 years of age
[16:59] Matthew: The material within it though
[16:59] Matthew: Was long ago moved from the earth
[16:59] Matthew: and is older
[16:59] Matthew: well older
[16:59] Matthew: The main structure is at least 60k years of age
[17:00] Matthew: thus the lack of carbon 14
[17:00] Matthew: But the materials used to bind it and combine it
[17:00] Matthew: are younger
[17:00] Durroth: but it still looks like new?
[17:00] * TaloToecan blinks heavily. "That is surprising to many degrees, and curious. Mainly...why do this?"
[17:00] Matthew: about 4500 years old
[17:00] Matthew: It represents recycling
[17:00] Isper: Could they have canabalized existing structures?
[17:00] Matthew: And renchanting
[17:00] Matthew: Reepatedly
[17:00] Matthew: Which is even less efficent
[17:01] Matthew: though it certainly would be a lazymans dream
[17:01] Matthew: No structure fires
[17:01] Matthew: no flood damage
[17:01] Grett: Why would they be so inefficient?
[17:01] Matthew: no sand damage
[17:01] Matthew: no ice damage
[17:01] Matthew: No need to really clean or dust
[17:01] ApexFog: Like he said...because it allowed to be lazy, if that was in fact their intent...
[17:01] Matthew: Because it made thier lifes very plesant
[17:02] Matthew: Allowed them to focus their intentions on other persuits
[17:02] Matthew: Lets look arround some more eh?
[17:02] Lkeas: Hmm. Do you think we could find out what those pursuits were..?
[17:02] * Lkeas nods.
[17:02] ApexFog: Sure...
<a href="">[17:02] Durroth: Whos that?</a>
[17:02] Selarep: Yeah...
[17:03] Durroth: Great
[17:03] Durroth: We're not welcome here
[17:03] Grett: Any particular direction you're wanting to go in?
[17:03] Durroth: Guys, we're getting death threats
[17:03] * Lkeas looks at Durroth curiously. "From who?"
[17:03] ApexFog: How do you know?
[17:03] TaloToecan: "Oh?"
[17:03] Durroth: probably a spirit
[17:03] Durroth: since hes right there and you cant see him
[17:04] ApexFog: Ah ok...
[17:04] * Lkeas frowns. "Ah... you did mention you could talk to dead people.."
[17:04] Durroth: He says "Go from this place accursed visitors, Go or Die"
[17:04] Grett: Who is this spirit?
[17:04] Isper: Thats quite an ultimatum.
[17:04] Durroth: he looks human, but kinda odd in some way I cant quite place
[17:04] Lkeas: Silari, probably..
[17:05] * LordBarrius eyes Durroth carefully. "So there *are* spirits here? Not surprising I guess..."
[17:05] Grett: So, are we going to ignore it, or what?
[17:05] * Matthew looks at Durroth and closes his eyes
[17:05] ApexFog: Well...
[17:05] Durroth: apparently they dont want us here
[17:06] Grett: I'm expecting we can't interogate it.
[17:06] ApexFog: It depends on what they can do...
[17:06] * Matthew gestures at the computer
[17:06] Durroth: The odd thing is, I've never actually SEEN a spirit before
[17:06] >Ambiance<: The image of Seideilari appears clear as day on the machine
[17:06] Matthew: That is the figure being seen
[17:06] * Lkeas lets out a small gasp seeing Sieleidari's face. "Him.."
[17:07] Durroth: yeah, that looks like him
[17:07] * LordBarrius blinks in surprise. "Curious."
[17:07] Durroth: why, who is he?
[17:07] Grett: So i'm guessing this is the city, and not a replica.
[17:07] Lkeas: Oh, just the guy who tried to kill us.
[17:07] Durroth: ... Hes making death threats again
[17:07] Lkeas: Well... sort of.
[17:07] Durroth: Begone from his city or die
[17:07] Grett: Can you ask him anything?
[17:07] ApexFog: Sort of?
[17:07] * TaloToecan shakes his muzzle a few times and blinks once more. "Can you make his threats audible to us all as well, Matthew, so that we might engage him in discourse if we choose?"
[17:07] >Ambiance<: A sudden sound is heard from within one of the far buildings
[17:07] Grett: Ask him why he wants us out.
[17:08] Durroth: ... well he just entered that building
[17:08] * Durroth points to the building the figure just entered
[17:08] >Ambiance<: A mist begins to rise from the street
[17:08] Computer: I am detecting new life forms
[17:08] * Lkeas curses. "Don't tell me that still works!?"
[17:08] Grett: Hm. That might be unhealthy.
[17:08] Lkeas: We have to get out of here.
[17:08] Durroth: This doesnt look good
[17:08] ApexFog: Why? What is going on?
<a href="">[17:08] * TaloToecan scans the local area for telepathic signatures.</a>
[17:08] Grett: Think we can get away from it in one of the buildings?
[17:09] Lkeas: There must be some structure that would be safe..
[17:09] LordBarrius: "But why does he not wish us to be here? Unless there's something he wishes to remain hidden...." He frowns at the sudden shift in enviroment and moves closer to the group in a defensive manner.
[17:09] Lkeas: Computer, can you scan for shelters?
[17:10] * TaloToecan staggers under the weight of the emotions, and their strength. "So...sad. Terrible. They...remain...the restless dead...given into darker aspects of emotion..."
[17:10] Durroth: you can feel them?
[17:10] ApexFog: Well...any way we can get them to be still and calm?
[17:11] * Eitak_Razal appears admist the group "Yo"
[17:11] * TaloToecan staggers aside, running into LordBarrius's legs and leaning heavily against him. "This is...not good."
[17:11] TaloToecan: "We should leave, I think."
[17:11] Lkeas: We can worry about the spirits later... if that plague is still available for Sieleidari to use we need to leave, now.
[17:11] Durroth: Right
[17:11] Eitak_Razal: But i just got here!
[17:11] ApexFog: Why is the plague bad?
[17:11] Durroth: and I dont appreciate spirits making death threats at me
[17:11] Grett: Why did they not stop us last time?
[17:11] TaloToecan: "Brother, could you carry me? I wish to try something."
[17:11] * LordBarrius nods and reaches down to help TaloToecan up, supporting him as best as possible.
[17:12] Matthew: "I used magic"
[17:12] Matthew: "And I damaged a building"
[17:12] Matthew: "Suffice to say I drew some substantial attention"
[17:12] Eitak_Razal: They probaby didn't appreacte that...
[17:12] * Grett nods. "Yeah, that makes sense."
[17:12] Matthew: "They may not have gotten time to gather themselves last time"
[17:12] Durroth: Wonderful
[17:12] Matthew: "This time they did"
[17:12] * TaloToecan focuses his mind on the second, more recent grouping...
[17:12] Durroth: and I thought brandon was good at causing trouble
[17:13] Durroth: so are we going to leave?
[17:13] Grett: We need to do something.
[17:13] * Lkeas seems quite anxious to be away from the mist. "If the computer can't find us a shelter here, we need to teleport back."
[17:13] TaloToecan: "Leave! Now!"
[17:14] Lkeas: Matthew, the mirror!
[17:14] TaloToecan: "Or what Lkeas fears...will be unleashed!"
[17:14] ApexFog: Well..then...I guess that leaves only one choice...
[17:14] Durroth: get out of here?
[17:14] Isper: Time to leave then.
[17:14] * TaloToecan begins to gather what energies he has to himself, ready to unleash a desparate act to buy others time.
[17:14] Grett: Matthew, are you going to do something or what?
[17:15] Durroth: good choice
[17:15] TaloToecan: "NOW!
[17:15] * Lkeas looks at Matthew in a panic. "We're going to die if we stay here!"
[17:15] Matthew: Then I suggest going back through the bolt
[17:15] Matthew: eh?
[17:15] * TaloToecan pushes off of LordBarrius, pushing him towards the bolt.
[17:15] Matthew: I am undead this plague wont effect me
[17:15] Matthew: Go ahead
[17:15] Grett: Ah, I had thought you had dispelled that.
[17:15] Matthew: Left it open
[17:15] TaloToecan: "You too, Matthew."
[17:16] Matthew: You said you wanted free access
[17:16] Matthew: go now
[17:16] * Lkeas shakes her head as she spots the bolt and gestures to the others to follow her.
[17:16] Matthew: I shall
[17:16] Matthew: Deter this
[17:16] Selarep: ....
[17:16] * Isper heads toward the bolt. "Lets get going"
[17:16] * Grett heads through the portal.
[17:16] * Matthew moves forward into one of the nearby buildings
[17:16] * Durroth moves through the portal
[17:16] * TaloToecan stands on unshaky legs as he draws his psionics to bear. "Matthew, no!"
[17:16] ApexFog: Talo...will you be ok?
[17:16] * LordBarrius stumbles back a bit, though regaining his step and growls at Talo. "Don't you even think about staying behind."
[17:17] * Matthew turns and points at talo and throws him backward through the bolt
[17:17] Matthew: He missed the memo
[17:17] Matthew: I am a God
[17:17] * Eitak_Razal starts running runining tword the bolt, only thaking a a single look back, still unsure what is going on.
[17:17] Matthew: and I am undead
[17:17] Matthew: Now GO
[17:17] * LordBarrius nods his thanks to Matthew and retreats towards the bolt.
[17:17] * ApexFog turns toward the bolt and disappears through it
[17:17] * TaloToecan unleashes what psionic powers he gathered in a backlash against the psionic connection he had made to the Tjelia moments before he passes through the bolt.
[17:17] * Selarep nods and rushes to the bolt.

[17:18] * Isper passes through the bolt.

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