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[16:54] >Ambiance<: A small

side street stretches in both directions along the estate grounds. Across the street from the estate is the rear wall of some sort of building
[16:56] >Ambiance<: Reality folds inwards slightly and deposits Malcolm on his rear in the middle of the cross alley slightly down the street
[16:56] Arden: <Epic Begins>
[16:56] Adam_Hartholm: Come on guys!
[16:56] * Lkeas turns as she sees Malcolm appear. "Hey there!"
[16:56] Malcolm: Ouch
[16:56] * Malcolm stands up
[16:57] * Rimblade looks about.
[16:57] Rimblade: "Cheese fries, then?"
[16:57] * Legault looks around, "Huh, big place."
[16:57] * Lkeas jogs over to Malcolm. "We just keep bumping into each other, eh?"
[16:57] Little_Brown_Box: We'd better go before the weather turns again.
[16:57] Dyn: "It... er... is a town."
[16:57] Legault: Port city.
[16:57] Little_Brown_Box: Nah. It's a pineapple.
[16:57] Adam_Hartholm: Shush.
[16:57] *** Iago has joined #epic.
[16:57] Malcolm: Looks like
[16:58] Lkeas: Well... this place should be a bit more stable than that crazy New York..
[16:58] * Lkeas looks up and down the street. "Which way?"
[16:58] Dyn: "Hah."
[16:58] Malcolm: it would have to take a lot of effort to be worse
[16:58] >Ambiance<: Daniel walks along a New York street vaugely dazed by recent events and tired.... so the familiar flip signalling transition is almost completely missed
[16:58] * Adam_Hartholm grins. "I'll roll a dice. Odds we go left, evens right. What do you say?"
[16:59] >Ambiance<: What catches his attention is more the change in building type and dimension and the narrowing of Broadway into a Narrow Alley
[16:59] Dyn: "Stability is the watchword of the confused."
[16:59] Lkeas: Well... we were attempting to find a party, or concert, or something... anybody hear where it's coming from?
[17:00] Little_Brown_Box: It's a port city. Parties should be all over.
[17:00] Lkeas: That might be a bit less random than dice throwing.
[17:00] Rimblade: "Follow the sent!"
[17:00] * Daniel shakes his head. "No Tango Maureen? Oh well, maybe I can have some fun here."
[17:00] >Ambiance<: In the distance a bell chimes repeatedly.
[17:00] Little_Brown_Box: We're gonna have ourselves a festivity!
[17:00] * Adam_Hartholm shrugs. "I'll follow your lead, Archivist."
[17:00] * Dyn considers his surroundings.
[17:01] * Rimblade considers food.
[17:01] Malcolm: I will follow you as well
[17:01] >Ambiance<: clouds drift lazily overhead
[17:01] * Iago looks about and pulls his hood down with his non-broken arm. He hangs at the back of the group
[17:01] Jeice: I'm just along for the ride. I have no preferences as to where to go.
[17:01] Rimblade: "I think we should turn RIGHT!"
[17:01] Little_Brown_Box: Come on, before it rains again!
[17:01] * Daniel looks at the alley. "On the other hand, maybe not. It's like I'm back in math class and I have to derive x squared for an hour. Booooring." He then heads towards the sound of the bell.
[17:02] * Lkeas shrugs. "I seem to have lost the trail.."
[17:02] Dyn: "Well... Then any direction is good as another."
[17:02] Jeice: Wasn't there a smoke cloud earlier?
[17:02] Rimblade: "We can't go wrong if we go RIGHT!"
[17:02] Little_Brown_Box: Let's go thataway!
[17:02] Lkeas: There was..
[17:02] Malcolm: nasty pun Rim
[17:02] Jeice: We could head towards where the cloud came from.
[17:02] Adam_Hartholm: Did you see which way that was?
[17:03] Legault: Or just wait till the music plays again.
[17:03] >Ambiance<: Birds chirp softly and a cool breeze blows
[17:03] * Harker whips by suddenly on a chariot
[17:04] *** Crash has joined #epic.
[17:04] Malcolm: should we follow the Chariot?
[17:04] * Lkeas hops backwards. "Whoa, there. Didn't know this was a major thoroughfare.."
[17:04] Little_Brown_Box: Whoa!
[17:04] Harker: Come one Come All
[17:04] Adam_Hartholm: That looks like a good way to go.
[17:04] * Iago is a bit startled and moves in the direction of the chariot
[17:04] Harker: To the festival fantastique
[17:05] Lkeas: Festival, that sounds like the place!
[17:05] Malcolm: I would assume thats where we are headed
[17:05] Harker: Where dreams are made reality
[17:05] * Daniel stops short at the sight of the prophetess. "Prophetess! Good to see you! I trust all is going swimmingly? Ooh... and a chariot! Conditions only seem more interesting!
[17:05] Little_Brown_Box: Let's go!
[17:05] Adam_Hartholm: Sounds like the place to be.
[17:05] >Ambiance<: The sound of machinery can be heard.
[17:05] * Lkeas laughs as she spots Daniel. "Hi again, old friend. We were just about to check out a festival. Want to come along?"
[17:05] Daniel: I could use a little time in Reality. Why not?
[17:06] * Daniel grins innocently *
[17:06] Dyn: "Er."
[17:06] Legault: Huh, haven't seen you in a long time.
[17:06] Dyn: "Reality is overrated by far."
[17:06] * Adam_Hartholm heads off in the direction indicated by the harker, annoyed at the hold up and not wanting to wait.
[17:06] *** Crash has left #epic.
[17:06] >Ambiance<: Children run by laughing
[17:06] Malcolm: Lead on Macduff
[17:06] Rimblade: "Oh! We're all gonna die!"
[17:07] * Iago wonders if those were the same children from earlier as he moves claser to the group
[17:07] * Lkeas links arms with Daniel. "Well, let's be off then, shall we?"
[17:07] Little_Brown_Box: Sweet!
[17:07] >Ambiance<: the sky darkens slightly but the sun shines defiantly through the clouds.
[17:07] * Dyn strolls behind Lkeas, hands in his pockets, bubble pipe in mouth.
[17:07] * Jeice follows after Lkeas, looking around the area while doing so.
[17:08] * Rimblade bounces after Jeice, clearly saying, 'Ow, ow, ow...'
[17:08] * Daniel winks roguishly. "Let's be off to see these wizards with their smoke and mirrors! Why? Because!"
[17:08] * Malcolm follows Lkeas, looking around at the nearby buildings
[17:08] * Adam_Hartholm stares about wide-eyed, taking in what sights he may, relishing this change of pace.
[17:08] * Lkeas giggles and trots off after Adam.
[17:08] * Chariot disapears into the maze that is the Center of the City
[17:09] * Legault walks after them.
[17:09] * Iago follows after the group, gray cloak billowing behind him.
[17:09] * Dyn blows a large bubble, sighs, and breaks into a run to keep up with the group.
[17:09] * Daniel skips alongside Lkeas, his red skin and pink hair apparently not drawing too much attention *
[17:09] * Adam_Hartholm gives a whoop and races off after it, trying to keep it in sight or at least take the same path the chariot did.
[17:09] * Rimblade begins even larger bounces.
[17:09] >Ambiance<: The noises are quite different here then they were in the forest
[17:09] Lkeas: Hoo boy... let's try to stick together, at least we'll all get lost in the same place if we do!
[17:10] Dyn: "Mmm. The noises are quite different here than they were in the forest."
[17:10] Malcolm: Good idea
[17:10] * Lkeas jogs after Adam, calling out to him. "Hey, wait up!"
[17:11] * Iago moves as quick after the group as his injured body can allow
[17:11] * Adam_Hartholm stops and looks back at the others, his face flushed with excitement, a rather impatient expression playing over his features. "Come on! You all walk too slow!"
[17:11] * Jeice ups his pace to keep up with Lkeas.
[17:11] * Dyn smiles indulgently.
[17:11] * Daniel continues to skip, but keeps up regardless.
[17:11] * Malcolm races to follow Adam and Lkead
[17:11] Dyn: "What, you want a race?"
[17:11] * Iago has a broken arm and a fractured leg, but tries to keep up.
[17:11] * Little_Brown_Box mutters in the crook of Adam's arm, "And he berates ME for being impolite."
[17:12] Adam_Hartholm: Is that a challenge, sir?
[17:12] Lkeas: Well.. we have some injured in our group..
[17:12] Adam_Hartholm: Oh. Well, that's a drag.
[17:12] Little_Brown_Box: Have Rim carry 'em!
[17:12] Iago: No, no... I'll be fine. Go on ahead.
[17:12] * Iago dislikes the image of being carried by Rim
[17:13] *** Korban has joined #epic.
[17:13] Lkeas: Ok, which way did the chariot go..
[17:13] Rimblade: "Blurp!"
[17:13] Adam_Hartholm: Uhm...
[17:13] Rimblade: "I'm a cheese horsey!"
[17:13] * Dyn begins to skip ahead quickly.
[17:14] * Adam_Hartholm scratches his head, turns in a circle with his eyes closed, and points in a random direction. Opening his eyes, he shrugs and races off again, grinning madly.

[17:14] Daniel: We could always throw the blade as high as possible and hope it sees the chariot.

[17:14] * Malcolm sighs and runs after Adam
[17:14] Daniel: ((*hilt GAH!))
[17:14] * Lkeas sighs and shakes her head as she watches Adam dash off.
[17:15] >Ambiance<: A soft drizzling mist falls.
[17:15] >Ambiance<: The majority of noise and activity seems to intensify near city center and beyond toward the water
[17:16] Lkeas: Ugh, there's that rain again, we'd better get moving. Follow that noise!
[17:16] Rimblade: "Weeee!"
[17:16] >Ambiance<: In the distance a bell chimes the quarter hour
[17:16] * Jeice speeds up again.
[17:16] * Adam_Hartholm stops to put up his umbrella, then sets off in a more stately manner.
[17:16] * Iago looks up, and pulls his gray hood over his head. He manages to keep up with the group as best he can, cane helping him to walk.
[17:16] * Malcolm laughs a bit and catchs up to Adam
[17:16] Little_Brown_Box: Night on the town, do do doo. Night on the town, doo doo do deee...
[17:17] * Legault sighs and runs after the others.
[17:17] Adam_Hartholm: This is so cool. The rain doesn't smell, the roads are clear, the buildings actually look like buildings...
[17:17] * Adam_Hartholm grins widely and looks about in all directions as he walks.
[17:17] Malcolm: I know, its a nice place
[17:17] * Lkeas finally matches pace with Adam and Malcolm. "Is it not like this where you're from?"
[17:18] Adam_Hartholm: Not at all.
[17:18] Malcolm: heh, not even close
[17:18] * Adam_Hartholm frowns, a shadow crossing his face. "It's clean here. Almost unbelievably so."
[17:18] Adam_Hartholm: Back home, if it started raining, we would have had to clear the streets or risk unhealthy stuff happening.
[17:18] >Ambiance<: A double rainbow appears in the sky both having a fully visible halo rather then the more mundane arch.
[17:19] Malcolm: some of the downsides of industrialization are nasty smells and wierd shaped buildings
[17:19] Lkeas: Hmm. We visited a place like that once..
[17:19] >Ambiance<: The sky lightens further and the rain lets up
[17:19] * Adam_Hartholm laughs in delight and gazes up at the rainbow with an almost childlike expression of glee on his face.
[17:19] Rimblade: "Colors! Colors!"
[17:19] Adam_Hartholm: Hell yeah...
[17:19] * Iago glances around, a bit perturbed about the numerous weather changes. He removes his hood.
[17:19] * Daniel glides along backwards with everyone. "Rainbows are quite nice until you realize they're always there. I wonder what would happen if we tried to make that permanently visible."
[17:19] * Dyn stares sadly at the rainbow.
[17:19] * Malcolm smiles at the rainbows
[17:20] >Ambiance<: You come to a cross street that is used by motorized vehicles. An open topped car blares its horn as it continues downtown
[17:20] Dyn: "It's not good to have beauty all the time, Daniel."
[17:20] >Ambiance<: The rain ceases to a halt
[17:20] Little_Brown_Box: Back at you, buddy!
[17:20] * Lkeas halts at the edge of the street. "Any crosswalks?"
[17:20] * Iago replaces his hood on his head, realizing the rain hasnt stopped, afterall
[17:20] Daniel: It doesn't have to be beautiful, silly. Just interesting.
[17:20] * Adam_Hartholm shrugs and puts the umbrella down. "Run across.
[17:21] *** Eitak_Razal has joined #epic.
[17:21] Arden: Always there
[17:21] >Ambiance<: Merchants manoeuvre their wares down the alley and the sound of village harkers can be heard in the distance.
[17:21] Arden: Or never?
[17:21] Arden: It does depend on how you look on it
[17:21] * Iago starts to dislike Adam and all his quick movements and running
[17:21] Arden: "Decided to venture out I see?"
[17:21] * Eitak_Razal wanders to the others useing her magic to sense their presance
[17:21] Little_Brown_Box: Yep!
[17:21] Rimblade: "I'm a choo-choo train!"
[17:21] Little_Brown_Box: It's nice out here.
[17:21] >Ambiance<: Bird fly by overhead
[17:21] * Dyn looks sadly at the bird.
[17:21] * Lkeas grins. "You must be Arden, I take it?"
[17:21] Eitak_Razal: What did I miss?
[17:21] Arden: I forgot my Jacket at the manse
[17:22] Malcolm: this is a very idyllic place
[17:22] * Adam_Hartholm looks at Arden. "That's your place?"
[17:22] * Iago wonders if there are any interesting foods here, there are certainly interesting smells
[17:22] Arden: Have to retrieve it and return to Dragons Blood
[17:22] Little_Brown_Box: Sounds like a tavern.
[17:22] Arden: Do enjoy you journey
[17:22] Little_Brown_Box: Can we come?
[17:22] >Ambiance<: There is a sound of a beast of burden being herded down the narrow street.
[17:22] Arden: Nay
[17:22] Arden: It is a town
[17:22] Dyn: "I doubt it, Malcom. Too much life."
[17:22] Little_Brown_Box: Aww...
[17:22] Arden: And it's name is alas earned
[17:22] Malcolm: but the life seems in balance
[17:22] >Ambiance<: It begins to rain heavily and thunder crashes.
[17:22] Lkeas: Your mailbox was a bit full..
[17:22] Adam_Hartholm: Dead dragons?
[17:22] Dyn: "Too much balance is also a bad thing."
[17:23] Arden: Ah I will tend to it
[17:23] Lkeas: We brought the deliveries inside and I left your letters on the kitchen counter.
[17:23] * Legault pulls his hood over his head.
[17:23] * Iago sighs and looks up to the sky, wondering if the rainbow remains
[17:23] Little_Brown_Box: Yeah, your food's in the fridge.
[17:23] * Arden nods and turns quickly down a back alley
[17:23] Malcolm: true, but here it seems very... almost perfect
[17:23] Arden: Good day
[17:23] * Dyn looks sadly at the clouds.
[17:23] Lkeas: Take care!
[17:23] Little_Brown_Box: God knows where the glass is...
[17:23] * Eitak_Razal pulls her umbrealla out of her bag and opens it quickly
[17:23] Daniel: Hmmm... never would be interesting too.
[17:23] * Arden runs at a good canter
[17:23] Dyn: "Perfection is the essence of a bad thing."
[17:23] * Lkeas attempts to find some cover from the rain.
[17:23] Adam_Hartholm: So, let's go to town!
[17:23] Eitak_Razal: I wonder if he knows running in the rain gets you more wet.
[17:24] Daniel: But I think that given the excitement of the alley, always would be more fun.
[17:24] Rimblade: "Running is funning, pilgrim!"
[17:24] Malcolm: you are very cynical you know that?
[17:24] * Adam_Hartholm puts up his umbrella and walks off towards where he percieves the most activity to be.
[17:24] * Dyn smiles.
[17:24] Dyn: "I do, in fact, know that."
[17:24] Little_Brown_Box: Liar.
[17:24] Legault: Being cynical is a hobby for some people.
[17:24] >Ambiance<: The rain continues to intensify.
[17:24] Dyn: "Indeed. Luckily for us all, a cynic is the last thing I am."
[17:25] * Malcolm laughs a bit as he is soaked and does not care
[17:25] * Iago actually likes the rain. He stands right near the street, in the open
[17:25] Lkeas: Well... shall we keep heading towards the water? I suppose we'll have to jaywalk.."
[17:25] * Eitak_Razal holds her umbrella so it covers a few other people, as well as her
[17:25] * Dyn blows a short burst of bubbles which do not pop, but seem to dance around the rain.
[17:25] >Ambiance<: Children run by trying to seek shelter from the summer storm.
[17:25] * Adam_Hartholm frowns, and pushes up on the handle of his umbrella, causing the top to spread out a bit more.
[17:25] * Iago wonders if those are the same children
[17:26] Adam_Hartholm: Come on, it's not going to stop just because we have.

 [17:26] * Adam_Hartholm walks off, taking care to splash in as many of the rappidly forming puddles as he can.

[17:26] Dyn: "Indeed. Onward and upward."
[17:26] * Daniel prefers the feel of the rain on his skin. "Hello, children! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!"
[17:26] >Ambiance<: The rain lessens and the wind and lightning stops.
[17:26] * Malcolm follows after Adam, enjoying the rain
[17:26] * Lkeas gives up trying to stay dry and hurries after the rest.
[17:26] >Ambiance<: An occasional rumble is heard in the distance the smell of ozone mixed with distinct smell of fresh animal passage.
[17:26] * Eitak_Razal covers her nose.
[17:26] * Jeice shivers a little as he rushes to keep up.
[17:27] Daniel: Hm. Guess not on the pleasure. And to think right now I could be watching a live showing of Rent.
[17:27] * Rimblade bounces crazily after Jeice.
[17:27] * Adam_Hartholm hums merrily as he walks along, laughing at random intervals, his face lit up by a delighted smile.
[17:27] * Iago chuckles as he walks near Jeice, playing catch-up as well
[17:27] *** Not_Crash has joined #epic.
[17:27] >Ambiance<: The rain becomes a gentle mist.
[17:27] Little_Brown_Box: Let's go, let's go, let's go. The night is young, and so are we, let's hit the town...
[17:28] Adam_Hartholm: Night?
[17:28] Dyn: "Er, which one of us is young?"
[17:28] Adam_Hartholm: What are you on about?
[17:28] Eitak_Razal: I'm young
[17:28] Little_Brown_Box: Er...LOOK, a distraction!
[17:28] * Daniel looks to see what the local shops are, and to see if any of an interesting nature are hiring.
[17:28] Eitak_Razal: And, no bars... I'm too young to drink, by my own laws...
[17:28] * Dyn spins around to see the distraction.
[17:29] Adam_Hartholm: Forget that.
[17:29] * Iago looks for any kind of restaurants
[17:29] * Eitak_Razal looks around the shops to see if any are selling anything she can use.
[17:29] Adam_Hartholm: I just want to get a nice, pleasant buzz, myself.
[17:29] Dyn: "Perhaps we should find a pub?"
[17:29] Little_Brown_Box: I'll tell.
[17:29] >Ambiance<: Birds chirp softly and a cool breeze blows
[17:29] * Dyn looks about hopefully.
[17:29] Malcolm: what is the local laws for drinking here?
[17:29] Adam_Hartholm: The hell you won't.
[17:30] Eitak_Razal: I'm still not drinking...
[17:30] Lkeas: A pub? I'm sure they'll have drinks at the festival..
[17:30] Iago: A pub would be nice. You dont HAVE to drink
[17:30] Adam_Hartholm: I wonder if Caelestians have funnel cake...
[17:30] Dyn: "Then let us head onward and inward."
[17:30] Eitak_Razal: I only drink wine and only on special occasions...
[17:30] Malcolm: if its like a Festival on my world then there will be drinks of every sort there
[17:31] * Iago hurries as best he can after Malcolm, liking the thought process
[17:31] Daniel: By the gods this place is just as boring as home.
[17:31] >Ambiance<: The buildings in this sector seem to be private dweelings and a few warehouses, private clubs, and other private enterprise
[17:31] >Ambiance<: In the distance a bell chimes the half hour
[17:31] >Ambiance<: This is clearly not the merchantile district
[17:31] Adam_Hartholm: Heh. Wanna find a party to crash?
[17:31] Dyn: "Hmmm. That could be a problem."
[17:31] Adam_Hartholm: Kidding.
[17:31] Dyn: "It seemed a novel idea."
[17:31] * Lkeas shrugs at Daniel. "Might as well keep moving, then. Hopefully the Festival Fantastique will be more interesting.."
[17:31] Eitak_Razal: I hopes it's like the festivals in the japan of my world... those are so much fun...
[17:32] Adam_Hartholm: Looks like we took a wrong turn. If we keep walking, we may find the way out.
[17:32] Little_Brown_Box: Nah. I liked your other idea.
[17:32] Eitak_Razal: I'll try something...
[17:32] >Ambiance<: clouds drift lazily overhead
[17:32] Jeice: Funnel cake does sound nice, but what would we do about currency...?
[17:32] Malcolm: Lkeas do you know the way?
[17:32] Little_Brown_Box: Hehe.
[17:32] * Eitak_Razal sends out a wave of magic trying to find the largest grouping of people nearby.
[17:32] Little_Brown_Box: I'm not called "Counterfeit" for nothing.
[17:32] Little_Brown_Box: We'll have not problems there.
[17:32] * Iago decides to barter for funnel cake... or sell Box...
[17:32] Dyn: "Well.... I have a small pouch of completely blank coins of various metals. Maybe one of those would be accepted."
[17:32] * Daniel puts his smile back on. "Perhaps. Let's just dash towards the noise and raise the roof!"
[17:33] Lkeas: Well... it sounded like the activity was coming from the direction of the shore. Perhaps we should keep heading towards the water? If we're not too turned around to find it.
[17:33] Adam_Hartholm: Unless they use coins.
[17:33] Eitak_Razal: I have some gold bars...
[17:33] Malcolm: sounds like a good idea
[17:33] * Jeice glares at little brown box.
[17:33] * Lkeas shoves her hand in her pocket to make sure her credit card is handy. "Doubt they'll take it, though.."
[17:33] * Eitak_Razal produces a gold bar about the size of her hand, it isn't very large and is ment for travel.
[17:33] * Adam_Hartholm shoots a thumbs-up at Daniel, grins at Lkeas, and dashes off again, legs pumping.
[17:33] Rimblade: "We'd get a better idea if someone would hurl me into the air!"
[17:33] Eitak_Razal: Sure..
[17:33] * Iago took a vow of poverty, and is not liking it right now
[17:34] Dyn: "Er..."
[17:34] * Malcolm laughs a bit then heads after Adam
[17:34] * Legault shakes his head, "People that rush off like that end up dead."
[17:34] Dyn: "Indeed."
[17:34] >Ambiance<: the scent of baking bread is carried on the wind from the city
[17:34] * Dyn sprints after Malcom.
[17:34] Malcolm: Probably, then again thats why I am not in the lead
[17:34] Eitak_Razal: I sent some magic to see see where the most people are... It hasn't come back.
[17:34] * Lkeas shrugs. "Daniel, you want to try throwing Rim?"
[17:35] Adam_Hartholm: I wouldn't mess with magic until we know what the local restricions are.
[17:35] Rimblade: "Yayayay!"
[17:35] * Iago stands near Lkeas, and the non-sprinting people
[17:35] * Daniel grins. "I would love to."
[17:35] Jeice: Heh, try not to break him.
[17:35] Eitak_Razal: It's like ecclation... Its a simple spell...
[17:36] Eitak_Razal: It proably got sucked up by some magic sucking thing or is just really far by now.. It might have failed
[17:36] >Ambiance<: You come to the dead center of the city and a large fenced terrace campus is here with many many buildings
[17:36] Rimblade: "Goon, then!"
[17:36] * Little_Brown_Box has by this point deteriorated to shouting incoherrently as Adam runs along with it.
[17:36] Eitak_Razal: Goon?
[17:36] >Ambiance<: a motorized car drives by noisily and kicking up a cloud of dust and smoke.
[17:36] Legault: ((*Go on*))
[17:36] >Ambiance<: At the center of this campus is a large circular building that seems much older then the rest of the area
[17:36] * Eitak_Razal coughs on dust.
[17:36] * Iago coughs a little bit
[17:36] Eitak_Razal: Hmm... Whats that building..
[17:36] Dyn: "That's a very old looking structure."
[17:37] Little_Brown_Box: Is that the University?
[17:37] Adam_Hartholm: Whoa.
[17:37] * Lkeas squints her eyes shut against the dust, then tries to peer at what the others are commenting on.
[17:37] Adam_Hartholm: Counterfeit, select P23.
[17:37] >Ambiance<: the sound of distant music can be heard.
[17:37] Daniel: Rimblade, may I borrow you for a moment?
[17:37] Little_Brown_Box: A'ighty!
[17:37] Rimblade: "Sure-o!"
[17:37] * Little_Brown_Box flashes like a camera.
[17:37] Malcolm: I hear music, that has to be a good sign
[17:37] * Iago tries to get the jump on the rest of the group, who consistently beat him places. He moves in the direction of the older building.
[17:39] Little_Brown_Box: Let's go!
[17:39] Dyn: "Whow..."
[17:39] * Adam_Hartholm turns his head around, trying to figure out where the music and applause came from.
[17:39] * Iago is now a few paces away from the group, in the direction of the old building.
[17:40] Rimblade: "Blurp."
[17:40] * Eitak_Razal is standing next to Lkeas.
[17:40] * Adam_Hartholm shrugs and sets off in what he hopes is the right direction.
[17:40] * Jeice looks around while waiting for someone to decide where to go next.
[17:40] Lkeas: Alright, well... I guess we don't have to toss Rim in the air then... unless you really want to, Dan.
[17:40] Eitak_Razal: ((or walking, i can't tell anymore))
[17:40] >Ambiance<: there is a deep rumbling noise followed by a plume of purple smoke deep in the sky.
[17:40] Rimblade: "Awww."
[17:40] >Ambiance<: the distant sound of laughter and applause fills the air.
[17:40] >Ambiance<: Adam crosses the campus directly and comes right up to the large round old building.
[17:41] Adam_Hartholm: ((What? o_0 ))
[17:41] Daniel: I would like to, but it just doesn't hold any value at this point. I would be more interested in exploring.
[17:41] >Ambiance<: The majority of noise comes from beyond this direction
[17:41] Rimblade: "Atcha."
[17:41] * Eitak_Razal nods
[17:41] Adam_Hartholm: (( XD ))
[17:41] Lkeas: Sounds good.
[17:41] Adam_Hartholm: Well, we'll just cut across.
[17:41] * Lkeas points towards Adam and Iago, who are heading towards the building.
[17:41] * Iago comes to the old building
[17:41] Dyn: "Well. Perhaps we should follow him."
[17:41] * Eitak_Razal follows in the direction Lkeas indicated
[17:41] * Jeice walks towards the building.
[17:41] * Dyn dashes after Adam, his scarf flying.
[17:42] * Malcolm shrugs and waits for Lkeas to head after the other two
[17:42] >Ambiance<: The old building is even more massive then it appears when you get close the true magnitude of the building becomes apparent
[17:42] * Lkeas gestures "Let's go" to Malcolm and follows the others.
[17:42] Eitak_Razal: I'm glad I decided to where filp-flops instead of straw sandels that went with these..
[17:42] * Malcolm follows Lkeas
[17:42] * Jeice whistles in admiration.
[17:43] * Daniel approaches and looks for an entrance *
[17:43] * Iago looks for an identicication plaque on the building, interested
[17:43] * Rimblade bounces after 'em.
[17:43] Lkeas: It seems a bit out of place, you think? It's age doesn't match the rest of the buildings.. maybe a town hall..
[17:43] Jeice: Maybe an arena.
[17:43] Dyn: "Or a laboratory."
[17:43] Dyn: "Or court."
[17:43] * Iago hears Lkeas' comment, "I was hoping for a library"
[17:43] * Adam_Hartholm sets off around the building, seeking the sound of merriment. Unless of course it's coming from inside. In which case he enters.
[17:43] Dyn: "Or, perhaps, a temple."
[17:44] Malcolm: or a theater
[17:44] * Lkeas nods. "Any could be possible.."
[17:44] * Dyn follows the rather uncertain path of Adam.
[17:44] Eitak_Razal: I was hopeing for an outdoor festival, with fun games...
[17:44] * Eitak_Razal frowns
[17:44] * Iago looks to Malcolm, "it is circular, a theatre would be interesting"
[17:44] Eitak_Razal: Then again.. as unpredicatable as the weather is here, i doubt that would be practical'
[17:44] Rimblade: "It's obviously.... a temple of dark evil dedicated to the most horrible or horrors!"
[17:45] Eitak_Razal: If its a temple, its a temple for Elderon.
[17:45] Rimblade: "Whossagod?"
[17:45] >Ambiance<: Man stares at Rimblade somewhat angrilly
[17:45] Eitak_Razal: Shhh.
[17:45] * Iago still examines the building, looking for identification
[17:45] Rimblade: "Er."
[17:45] * Legault thinks that wasn't wise.
[17:45] Rimblade: "Whossisname, eh?"
[17:45] * Man turns and stares at Eitak_Razal with slightly less but quite apparent displeasure
[17:46] Rimblade: "Corroleelonion."
[17:46] Jeice: If the festivities are in the building, it would shelter them from the rain.
[17:46] Eitak_Razal: Sorry...
[17:46] Eitak_Razal: We're new here...
[17:46] Legault: Yeah, might be something for Eldron...
[17:46] Malcolm: our friend is very drunk, and probably could not remember his own name
[17:46] Rimblade: "HAH! Whossagod?"
[17:46] Man: Might....
[17:46] Daniel: Eldron? This IS exciting! I wonder if he visits personally?
[17:46] Rimblade: "You tell me, eh?"
[17:46] Man: This is the Temple of Many Gods...
[17:46] >Ambiance<: the smell of lilac and lavender drifts on the summer breeze
[17:46] * Dyn looks at the lot of them sadly.
[17:46] Lkeas: Many... gods?
[17:46] Eitak_Razal: See, there we go.
[17:47] Lkeas: I thought Eldron was the one god?
[17:47] Adam_Hartholm: Which gods in particular?
[17:47] Man: It is the Largest and oldest temple in all of Lore
[17:47] Dyn: "Lore."
[17:47] >Ambiance<: In the distance a bell chimes the quarter hour
[17:47] Legault: Lore?
[17:47] * Lkeas scratches her head, confused. "Lore..?"
[17:47] Rimblade: "Whossagod?"
[17:47] Legault: I thought this was Caelestia...
[17:47] Man: yes all of legend
[17:47] * Lkeas turns to the others. "How did we get to Lore?"
[17:47] Adam_Hartholm: We didn't.
[17:47] Rimblade: "Whossagod?"
[17:47] Eitak_Razal: Wait what.. I thought Elderon was the only god liked in caelstia.
[17:47] Adam_Hartholm: He means history.
[17:47] * Man stares at the group as if they are crazy
[17:47] Adam_Hartholm: Geeze, guys.
[17:47] Rimblade: "HAH!"
[17:47] Rimblade: "I know this!"
[17:47] Eitak_Razal: ((*In this part of))
[17:47] * Jeice looks confused now.
[17:47] Rimblade: "Satoris Syndrome!"
[17:48] * Adam_Hartholm walks up to the man, extending a friendly hand. "Hello sir. My name is Adam, and I must appologize for my companions."
[17:48] * Eitak_Razal ignores the confusion
[17:48] >Ambiance<: The clouds thin to near a perfect sky
[17:48] Rimblade: "Good is ill and Ill ain't good!"
[17:48] Adam_Hartholm: We're partygoing, and they've had one too many.
[17:48] * Iago removes his hood
[17:48] Adam_Hartholm: I'm the designated driver.
[17:48] Rimblade: "Gwhahaha!"
[17:48] Adam_Hartholm: Or I would be if we had a car.
[17:48] * Dyn stares sadly at Rimblade.
[17:48] Legault: ... Whatever you say, Adam.
[17:48] Daniel: Many gods? Can we hear of a few of them? If you have time, of course.
[17:48] Eitak_Razal: And I'm the child in the party with the voice of reason.
[17:48] * Daniel attempts a charming smile *
[17:48] Jeice: So this is for Lorithia and the elemental lords?
[17:48] * Eitak_Razal is only 15...
[17:48] Adam_Hartholm: As it is, I'm to keep them out of trouble. So, if you would excuse them, and tell us where all the music is coming from?
[17:48] Legault: No, this isn't Lore.
[17:48] * Eitak_Razal shakes her head
[17:48] Little_Brown_Box: Jeice, shush!
[17:49] Rimblade: "No, no, I'm telling the lotta you!:"
[17:49] Rimblade: "It's classic, it is!"
[17:49] * Iago wanders closer to the man, examining him surreptitiously
[17:49] * Lkeas holds up her hands. "Perhaps we shouldn't bombard him.."
[17:49] Man: the lot of you are a bit daft
[17:49] Rimblade: "Satoris syndrome! Whossagod? Whossisname! HA!"
[17:49] Man: I am just a garderner
[17:49] Eitak_Razal: We're new here, alot of us are off worlders.
[17:50] Eitak_Razal: I see..
[17:50] >Ambiance<: The quiet is cut by a soft trill of birdsong.
[17:50] Lkeas: Could you tell us a bit more about the temple?
[17:50] * Jeice recalls the last time he tried to explain being an off-worlder...
[17:50] Daniel: And of course, may we enter the temple?
[17:50] Man: That much is apparent.. you should sue your interreality travel wizard for not giving you at least the basics
[17:50] * Adam_Hartholm glares at the others. "Hey, hey, settle down."
[17:50] * Iago glances at Eitak, and then moves farther away from the group, trying to find an enterance
[17:50] Rimblade: "I'm gonna go in!"
[17:50] * Man walks away
[17:51] Malcolm: thanks for the help
[17:51] Adam_Hartholm: Well.
[17:51] Legault: We didn't get one...
[17:51] Malcolm: lets go inside
[17:51] Adam_Hartholm: That went better than expected.
[17:51] Rimblade: "I bettcha I'm right! I bettcha! Thirdun!"
[17:51] *** Kira has joined #epic.
[17:51] Malcolm: at least he didn't try to stick us in jail

[17:51] Lkeas: Be a bit respectful as we enter, can we? It is a Temple, after all.

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