From Caelwiki
<Kazuma> could you save Rimblade for us?
* Rimblade glows azure and hums lightly.
<Matthew> "These are mine"
<Darien> "Oh no you don't Johansen"
<Rimblade> Now now, please, I don't require saving, Kazuma. I'd prefer not to make a fuss.
* Useless swishes his tail in a pleased manner.
<Darien> "The sword at the very least shall be given the rust of 1000 rainstorms"
<Kira> why does that sound like it's a standard punishment...
<Kazuma> Rimblade, I like you enough to save you're hummor
<Rimblade> Ohhh. And an anti-polishing oil spell?
<Rimblade> Just to 'rub it in'?
* Rimblade guwafaws.
<Useless> "A sword requires blade and pommel, he is but merely a hilt after all."
<Deathbringer> An insane hilt, might I add.
<Darien> "You will be the source of your own downfall"
<Darien> "Well then"
<Rimblade> My other parts are equally insane, but do not drive mercadies.
<Darien> "I have a better soution"
<Matthew> "
* Kazuma is now known as Kaz|food
<Matthew> "Soution?"
<Useless> "I dare not to hesitate that others have long since accused us of being our own downfalls."
<Matthew> "What pray is a Soution"
<Rimblade> If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
<Darien> Ah good
<Darien> you know chemistry
<Darien> So here we are with a conundrum. A wise assed pommel. In need of a lesson
<Rimblade> A HARD lesson, I might add.
<Darien> So we will engage in a little condensation reaction
<Rimblade> And see about oxides?
<Darien> I was thinking more like the Condesations of Saccharides
<Rimblade> I prefer polysaccharides.
<Darien> Combine two like parts into a bigger polysacharide
<Rimblade> There we go!
<Darien> So then
<Rimblade> Right.
<Rimblade> Bring on the dancing girls!
<Darien> Do we have a mordant blade with a rather particular personality that might like to get the shaft?
* Matthew laughs aloud
<Fiona> Hehehe...
<Rimblade> I'd raise my hand, but I lack it.
<Rimblade> Might I borrow yours?
<Darien> "Beo seems to like the fellow inordinately"
<Darien> "Their personalitys seem coterminating"
<Beo> Coterminating?
<Rimblade> And cotaminating too.
<Darien> "Perhaps we should merge THEM"
<Beo> Hmm.
<Rimblade> Eww. That would be messy.
<Darien> Oh not at all
* Useless swishes his tail from side to side. "Not to mention quite unpleasant, I would think."
<Rimblade> But it WOULD provide a good hallow's eve disguise.
<Darien> I am sure matthew knows enough Matter magic to change a living being to a living blade
<Rimblade> I'm not technically alive. Keep that in mind.
<Darien> He can fix that too
<Rimblade> You want to grab the energy patterns of my mind, not just matter.
<Matthew> Not alive?
<Matthew> Nonsense. You have independent persistence.
<Rimblade> Well, I blush confess it...
<Matthew> From the perspective of a life mage you are alive
<Rimblade> Excellent!
<Matthew> Albeit not in an organic sense
<Rimblade> Too right- no carbon within me.
<Matthew> You want me to forcibly merge two entities into a single sword with MPD?
<Rimblade> I beg pardon!?
Elaith takes advantage of the jibes to look for any exhibits that were
not there since his last visit almost 50 years ago, attempting to note
anything interesting *
<Matthew> When exactly did I become a Weaponsmith for you Darien?
<Rimblade> I don't have a disorder! I have multipule minds inside my concious network!
<Darien> Last I looked my position more or less means I rank you
* Dale has joined #epic
<Matthew> You must be quite confused.
<Matthew> I am the Balance Wyrm. I am also a near second for Third City
<Matthew> And a Second Gen Childer of Caine
<Matthew> I RANK YOU
<Useless> "Wyrm again...hmm"
<Fiona> You're a dragon...? Or is that a title?
<Darien> Well then do it as a favor
<Matthew> well when you put it that way
<Rimblade> I hope Neverborn's getting this. He likes to capture these awkward moments on film.
* Matthew gestures and vanishes
<Darien> Damn it
<Darien> I hate when he does that!
<Darien> You inability to be somber
<Useless> "You aren't the only one to be displeased at a mere antic that so many seem to have a penchant for."
<Darien> Will lead you to regret one day your current state
<Darien> Fine I can do nothing directly with Rimblade to engligten
<Darien> I shall not be allowed to share the wisdom of ages
<Rimblade> Indeed?
<Darien> I will teach a lesson none the less
<Rimblade> I hope it's a good one.
* Darien takes out his phone
* Rimblade politely falls silent. It's rude to talk when people are on the phone.
* Darien closes his eyes
* Elaith keeps peering at exhibits, and looks for a directory as well for a concise version of what is contained *
* Useless ponders what there is between humans and their phones.
<Darien> "Yes... a lesson"
<Darien> "Reality. Please send my guests out of this frame"
<Rimblade> Ohhh.
<Darien> "Oh and displace them please"
<Darien> "They are not from this time frame"
<Reality> Be more specific
<Rimblade> That must truely be a loud speaker. I can hear the conversation.
* Darien looks glassy eyed
<Darien> "tis on speaker phone"
<Rimblade> Oh. Wonderful!
* Darien looks even more glassy eyes
* Darien suddenly looks lucid
<Darien> "January 30, 2007, New York New York, 32 West Fifth Ave. Terra Displacement 234"
<Reality> As you wish
<Rimblade> This is interesting. If a bit odd.
<Reality> Prepare for Decoherence Recoherence
<Reality> Accessing Delphi
* Untoros has left #epic
<Elaith> Also a bit unpleasant.
* Untoros has joined #epic
<Reality> Constructing Einstein Rosen Bridge to Alternate Earth
<Rimblade> Hmmph. Seems a terribly inefficient way to move from dimensions and times. Cumbersome, even.
* Darien sets mode: +vvv Dale Korban Untoros
<Deathbringer> Here comes that weird stomach drop feeling...
<Fiona> Huh?
<Reality> Applying chronological displacement.
<Reality> Warning the timeframe selected is in their own relative past
* Useless braces for it and readies to make do with the Shift
<Reality> Applying chronological displacement.
<Rimblade> Ohh. Paradoxal.
* Deathbringer closes his eyes, reading himself.
<Dale> ..Erm.
* Dale braces himself.
* iago crouches and readys himself
* Untoros appears in the shadows. "Well well well. Hello seekers."
* Fiona has no clue what's going on, but closes her eyes because everyone else is doing it.
* Rimblade does nothing, content.
<Useless> "For the record, Darien, you really might want to be kinder to Reality in future."
* Darien is now known as Mariel
* Elaith prepares for the paradox and potential points.
<Darien> Rhea and I have the hots for each other
<Darien> Its great
<Rimblade> I hope you have fun, then.
* Untoros slips through the shadows.
<Rimblade> I remember the last time I saw time totally screwed with.
<Rimblade> It's really quite fun to watch a continuum shatter. Timelines go wiiiiild.
<>Ambiance<> All falls silent as the gutwrenching flip of Delphi takes place
<>Ambiance<> It is snowing in Greenwich Village
* Untoros flinches, however barely seen in the shadows.
<>Ambiance<> A soft and cool snow that coats the street.
<>Ambiance<> However you rather rapidly splash down in the east river
<>Ambiance<> Which makes your own arrival a bit more cold
* Useless uses the shift of Delphi to Shift into a more appropriate form for realm hopping
* Rimblade contracts slightly, causeing small fractures in his metal lattice.
<Deathbringer> Gah! Cold!
<>Ambiance<> A figure walking along the shore reaches out a hand to help you ashore.
* Untoros is still not yet seen by the seekers... but he is watching them.
<Gil> I thought I saw you
* Elaith shivers, glad he does not wear loose clothing as he flusters, treading water.
<Gil> You really do have to work on your arrivals
<Dale> Gil...
* Untoros steps out of the shadows and turns to Giliara. "So they've arrived"
<Rimblade> Well, you know how it goes.
<Elaith> We were b-being taught a lesson for our sense of humor.
<Gil> "How... odd"
* Useless glances at Gil as he clambers out of the river in bioandroid form. "This is most assuredly going to cause problems..."
<Rimblade> We? Excuse me?
* Untoros grins. "yes, no one has a sense of humor these days..."
<Gil> "Well come on. I have been staying in Davids old place"
<Gil> "lets get you dried off"
<Dale> You... YOu're...
* Gil turns and walks down the street
* Fiona shivers. "C-Cold... And... I feeling like puking now..."
<Rimblade> Obviously not dead at this point.
<Gil> "Yes Dale?"
* Elaith climbs onto the bank, and shakes himself like a dog quickly before following along.
* iago gets out of the water... filthy river... and follows along
* Gil looks at Rimblade
* Deathbringer swims ashore and shakes himself a bit.
<Gil> "No not dead"
<Gil> "Thanks for noticing though"
<Rimblade> I try.
* Untoros grimaces.
<Rimblade> Though I fear that I nearly lack the energy to retain coherence.
* Dale shakes his head. "It's... Impossible."
<Elaith> I should warn you we don't belong in this time, just so you know. We're... erm... a couple months early.
<Untoros> Early...
* Gil Frowns
<Gil> "I really do not understand that sort of thing"
* Untoros turns. "Didn't notice me, Gil?"
* Deathbringer tosses his head around, flinging water about.
<Gil> "That is David's balawick"
<Useless> "Calculated the date swiftly, Elaith."
<Rimblade> Yes, time differentiation and all. I doubt it's good.
<Gil> "And since his passing"
<Gil> "Look lets just get dry okay"
* Dale nods. "Sure."
* Gil goes down the street purposefully toward a familiar brownstone
<Rimblade> I'm going to rust if this keeps up.
<Elaith> Ok.
* Untoros turns to the seekers. "Look. Gil's one of the good guys, so as he said, 'just get dry.'"
<Elaith> Just to save time though, we are from May 16th of this year.
* Useless follows Gil closely, knowing the scenery far better from his Father's memory than any personal experience."
Imagine the headlines: 'Mighty and all-wise blade rusted stiff! Ladies
across the omniverse in tears!' Let us away, for my sake!
* Dale follows after Useless.
<Gil> "I cannot imagine what difference that makes"
<Gil> "We are from different realities"
* Rimblade heads after Dale.
<Gil> "Time is often different"
* Gil climbs the stairs to the apartment and stops cold as the door swings open
* Deathbringer follows the group.
<Gil> "Something is wrong"
<Gil> "Stand back"
<Rimblade> I lack the legs.
<Dale> What is it, Gil?
* Gil draws his sidearm
* Fiona wrings her long hair out. "Why don't I cut my hair for once...?"
* Untoros fingers his gun.
* Fiona steps back. "Huh?"
<Gil> "This is an officer of the Law"
* Useless sighs to himself, knowing all that can be caused is trouble,
but uses his telepathy to scan ahead of Gil anyway.
<Gil> "Come out with your hands up"
* Elaith stands to the side of the door, not particularly desiring to
get shot.
* Untoros peers through the door...
* Deathbringer steps back.
* Rimblade does nothing.
* Untoros 's eyes glow red. "Ah..."
* Kaz|food is now known as Kazuma
* iago puts up his hood and puts one hand into his robes
* Useless blinks and cocks his head to one side in a very familiar manner to some.
* Untoros glances around quickly.
* Rimblade flashes noncommitally.
* Untoros tightens his grip on an U.N.D.E.R. gun.
* Untoros looks into the room, tired of standing around.
* Rimblade becomes lost in the memory of time shattering to bits, and falling down from the earth.
* Untoros walks into the room. "Look, we need to-"
<Gil> Stop
* Useless falls to his knees, shivering violently, his onyx eyes rolling
about his sockets madly
<Gil> Do not move forward
* Untoros suddenly stops. "Ah!"
<Dale> Useless? What is it?!
<Gil> I am what it is
* Fiona looks at Useless. "What's wrong?"
<Rimblade> He appears to have suffered some type of mental malfunction.
<Gil> Who are you
<Rimblade> I hope he goes crazy.
<Gil> What are you doing in my head
* Gil falls to the ground shuddeering
<Dale> No...
<Dale> It's RYuusei!
<Dale> Get back.
<Dale> Don't touch him.
<Rimblade> The Cold?
<Dale> Yes!
<Rimblade> Oh, that.
<Dale> Back away from both of them, NOW!
<Rimblade> Is it painful?
* Untoros 's eyes glow brighter. "Ryuusei... slaughterer of my people..."
* Deathbringer steps back, fast, eyes blazing in their hellfirish way.
* Ryuusei leaves tailed by Diviara
* Useless barely breathes in a whisper. "Mim....mim....mimicry cannot learn to love..."
<Ryuusei> "They were not anticipated"
<Dale> Untoros, don't try and play hero. He WILL NOT HESITATE to kill you.
<Diviara> Unfortunately not.
<Rimblade> And/or do nastier stuff.
* Untoros glares at Dale. "I'm no hero."
<Dale> Fine then.
* Useless leans forward, sparks dancing uncontrolled in front of his very onyx eyes.
<Dale> Unless you wish to die, don't do anything stupid.
<Ryuusei> "I will finish setting up the Uncreation wave to remove Giliara from the Omniverse"
* Kazuma grabs Untoros and pulls him back, "the Cold is nasty."
<Ryuusei> "You eliminate them"
* iago backs away
<Rimblade> Ohhh. We're going to be eliminated, eh?
<Ryuusei> "Wait what?"
* Untoros steps back. "I know what Ryuusei is capable of..."
<Rimblade> That's always interesting.
<Ryuusei> Unless I wish to die
<Ryuusei> "Wait what?"
<Untoros> Eliminated? Just like the last 200 times, right?
<Ryuusei> Did you threaten me?
<Untoros> No.
* Untoros quickly moves to the back of the room.
<Diviara> they are talking amongst themselves Twain
<Rimblade> No one here would dare threaten you. We'd have to be crazy.
<Dale> You bastards, what are you going to do?
<Diviara> As for the Uncreation wave. I do not believe that was authorized
* Untoros mutters, "I am crazy," but noone hears.
Useless leans his head on the cement (?) of the landing outside of the
apartment, the sparks making impotent char marks as he continues to
shiver uncontrollably.
<Ryuusei> "I will interpret commands as I wish...."
<Rimblade> No, wait, if he's going to eliminate us anyway, why shouldn't
we threaten him? He's lost the motivation.
<Dale> Twisting words around, eh Ryuusei?
<Diviara> Fine whatever
<Untoros> True.
<Diviara> What do I do with them?
<Dale> That might get you in trouble, no?
* Dale chuckles.
* Diviara I already have the Ferret in the grasp of the Cold
<Diviara> he prodded my mind and the second I felt him I knew it was he
<Diviara> I am not being particularly directive
* Untoros looks from Diviara to Ryuusei.
<Rimblade> Ah. Well, he's suffered such before, if I recall. That's hardly a worry.
<Ryuusei> YOU are a master. They are pawns
* Kazuma looks between the two hostiles, "I hate being a lab rat."
<Ryuusei> You need to sacrafice pawns to win a game
<Diviara> I understand Lord Twain
<Dale> Burn in hell.
* Useless is trying to fight it, but even so, the writhing does not cease.
<Rimblade> Don't be silly, Kazuma. You're obviously a Knight.
* Ryuusei grabs Gil Viara
* Untoros tries to calm Useless, but is knocked against the wall.
<Dale> Untoros! NO!
<Ryuusei> "This is Hell Dale"
<Untoros> Oooh.
<Ryuusei> "You live in it"
* Dale scowls. "Shut up."
<Ryuusei> "And the master shall fix it for you"
<Ryuusei> "Permanently"
<Dale> I said SHUT UP!
* Untoros staggers to his feet but falls again.
<Kazuma> hmm if we are pawns, then that means we can gain power. I remember rules.
<Untoros> Ow...
<Ryuusei> "I heard what you said you pathetic worm"
<Dale> You're one to talk.
<Ryuusei> "You cannot even control your rage long enough to put up an affective offense"
<Kazuma> me and my big mouth
<Rimblade> Right. I hope he's nicer than Twain is.
<Ryuusei> "I am in total control Dale"
<Dale> Eh?
<Dale> Why fight you?
<Dale> I don't wish to die.
<Dale> Just yet, at least.
<Ryuusei> "Too bad..."
* iago puts his hood down and walks forward a bit
<Ryuusei> "As I have no intention of letting you leave alive"
<Rimblade> How about the rest of us, then?
<Dale> ...
<Ryuusei> Diviara you are to eliminate the Ferret first
<Ryuusei> as he is a threat
<Elaith> Therefore clearly we should be removed from this time entirely,
<Ryuusei> See his cogs and wheels are stopped
* Untoros gets up.
<Dale> No...
<Diviara> You wish me to Kill him
<Dale> I won't let you do anything to harm him...
<Dale> There has to be a way...
<Ryuusei> I am not in control in the main
Useless continues to fight, trying with the very fabric of his mind to
bring what force of will he has against the Cold wracking his body yet
another time.
<Ryuusei> But you yourself said the master put me in charge of this operation
<Diviara> Yes
<Rimblade> Well, Dale, you could throw something at him.
<Diviara> I am to follow your directive
* Untoros looks at Ryuusei with hatred.
<Ryuusei> Do it then
* Ryuusei drags Gil Viara into the bedroom
* Dale bounds after Ryuusei.
* Rimblade follows Dale, whistling.
* Untoros staggers after Rimblade.
<Elaith> Diviara, sir, you are to remove us from this time entirely, right?
* Elaith does not follow, as his curiosity keeps him in one spot.
* Useless continues to writhe, fighting to whisper even what seems the nonsensical. "'s Rook...eight."
* iago moves after the group
* Deathbringer stays with Elait, unmoving from his spot.
<Rimblade> Hehe. So, Dale, what are we doing in here with the evil maniac?
* Useless obviously cannot follow at any rate.
* Untoros looks at Diviara. "So..."
<a href="">* Dale staggers</a>
<Untoros> ...are to taking them back to thier time, and me to the future, or "thier" time.
<Untoros> *you
<Dale> No...
<Dale> I am not a failure...
<Diviara> My instructions are clear
* Fiona gulps.
<Diviara> They are not disputed
<Diviara> I have been ordered to Kill Talo
* Dale clutches his head. "Get out... GET OUT!"
<Diviara> I cannot do that Dale
<Rimblade> Oh. Mind attacks.
* Kazuma backs away from Dale
* Untoros looks around helplessly.
* iago backs away from Dale
* Untoros backs away from everyone.
<Kazuma> everybody spread out from eachother
<Rimblade> No one's going to rush uselessly to his aid?
<Untoros> I recall someone said don't play the hero?
* Fiona backs away from Dale. "Poor guy..."
* Untoros grins. "But who cares. I'll play the hero."
<Rimblade> Lies. Feel free and walk the noble route of heroship!
* iago looks on with concern... wanting to help somehow
* Deathbringer backs up more, eyes burning with his hellfire. He pulls up his hood to hide his face, to no avail.
<Rimblade> I'd suggest knocking Dale out, actually.
Useless would attempt to latch on to the open telepathic link and setup
a feedback loop of the sensations he is recieving, but alas! the grip
of the Cold continues to make him visibly writhe and cue off the
occassional pyrokinetic flare of pure agony.
<Rimblade> Possibly with a blunt object.
Hadin knows his construction better than I do. Though I'm open for
suggestions on how to temporarily stop his cogs and wheels.
* Dale slumps to his knees. "Stay... away... from me.."
* Untoros walks to Dale, but as with Useless, he is knocked away when he touches him. "Oof."
<Kazuma> stop doing that Untoros
* Untoros shrugs. "Well, sor-ry."
<Kazuma> I know you care, but by simply touching him, you put your life and sanity at risk
<Rimblade> Er...
* Untoros sighs. "Your right..."
<Rimblade> I don't see the big deal about sanity.
* Untoros shrugs. "I'm already insane..."
<Kazuma> I've noticed
<Deathbringer> We all have, Kaz.
<Rimblade> Then hit him hard on the head with something! Something blunt.
<Kazuma> like you?
<Rimblade> Er.
<Untoros> Well, good thing I've got myself a reputation.
<Rimblade> I was thinking more like a chair.
I wonder if it is possible to suspend the life of a soul powered
construct. *thinks back to anything of Useless' construction he can
<Deathbringer> Do you SEE a chair around Rim?
<Rimblade> Our other option is to stand here uselessly and chat.
* Untoros walks over into a corner. "You mean hit Dale with it right? Surely not me... right?"
<Rimblade> I suggest you throw something, then.
<Untoros> Speaking of "uselessness," how's Useless doing?
<Fiona> Can Rimblade get the Cold?
<Diviara> You believed in me
* Untoros looks over. "Still got the Cold."
<Diviara> How pathetic
<Diviara> I decieved you Talo
<Diviara> That was my purpose
<Diviara> And that is what I did
<Diviara> And you will now die by my hand
<Rimblade> Your mind.
<Diviara> You...
<Diviara> Yes.. you are my nephew by your adoption
<Diviara> But think on this Talo Toecan
<Diviara> What does family mean to me
<Diviara> What does the record show
<Diviara> Die Talo
<Diviara> Die
<Diviara> Die you Useless machine
<Diviara> Die you... ferret of metal
<Diviara> hehehehe
<Diviara> heheheh
* Untoros looks frantically. "No!"
* Rimblade looks on peacefully.
* Untoros groans. "That hadda hurt."
* Fiona closes her eyes.
* Deathbringer shakes his head.
* iago stares intently, not breaking his gaze
* Untoros looks down sadly.
* Elaith frowns, knowing he cannot approach and aid, having no clerical powers without his lord's presence *
* Dale crawls over to Useless.
<Untoros> Dale? What're you doing...?
<Rimblade> Well then. Here's something of a sorry scene.
<Kazuma> power in numbers
<Rimblade> Power, Kazuma, has always proven wrong in the end. I'm firmly against it.
* Elaith stays back a reasonable distance, making sure to not threaten Diviara.
* Untoros tries to think quickly.
* Untoros fails though.
<Untoros> ...
<Untoros> Ouch.
<Rimblade> I'd think so.
* Dale stops crawling, sinking to the ground. He curls up into a ball. "No... Stop! Don't hurt him! DIVIARA! STOP!"
* Untoros looks worried. "hesgonnasacrafisehimselftostopDiviaraiknowit...."
* iago produces a small vial of writing ink from his cloak and holds it in his hand
<Diviara> There are always sacrafices and manipulations fool
<Diviara> Your time is done
<Fiona> Dale... Even if he wanted to... He can't.
* Diviara surrounds Talo in blacklight
<Untoros> Oh, no..
<>Ambiance<> Talo-Toecan's clockwork and heart stop
<Diviara> <END OF SESSION>