Session XXI
From Caelwiki
[21:12] <Nicholas> Useless? Useless is a ferret. Atleast the one I met.
[21:12] * Useless touches his hair, marvelling at the metallic hues. "Almost precisely as I had imagined it..."
[21:12] * Iggy flies around. thinking until he hits a wall.
[21:13] <Dale> Hm.. You seem as if you're new to being.. human, strange as that may sound.
[21:13] <Useless> "In a manner of speaking...that happens to be the truth."
[21:13] <Zeltan> You look quite handsome for someone who use to be a ferret
[21:13] <Nicholas> Interesting.
[21:13] * Nicholas Quit (Connection reset by peer�)
- Useless continues marvelling at his human form for a moment, then
starts suddenly. "Oh! Diviara! Wait...ah, I see, so if we few are still
[21:13] <DavidViara> <Resume Epic>
[21:14] * Nicholas has joined #epic
<Useless> "...that ought to mean that David's apartment, or at
least David and Diviara, must be at a new location within the city."
[21:14] * DavidViara sets mode: +v Nicholas
* Iggy fades away and is replaced by Avarie
Avarie blinks in surprise, taking in those around her. Her voice is
resigned as she adds, "Ah, another jump, another place, and new people.
[21:18] <Zeltan> Hello there Avarie
[21:18] * Useless Quit (Connection reset by peer�)
[21:18] <Man> "This David.... what is his last name? What is his profession....."
[21:18] * Avarie nods at Zeltan, smiling slightly at the familiar face.
[21:18] <Zeltan> Viara ?
[21:18] <Man> "David Viara?! You are looking for David Viara?!?"
[21:18] * Avarie 's brow creases as she watches those about her. "We are once again looking for David?"
[21:18] * RoD[MidtermCrusades] is now known as Talo-Toecan
[21:18] * DavidViara sets mode: +v Talo-Toecan
[21:19] * Nicholas shrugs. "Yes, I believe that's who we're looking for."
[21:19] * Man looks somewhat alarmed
<Talo-Toecan> "That is the most likely place that Diviara would
be, so yes...I think we must find the David Viara of this realm."
[21:19] <Zeltan> What seems to be the problem?
- Avarie nods. "Well, that, at least, I can understand." She turns to
the man who seems so startled. "Is there something wrong?"
[21:20] <Man> David Viara will most assuredly not be residing in new york....
[21:20] <Dale> Why would it be so startling that we seek out David Viara?
[21:20] * Avarie frowns slightly. "Why would that be?"
[21:20] <Talo-Toecan> "Oh? Then where might he be, exactly?"
[21:20] <Man> Well his home is officially new york... but he does not live here....
[21:20] <Man> He lives in Washington D.C.
[21:21] <Zeltan> Washin...gton DC?
[21:21] <Avarie> A politician?
[21:21] <Man> Unless he is at his family home for the holiday that is....
[21:21] <Man> Viara is one of our Sentator's
[21:22] <Man> The leader of the Senate arcane studies commission to boot
- Talo-Toecan looks puzzled by the terminology, but puts it aside. "How
might we check where he would be residing at currently, pray tell?"
[21:22] * Avarie nods. "That's sensical. It seems to fit what we know of him from the other realms."
[21:23] <Man> I would not know.. but Jeremey would. Viara frequented Jeremey's Restraunt back in the day...
[21:23] <Man> They are something of friends.
[21:23] <Dale> Hm..
[21:24] * Man picks up the wall phone and presses some buttons
[21:24] <Zeltan> Then where is this restraunt located ?
[21:24] * Talo-Toecan ponders for a moment. "That...makes sense, actually. Does Jeremey live close-by?"
[21:24] * Avarie smiles slightly. "Yes, that also seems to fit. I wonder... do you know of a Falerin as well?"
[21:24] <Man> "Jeremy it is Wiz downstairs... I have some unusual guests... and they are looking for Sentator Viara"
[21:25] * Man looks at Avarie "I am afraid Falerin does not ring any bells"
[21:25] * Nicholas stays quiet, with the intent of observing and listening.
[21:25] <Dale> Heh, that's quite a shocker.
[21:25] * Avarie shrugs slightly. "No matter. Just a point of curiousity."
[21:25] <>Ambiance<> knocking is heard at the door
[21:25] <Man> "Ener"
[21:26] * Talo-Toecan glances over at Avarie. "I am not so sure...ah, but it apparently does not matter, now does it?"
<>Ambiance<> A werewolf enters the room and shifts quickly
to human form his breath ragged he clearly ran down the stairs
[21:26] * Man looks arround
[21:26] <Man> "People looking for the senator is that important that you fly down the stairs?"
[21:27] <Jeremy> It is if they are Lorian
[21:27] <Man> "Lorian?"
[21:27] <Zeltan> Interesting..
- Avarie studies Talo-Toecan curiously before extending a hand. "The
name's Avarie. I take it you've gotten caught in the realm jumping as
[21:27] * Talo-Toecan makes a makeshift bow to Jeremy. "Good
day to you, sir. If by Lorian you mean from the realm of Lore, then
yes, I for one am such."
[21:27] <Dale> As am I...
[21:28] <Zeltan> I currently reside in Lore so yes, I am indeed a Lorian
[21:28] * Nicholas shrugs passively.
- Talo-Toecan shakes Avaries hand, though acting unfamiliar with
actually partaking in the gesture. "I am Hadin's 'son' as it were, and
took his place of my own volition. To aid he who I consider my 'uncle',
as it were."
[21:28] <Jeremy> "David told me he
anticipated your arrival though he could not be sure when it would
occur. As his chronology resorted he was somewhat isolated because he
had been involved in certain ... "execrcises" in chronomancy himself
[21:28] <Jeremy> "Suffice to say he has anitcipated your arrival"
[21:29] * Avarie tilts her head, understanding some, but uncertain of more. "I see..."
[21:29] <Zeltan> So, where is he now?
<Talo-Toecan> "Good, did he give you any information to make us
aware of post-haste, pray tell, or is he merely expecting us?"
[21:29] <Jeremy> "He said he took the Caelestian's place.. Following the path he knew the Caelestian had taken"
[21:30] * Avarie shakes her head, confused.
[21:30] <Jeremy> "I really do not know what that means other than he ran for and got control of the New York Senate Seat"
[21:30] <Jeremy> "He left the private sector for the Government one"
[21:31] <Zeltan> Well, that's good idea isn't it?
- Talo-Toecan thinks for a moment, closing his eyes and mumbling
incoherently, then starts with realization. "Ah! So he took the path
Falerin had, given the reversions. Yes, it quite well might be good."
[21:31] * Avarie 's brow furrows. "So is that why there is no Falerin?"
- Talo-Toecan turns back to Jeremy, his expression semi-anxious.
"Please sir, did David leave means for contacting him right away?"
<Jeremy> "He is well regarded in general and has risen far. Some
consider him a serious 08 Candidate. Though Hillary Rodham Presley is
by and large considered the popular nod"
[21:32] * Avarie snorts softly, her eyes amused.
[21:33] * Talo-Toecan glances over at Avarie, his expression slightly curious. "You recognize that name?"
<Jeremy> "If you consider Elvis' Presley's Daughter in Law a
serious candidate for anything. I mean. Elvis Junior is almost fifteen
years her junior, but romance takes odd turns."
[21:33] *
Avarie chuckles. "In a way. It's more of a... combination of a pair
that I recognize. It's intersting how parallels move."
[21:34] <Zeltan> Elvis Presley certainly sounds familiar.
[21:34] <Jeremy> "OF course if Elvis Campaigns for Hillary she is almost assured the White House"
[21:35] <Talo-Toecan> "They do not to myself, but I suppose that is to be expected. However..."
<Jeremy> "He may not be as popular as he was in the seventies but
he still has major clout in the court of public opinion"
[21:35] <Man> At anyrate...
[21:36] <Jeremy> "Uh yeah.... In the event of your arrival I was to take you somewhere"
[21:36] <Man> "Follow me"
[21:36] <Zeltan> Alright then
[21:37] * Man crosses the street to Yeremeyahu's a rather elegant looking blend of Jewish Deli and Tapas Club
[21:37] * Avarie nods and hurries after.
[21:37] * Talo-Toecan follows
[21:37] * Nicholas follows swiftly behind Avarie.
[21:37] * Zeltan follows Avarie closely behind
[21:38] * Jeremy follows "Wiz" himself and unlocks Yereameyahu's with a smile
[21:38] * Jeremy walks to a back room
[21:38] <Talo-Toecan> "This is...actually, I personally am at a loss. What would this be called?"
[21:38] * Avarie looks at Talo-Toecan, confused.
[21:38] <Jeremy> "It is a restraunt and nightclub"
[21:39] <Jeremy> "My place."
[21:39] <Talo-Toecan> "So...similar to an inn, in a manner?"
[21:39] <Jeremy> "The first Werewolf Runs Jewish Tapas Bar in the Bowery"
[21:39] <Jeremy> "An inn? Yeah you might say that"
[21:40] * Jeremy crosses to a wall and turns aside a painting and depresses a button.
- Talo-Toecan nods, then catches Avaries look. "I am a Lorian,
remember? Further, I was until recently...well..." He pauses to tap the
amulet on his neck. "As such, I am still a little more behind than even
Hadin might be on social location terminology."
<>Ambiance<> a small rectangle of wall shudders upward into
the ceiling and reveals a white circular room with couches
[21:41] * Avarie 's brow furrows. "An apparation hub?"
[21:41] <Jeremy> "Yes"
[21:41] <Jeremy> "And by opening it David was alerted yesterday of your imminent arrival"
[21:42] <Jeremy> "It has a built in chronomantic variance that sends the message backward one day"
[21:42] * Avarie nods and steps inside taking a seat upon a couch. "I see. Well, let's not keep him waiting then."
- Talo-Toecan nods as the information about Hadin's own experience
within one. "Let us hope there are no unpleasant surprises on this
trip." Swiftly, he moves inside and takes a seat as well."
<Jeremy> "It makes deliberate use of predestination paradox. He
will know the exact moment of your expected apperance"
[21:43] <Man> "Good luck"
[21:43] <Jeremy> "They won't need luck. they are in Daves hands"
[21:43] * Nicholas lets out a slight yawn as he passes into the room. He then setles down the couch.
[21:43] * Talo-Toecan nods his thanks to them both.
[21:43] * Zeltan walks into the room and sits down
[21:44] <Talo-Toecan> "I appreciate the alacrity in aiding us, sirs."
[21:44] <Zeltan> I guess this is good bye then Jeremy.
<>Ambiance<> The wall slides downward closing off the
apparition hub and the walls seem to rotate clockwise rapidly
[21:44] * Avarie smiles at Jeremy and the man, "Yes, thank you for all the help!"
[21:44] <>Ambiance<> A new panel slides upward on the opposite wall
[21:45] * Avarie stands and proceeds carefully through the door.
[21:45] * Talo-Toecan follows Avarie, though with slight hesitation in his steps.
[21:45] * Zeltan stands up and walks through the door cautiously.
<>Ambiance<> The room beyond is an ornate library with a
vaulted ceiling and row after row of deep mahogany and cherry book
[21:46] * Nicholas pushes himself to his feet and wanders after the group.
[21:46] <Zeltan> Are we in a..erm...libary?
[21:46] * Talo-Toecan looks immediately for signs of David or Diviara within the library.
[21:46] <>Ambiance<> A large heartwood table stands center.
[21:46] * Avarie looks about her, curious.
[21:46] * DavidViara enters the room looking weary
[21:46] <Dale> Diviara?
[21:46] <Zeltan> David!
[21:46] * Avarie smiles lightly. "Good day to you."
[21:47] * Talo-Toecan bows to David, quickly becomming his standard greeting. "Good day to you, David."
[21:47] <DavidViara> "Avarie, Nicholas, Zeltan and some new companions I do not know personally"
[21:47] * DavidViara looks at Useless quizically
[21:47] <DavidViara> "You though.. I have met... though... you were different in that place"
[21:47] * Nicholas waves slowly to David. "Hello David."
[21:47] <Zeltan> It is good to see you once again.
[21:47] <DavidViara> "Talo-toecan is it?"
[21:47] * Talo-Toecan chuckles. "Yes, that is my true name, though my penchant remains to be called Useless by most."
[21:48] <DavidViara> "Well redgardless.. welcome to my arcane studies room"
[21:49] <Talo-Toecan> "I thank you for such a welcome, David sir, but I must ask of the whereabouts of Diviara."
<DavidViara> "I would have been here the exact second you arrived
but my brother and I were tending to my analog....he has stopped having
lucid periods altogether. We are afraid that he is weakened even unto
[21:49] <DavidViara> "Follow me"
[21:49] * Zeltan follows David
[21:49] * Avarie frowns deeply, but follows after David.
[21:50] * Dale follows David as well
[21:50] * Nicholas follows, precisely as David wished.
- Talo-Toecan shivers lightly at this news, obviously shaken. With a
small sigh of fear and dread, he follows David quickly.
- DavidViara turns and walks out into a large foyer and crosses to a
grand spiral staircase which he ascends two steps at a time
[21:50] * Zeltan walks up the stairs
[21:51] <DavidViara> "Gil, these are the friends I have so often mentioned to you..."
[21:51] <DavidViara> "They have arrived"
[21:51] <Gil> I fear they have arrived a bit too late...
[21:51] * Avarie observes the room with worry creasing her face.
[21:52] * Talo-Toecan whimpers a very tiny "No..." at Gil's comment.
[21:52] * Gil looks sidelong and goes over to the window looking out.
[21:52] <Zeltan> ..too late..?
[21:52] * Nicholas frowns.
<>Ambiance<> David lies on the bed pale as ash and his breathing very very shallow and slow
- Avarie proceeds to stand next to the bed, watching the form
carefully. "Do we still not know the cause of his condition?"
<DavidViara> "I cannot say that I do... and as you can see it has
become even more peculiar... he now looks like he could be my twin..
albeit my dying one. His wings have vanisehd and his hair has changed"
- Talo-Toecan rushes over to Diviara's side, but seems fearful to touch
him right away. "Oh uncle..." he whimpers, before reaching out with his
mind along their open link...
[21:54] <DavidViara> "It is as if... something has occured to him to weaken the distinction"
[21:54] * Nicholas walks slowly over towards the bed and looks down upon it.
[21:54] * Zeltan looks at Diviria, sadness in his eyes.
[21:55] * Dale stares at the pitiful creature lying on the bed..
[21:55] <Dale> What has become of you...
[21:55] <Talo-Toecan> "I am afraid...that my own condition might be partially responsible for his weakening, David."
[21:55] * Gil blows on the window and looking lost draws a sigil in the steam of his breath
[21:55] <DavidViara> <a href="">
[21:55] <>Ambiance<> The sigil begins to glow softly
[21:56] <Dale> He's becoming one with the Light Lord...
[21:56] * Gil blinks startled what in the hell...
[21:56] <Avarie> Weaken the distinction? She looks between David and Diviara, comparing. "I wonder... "
[21:56] <Zeltan> Pardon me?
<Gil> "I am magicially inert... I have never had the facility for
it David did. I became a police investegator instead"
[21:57] <Gil> I am quite sure I did not try to do that...
[21:57] * Avarie carefully examines the sigil. "What does it mean?"
- Talo-Toecan looks at Gil, then back to Diviara, finally embracing one
of Diviara's hands in his. "Oh please, Diviara...wake least
acknowledge myself in your mind." he cries piteously.
[21:58] <Gil> I do not know"
- Talo-Toecan he scrambles within his own mind, trying to find some
avenue to either restore some strength to Diviara or to contact the
last vestiges of his conscious or subconscious mind...
[21:59] *
Avarie approaches the window, curious. She turns to Gil with a small
smile. "I'm as magically inert as you are, I'd say. Still, it is most
[22:00] * Zeltan examines the sigil with curiousity
[22:01] * Nicholas takes a small glimpse of the sigil, but his gaze swiftly turns back to Diviara.
[22:01] * Iggy-TP has joined #epic
[22:01] * Iggy-TP is now known as Iggy
[22:01] * DavidViara sets mode: +v Iggy
- Avarie reaches out curiously, almost brushing the sigil with her
fingertips before pulling her hand back, afraid to mar it.
[22:04] <Zeltan> Becareful with that.
[22:04] * Nicholas relinquishes a sigh.
[22:04] <DavidViara> There is a possibility you can attempt if you are inclined....
[22:04] <Iggy> "whaa?"
[22:05] <DavidViara> Reality is a mental scape. In worlds....
[22:05] * DavidViara looks at Iggy
[22:05] <DavidViara> "Was he here a moment ago?"
[22:05] * Avarie glances at David. "What did you have in mind?"
[22:05] * Zeltan shrugs
[22:05] <Zeltan> You can never be sure.
[22:05] <Iggy> "no that i wasnt sir."
[22:06] <Nicholas> Please, continue David.
<DavidViara> "In worlds where magic is more restricted then this
one... there is a force known as paradox. We have it here too but it
requires a real substantial violation for it to occur as magic is
generally accepted as a science in its own right in this world.
[22:06] * Talo-Toecan kneels down beside Diviara, still concentrating hard...
<DavidViara> At anyrate because the world is basically mental..
in worlds like this.... magi beset by paradox sometimes enter a new
[22:07] <DavidViara> a mental landscape called quiet
[22:07] <DavidViara> it is a defense mechanism of sorts
[22:07] * Avarie nods in growing understanding.
[22:07] <DavidViara> Because such mental scapes are indeed "Realities" albeit pocket and demiplane type realities
[22:07] <DavidViara> it is possible using the right technique to enter them
[22:08] <Avarie> What would be the risk to us?
[22:08] * Talo-Toecan perks his head to listen in better to David.
<DavidViara> In the case of a quiet state it requires not only
the normal corespondence magic to transit between places
[22:08] <DavidViara> But also strong cotrol of the sphere of Mind and Life
[22:08] <DavidViara> to enter a place that is manifest within the mind of another
[22:09] <DavidViara> Such landscapes though are fraught with danger
[22:09] <DavidViara> The mind reacts in peculiar ways to assault
[22:09] * Talo-Toecan blinks and shakes his head. "Sphere of Mind and Life?"
[22:09] <DavidViara> And is not restricted by any normal physical rules within
[22:09] <DavidViara> Also if the mind you are in dies somehow...
[22:09] <DavidViara> Then the reality you were within will cease to exist
[22:10] <DavidViara> dumping you within the deep umbra between worlds
[22:10] <Iggy> "The Umbral realm?"
[22:10] * Avarie again nods. "That is similar to what I would expect."
[22:10] <DavidViara> Within the hallway of doors if you are lucky,,, but if not into the void wilderness or worse
[22:10] <DavidViara> The umbral realm is rather unpredictable
[22:11] * Zeltan frowns
[22:11] <Iggy> "except to few people who can enter it."
[22:11] <DavidViara> I have life magic and correspondence but mind is not a sphere I have access to
[22:11] * Talo-Toecan looks at Diviara quizically for a moment.
[22:11] <DavidViara> In other realities perhaps... and in the initial timeline of mine as well
[22:12] <DavidViara> But here the walls have been thinned to nonexistance
[22:12] <DavidViara> entering that realm is easy
[22:12] <DavidViara> finding ones way out no so easy
[22:12] <DavidViara> There are few landmarks to guide one lost in the depths of the deep umbra
[22:12] <DavidViara> it is not like the near umbra called the panumbra with all of its shadows of the physical realm
[22:13] <Iggy> "im talking about Shadowtravellers from anothe realm and another world i think."
<DavidViara> "Only a gifted mind mage or a very powerful telepath
could complete the part of the circuit needed for me to open a doorway
to Diviara's mental realm
[22:14] <DavidViara> "And not an ordinary telepath either"
[22:14] * Avarie frowns, shaking her head. "There is naught I can do then, to help that."
[22:14] <Talo-Toecan> "What exactly is necessary for the Sphere of the Mind, praytell."
[22:14] <DavidViara> "It would require someone master of not only waking mind but of the dream world"
[22:15] <Iggy> "what about the Ronin Of Dreams?"
[22:15] * Talo-Toecan mutters under his breath. "I am told I am the analog of one who walks the Dream Halls."
[22:15] <DavidViara> "Which means oracular mind magi, which are very few and very enigmatic.. Or a dream warden"
[22:15] * Nicholas shrugs. "I fit neither descrip..." he suddenly turns to Iggy, confused.
[22:15] <DavidViara> "Which are.. even more difficult to contact as their buisness is often outside our ken"
[22:15] <Iggy> "what about the Ronin Of Dreams?Sir"
[22:16] <DavidViara> "Who is this Ronin of Dreams?"
[22:16] <Talo-Toecan> "He has been called Dream Warden before, though I think he is not quite such in full truth."
[22:16] <Zeltan> Do tell us about this Rohin of Dreams
[22:16] <Talo-Toecan> "He is one of my analogs, or so I am told.
[22:16] <Iggy> "the Ronin of Dreams fits all of what you said Sir i think..."
[22:16] <Talo-Toecan> "A man Bound by eight curses, and who walks the Dream Halls of his own volition."
[22:17] * Talo-Toecan glances at Iggy. "He is not a standard telepath, and if any should know, it is I."
[22:17] <Zeltan> Then is it possible to ask him to aid us Talo-Toecan?
[22:17] <Iggy> "but the Ronin Of Dreams is just a fairytale!"
[22:17] <Zeltan> What?!
<Talo-Toecan> "He...has never travelled away from Lore, save for
the Dream Halls themselves. I might try telepathy...however..."
[22:18] * Avarie 's brow creases as she reguards Talo-Toecan. "Or perhaps if you're his analog, would you have enough ability?"
<DavidViara> "Hmm, not quite a true Dream Warden... though... in
the presence of a true telepath his knowledge of how the Dream Mind
works might aid a standard telepath enough to accomplish it... thought
he risks may be quite high...."
[22:18] <Talo-Toecan>
"The one who informed me that my abilities have taken shape due to the
availibility of raw power did not say what might be the resultant
growths that have yet to come, Avarie."
<LouisZephyr> "Never mind Ronin of Dreams. You may need his aid
to get out if I am right.... but to get in you have the service of a
mind mage"
[22:19] * LouisZephyr steps out of the shadows
[22:19] * DavidViara whirls
[22:19] <DavidViara> "Who are you?!"
[22:19] * Avarie nods at Talo-Toecan with a small shrug. "I admit, I'm a bit hazy on the workings of magic."
[22:19] <Iggy> "who is it i cant see!"
[22:19] * Nicholas turns to face Zephyr.
[22:19] <DavidViara> "How did you get past my magical barriers"
[22:19] * Avarie gazes in surprise at the newcommer.
[22:19] * Talo-Toecan glances over at Zephyr. "You've come?"
[22:19] * Zeltan looks at the newcomer "Louis Zephyr I suppose?"
- LouisZephyr "By arriving inside of them directly. I never passed
through them. I simply arrived in this place already beyond them"
[22:21] <Dale> How.. clever
[22:22] <Iggy> "hehe never passing them just popping in them."
[22:22] * Nicholas laughs weakishly.
[22:22] <LouisZephyr> "Delphi allows all sorts of transitions and mergers"
<Talo-Toecan> "If I am right, it would be a manner similar to how
I appeared, though without Substitution being necessary." Talo-Toecan
stands suddenly. "Shall I attempt this method, Zephyr?
[22:23] * Avarie 's brow creases in confusion.
<LouisZephyr> "Now you have your mind mage and as it happens I am
quite versatile in this very field. Delphi does more or less exactly
this.. syncs the minds of many into a new consensual reality and by
doing so transitions the boundaries in existing worlds"
[22:24] <LouisZephyr> "As for your attempt.... that is up to you Talo"
[22:24] <LouisZephyr> "I will enable it if you wish it"
[22:24] <LouisZephyr> "I will not if you do not"
[22:24] * Avarie turns her gaze to Talo-Toecan, searching his face questioningly.
- Talo-Toecan glances about at the others. "There was a very specific
reason that I left the haven I was in and replaced Hadin among your
number." Turning back to Zephyr, he adds. "I would go and face such a
danger, if it means there is still a chance to save him."
[22:25] <Iggy> "wait how did i get here?"
[22:25] * Talo-Toecan sends a brief mental apology to Hadin along their link, but does not await a response.
[22:25] * Zeltan looks at Louis Zephyr
[22:27] <Zephyr> A chance surely... how great a chance however only time may tell and the risk to any who do so is grave
[22:27] * Avarie sighs lightly. "Well, why not? I'll probably just get sucked in anyway by all these random teleportations."
[22:28] <Dale> I've got nothing better to do..
[22:28] * Nicholas frowns slightly. "I'm willing to go along with the plan."
[22:29] * Zephyr takes out a phone
<Zephyr> A chance surely... how great a chance however only time
may tell and the risk to any who do so is grave<DavidViara> in
YOUR head.... "Little one...."
[22:29] <DavidViara> No such nick/channel
[22:29] <DavidViara> <DavidViara> in YOUR head.... "Lost little one...."
[22:29] <DavidViara> No such nick/channel
[22:29] <DavidViara> <DavidViara> "You are not... he..."
[22:29] <DavidViara> No such nick/channel
<DavidViara> <DavidViara> "Yet when I call out to him I
hear you.. and I hear him through you... Who are you"
[22:29] <DavidViara> No such nick/channel
[22:29] <DavidViara> ((GAH damned mispaste))
[22:29] * Zephyr takes out a phone
- Talo-Toecan whirls about to glance at Diviara's form, a hint of anger
and vengeance to his voice as he whispers the name "Ryuusei." Turning
back to Zephyr with confidence he claims, "Then I will go. If I am
truly the analog of that man, then I will go as surely as he would to
the ones he cares about. If I must face the dangers alone, then so be
it...I am not without my own defenses, after all."
[22:29] <Zephyr> Begin Delta Wave Syncronization Infinity. Activate Delphi.
[22:30] <DavidViara> "So be it...."
[22:30] <Zeltan> You are never alone Talo-Toecan.
[22:30] <Zephyr> You cannot go Viara....
<Zephyr> You are the man's analog.. if you transit via delphi you
will transit via either substitution, replacement, or coherence
[22:31] * Avarie looks alarmedly at Talo-Toecan when he mentions the name of "Ryuusei" a small shudder passing through her.
<DavidViara> "You are not capable of dual manifestation... a man
like you... its simple colocation added to the top I am sure I can do
it if I just..."
[22:31] * Zeltan frowns "Ryuusei again..."
[22:32] <Zephyr> No. Diviara is weakened....
[22:32] * Dale , upon hearing the name Ryuusei.. remembers.. "Ryuusei... This may not bode well for me.."
[22:32] <Talo-Toecan> "That devil of a man is responsible for the state Diviara is now in."
[22:32] <Zephyr> In that state recoherence is a natural defense
[22:33] <Zephyr> If you go.. the two of you are almost assured to have a merging event
[22:33] <Zeltan> Indeed, he must pay for the his actions
[22:34] <DavidViara> Fine
<Talo-Toecan> "I am not a creature born to anger easily, nor am I
comfortable with the concept of acting with anger or by anger...that
was a trait I gladly left to Hadin...but that man infuriates me."
[22:34] <LouisZephyr> "Syncronize and Collapse delphi wave"
[22:35] <Dale> "Talo.. I am sorry.. For joining with him.."
[22:35] <>Ambiance<> You fall into darkness like slumber
[22:35] <DavidViara> <End of Session>