The Epic - Session X

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[14:33] David: And you are talking about mine....
[14:34] * David backs up to the wall rapidly
[14:34] David: "I think that you had better leave...."
[14:34] David: "Now"

[14:34] * Lkeas blinks and stands up quickly
[14:35] Wes: "okay?"
[14:35] * maieo looks around *
[14:35] Lkeas: Diviara is your analog?
[14:35] *** blackknight has left #epic.
[14:35] * Hadin stands to his feet slowly, the cane helping much in the effort, and regards David with a frown.
[14:35] RandalMoonash: Now?
[14:35] RandalMoonash: What..
[14:36] * kingk stares with an emence feeling of hating when hes right
[14:36] Lkeas: but how can that be... you two seem nothing alike...
[14:36] kingk: then agaoin we dont have much to go by
[14:36] Hadin: "Aye, you do seem like quite the likeable lad..."
[14:36] Wes: "analogs dont have to lok alike or act alike Lkeas."
[14:37] Lkeas: but aren't analogs all controlled by the same higher power?
[14:37] RandalMoonash: Er... who is Diviara?
[14:37] David: "Controlled? By the same higher power"
[14:37] David: "No...."

[14:37] * Lkeas looks at Randal
[14:37] David: "An analog is merely the local version of a person."
[14:37] Lkeas: you first spoke the name, not I...
[14:37] Lkeas: i was not going to say it
[14:38] RandalMoonash: I know.. it just..
[14:38] David: "No go..."
[14:38] David: "I have aided you"
[14:38] David: "Take my aid and leave"

[14:38] RandalMoonash: "We can repay the favor..."
[14:38] David: "
[14:38] David: "...that is what I am afraid of"

[14:38] Wes: "
[14:38] kingk: it seems you see us as some type of evil why?
[14:39] Lkeas: but what about your brother? he's on his way
[14:39] RandalMoonash: "what do you mean?"
[14:39] * David raises his hand and it is suddenly engulfed in flame which forms a large ball on his hand
[14:39] David: "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"

[14:39] * Hadin hobbles over to the door slowly, turning back around before stepping through to address David. "Lad, I hope you continue on the path you've chosen...much the opposite of at least one of your analogs, apparently."
[14:39] Wes: "i am sorry for any trouble i have caused or any of us have cause"
[14:39] * kingk holds his hands up
[14:39] kingk: we mean no harm!
[14:39] * Lkeas shrinks back in fear
[14:39] * Hadin hobbles outside without care for the threat, taking his time as an old man.
[14:39] Lkeas: David...
[14:39] * Lkeas backs towards the door
[14:39] Wes: "we mean no harm but he does!"
[14:39] David: "GO"
[14:39] * kingk sighs
[14:39] * Wes runs out of the apartment
[14:39] kingk: very well i just hope you change your mind
[14:39] Lkeas: well guys, we've outstayed our welcome
[14:39] Hadin: "Best not to fight with the stubborness of youth."
[14:39] * Elaith rushes out *
[14:40] * maieo scurries out of the apartment.
[14:40] RandalMoonash: Very well.
[14:40] * RandalMoonash walks out slowly
[14:40] * Lkeas heads out, looking back at David as she climbs down the stairs
[14:40] RandalMoonash: I'm sure you can reach us...somehow.
[14:40] * David locks the door as they leave
[14:40] RandalMoonash: Thanks.
[14:40] * RandalMoonash walks down behind Lkeas
[14:40] >Ambiance<: there is a sliding noise
[14:40] * Hadin reclines against the nearest wall once outside the door, nodding once more to David in thanks for the cane, then follows Lkeas.
[14:40] >Ambiance<: and then the sound of sobbing
[14:40] * Wes sighs "well that was fun"
[14:40] * Lkeas stops midway down the stairs
[14:40] Lkeas: listen...
[14:41] Lkeas: Diviara would be laughing, not crying...
[14:41] * kingk knocks on the door
[14:41] *** LB|Dinner is now known as LordBarrius.
[14:41] Wes: "he is crying?"
[14:41] kingk: perhaps hes another diviria one not from the world of lore
[14:41] * Hadin tilts his head, then nods. "Keen ears, lass."
[14:41] David: "LEAVE or I SWEAR I will kill you"
[14:41] * kingk sighs
[14:41] RandalMoonash: Who .. knows?
[14:41] * Wes runs "right on it!"
[14:41] * Lkeas calls through the door
[14:41] kingk: very well but i want you to know we appreciate all youve done for us
[14:41] Lkeas: We wish to HELP you!
[14:41] David: "LEAVE or I SWEAR I will kill you"
[14:41] >Ambiance<: his voice is growing in agitation

[14:42] * Lkeas shakes her head sadly and walks out to the street
[14:42] * Hadin hooks one of Lkeas' arms with his cane. "Enough, lass."
[14:42] kingk: i think its bst we go or suffer the consequences he is well trained
[14:42] * Lkeas pats Hadin on the arm
[14:42] * RandalMoonash follows silently
[14:42] RandalMoonash: Where now?
[14:42] >Ambiance<: a Fellow that looks like a younger version of David is getting out of a car on the Street
[14:42] * Lkeas looks towards the car
[14:42] * kingk walks onto the street feeling empathetic for david
[14:42] Lkeas: Gil... it must be.
[14:42] kingk: hello
[14:42] kingk: i asume your gil?
[14:42] * Wes spots the man "his brother i suppose."
[14:42] * maieo tugs on Lkeas' other arm "..hey." *
[14:43] * Hadin follows the tracks of Lkeas' gaze. "Oh? Gil?"
[14:43] * Lkeas heads towards the man slowly, as if hesitant to start another conversation
[14:43] Gil: "Yeah thats right...."
[14:43] Gil: "Excuse me"

[14:43] Wes: "your brother wishe us to leave or he will kill us"
[14:43] RandalMoonash: "who is this?"
[14:43] * Hadin follows, placing a hand on her shoulder in support.
[14:43] * Gil stops
[14:43] Lkeas: oh, apologies Gil, my name is Lkeas... we were just in your brother's home
[14:43] Lkeas: he seems a bit upset...
[14:43] kingk: i am kingk
[14:44] * Gil looks at Wes
[14:44] Wes: "im Wes or Eric whichever you like"
[14:44] kingk: he seems..... a bit irritated at us
[14:44] Gil: What did you do to my brother....?
[14:44] Lkeas: we had been conversing about magic and other realms
[14:44] LordBarrius: My name is LordBarrius.  I'm afraid we said something wrong, and it upset him.
[14:44] Wes: "nothing Lkeas mentioned Diviara and he got upset"
[14:44] Gil: He is as innocent as they come. He rounds up the homeless and the afflicted and aids the indigent.
[14:44] RandalMoonash: Moonash. Hey.
[14:44] Lkeas: yes, he seems a very selfless man
[14:45] Lkeas: but his name had seemed eerily similar to another being i knew
[14:45] Hadin: "Make no mistake, we appreciate what he did for us quite greatly."
[14:45] Lkeas: and i mentioned it to him
[14:45] Gil: We worry about him incessantly because he lives here and constantly hangs out on the water front looking to help people
[14:45] kingk: we accused him wrongly
[14:45] Gil: What have you done to my brother?
[14:45] Wes: "nothing Lkeas mentioned Diviara and he got upset"
[14:45] kingk: please stay calm
[14:45] Gil: "Diviara?"
[14:45] Lkeas: he said we had spoken of his "analog"
[14:45] * Gil frowns
[14:45] Wes: "yes Diviara."
[14:46] * Gil takes out a police badge
[14:46] kingk: oh no what now
[14:46] Gil: "I will need to see some Identification for all of you"
[14:46] Hadin: "I do not recall levying an accusation kingk, only that the name of his analog disturbed him.  Oh my...what is this?"
[14:46] Wes: "okay we'll be leaving now bye!"
[14:46] * Wes turns to walk away
[14:46] Lkeas: identification? oh goodness
[14:46] * Lkeas searches her pockets
[14:46] Wes: "Moonash use the laptop
[14:46] maieo: um...well..
[14:46] * Lkeas pulls out the credit card given to her by Matthew Johansen
[14:46] * RandalMoonash pulls out his drivers liscense from his wallet in his coat
[14:46] RandalMoonash: "youre too impulsive."
[14:46] Lkeas: this seems to be all i have on me at the moment...
[14:47] * Gil takes the credit card and drivers license
[14:47] LordBarrius: I'm....not carrying any, I'm afraid....
[14:47] * Gil frowns
[14:47] Wes: "i dont have any Identification other than the laptop"
[14:47] * Gil scans the credit card
[14:47] Gil: "You seem quite the important person with a balance like that"
[14:47] * Gil frowns

[14:47] * Gil hands the Credit card back
[14:47] * RandalMoonash looks at Lkeas....
[14:47] * Lkeas places it back in her pocket, out of sight
[14:48] * Hadin leans heavily on his cane, coughing slightly.
[14:48] kingk: here
[14:48] Lkeas: we do seem to be involved in something rather large, however our purpose is not exactly clear yet
[14:48] * Gil looks at the Drivers License
[14:48] RandalMoonash: If I may?
[14:48] * kingk hands over his identification from his job at AE games
[14:48] * Gil swipes the License through some sort of device and hands it back
[14:48] * kingk takes back his card
[14:49] Gil: You can go
[14:49] RandalMoonash: Thank you.
[14:49] Gil: But I swear If I learned you hurt my brother
[14:49] Gil: I will hunt you down

[14:49] Lkeas: so you have no idea what your brother might have been talking about?
[14:49] Gil: and kill you myself
[14:49] Lkeas: we did not mean to do anything..
[14:49] * Wes sighs in relief "that was close for me atleast"
[14:49] kingk: please tell him we are sorry
[14:49] Lkeas: he had rescued us from the river
[14:49] * Gil enters the building
[14:49] * Lkeas looks after Gil
[14:49] kingk: yes were greatful
[14:49] * Lkeas looks back at the others
[14:49] Gil: "Bro its me let me in"
[14:49] kingk: i think we better go he might have commit suicide
[14:50] Wes: "lets go before he thinks we harmed him mentally"
[14:50] * Gil enters David's apartment and vanishes from site
[14:50] * Hadin whispers softly to Lkeas. "Admirable sentiments, but misplaced. He is more vengeful than I think I would have guessed, given David's contenance."
[14:50] Lkeas: well, now what? do we wait to see what David says about us and have Gil come rushing down in a fury?
[14:50] kingk: well i hope not but hes a cop and hes got a grudge allready
[14:50] RandalMoonash: We should stay by..
[14:50] * LordBarrius frowns. "I don't understand....what did we do?"
[14:50] * kingk sighs
[14:50] * Lkeas looks at LordBarrius
[14:50] kingk: fine
[14:50] Lkeas: perhaps i should explain Diviara's nature a bit more
[14:50] * Wes sighs "come on lets find a motel or something"
[14:50] LordBarrius: Please do.
[14:50] Lkeas: you might understand why David would wish not to be associated with such a name
[14:50] RandalMoonash: hmm...
[14:51] Hadin: "I think that can wait till we are not in the middle of a sidewalk?"
[14:51] Lkeas: hmm
[14:51] Lkeas: where should we go?
[14:51] RandalMoonash: Perhaps.
[14:51] * Lkeas looks up and down the street
[14:51] RandalMoonash: I dont know...
[14:51] Wes: "with someone who miht rush out and kill us i say to find a motel would be good"
[14:51] Hadin: "That is a good question, isn't it."
[14:51] kingk: i hhave a twenty but im not sure if its good in this world
[14:52] Lkeas: i am unfamiliar with Manhattan..
[14:52] kingk: im not i commute
[14:52] kingk: if we take the E train to uptown theres a motel across the way
[14:52] Wes: "im from a place where magic and Manhatten are unheard of so...i got nothing"
[14:53] * maieo has no clue *
[14:53] RandalMoonash: Sure. If the subway exists..
[14:53] LordBarrius: I'm afraid I can't help much either....Randal, perhaps?
[14:53] Wes: "randal can get a map up."
[14:53] Wes: "or i can..if i had the laptop."
[14:53] RandalMoonash: hmm?
[14:54] RandalMoonash: I dont know..
[14:54] RandalMoonash: This thing causes more problems than it solves.
[14:54] Wes: "right now it can solve alot"
[14:54] kingk: most liely it will there only a few differences n this world
[14:54] Hadin: "Indeed, best not to rely on it for every whim and desire."
[14:54] Lkeas: well, let's just walk a few blocks then and see where we get
[14:54] kingk: we only need to walk three blocka
[14:54] Lkeas: as long as we remember which direction we came from, we can find our way back if need be
[14:54] RandalMoonash: Yeah I'd rather use this as a last resort.
[14:55] kingk: well lets go
[14:55] LordBarrius: Indeed.  Not to mention I'm sick of jumping everywhere....
[14:55] Wes: "let me hold on to it Moonash"
[14:55] * kingk begins to walk sout down the road
[14:55] * Lkeas looks up at the sky for the direction of the sun
[14:55] RandalMoonash: Ummm.. no.
[14:55] Hadin: "I think it is safe enough in his hands Wes..."
[14:55] * Wes follow Kingk
[14:55] >Ambiance<: A creature looking for all the world like a werewolf in mid transformation crosses the street and enters a near building
[14:56] kingk: what the-
[14:56] * Wes spots this
[14:56] Elaith: I have a pla- whoa!
[14:56] * Lkeas looks down quickly
[14:56] Wes: "uhh time to go check that out!"
[14:56] * Hadin raises an eyebrow, and save for a cough, only veiws it with minor interest.
[14:56] * LordBarrius stops dead in his tracks and stares.
[14:56] Lkeas: haha, curiosity always gets the better of us, doesn't it?
[14:56] * Wes walks torwards the building the creature entered
[14:56] * Lkeas walks towards the building and looks up, searching for an identifying sign
[14:56] * kingk laughs
[14:56] >Ambiance<: the building appears to be a small italian restraunt
[14:56] kingk: should we check it out?
[14:56] Hadin: "David did mention lycanthropcy is commonplace here."
[14:56] Lkeas: well... i AM hungry, didn't really get any of the matzo ball soup after that fiasco..
[14:56] kingk: well i am hungery my treat what do you say?
[14:57] * Wes laughs "i could go for some italian!"
[14:57] maieo:
[14:57] * Lkeas walks in
[14:57] * kingk walks in behind her
[14:57] MatireD': How many please
[14:57] * Hadin accompanies Lkeas.
[14:57] * Wes steps in after Hadin
[14:57] * Lkeas looks back at the group
[14:57] * Elaith mutters to Lkeas about his place in Upper East Manhattan as they enter *
[14:57] RandalMoonash: Hmm, you apparently have a lot of money, lke...
[14:57] Lkeas: 8, i believe
[14:57] * maieo follows as well, because she's cool like that.
[14:57] Wes: "eight of us"
[14:57] * kingk smells the delicous italian food and listens to the music in the background
[14:57] MatireD': "It will be just a moment while we set up a table"
[14:57] * LordBarrius follows cautiously.
[14:58] kingk: ah it smells like a mannhatten restuarant all right
[14:58] MatireD': "Jeremey hurry up and shift back... you have a table"
[14:58] kingk: thanks
[14:58] * Hadin sniffs appreciatively at the delectable scents. "Mmmm, I've not had anything like this in quite a long time."
[14:58] * Lkeas pauses in the waiting area and scans the restaurant looking for the figure they followed
[14:58] >Ambiance<: The werewolf shifts back to human form
[14:58] * Wes whispers to Lkeas "Whatever it was probly shifted into a human form ill bet."
[14:58] * Lkeas giggles softly
[14:59] * Hadin gives a polite nod to the shifter, looking all to the world like such was normal.
[14:59] Lkeas: all in a normal day's work in this version of Manhattan...
[14:59] Hadin: "Quite so."
[14:59] Jeremy: "Good evening I am Jeremy and I will be your server this evening"
[14:59] * LordBarrius chuckles a bit at Lkeas's comment.  "Indeed."
[14:59] Jeremy: "Right this way please"
[14:59] kingk: good evening
[14:59] * maieo follows.
[14:59] * Lkeas follows Jeremy
[14:59] kingk: thank you
[14:59] * Wes follows Jeremy
[14:59] * kingk follows
[14:59] RandalMoonash: Sure..
[14:59] Wes: "Lkeas have that credit card ready if they take cards."
[15:00] * Jeremy takes them to two long tables that have been pushed together.
[15:00] Jeremy: "Will you be needing menus, or do you plan on tonights Take 8"

[15:00] kingk: i doubt shell have an account
[15:00] kingk: menu please
[15:00] * Lkeas takes a seat in the middle of the two tables and looks up at Jeremy
[15:00] Lkeas: what's the Take 8?
[15:00] Wes: "what is this take 8?"
[15:00] * Hadin hobbles over last, taking his time to observe the restaurant with mild interest...more over the food than anything...and sits at one of the heads of the conjoined tables.
[15:00] * LordBarrius takes a seat.
[15:00] Jeremy: "A full 8 course meal including dessert"
[15:01] * maieo sits quietly near the edge of the group *
[15:01] Wes: "ill take it!"
[15:01] * Elaith sits and hopes they have a decent ravioli *
[15:01] * Lkeas laughs
[15:01] Lkeas: i have quite a small stomach, but if the others are interested...
[15:01] kingk: no thank you id like just a menu
[15:01] * LordBarrius chuckles. "I doubt I can eat 8 courses."
[15:01] Wes: "i can!"
[15:01] Jeremy: "Its servered family style. You can have one or two entree selections"
[15:01] * maieo can't *
[15:01] Elaith: I'm always quite interested.
[15:02] Wes: "i havent eaten in a week i suppose..."
[15:02] Lkeas: ah yes, i forgot. it's been a while since i've been to an Italian restaurant
[15:02] Hadin: "Hmm, it would keep me from having to decide..."
[15:02] Lkeas: let's do it, we can share
[15:02] Jeremy: "It is likely the best value. You can take or eat as much as you like"
[15:02] * LordBarrius nods.
[15:02] * kingk shrugs
[15:02] Wes: "do you take credit cards?"
[15:02] kingk: i suppose we could
[15:02] Jeremy: "So one menu and the rest of you take 8"
[15:02] Lkeas: sounds about right
[15:02] kingk: no ill have the take 8
[15:02] Lkeas: well, take 8 it is, for the whole table!
[15:03] Jeremy: "We Visa Mastercard Discover American Express Diners Universe Wolfkin United and Dinex"
[15:03] RandalMoonash: Er...
[15:03] RandalMoonash: ok?
[15:03] Wes: "64 plates wow thats alot"
[15:03] Lkeas: it's family style, Wes
[15:03] * Hadin glances over at Lkeas. " for you?"
[15:03] kingk: how much will this all come out to by the way?
[15:04] Jeremy: "Two Entree's or One?"
[15:04] * Wes whispers to Lkeas "wolfkin united? odd credit card name.."
[15:04] Wes: "two!"
[15:04] * Elaith nods his head in agreement of the two *
[15:04] kingk: one please
[15:04] * Lkeas chuckles
[15:04] Lkeas: we have some hungry beasts here tonight, apparently
[15:04] Lkeas: just one for me please
[15:04] * kingk whispers to the rest
[15:04] Jeremy: "Well its family style"
[15:04] Hadin: "Two, for varieties sake."
[15:04] Jeremy: "So you can take or not as you like"
[15:05] kingk: i hope this isnt a werewolves only restuarant
[15:05] Elaith: I guess I'm as ravenous as a wolf today myself.
[15:05] Jeremy: "I do need to know which you are order...."
[15:05] Jeremy: "What"
[15:05] Jeremy: "Of course not..."

[15:05] * Lkeas glares at kingk
[15:05] Lkeas: don't be rude.
[15:05] * Wes whispers to Lkeas "i dont like this Jeremy person either"
[15:05] kingk: im just saying
[15:05] Jeremy: "None of you is a Lycan"
[15:05] * Hadin frowns severely at kingk.
[15:05] Jeremy: "I am one myself I would know"
[15:05] * Jeremy shakes his head

[15:05] kingk: i like my meat cooked and once standing on FOUR legs
[15:05] * Wes whispers "knew it."
[15:05] Lkeas: many apologies, Jeremy
[15:05] Jeremy: "Yeah gee... so do I...."
[15:05] kingk: im sorry
[15:05] Jeremy: "Jack ass"
[15:05] kingk: i just prefer animal meat
[15:06] Wes: "i think we saw you run into this place"
[15:06] Lkeas: we are a bit rough around the edges, our journey has been rather harsh
[15:06] kingk: yes i know i am my mouth sometimes runs faster then my mind
[15:06] * Wes slaps Kingk "shut up before you get us in trouble"
[15:06] Hadin: Glaring at kingk and Wes he states simply. "You both have the manners suiting a dung beatle."
[15:06] Jeremy: "I was coming back from a Delivery. I Move faster in that form"
[15:06] kingk: ah i see
[15:06] * LordBarrius chuckles a bit. "Don't mind him. He's unable to control his mouth at times."
[15:06] * Jeremy looks to the group
[15:06] * Lkeas nods in appreciation
[15:06] *** Robert_Kepley has joined #epic.
[15:06] Wes: "but dont you risk being spotted?"
[15:06] kingk: thats understandable
[15:06] Lkeas: i am impressed that you are able to control your lycanthropy at will
[15:06] Jeremy: "Don't worry I do not hold you responsible for their idiocy"
[15:07] * Hadin coughs once and looks to Jeremy. "My apologies, good sir, those two should learn well to hold their tongues."
[15:07] Jeremy: "I am in my mid 20s been at it a while"
[15:07] Jeremy: "Ok then"
[15:07] Jeremy: "Two entrees"

[15:07] kingk: please
[15:07] Lkeas: that works
[15:07] Hadin: "Please and thanks, Jeremy."
[15:07] Wes: "ill take your other entree if you dont eat it Lkeas."
[15:07] * LordBarrius nods. "Thank you, that will be fine."
[15:07] Lkeas: i'll probably sample from both plates, Wes, but thanks :)
[15:08] kingk: well jeremy if youfd like you can eat with us
[15:08] Jeremy: "Tonights Specials are the Veal Marsala, Chicken Piccata, Mannicotti, 25 Pound Lasagna, Lobster Crab Ravioli, and Pumpkin Ravioli
[15:08] Jeremy: "Which two"
[15:08] Jeremy: "Or do you want some time?"

[15:08] kingk: the LBR please
[15:09] * Elaith smiles at the sound of lobster crab ravioli *
[15:09] kingk: sorry LCR
[15:09] Wes: "i want chicken Piccate and 25 pound lasagna"
[15:09] Jeremy: "How about while you debate what entrees you want for the table I get you your salad course"
[15:09] Hadin: "Veal Marsala and the Mannicotti would be simply divine, Jeremy."  Thinking to himself, he adds, 'Even if I have no damn clue what they are.'
[15:09] Lkeas: that would be lovely, Jeremy, thank you
[15:09] kingk: that sounds good
[15:10] Jeremy: "What would you like to Drink?"
[15:10] Wes: "water please."
[15:10] kingk: coke please
[15:10] Elaith: Water here as well.
[15:10] Lkeas: let's get a round of water for the table
[15:10] Hadin: "Water...I think keeping my wits undulled by wine would be wise."
[15:10] * LordBarrius nods. "Water is fine, thank you."
[15:11] Wes: "i hate the smell of ranch dressing."
[15:11] * kingk looks al lkeas annoyed
[15:11] kingk: very well.....
[15:11] Jeremy: So one coke
[15:11] Lkeas: you can have your coke kingk
[15:11] Jeremy: and waters all arround
[15:11] Lkeas: i just meant in addition
[15:11] kingk: ah ok then
[15:11] * Lkeas leans over to kingk
[15:11] * Jeremy disappears into the kitchen
[15:11] Lkeas: in case they don't do refills
[15:11] * kingk winks
[15:12] kingk: smooth
[15:12] * Jeremy comes back with a bowl of lemon and lime wedges and places it on the table in addition to a large pitcher of ice water
[15:12] * Jeremy then goes over to the bar and draws a small pitcher of coke and presents it along with a frosted mug in front of kingk
[15:12] Elaith: Maieo, are you ok?
[15:12] * Jeremy then slips into the kitchen
[15:12] * Elaith notices a bout of silence *
[15:12] * Wes grabs a lemon wedge "hehe."
[15:12] * Hadin grumbles to himself for a moment. " try to clean up your manners."
[15:13] * maieo coughs. "I'm fine."
[15:13] kingk: thank you!
[15:13] * kingk calls
[15:13] * kingk then sipps over enthusiasticly on his fresh coke
[15:13] * Lkeas picks up the pitcher of water and begins pouring for everyone
[15:13] * Wes puts the lemon wedge in his mouth
[15:14] >Ambiance<: a chiming noise is heard and then a rumble
[15:14] kingk: what was that?
[15:14] * Hadin nods to Lkeas in thanks. "Much obliged, lass...and what, praytell, was that?"
[15:14] * LordBarrius 's ears perk up at the noise.
[15:14] Wes: "food coming?"
[15:14] * Lkeas stops in the middle of maieo's glass and looks around
[15:14] * Elaith hears the sound but ignores it because he is anxious to just sit and eat for once *
[15:14] >Ambiance<: A small portal appears on the other side of the restrant and a Couple walk out and sit at the table
[15:14] * Jeremy reenters

[15:15] RandalMoonash: *(i must... dissapear.. life ca..s)
[15:15] *** RandalMoonash has left #epic.
[15:15] Jeremy: "I will be right with you Mr. and Mrs. Edwards"
[15:15] kingk: wait so anyone can use portals here?
[15:15] * Hadin glances over towards the couple for a moment, seeking to see if he might identify them.
[15:15] Woman: Thats lovely Jeremy. A glass of O positive please
[15:16] Jeremy: "Coming right up Mrs. E."
[15:16] Wes: "vampires..and lycans?"
[15:16] * Hadin nods to himself upon overhearing that, then glares at both Wes and kingk to hold their tongues.
[15:16] Wes: "getting along...something you dont see everyday..."
[15:16] * Lkeas blinks at Mrs. Edwards' order and shrugs down a little into her chair, being O positive herself...
[15:16] Wes: "well where i come from at least."
[15:17] Wes: "hey wheres moonash?"
[15:17] kingk: its cool if they wanted your blood they wouldnt have ordered it
[15:17] Lkeas: i suppose, kingk, but i do hope her drink comes from cattle or something..
[15:17] kingk: yes that i can understand
[15:17] * LordBarrius shrugs. "It's not unnatural in this realm, apparently, so no need to be surprised."
[15:17] Hadin: Growling to them both softly, "You are not at home here, do not base assumptions on everything being the same, and for the Lords' sakes be civil.  Idle derogatory comments do not tend to go over well."
[15:18] kingk: perhaps human but i doubt they were alive at the time
[15:18] * Lkeas shakes her head, "apologies, Hadin."
[15:18] Wes: "where moonash go?"
[15:18] * Lkeas looks at the empty seat next to her
[15:19] Lkeas: it appears he had other business to attend to
[15:19] Wes: "is the laptop there?"
[15:19] * Elaith is glad to have a bloodtype AB- *
[15:19] Lkeas: i don't see it, Wes
[15:19] Hadin: "Lass, you are much less prone to stupidity than those two, apparently.  They need the lesson, not you."
[15:19] Wes: "grrr.. figures he'd take off with it"
[15:19] Lkeas: as the laptop seems to have a mind of its own i'm sure it will appear if needed
[15:20] Wes: "i hope i get it..."
[15:20] Hadin: "A tad...selfish, don't you think Wes?"
[15:20] Lkeas: we should decide what entrees to order while we wait for the salad
[15:20] Lkeas: i believe a few people wanted the lobster crab ravioli?
[15:20] Wes: "no i want to learn more about these edwards and Jeremy."
[15:21] * LordBarrius nods. "It sounds interesting, I'd be willing to try it."
[15:21] Hadin: "Then use the powers of subtle observation.  How you managed to live to your age without dropping into a Roc's grasp astounds me."
[15:21] Wes: "roc?"
[15:21] * Lkeas thinks of the other options
[15:21] *** maieo is now known as maieo|dinner.
[15:21] Lkeas: i'm not a big eater, but perhaps the 25 pount lasagna would fill up our hungry cohorts here
[15:22] LordBarrius: Indeed.
[15:22] * Hadin turns back towards Lkeas, ignoring Wes, and states simply. "Order whatever you think best, I have little clue what is what around here."
[15:22] * Lkeas nods at Hadin
[15:22] * Elaith talking to Lkeas "I think we should try the Lobster Crab Ravioli as well"
[15:22] Wes: "wait whats a roc?"
[15:22] Lkeas: ravioli and lasagna it is, then
[15:22] * Elaith grins *
[15:22] * Hadin growls at Wes. "Does it even matter?"
[15:23] Wes: "no but.."
[15:23] * Jeremy comes back
[15:23] * Wes drinks down his water.
[15:23] * Lkeas refills Wes's glass
[15:23] * Jeremy places an antipasti tray on the table and a big bowl of salad
[15:24] Jeremy: Crushed black pepper on the Salad?
[15:24] * LordBarrius shrugs. "I wouldn't mind it."
[15:24] Lkeas: not too much, please
[15:24] Hadin: "Hmm, sounds fine to me."
[15:24] * Jeremy grinds a quick twist of pepper on the salad
[15:25] Jeremy: "Parmesan and Romano?"

[15:25] * Lkeas chuckles
[15:25] Elaith: I'm allergic to Parmesan.
[15:25] Lkeas: how about the Romano, then?
[15:25] Elaith: That is fine with me.
[15:25] Lkeas: be generous!
[15:25] Hadin: "A bit on a side dish then, for I'd like to try both, if you would be so kind Jeremy."
[15:25] * Jeremy turns a cheese grater repeatedly
[15:26] * Jeremy smiles
[15:26] * Jeremy grinds some Parmesan into a small bowl
[15:26] Jeremy: "Are you ready to order then?"

[15:26] * Hadin nods in Lkeas' direction.
[15:26] Lkeas: i believe we are
[15:26] Lkeas: we'll take the lobster crab ravioli and the 25 pound lasagna
[15:27] * LordBarrius nods.
[15:27] Jeremy: "Ok then"
[15:27] Jeremy: "I do believe there is Parmesan in the lasagna just to warn you"
[15:27] * Jeremy disappears into the kitchen

[15:27] * Lkeas looks at Elaith
[15:27] Lkeas: better stick to the ravioli
[15:27] Elaith: Good thing I am after the Lobster Crab Ravioli then, eh?
[15:27] * Lkeas grins
[15:28] Wes: "i just want the Lasagna."
[15:28] * Hadin motions towards Lkeas. "Lass, if you don't mind?"
[15:28] Lkeas: hmm?
[15:28] * Jeremy brings out a glass of red liquid to Mrs. E?
[15:28] Jeremy: "What will it be tonight Mr. and Mrs. E."

[15:29] Lkeas: oh of course
[15:29] * Hadin motions to the salad bowl. "Its a tad out of reach, if you don't mind..."
[15:29] * Lkeas tosses the salad and serves some to Hadin and the others
[15:29] Wes: "none for me please."
[15:29] Mr.: E. The Take 8 with the Veal Marsala and the the Manicotti Jeremy and for Dessert the Hazelnut Gelato"
[15:29] Elaith: Just a little for me, thank you.
[15:29] * Elaith perks up at the sound of dessert too *
[15:30] Mr.: E. The Take 8 with the Veal Marsala and the the Manicotti Jeremy and for Dessert the Hazelnut Gelato"
[15:30] * Hadin snags the bowl of Parmesian and brings that over to him, sprinkling a good bit over his salad portion before taking a few tentative bites.
[15:30] Jeremy: "What would you like to Drink E."
[15:31] * Elaith puts his napkin in his lap, pulls the salad fork, and begins to chomp down *
[15:31] Jeremy: "Asti please
[15:31] * Wes drinks down his second glass of water
[15:31] Mr.E: "Asti please..hahahah you know me to well Jeremy"
[15:32] Jeremy: "Coming right up"

[15:32] * Hadin mulls it over for a moment, then nods in agreement with this portion of the meal, finding it palatable with a hint of enjoyable flavors.
[15:32] * Lkeas stops suddenly, her eyes widening just slightly
[15:33] * Elaith whispers a joke to Lkeas about "Mystery" which is obviously just a crude pun *
[15:33] Lkeas: that feeling again...
[15:33] Lkeas: E... Edward...
[15:33] * Jeremy comes out with a large bowl of wheel shaped pasta and a bowl of chunky marinara
[15:33] Wes: "what feeling?"
[15:33] * Lkeas shakes her head quickly
[15:33] Jeremy: "The pasta course"
[15:33] * Hadin glances at Lkeas cautiously. "Oh?"
[15:33] Lkeas: no more trouble. no..
[15:33] * LordBarrius frowns. "What is it, Lkeas?"
[15:33] Jeremy: "For your soup would you like the Minestrone or the Pasta Fagioli"
[15:34] Jeremy: "Or the Gespacho"

[15:34] * Lkeas pulls out of her reverie
[15:34] Lkeas: oh, umm... minestrone's fine, thanks
[15:34] Wes: "jeremy can you tell us about the edwards over there?"
[15:35] * Hadin growls at Wes. "That is quite rude, will you never learn manners?"
[15:35] Wes: "never."
[15:36] * Wes laughs
[15:36] * LordBarrius frowns and resists the urge to hit Wes.
[15:36] * Hadin smacks Wes's ankle beneath the table with a deft movement of his cane.
[15:36] * Elaith shifts a little uncomfortably *
[15:36] * Jeremy shakes his head
[15:36] * Jeremy returns to the kitvhen

[15:36] * Lkeas shovels salad in her mouth a little too quickly
[15:37] Elaith: That was probably not wise, Wes. He seemed quite friendly with them, so they may be told you asked about them.
[15:37] * Lkeas mutters in between bites... "There is no female E in LORE..."
[15:38] Wes: "analog could be dead and this is the other?"
[15:38] Hadin: "We've already proven that analogs do not follow the same paths...but such is best saved for private conversation."
[15:38] >Ambiance<: a shadow hangs over the table and you realize that the couple have come over in your distraction
[15:38] * Lkeas looks up slowly
[15:38] Elaith: Hello!
[15:38] * LordBarrius glances up.
[15:39] Wes: "their right behind me arent they?"
[15:39] * Hadin glances up with a raised eyebrow.
[15:39] * Elaith stands and pro-offers his hand * "I'm Elaith. Pleasure to meet you."
[15:39] MrE.: "Sorry to disturb your meal but we noted you looking over repeatedly so we imagined you would not mind the company"
[15:39] Wes: "no we wont mind!"
[15:39] Elaith: Of course, we would love the company.
[15:39] MrE.: "I am Edward this is my wife Esmerelda"
[15:40] * LordBarrius smiles lightly. "Greetings.  I'm LordBarrius."
[15:40] * Elaith makes a slight bow *
[15:40] Wes: "Im Wes or Eric whichever you prefer."
[15:40] * Lkeas nods to Mr. E. "Lkeas, you are certainly welcome at our table. we might need one more chair..."
[15:40] * Hadin nods to them both. "Nice to meet you, I am called Hadin. You'll forgive me for not standing, but these old bones are not as spry as they used to be."
[15:40] * Wes still hasnt looked at them
[15:40] Lkeas: but there is an empty one here
[15:40] Elaith: An honor to make your acquaintance.
[15:41] * Hadin taps Wes warningly on his ankle with his cane, a single warning to be silent.
[15:41] Esmerelda: "A Lord are You. I come from nobility... my father was a Viscount. Old world vampirism...."
[15:41] Esmerelda: "Now E and I work on hunting the renegade thin bloods who prey on the innocent"

[15:42] Wes: "hes not a lord his name is Lordbarrius. we also have a Kingk."
[15:42] Esmerelda: "It is an exciting but as you can imagine highly dangerous job"
[15:42] * LordBarrius nods. "A lord from a family lineage I'd rather avoid...."
[15:42] Wes: "or maybe he is."
[15:42] * Hadin presses his cane painfully hard on Wes' ankle.
[15:42] Lkeas: a thin blood, you say?
[15:43] Jeremy: "Well yes you know those vampires that produce progeny with no control whatsoever its really a mess"
[15:43] * Wes glares at Hadin.
[15:43] Jeremy: "Will you be joining them Mr. and Mrs. E?"
[15:43] Lkeas: i see. forgive me, i couldn't help but notice Mrs. E's drink order, are you not kindred yourself?
[15:43] * Hadin ignores Wes' glare and addresses the couple. "That sounds...quite the admirable task."
[15:43] Esmerelda: "It does seem so Jeremy, add our orders to the course"
[15:44] Esmerelda: "I am yes"
[15:44] Esmerelda: "Many in my family are. Going back several generations"

[15:45] * Elaith sits and finishes up his salad, realizing he was still standing and looking quite foolish *
[15:45] Hadin: "Forgive me for prying, but I assume that at least one of you also dabbles in the Art?"
[15:46] Esmerelda: "We have some lovely wolfiekins like Jeremey here too...."
[15:46] E: we both have talents. Magic though is left to thamturgists

[15:47] * Hadin nods, his query answered, and remains silent.
[15:47] >Ambiance<: RandalMoonash vanishes with an audible bang
[15:47] Wes: "huh?"
[15:47] * Esmerelda looks startled
[15:47] Jeremy: "That was not a normal transit"
[15:48] E: no indeed not

[15:48] Wes: "please sit down."
[15:48] *** Robert_Kepley has signed off IRC (Broken pipe).
[15:48] * Lkeas looks at Jeremy and Esmerelda
[15:48] Lkeas: it's not?
[15:48] * Hadin sighs. "No, I'm afraid it most certainly wasn't. However, I'm not entirely sure I can explain."
[15:48] Jeremy: "Authorized portings have warning chimes"
[15:48] * LordBarrius shrugs. "We haven't been fortunate enough to stay in one place."
[15:48] Lkeas: ah, i see. i'm not sure then that any of our travels have been exactly... authorized.
[15:49] LordBarrius: We seem to get "tugged" everywhere, actually.
[15:49] E: Indeed we arrived from Milan just moments ago... I am sure you heard the chimes
[15:49] LordBarrius: Yes, we did.
[15:49] Hadin: "Indeed we did...quite useful, those."
[15:49] Wes: "nothing that happens to us is authorized we came from Immertot via a laptop which a Matthew made."
[15:49] Jeremy: "You were in MILAN and you chose to come back to us for dinner?"
[15:50] Esmerelda: and we always will Jeremy dear if just to be served by such an adorable Garou
[15:50] * Jeremy blushes

[15:50] * Hadin smacks Wes *hard* on the ankle with his cane, regrettably being quite audible. "Quite the praise being lavished."
[15:51] E.: "Immertot? Wheres that Bulgaria?"
[15:51] Lkeas: not quite...
[15:51] * LordBarrius grins. "No, a bit farther away actually...."
[15:51] LordBarrius: Well, actually, a lot farther....
[15:51] Lkeas: it's a bit outside this realm
[15:51] Wes: "have you heard of a Falerin before?"
[15:52] * Hadin smacks Wes *hard* on the shin with his cane.
[15:52] * Wes throws salad at Hadin "STOP HITTING ME WITH THE CANE!"
[15:52] Esmerelda: "Outside this realm?"
[15:52] Esmerelda: "How mysterious"

[15:52] * Elaith sighs at the foolishness *
[15:52] * Lkeas attempts to scoop the spilled salad onto a spare plate
[15:52] E.: Lord Ardendor you mean? Yes naturally. He is a Senator"
[15:53] Wes: "he is dead."
[15:53] * Lkeas looks up, "Oh? Yes, he would have one here, wouldn't he.."
[15:53] * Hadin sighs, picking out pieces of salad from his hair and robes. "I would, if you had gotten the bloody point."
[15:53] LordBarrius: A Senator?
[15:53] Jeremy: "Dead?"
[15:53] Wes: "well in immertot."
[15:53] * Lkeas looks sadly at Jeremy
[15:53] Lkeas: there was a Falerin in Immertot
[15:53] Lkeas: he was killed, rather brutally..
[15:53] * Elaith offers to eat the thrown salad * "I've always been fond of tossed salad. I just hope it didn't touch the parmesan. I'd rather not get a runny nose."
[15:54] E.: "A Falerin, In Immertot"
[15:54] Lkeas: yes, and there was another, in a different version of Manhattan
[15:54] Hadin: "Ahem, though, given being here, I'd say he is most certainly alive right now."
[15:54] Lkeas: as well as one in LORE
[15:54] Esmerelda: "Sounds like they are Off Worlders darling...."
[15:54] Wes: "we are more like off realmers."
[15:54] * LordBarrius nods.
[15:55] Wes: "none of us are really from the same realm or planet i analog is dead. you do know of analogs right?"
[15:55] Lkeas: in fact, the more we travel, the more we encounter people who share similar traits across realms
[15:55] E.: "You are saying you are not from this "Reality" at all but a parallel somewhere"
[15:55] Lkeas: small world syndrome, i think David called it..
[15:55] Hadin: "Admittedly so, Esmerelda...however, I've noted that such an admission seems to come with an adverse reaction by some.  Thus why I never chose to make it blatantly known."
[15:56] * Lkeas nods in agreement with Hadin
[15:56] Jeremy: "Understandably so...."
[15:56] Wes: "before he threatend to kill us."
[15:56] LordBarrius: That would be more the definition I'd use, yes.
[15:56] E.: "David? David Viara"
[15:56] Lkeas: yes, the same
[15:56] Wes: "yes."
[15:56] E.: "Oh dear this is quite problematic"
[15:56] Hadin: "Wes, please leave the explanations to those with some tact."
[15:56] Lkeas: what is?
[15:57] * E stands
[15:57] Wes: "Lkeas spoke of Diviara and David got weird and thereatend to kill us if we didnt leave."
[15:57] * LordBarrius tilts his head slightly. "Is something wrong?"
[15:57] Esmerelda: "Diviara!?"
[15:57] Wes: "ahh crap i think i screwed up..."
[15:57] Lkeas: you recognize the name too? oh heavens..
[15:58] * Lkeas stands and hands her credit card to Jeremy
[15:58] Lkeas: you'd better swipe for our dinner now before we get thrown out of here as well...
[15:58] * Hadin sighs and shakes his head slowly. "See what your bloody lack of tack brings?"
[15:58] Wes: "sorry for any trouble i caused."
[16:00] Wes: "lkeas screwed up the first time now i did..."
[16:00] * Hadin shakily manages to get to his feet. "I hope you don't think the lesser of us for knowing such names..."
[16:00] * Lkeas glares at Wes
[16:00] Lkeas: i didn't want to mention it, but Randal kept insisting..
[16:00] Esmerelda: "You dinner is on my husband and I"
[16:01] Esmerelda: "I do advise you to leave however"

[16:01] Wes: "we will..."
[16:01] * Lkeas looks at Esmerelda with surprise
[16:01] Lkeas: you... you would do that for us?
[16:01] Lkeas: but why?
[16:01] Esmerelda: "My husband is undoubtedly now already in in David's apartment"
[16:01] Lkeas: and why is the name so terrible to utter around here?
[16:01] Hadin: "Much obliged, Esmerelda.  You truly are a kind and caring soul."
[16:01] Esmerelda: "When he learns you have anything to do with Diviara at all he will be livid"
[16:02] Lkeas: is the creature present in this realm?
[16:02] * Wes sighs "sorry everyone..."
[16:02] Lkeas: how is that possible...
[16:02] Esmerelda: "Not anylonger"
[16:02] Esmerelda: "But he was.. and he attempted to slay David"
[16:02] Esmerelda: "Now go"

[16:02] Lkeas: that's terrible...
[16:02] * Lkeas takes Esmereldas hand warmly
[16:02] Lkeas: thank you.
[16:02] Wes: "can we have this to go?"
[16:02] * Lkeas leaves the restaurant quickly
[16:02] * LordBarrius nods. "Indeed, we'd better go...."
[16:03] * LordBarrius begins walking briskly towards the door.
[16:03] Hadin: "Wes, shut your mouth."  Hobbling wearily, he gives one last thankful nod to Esmerelda before leaving the restaurant.
[16:03] * Wes sighs
[16:03] * Elaith gets up and drags Sarah along out of the restaraunt *
[16:03] * Wes bows to Esmerelda "sorry."\\
[16:04] Wes: "if you see a laptop anywhere it would be ours."
[16:04] * Wes leaves
[16:04] * Lkeas peeks back through the door at Esmerelda
[16:04] Lkeas: have you heard of something called an Avatar?
[16:05] Esmerelda: "The physical manifestaiton of an entity. Of course I have they are prevelant in Hinduism. I really do suggest you go"
[16:05] * Lkeas nods and pulls back out into the street
[16:05] Elaith: We'd best get far away I suppose.
[16:05] Lkeas: alright guys, we'd best make ourselves scarce
[16:05] * LordBarrius nods and exits.
[16:05] Gil: you are not going anywhere.
[16:06] Wes: "oh no..."
[16:06] Gil: Except down town with me
[16:06] Jeremy: <END OF SESSION>

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