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[17:42] * Selarep steps into the gate.
[17:42] Brink: "Agreed l-" he runs through the gat after her, cutting himself off.
[17:42] * FrogPlushie twirls and floats after Lkeas through the gate.
[17:42] * Damsel smiles faintly at this. "More like when we do end up going anywhere, we don't often get the choice..."
[17:42] * Deathbringer grins and walks through the gate.
[17:42] * Elmedor steps through the gate
[17:43] * Cy-08 he checks his internal Map "where are we."
[17:43] * Damsel calmly proceeds after the others with a measured stride.
[17:43] Lkeas: It would appear to be... an alley.
[17:43] * Lkeas chuckles at Cy-08 and heads down the alley.
[17:43] * Eitak_Razal appears
[17:43] FrogPlushie: "Ooh, this reminds me of the Ever Garden. Looks viney."
[17:43] Brink: odd
[17:43] Elmedor: Yes..
[17:43] Eitak_Razal: Ok, How did i get here?
[17:43] Eitak_Razal: ANd where am I>
[17:43] * Lyoko follows the others silently.
[17:43] Deathbringer: Hm... strange place...
[17:44] * Cy-08 follows lkeas "We are in an alley that runs behind the abode."
[17:44] Elmedor: Strange...there is nothing to kill
[17:44] FrogPlushie: "You're dead, welcome to Dante's 9th level of Hell."
[17:44] Eitak_Razal: Thats not strange Eitak_Razal

  • LordBarrius follows through the gate and persues the others at a

slower pace, not in a particular rush and content to observe his surroundings.
[17:45] Deathbringer: This isn't a level of Hell Frog... 'cause if it was... I would have already been attacked.
[17:45] Lkeas: So I guess we didn't teleport anywhere, Cy-08? That's good... we might be able to get to Fair Harbour this way.
[17:45] Cy-08: "Yes Lkeas."
[17:46] * Brink smiles as best he can at the current moment. "Well then, onward."
[17:46] * Elmedor begins striding down the alley
[17:46] * Lkeas turns back for a moment. "Is everyone alright back there? Is someone supporting Nhox?"
[17:46] NhoxTheDivided: "I'm fine, Lkeas."
[17:46] Lyoko: "I think DB has him..."
[17:47] Deathbringer: I got him.
[17:47] Elmedor: Nhox you owe me one for saving your life and all...
[17:47] NhoxTheDivided: "Um. No."
[17:47] Cy-08: "lkeas, Why did yo seem to know something about the corpse when i mentioned the Blunt Force Trauma
[17:48] Lkeas: Alright, just watch your step, these plants are just begging for twisting ankles.
[17:48] NhoxTheDivided: "Ugh. I don't need another injury."

  • Lkeas turns back down the alley and walks beside Cy-08. "Blunt force

trauma that means he was hit on the head, right? I don't like the sound of it. If that WAS Arden, and he was murdered... I want to know why, and who did it."
[17:49] Deathbringer: No you don't. And neither do I, bro.
[17:49] Cy-08: "Blunt force means that they were hit on the head with something blunt."
[17:49] * Elmedor is reaching the exit of the alley

  • Damsel follows after the others quietly, her own thoughts troubling

her too much to make her wish to join the conversation.
[17:50] * NhoxTheDivided is lagging behind.
[17:50] >Ambiance<: The streets of the city and the other buildings are in the same condition as the abode long abandoned and overgrown
[17:50] * Deathbringer is helping Nhox along.
[17:50] Brink: Lords
[17:50] * NhoxTheDivided is still limping.
[17:51] * Cy-08 checks his map again. "We are..."

  • Damsel examines the buildings with an unsurprised and almost resigned

eye, nodding to herself as her suspicions are confirmed.
[17:51] * Brink walks out of the alley
[17:51] FrogPlushie: "... Mhm, Fair Harbour survived all right."
[17:51] * Lkeas nods her head slowly in agreement with Brink. "I guess we should have expected this."
[17:51] Brink: "How in era's name..."
[17:51] Elmedor: Well...it is sorta still here
[17:51] Brink: Indeed Lkeas
[17:51] Elmedor: Think Tirlerion had something to do with this?
[17:51] Brink: This is a far cry however from the former luster of Fair harbour
[17:51] Lkeas: I'm not sure...
[17:52] * Cy-08 switches his vision to thermal and scans the area for any heat signatures.
[17:52] Elmedor: See anything Cy?
[17:52] Brink: From the looks of things, we have no evidence of this cause
[17:52] * TaloToecan twitches slightly on Damsel's shoulder as he comes to.
[17:52] FrogPlushie: "Let's just blame Tirlerion anyways, I mean he does everything else."
[17:52] Deathbringer: Graz'zt be damned...
[17:52] Lkeas: How far is it to the Temple of Many Gods? Maybe Fizzle... but I don't know, he may not make a habit of hanging around there..
[17:53] * Elmedor sees a human figure further down the street
[17:53] Elmedor: Who the!!
[17:53] NhoxTheDivided: "...Reminds me of home."
[17:53] * Lkeas looks up at Elmedor at his exclamation. "What? Did you see somebody?"

  • Brink glances quickly Elmedor before turning back to Lkeas "Perhaps

the city lost trade... and natural decline brought it here..."
[17:53] FrogPlushie: "Is it a living human figure?"
[17:54] Deathbringer: Home... never have asked you 'bout that... but now isn't the time.
[17:54] * Lkeas clambers over some vines trying to catch up to Elmedor.
[17:54] * LordBarrius remains silent as he follows the others, lost in his thoughts somewhat.
[17:54] * Elmedor rushes at the human figure
[17:54] * Damsel glances at Talo and smiles faintly though it is clear that the current situation troubles her greatly.
[17:54] FrogPlushie: "Wheee, Truthseeker motto, stab first, seek later... ~"
[17:54] * Brink grumbles and rushes towards Elmedor, his foot snags, however, on a vine and he falls.
[17:55] * Cy-08 runs after Lkeas.
[17:55] Brink: Gah...
[17:55] * Elmedor startles as the figure turns around its eyes empty orbs

  • TaloToecan moves about her shoulders for a moment, brushing up

against her neck in small reassurance, before hopping off to follow at his own pace and by his own means.
[17:55] * Brink clambers to his feet and scorches the vine. "Blast it if things ever go my way..."
[17:55] * Deathbringer follows along, slowly, that way neither him nor Nhox trips and gets hurt
[17:55] * NhoxTheDivided struggles to keep going.
[17:56] * FrogPlushie floats, so vines aren't a problem. "Ooh, zombie."
[17:56] * Brink gets up and walks.
[17:56] Deathbringer: You alright, man?

  • Eitak_Razal starts running through the streets, using her magic to

guide her to the others "They have to be here someplace.. I'm in the future but how far?"
[17:56] NhoxTheDivided: "I'll survive."
[17:57] * Brink trips again over a vine "Blast it all!"
[17:57] Deathbringer: You better... or I'll resurect your ass so I can kill ya!
[17:57] * Brink grumbles and untangles the vine from his ankle and continues.
[17:57] NhoxTheDivided: "Heh. That won't be easy."
[17:57] * Elmedor the figure dissapears like a ghost
[17:57] * Cy-08 scans the area again with thermal.
[17:57] Deathbringer: I'd find a way.
[17:58] * Eitak_Razal soon finds the others.
[17:58] * Brink growls as another vine snags his ankle, this time with enough twist so Brink's ankle cracks. "Grrrraaa..."
[17:59] Eitak_Razal: Next time... we do this.. WAKE ME UP!
[17:59] * Brink untangles the vine and walks on, limping ever so slightly in what pain he has fom his ankle.
[17:59] Brink: "Eitak, quit your belly aching and get a move on."
[17:59] * Cy-08 "My Thermal isnt picking anything up or its broken." he scans again

  • Damsel trails after, quietly searching the area, trying to figure out

what they will do if they find nothing more and have no means of return to where or when they were.
[18:00] * Eitak_Razal runs twords the lifeforms
[18:00] * Lyoko walks to Brink.
[18:00] Lyoko: "Want me to carry you, Brinky?"
[18:00] Elmedor: What the...
[18:00] Elmedor: Seems Fair Harbour is haunted
[18:00] TaloToecan: "It is eerily quiet...I almost wonder if I should...hmm"

  • Brink looks at Lyoko "I'll live Lyoko, I'll live... I've been cut

open in battle... and had your help... and many others before you... i'm fine."
[18:01] * Brink continues on.
[18:01] * Lyoko shrugs.

  • LordBarrius sighs gently. "Haunted? That's not surprising, I

suppose....if there was some sort of catastrophe that occured and they couldn't pass on...."
[18:02] Elmedor: ....It must have been Tirlerion
[18:02] Cy-08: "I am going to go have a look around. I will return."
[18:02] Elmedor: As will I
[18:03] * Cy-08 walks away scanning the area as he walks.
[18:03] * Damsel looks towards Talo. "If you do... try and do so cautiously. I wouldn't want..." She trails off.
[18:03] * TaloToecan shudders at the thought. "Please do not let this be akin to Tjeli."
[18:03] * NhoxTheDivided looks around for a decent place to sit.
[18:03] * Eitak_Razal aprochs the lifeforms
[18:03] * Elmedor decided to explore a nearby building
[18:03] Deathbringer: Haunted... damnit... it better not be Orcus or I'm gonna...
[18:03] * LordBarrius refocuses his gaze on Talo. "Be careful, Brother."
[18:04] Cerbero: What the...?

  • Damsel watches Talo with a small amount of worry on her face,

concerned for his wellbeing if he proceeds with the plan she suspects.
[18:05] * Elmedor enters a building neraby to there location

  • TaloToecan nods to them both as he focuses his mind, even if

Divinatory magics might have suited the purpose, some habits and talents still come more naturally. With a deep, steadying breath, he expands his mental senses to telepathically scan the area for life...or, perhaps, for the unlife of ghostly existence.
[18:05] * De`thion wanders out through the terrace gate, completely confused
[18:05] * NhoxTheDivided sits down on the floor.
[18:05] Deathbringer: You gonna be able to countinue Nhox?
[18:06] NhoxTheDivided: "I'll make it. I always do."
[18:06] De`thion: woah, what have I slept through?
[18:06] * Eitak_Razal is still apperntly approching the lifeforms, they must be walking futher from her or something.......
[18:06] Cerbero: Eitak, watch out
[18:06] Deathbringer: Heh... I don't think staying here is a good idea...
[18:06] * Deathbringer looks down at Nhox.
[18:07] * Eitak_Razal wasn't with the group the last she checked...

  • Damsel stops beside Talo, watching him in silence and waiting, hoping

for a report from him that is far less than tramatic for the bioanidroid.
[18:08] * De`thion looks around aimlessly
[18:08] * Elmedor exits the buiding apparently finding nothing of interest
[18:08] * Eitak_Razal arrives with the others NOW
[18:08] De`thion: what the hell happened here? its very empty
[18:08] Eitak_Razal: Hello!

  • Cy-08 stops and looks around. he wonders how far he ran from the

group. he scans the area, Normal, Thermal, a form of Sonar, and magnetic scan.
[18:09] FrogPlushie: "Ooh, hiyas, Queenie."
[18:09] * Lyoko waves to Eitak.
[18:09] Lyoko: "Wait, who're you?"
[18:09] Deathbringer: Damnit, Nhox...
[18:09] NhoxTheDivided: "What do you want now?"
[18:09] * De`thion searches for signs of anyone besides him
[18:09] * Eitak_Razal stares at Lyoko.
[18:09] Eitak_Razal: I'm Eitak...
[18:09] Deathbringer: So you want to just stay here?
[18:10] Eitak_Razal: So.... Where, or should I say, WHEN are we?
[18:10] * BlakKat walks aimlessly, attempting to fallow the voices.
[18:11] Lyoko: "Must be someone else I forgot..."
[18:11] * Lyoko sighs.
[18:11] De`thion: hello? anyone around?

  • Necro teleports back down to the ground, apparantly slightly dazed.

After recovering, Necro hears voices outside the Terrace Gate, and then aproaches them. "Ok, that was an awkward teleport... Odd that it failed..."
[18:12] FrogPlushie: "Wheee... Well, atleast nothing's tried to suck out our brains... ~ Wait. I don't even have one to worry about."
[18:12] Cy-08: "damn scanner must be slow."
[18:12] * Cerbero seems to be recovering from a long, confusing slumber

  • Deathbringer sighs and shrugs, "You better be able to get back

fine... I'm gonna catch up with the group. Stay safe, Nhox."
[18:13] * TaloToecan stretches and flicks his tail in a worried manner. "Nothing...just...absolutely nothing."
[18:14] * Deathbringer turns and begins to walk towards the group, carefully as to not to trip.
[18:14] LordBarrius: "Nothing? Not even a trace of spirits? That's...odd."

  • Necro looks around, and notices that the abode has collapsed. "So...

what brought the abode down? And has anyone seen my PDA? I think it got left behind when I attempted the transit"
[18:15] * Damsel digests this bit of news from Talo, her eyes still upon him. "Somehow that's almost more troubling than if you had picked up on something."
[18:15] * Deathbringer sighs as he nears the group, "
[18:15] * Cy-08 turns and walks the way he came.

  • Eitak_Razal places her on the ground, attmepting to sense how far ito

the future she is since no one awnsered her question.
[18:15] Deathbringer: Nhox is taking a break back there... what happened?"

  • TaloToecan faces LordBarrius with his onyx eyes. "You assume that

Tjeli...was not just a fluke. I do not know for sure if that is something I can replicate at whim, although, it does raise a different thought."
[18:16] FrogPlushie: "2,000 years, Queenie."
[18:16] * De`thion looks around as he walks, searching for anything other than himself
[18:16] Eitak_Razal: Thank you frog.
[18:16] * Cerbero collapses and convulses
[18:16] * Eitak_Razal stands up.
[18:16] Eitak_Razal: And how did you know i was using my powers?
[18:16] De`thion: I wonder... if I could... no, probably not
[18:16] * Cerbero convulses again violentlyh
[18:17] FrogPlushie: "It was over nine-thouusssaaannndd!"
[18:17] Damsel: "What thought would that be, Talo?"

  • LordBarrius nods. "I suppose that much is true...." His face no

longer conceals the frown formed from his concerns. "I'm not sure I like this enviroment anymore."
[18:17] Eitak_Razal: Whats over 9000 frog?
[18:17] FrogPlushie: "Uh... No clue."
[18:17] Deathbringer: Truth be told, Lord Barrius... I don't like it much either...
[18:18] * Cy-08 scans ahead of him for The Group.
[18:18] * Cerbero emits a blood curdling screech and continues to convulse violently

  • TaloToecan splits his focus for a moment and feels within him along

the newest of lines to touch upon magic itself. "By the nature of Caelestia and the Farpoint, grant me the smallest of lights."
[18:19] * Deathbringer blinks, "Was that a scream?"
[18:19] * Eitak_Razal turns sharply twords the direction of the scream
[18:19] Eitak_Razal: Someone else is here
[18:19] FrogPlushie: "No, that's the dying dude we left on the ground."
[18:20] * Lyoko waves to Necro. "I've got the PDA." She pulls it out of a pocket on the hoodie.

  • TaloToecan breathes the slightest bit easier as a pinprick of light

dances into existance. "That is at least partially reassuring in its own right."
[18:21] * Necro takes the PDA, and looks it over. "Hmmmm, looks like it must have fell from my hands, and hit the ground... let me see if I can get it working again..."
[18:21] Eitak_Razal: Lyoko, What was that comment about you forgetting me.

  • Damsel looks up sharply upon hearing the scream, searching the area

for a moment before looking back towards Talo. "So... there at least remains some sort of deific system in place..."
[18:22] Deathbringer: What the hells... was that a scream, or am I hearing stuff again?
[18:22] Damsel: "But I think perhaps... we should catch up with the others..."
[18:22] Lyoko: "I've lost my memory, miss."
[18:22] Lyoko: "Don't ask how, I don't know either."
[18:22] * De`thion continues walking, and looking around for signs of others warily
[18:22] * Eitak_Razal frowns. "Well get it back soon ok?"
[18:22] * De`thion cringes
[18:22] Eitak_Razal: And yes it was a scream DB
[18:23] * Lyoko immediatly jerks and falls over, unconcious.
[18:23] * LordBarrius nods at Damsel. "But we need to have a method of finding them first."
[18:23] Eitak_Razal: Lyoko?!?
[18:23] FrogPlushie: "... MEDIC."
[18:23] Deathbringer: Okay... at least I'm not going crazy then...
[18:23] De`thion: Hello? Anyone around?

  • Damsel appears faintly angry at herself. "Shades, we should have let

them know what we were intending. That was extremely foolish."
[18:24] FrogPlushie: "Ooh, I can send off some fireworks!"
[18:24] * Cy-08 scans the collapsed Figure.
[18:24] * TaloToecan twitches his tail in worry. "I can find the others, easily enough."
[18:24] * De`thion shouts "Hello? Anyone around?!?"

  • Eitak_Razal glances over at Damsel, TaloToecan and LordBarrius, then

says to herself. "Why do they always know more than they let on?"

  • FrogPlushie floats a few feet up in the air, then attempts to explode

in a brilliant display of non-dangerous "fireworks", complete with noise.
[18:26] LordBarrius: "Then I suggest we do so. I'm very much beginning to think we need to leave this area....I admit I'm more than a bit concerned."
[18:26] Eitak_Razal: FROG!
[18:26] * Selarep turns to Selarep with a look of worry and lifts her up.
[18:26] Eitak_Razal: What is something dangerous saw that?
[18:26] * Damsel relaxes very slightly. "Aye, you are not alone in that feeling, LordBarrius."
[18:26] Deathbringer: Agreed, Lord Barrius... I don't like this place.
[18:28] * Elmedor ajolts and suddenly grabs his sword from his back and begins slashing the air
[18:28] * Selarep frowns a bit at Lyoko as he holds her.
[18:28] Eitak_Razal: It has a nice after the appoclypse feel... Reminds me of the world of Ruin in FFIV...

  • Cy-08 presses a few buttons on his arm and a needle rises out of his

arm. he grabs the needle and checks it "lets see if this works." he holds down the mans arm and pushes the needle in and injects the needle's fluid.
[18:28] * Elmedor falls over infront of everyone
[18:29] * Elmedor wakes up
[18:29] Deathbringer: Well... I say we get going as quick as possible, personally...
[18:29] Elmedor: What...the hell
[18:29] * BlakKat arrives at the collapsed figure and android.
[18:29] * Cerberos convulses even MORE violently
[18:29] * TaloToecan glances over at Elmedor, then back at Damsel and LordBarrius. "Is it me...or...is this almost familiar?"
[18:29] BlakKat: Where the hell am I?
[18:30] Deathbringer: It reminds me of every bad situation I have been in...
[18:30] Elmedor: Talo what are you talking about?
[18:30] Eitak_Razal: And if this anything like the world of Ruin.... A monster is going to pop out at the most in opertune time... or there be some huge plot twist or something
[18:30] * Damsel considers Talo's words, trying to place what he might mean.
[18:30] * Cy-08 looks at Cerberos "that didnt work.." he notices Blakkat "BlakKat help me get this guy to the Group!"
[18:31] * LordBarrius frowns and closes his eyes, trying to gather his energy to an organized form to calm himself.
[18:31] BlakKat: Cy, where are we and whats wrong with Elm.
[18:31] * BlakKat begins to glow and transforms into a large cat, inwhich could carrie Elmedor.
[18:31] Deathbringer: Shit! Is that... hellfire?
[18:31] BlakKat: Put him on my back.
[18:31] * Deathbringer sniffs, "Shit... it is... guys... this is bad...."
[18:31] * Elmedor walks over to LB and Damsel his eyes a bloodshot red and a solemn look on his petrified face
[18:31] Eitak_Razal: What is it DB?
[18:32] Eitak_Razal: Is it the plot twist i sensed?
[18:32] Deathbringer: Damsel, LB, Talo, we need to go. Now.
[18:32] Elmedor: DB...what about me?
[18:32] * Deathbringer attempts to shift to his natural state.
[18:32] * BlakKat taps his paw, anxious to catch up to the others.
[18:32] * Damsel takes a step back from Elmedor, worry growing. "Go... go where?"
[18:32] Deathbringer: I... I dunno...

  • TaloToecan looks at LordBarrius a moment. "Would you mind, Brother?"

He tilts his head to indicate LB's shoulder, so as he might focus on...an idea.
[18:33] * Elmedor takes of his cloak and the cloth around his blade, the cloth wraps around his right arm
[18:33] * Deathbringer takes his demonic looking form.
[18:33] * Cy-08 lifts up Cerbero and places him on BlakKat "Go!"
[18:33] * BlakKat shouts 'Is anyone out there?!'
[18:33] Eitak_Razal: Did i just here someone shouting?
[18:33] * BlakKat sprints as fast as he can, fallowing the other's scents.
[18:33] Elmedor: Why the demon form DB?
[18:33] LordBarrius: "Anywhere, at this point, may be better than here." He gives Talo a quick nod, though his eyes are elsewhere.
[18:33] Deathbringer: Cause only two things use hellfire.
[18:33] Deathbringer: Demons and Devils.
[18:34] * Cy-08 runs with BlakKat at an equal speed.
[18:34] * BlakKat shouts again 'If anyone can hear me please respond!'
[18:34] FrogPlushie: "That's probably smart, if you look scary, it'll scare less scary stuff away.
[18:34] BlakKat: Your fast.
[18:34] * Eitak_Razal places her hand in her Kimono, Where, as those who know her know, she keeps her throwing needles...
[18:34] * Elmedor has a gauntlet of sorts around his left arm covering his amputated hand
[18:35] * BlakKat tears through the jungle at imense speeds.
[18:35] * Deathbringer attempts to call forth his sword, "This is bad..."
[18:35] De`thion: Hello? anyone?
[18:35] Elmedor: DB...if I black out again...'subdue' me
[18:35] * Damsel takes another step backwards. "Shades... What in the Lady's name is going on?"
[18:35] Eitak_Razal: Elmedor? What happeend to your arm!?
[18:35] * Cy-08 continues running with BlakKat.
[18:36] Deathbringer: Subdue? What the hells does that mean? Why, damnit?
[18:36] Elmedor: I mean kill..
[18:36] Eitak_Razal: It means knock him out!
[18:36] * Eitak_Razal holds out her free hand to summon the chronosblade
[18:36] Deathbringer: Are you fucking possed?
[18:36] * BlakKat busts through a clearing, landing almost ontop of Elmedor.
[18:36] FrogPlushie: "Uh... Why're we drawing our weapons?"
[18:36] Eitak_Razal: I dunno.
[18:37] Deathbringer: Because I smell hellfire. Not mine either.

  • TaloToecan hops swiftly up to LordBarrius's shoulder as he shifts his

mind into a trance-like state, similar to when he reads from the arcanorum when humanoid. "By the scents of nature and the caress of the breeze, in the chitter of life and the crisp tastes of water, grant me sight beyond mine eyes and show to me the story that brought such to be."
[18:37] * BlakKat has not bursted through the clearing.
[18:37] * BlakKat is still whipping through the jungle.

  • LordBarrius shifts his own stance a bit defensively, though for the

moment keeping himself steady to provide Talo a steady perch.
[18:38] >Ambiance<: A figure moves through the woods and approachs the group

  • Figure appears as a six-foot-tall humanoid with very pale skin, dark

hair, and a goatee. Were it not for his entirely black eyes and pointed teeth, he could pass for a human. His attire is loose, silken clothing and in his hands is a slender glistening rapier.
[18:38] * Cy-08 skids to a stop as he arrives at the group.
[18:38] * Elmedor faces the new arrival
[18:38] Elmedor: Who are you?
[18:38] Elmedor: Or rather what the hell is this?
[18:38] Eitak_Razal: We're in the future Elm.
[18:38] * Deathbringer turns to the figure and attempts to see if he is the source of the hellfire smell.
[18:38] * BlakKat slides to a halt, flinging his passenger off of his back by accident.
[18:39] BlakKat: Umm, greetings.
[18:39] Elmedor: DB I cant access my realm meaning my sanity is losing itself
[18:39] * Cy-08 runs and attempts to catch Cerbero
[18:39] * Elmedor spreads his wings out
[18:39] Deathbringer: Great... well keep hold of it.
[18:39] FrogPlushie: "Sanity is over-rated."

  • Damsel watches the approaching figure worridly, though she frequently

glances towards Elmedor and LordBarrius and Talo.
[18:40] * BlakKat looks around quietly, transforming into his human shape.
[18:40] * De`thion is still walking along, looking for signs of intelligent life
[18:40] * Selarep glances at the figure a bit untrustingly.
[18:40] Deathbringer: You...
[18:40] Elmedor: Frog my sanity is my control over the bloodlust inside me
[18:40] Eitak_Razal: DB, do you know him?
[18:41] FrogPlushie: "Bloodlust? Ooh, typical, 'cept I doubt people would want to kill you."
[18:41] Eitak_Razal: I wouldn't mind.
[18:41] * Elmedor slides his left foot behind him ready to attack a moments notice
[18:41] * Sylvir draws his sword, a large curveblade, covered in black silk.
[18:41] Deathbringer: I... think so...
[18:41] Eitak_Razal: Then who is it?
[18:42] Deathbringer: Levistus.

  • Sylvir pokes Death in the back lightly with his sword (not enough to

puncture the skin or anything) to let him know that he is there.
[18:42] * Deathbringer takes no notice.
[18:42] Elmedor: Levistus?
[18:42] Levistus: Athux it is one of yours
[18:43] Deathbringer: One of the rulers of the Nine Hells of Baator.
[18:43] FrogPlushie: "Ooh, the Arch-Devil of the 6th Layer! ... Or something."
[18:43] * Sylvir braces himself and strolls forward, preparing for combat.
[18:43] Deathbringer: Ruler of the 5th layer.

  • Cy-08 looks around "Someone Help Cerbero! His mind is catatonic his

seizures are caused by rather extensive disruption to his biolgical electromagnetics His neurons are firing out of control and totally out of sequence They are not even logically following nerve fibers"
[18:44] * Elmedor shows his fangs to Levistus as he braces for combat
[18:44] >Ambiance<: Another figure apears besides Levistus he is clearly a dark elf
[18:44] Eitak_Razal: Cy, take him to Damsel
[18:44] Elmedor: Cy...you and damsel try to take care of it
[18:44] Eitak_Razal: Thats an elf

  • LordBarrius sighs gently, and keeps himself from bothering to reach

for his own blade, fairly certain he is no match for the figure or his new companion.
[18:44] Athux: Lord Levistus?
[18:44] * De`thion calls out "HELLO? anyone?
[18:44] * Elmedor jumps back slightly
[18:44] * Cy-08 nods and rushes over to damsel. "Damsel he needs help."
[18:45] Levistus: It is one of yours....
[18:45] Elmedor: Who is this Dark Elf?
[18:45] Athux: So it is.... but I do not recog.... no wait....
[18:45] Eitak_Razal: DB, do you know him too?
[18:45] * Sylvir points his sword at the elf, obviously a bit nervous.
[18:45] * Deathbringer doesn't answer Eitak.
[18:46] Levistus: Do I need to call in Thraxxia for this Athux?
[18:46] FrogPlushie: "Errr... Graz'zt's son?"
[18:46] Athux: No no my lord... there is something familliar about him but I cannot.... it does not make sense

  • Damsel curses softly and hastens towards Cerbero, though she

frequently throws glances towards the newcomers. "What caused the problem?"
[18:46] Deathbringer: I am Xanintherix Na'ther. Deathbringer of the Dark Lord Graz'zt.
[18:46] De`thion: Anyone? Hello?

  • Elmedor takes out a small dark shard and plunges it into his blade

making it spew out darkness and become more sinister looking, a skull appears from the hilt
[18:47] * De`thion is still walking
[18:47] Cy-08: "I dont know. I tried giving him a shot to maybe help cure it but it made it worse."
[18:47] Eitak_Razal: Hey I understood it this time...
[18:47] Elmedor: I am ready for them...
[18:48] * Sylvir switches his pose, his sword upside down and his feet at an angle.
[18:48] FrogPlushie: "Pfff... Maybe they won't try to kill us if we don't point butterknives at them."
[18:48] Damsel: "A shot? Of what?"
[18:48] * TaloToecan blinks several times and shakes himself a few times. "Well, that is not entirely what I had intended for."
[18:48] * Elmedor bears his fangs at the Dark Elf
[18:48] Deathbringer: And... please... there is no reason to call her in. I intend no harm.
[18:48] * Eitak_Razal motions to the others to lower their weapons, but still be able to draw them if needed.
[18:48] * Sylvir looks back at Elme and grins.
[18:49] Elmedor: Hmm
[18:49] * Sylvir sheaths his sword, keeping one hand on the blade.
[18:49] * Levistus takes out an ornate staff
[18:49] Cy-08: "Neuron repair formula created by Geo`Crae."
[18:49] Elmedor: I dont trust them so I will keep my pose
[18:49] Deathbringer: But... Athux... why are you here?
[18:50] Sylvir: Why the hell are any of them here?
[18:50] Levistus: Athux controls the armies of the Lower Planes at my bidding
[18:50] * Eitak_Razal makes a motion that seems to say "Let DB handle this for now, but still be ready."
[18:50] * Sylvir backs up, letting Deatbringer lead the group.
[18:50] Eitak_Razal: That still doesn't expalin what your doing on Caelestia
[18:51] Levistus: Given your self address I must say that I am quite clear on what caused Athux his confusion
[18:51] Deathbringer: I see... but why here? This is Caelestia... not The Great Wheel...

  • TaloToecan tilts his head slightly in a bow. "I...ah...may partially

be to blame in a manner. As to why they are here before us, I mean, though I have no inkling as to why or how they are here of all places."
[18:51] FrogPlushie: "Maybe they're here for Immerot? I bet they'd love that place."
[18:51] De`thion: there cant be NOONE left
[18:51] * Eitak_Razal cleary likes to be in charge, and thus is trying to help DB.
[18:51] Levistus: Charon appear
[18:51] De`thion: gotta be someone...
[18:51] * Elmedor switches his stance the giant blade resting on his right shoulder
[18:52] * The Boatman of the River Styx Appears
[18:52] * Sylvir whips out his blade, preparing for an ambush.
[18:52] De`thion: living, dead, this place cant be empty
[18:52] Charon: Lord Levistus?
[18:52] Levistus: Check the records for one Xanintherix Na'ther
[18:52] Charon: As you will lord.
[18:52] FrogPlushie: "... ... ... ... ... ..." It likely intends to stay silent, as it wants whatever freaking form of sentience it has to stay.
[18:52] * Charon vanishes
[18:53] * Deathbringer looks dumbfounded.
[18:53] Eitak_Razal: DB, what is going on
[18:53] Sylvir: Seriously, Explain, im nearly ready to lob this guy's head off.
[18:53] Deathbringer: I... I dont know exactly...
[18:53] * Eitak_Razal puts her hand to her chin. "I bet they tought you vanished 2000 years ago!"
[18:53] Selarep: Right...

  • Damsel frowns deeply. "This is not something quickly or easily

healed, especially now that there is a foreign substance making matters worse." She glances towards those who are not members of the seekers. "I'm not sure we have time... But... let me see what I can do. Is there any alchemical way to neutralize the substance you gave him?"
[18:54] * TaloToecan sighs softly. "Restrain thyself, Sylvir."
[18:54] FrogPlushie: "I'd suggest not lobbing off a demi-god's son's head."
[18:54] Deathbringer: And thats a bad idea. I don't you could.
[18:54] Eitak_Razal: Since we jumped 2000 years into the future and all..
[18:54] * Sylvir backs off, remaing very tense.
[18:55] * Elmedor begins jolting around again, his eyes are completely blood red and he screeches a horrible cry
[18:55] * De`thion keeps walking in the direction of the scream earlier because its the only sign of life hes heard thus far
[18:55] Cy-08: "Yes there is a way."
[18:55] * Levistus turns his staff
[18:55] * Sylvir lashes out at Elme's throat.
[18:55] Sylvir: (with his sword)
[18:55] Elmedor: ..blood...blood!
[18:55] Damsel: "Then I would suggest making use of it, because it will likely be far more expediant than anything I can do."
[18:56] Selarep: ....
[18:56] * Elmedor blocks the lash with his gauntlet
[18:56] * Deathbringer begins to study the staff.

  • Cy-08 he presses a set of buttons and another needle rises out of his

arm. he injects that into Cerbero. "Neutralizes any Geo`Crae Formulas."
[18:56] * Elmedor flies up into the air
[18:57] Sylvir: Everyone, I dont care if your some ugly person from hell or one of the seekers, avoid Elm at all cost.
[18:57] * TaloToecan nips LordBarrius' ear gently. "Trouble always seems to plague us, no matter the circumstances, eh Brother?"
[18:57] * Damsel waits and studies Cerbero, watching for any reaction to this new substance, either better or worse.
[18:57] Eitak_Razal: Calling them ugly isn't going to help us!
[18:57] * LordBarrius simply nods confirmation to Talo, though lost in his own thoughts for the moment.
[18:57] Levistus: Are you trying to kill him?
[18:58] Levistus: Given as he is contracted the plague treating him in that manner will surely do so
[18:58] Eitak_Razal: The plague?
[18:58] * FrogPlushie notes Athux is likely as erotically attractive as his dad, which is saying something. >>
[18:58] * Elmedor crashes back unto the ground
[18:58] * Eitak_Razal notes the Frog doesn't have a dad.
[18:58] * Damsel looks towards Levistus in surprise.
[18:58] * Sylvir holds his blade up to Elme's throat, slashing once again.
[18:58] Cy-08: "Then you know how to cure him?"
[18:58] Sylvir: Huh
[18:59] * Sylvir stops.
[18:59] * Elmedor blocks again with his gauntlet spinning around
[18:59] Sylvir: Cure who?
[18:59] Levistus: I am the Lord of All Hell
[18:59] Elmedor: Oooh I see a nice being full of blood!
[18:59] Levistus: Of course I can cure him
[18:59] * Sylvir jumps back, forming back into the group.
[18:59] Cy-08: "Then can you without killing him?"
[18:59] Deathbringer: Hm... our two worlds are different then. If I may ask... what of the Blood War?
[18:59] Elmedor: Heehee
[19:00] Levistus: The blood war ended 4200 years ago

  • De`thion is walking along, contemplating whether he should try

something he saw on bleach once, but figuring it would never work with his low control of his power
[19:00] Eitak_Razal: Its been 2000 years on this world...
[19:00] Sylvir: DB, ignore them for TWO seconds and help me out.
[19:00] * Elmedor smashes the ground with his sword
[19:00] FrogPlushie: "Ooh, nice, so much for an endless war."
[19:00] Deathbringer: Hm... I see...
[19:00] Deathbringer: It still rages on in my world...
[19:01] Levistus: About the time My predecessor helped Athux's fine father overthrow the bitch lady
[19:01] * Elmedor spins around facing Levistus
[19:01] Elmedor: Oooh demon blood!
[19:01] * FrogPlushie sighs and attempts to cast Reverse-Movement on Elmedor to scramble up his movement.
[19:01] * Damsel studies the form. "But if this is the plague... how did it strike so quickly?"
[19:01] Eitak_Razal: DB! We're in the future, things are going to be different.
[19:02] * Eitak_Razal looks at Damsel. "What is the Plague?
[19:02] Deathbringer: You mean Iggwilv?
[19:02] * Damsel glances at Eitak and winces, wishing that she would not have announced what she had prior in mixed company.
[19:03] * Elmedor attempts to slash at Sylvir
[19:03] * Elmedor collapses
[19:03] * Sylvir ducks and lashes out at Elme's feet.
[19:03] * Elmedor is asleep
[19:03] * Sylvir lashes at Elme's throat a third time.
[19:03] * Elmedor suddenly wakes up and blocks the strike

  • TaloToecan finds himself merely shuddering in past memories for a

moment, though he marshalls himself to watch sullenly at the...mess...of things.
[19:04] Elmedor: What just happened?
[19:04] Elmedor: God damn what is going on with me...
[19:05] * Sylvir turns around and joins Deathbringer again.
[19:05] * Levistus No you fool not the Witch Queen

  • Damsel appears at a loss for what to do with the nature of this

so-called plague largely unknown to her, especially if it has magical components as it would seem to.
[19:06] * Elmedor takes to his feat and dusts himself off
[19:06] Levistus: The bitch queen Waukeen
[19:06] Deathbringer: Ah

  • Elmedor puts his cloak back on and removes the dark shard from his

blade covering it back with cloth and strapping it to his back

  • Damsel instead turns towards Levistus. "Please, you said you were

familiar with what he is suffering from. I would ask that you heal him, or failing that, inform me of the nature of this plague so that I myself might be able to do something against it."
[19:08] Levistus: Asmodeus saw that Grazz't took her portfolio and in turn for guaranteeing the future of his son and daughter Grazz't killed Mask
[19:08] Levistus: And asmodeus took that one....
[19:08] Levistus: Leaving me to rule hell
[19:08] Levistus: The abyss
[19:08] Eitak_Razal: I'm not really following all this...
[19:08] Levistus: And eventuall the Grey wastes besides
[19:09] Levistus: We united the lower planes under my banner
[19:09] Deathbringer: I see...
[19:09] Levistus: of course I had help in that....
[19:09] Levistus: The God of Evil here helped me in return for my assistance in other matters
[19:10] Deathbringer: Falerin?

  • LordBarrius glances up at Levistus on the mention of the God of Evil.

"Ah, about that....have you seen Falerin around lately?"
[19:10] Levistus: Those would be the other matter's wouldn't they

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