Old Clues and Pink Hippos

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[15:19] Maxwell: there is still meaning in a lot of the old clues people just dont notice
[15:19] Courtney: I'm sure there is. I review those more than anything, truth be told
[15:19] Maxwell: and I love to mess with people
[15:20] Maxwell: I have been known to go back and change old clues
[15:20] Maxwell: adding in hidden links or adding on to them
[15:20] Daniel R: XD
[15:20] Daniel R: That's hilarious.
[15:20] Courtney: oh dear
[15:20] Maxwell: not to mention I just deleted a ton of truth files from TeamTensi.com this morning
[15:20] Maxwell: Tenshi*
[15:20] Maxwell: so I hope they got backed up
[15:20] Courtney: This is one of the oldies that I run through my head the most: Anna mind 755 Anna knows Truth Anna knows Lies Anna knows fate
[15:21] Maxwell: yep
[15:21] Daniel R: I backed them up.
[15:21] Daniel R: :-P
[15:21] Daniel R: Of course.
[15:21] Maxwell: Anna's mind is the trinity
[15:21] Maxwell: Anna knows Truth
[15:21] Maxwell: Anna knows Lies
[15:21] Maxwell: Anna knows the fate of the world
[15:22] Maxwell: Anna is a prophet.
[15:22] Daniel R: The Prophets Eye, right?
[15:22] Maxwell: But you could say she is a martyr too.
[15:22] Courtney: There seems to be a lot of undertones to it as well, that I just can't get to click right in my mind. Seems like I might be missing something about her nature
[15:23] Daniel R: And Rosa is Truth?
[15:23] Daniel R: Since you called her Maxwells first daughter and the true Avatar of Truth.
[15:23] Daniel R: >_>
[15:23] Maxwell: now that sounds silly
[15:23] Maxwell: true avatar of Truth
[15:23] Daniel R: haha, you typed it.
[15:23] Daniel R: :-P
[15:24] Courtney: I'm just trying to figure out how Anna's mind can be trinity. And if she's an avatar like we suspect of Lies, then is knowing meaning that she has some elements of both the faceless? (Pondering, don't expect an answer)
[15:26] Courtney: Could maybe she have some elements of Truth because of her relation to Carnax, whose creation seems to be at least partially due to Truth?
[15:27] Courtney: And why the hell do the Reticulans and Annunaki seem to be two entirely different halves of the same whole? Was that due to the Epsilon project?
[15:27] Courtney: Sorry. Just shit off the top of my head. :P
[15:27] Daniel R: No worries. They are interesting thoughts.
[15:28] Maxwell: well
[15:28] Maxwell: time for me to do something
[15:28] Maxwell: important
[15:28] Courtney: Hmm?
[13:27] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[13:27] Formerly_Conquered: Falerin pointed it out one day. The Cold was used on Myr, but he didn't become undead.
[13:27] Daniel: Hello Maxwell!
[13:27] buleboy: hi maxweel
[13:27] *** Maxwell has changed the topic on channel #755 to Men reject their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and honor those whom they have slain..
[13:27] Ness: Well, it's infectius loyalty at any rate
[13:27] Gilphon: hey Max
[13:27] lightbringerlord: Hi Maxwell!
[13:27] KingK: hey.
[13:27] Formerly_Conquered: Hey, Maxwell!
[13:27] *** Maxwell has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[13:30] *** Maxwell has joined #755.
[13:30] *** Mode change "+ao Maxwell Maxwell" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[13:30] Daniel: Anna.
[13:30] Daniel: Heya Maxwell!
[13:30] lightbringerlord: ((Or I'm sleepy.))
[13:30] * FulcanRyst hides in the shadows
[13:30] Gilphon: welcome back
[13:31] Zeltan: Hello again
[13:31] Gilphon: connection problem?
[13:31] * Avarie tips her imaginary hat to Maxwell.
[13:31] lightbringerlord: Hi man of science.
[13:31] KingK: a Fyodor Dostoevsky quote?
[13:31] * Ness nods to Maxwell
[13:31] Ness: ((sorry, I'm back, teacher was watching))
[13:32] Zeltan: ready to answer more questions?
[13:32] KingK: well,anyways....
[13:32] Ness: The Sigma Directive basically means do this or you are willingly serving The'Galin by your inaction
[13:32] buleboy: jo maxwell
[13:32] Maxwell: If you aks the right ones, maybe.
[13:32] KingK: lol
[13:32] *** QueenTEP is now known as QueenTEP|AFK.
[13:32] buleboy: hi*
[13:33] KingK: he wasnt addressing you max.or at least i dont think.
[13:33] Gilphon: for once, that wasn't dicected towards you, Max
[13:33] buleboy: ask the right ones what?
[13:33] Zeltan: Well, if he wants to answer too :p
[13:33] Maxwell: Then to who?
[13:33] FulcanRyst: Let's see, Maxwell. How about... Who are the out of worlders coming to LORE?
[13:33] KingK: hehe
[13:33] buleboy: lol
[13:33] lightbringerlord: Ness.
[13:33] Ness: Yes.
[13:33] Maxwell: Out of worlders?
[13:34] lightbringerlord: nvm.
[13:34] KingK: a few here are quizing a new comer to test him and hes done well.
[13:34] Zeltan: I think he meant the Huntress
[13:34] Maxwell: None?
[13:34] KingK: only a seeker for a week.
[13:34] Ness: Here's a question: what and where is the Door of Hope? =P
[13:34] Gilphon: I thought it was pretty clear it was the huntress
[13:34] Maxwell: In the temple.
[13:34] Dale|Studying: >_<
[13:34] Ness: How do we reach it?
[13:34] Maxwell: You said out of worlders.
[13:34] * Avarie rubs her jaw thoughtfully. "Do the Reticulans and Annunaki have the same origin? Or perhaps a common ansestor?"
[13:34] Maxwell: That means not from this world.
[13:34] Daniel: What is the purpose of the rainbow fire covering the temple?
[13:35] Maxwell: Last time I checked... she was from this Lore.
[13:35] Maxwell: So, she is not an out of worlder at all.
[13:35] Ness: Rainbow fire? I suppose it represents the unity of the elements
[13:35] FulcanRyst: Yeah, on the home page, it said that some new whatevers are coming?
[13:35] Dale|Studying: Yeah
[13:35] Gilphon: but until recently, she was somewhere else
[13:35] Dale|Studying: Something from another world, or soemting
[13:35] Dale|Studying: something*
[13:35] Ness: Avarie, I am not sure
[13:35] Maxwell: Yes, the whatevers are one dark something.
[13:35] FulcanRyst: The`Galin
[13:35] FulcanRyst: Right?
[13:36] Maxwell: So something they will something your whatever into the whathaveyou.
[13:36] Dale|Studying: XD
[13:36] buleboy: what...
[13:36] Daniel: Maxwell, what is Tasha like?
[13:36] lightbringerlord: hehe.
[13:36] Maxwell: Tasha is cute?
[13:36] Maxwell: And she makes some great meatloaf.
[13:41] lightbringerlord: 1/7/----
[13:41] lightbringerlord: What happened this date.
[13:41] lightbringerlord: ?
[13:41] KingK: max let me ask you something.do you think we have any control over this channel?
[13:41] Maxwell: I ate a cheeseburger.
[13:41] Lkeas: i think he did, Avarie, and I think Cor-Demi was one of them
[13:41] Maxwell: That day.
[13:41] Zeltan: cool
[13:41] lightbringerlord: and there was a system failure
[13:41] lightbringerlord: why?
[13:41] Ness: Maxwell: is the Portal of any significance?
[13:41] FulcanRyst: Maxwell, what does the ne topic mean?
[13:41] Daniel: Maxwell, why is Ares working with the Order?
[13:42] Lkeas: guys, one at a time.
[13:42] Maxwell: I split my soda on the computer.
[13:42] FulcanRyst: How do you split a soda?
[13:42] Maxwell: If you do not get that I am not telling you the truth, your slow.
[13:42] Gilphon: I do hope you're kidding
[13:42] Ness: ((An now, I have to go))
[13:42] lightbringerlord: (Link: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=7612546)http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=7612546
[13:42] Maxwell: I will not tell you the truth to that question.
[13:42] KingK: :P
[13:42] Ness: ((I will be back))
[13:42] FulcanRyst: You're not telling the truth?
[13:42] buleboy: lol
[13:42] Ness: ((later))
[13:42] * Avarie nods. "That being the case, was that the origin of the Truth and Lies programs upon Lore? That they were able to take them along with them to the future?"
[13:42] buleboy: the soda spill...
[13:42] lightbringerlord: Tell me the lies then.
[13:42] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[13:42] Maxwell: Alright.
[13:43] KingK: damn you guys are so clingy.
[13:43] Dale|Studying: Well, back to reading the histories, though It doesn't do me much good now.
[13:43] Maxwell: Truth is a big pink hippo that flys around in space shooting pixie beams from his butt.
[13:43] lightbringerlord: ...........
[13:43] FulcanRyst: I knew that.
[13:43] KingK: hm.
[13:43] buleboy: um ok...
[13:43] Maxwell: Lies is a big purple butterfly that sets things on fire.
[13:43] Daniel: The Pheldagriff!
[13:43] * LordBarrius snickers.
[13:43] FulcanRyst: Tell me something I don't know.
[13:43] Lkeas: why did you ask for lies, LBL...
[13:43] KingK: I assumed it was fairy dust...my thoeory is shattered.....
[13:43] Maxwell: The devourer was once the great pro wreslter Captain Cool.
[13:43] KingK: theory*
[13:43] * Zeltan gags on his soda again
[13:43] buleboy: sometimes i forget maxwell is only a teenager also..
[13:44] LordBarrius: If I was a very mean person, I'd *so* quote that.
[13:44] FulcanRyst: No way....
[13:44] KingK: and mellow mut?
[13:44] Maxwell: The creator is actually just a hobbo in a coma.
[13:44] Zeltan: I wouls post them to the forums and tell them it's cannon
[13:44] Maxwell: And when he wakes up, this all goes away.
[13:44] KingK: dogma.
[13:44] Formerly_Conquered: Right. I'm going to go shake the forumites up with this stuff.
[13:44] *** BusyBeo has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[13:44] Formerly_Conquered: Dogma!
[13:44] LordBarrius: No wai!
[13:44] Gilphon: it all makes sense now...
[13:44] buleboy: tells us lies about the truth
[13:44] KingK: oh max dude you wont believe who I met.
[13:44] Maxwell: Oh yes, and best of all.
[13:44] KingK: Kevin smith director of dogma from red bank NJ?
[13:44] buleboy: tells us lies about the truth
[13:44] lightbringerlord: We are in a snowglobe?
[13:44] Maxwell: N.O.V.A is your 2nd grade teacher.
[13:45] Maxwell: Who is still pissed of at you.
[13:45] KingK: that bitch!
[13:45] * LordBarrius posts this log in the forums, and watches people smack their heads against the desk.
[13:45] buleboy: really
[13:45] Formerly_Conquered: I always KNEW Mrs. Bruno was evil!
[13:45] Formerly_Conquered: I knew it!
[13:45] buleboy: lol
[13:45] Maxwell: Oh yeah, Carnax was the good guy.
[13:45] Zeltan: what's 2nd grade?
[13:45] lightbringerlord: ((23:45 already...))
[13:45] Maxwell: And you killed him.
[13:45] KingK: Max did you read what I said?
[13:45] *** Dalefanwill has joined #755.
[13:45] *** Mode change "+v Dalefanwill" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[13:45] lightbringerlord: ((Got to go))
[13:45] * Formerly_Conquered does the victory dance. "Take THAT doctor Pebblington! I TOLD you she was an alien!"
[13:45] *** Dale|Studying has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[13:45] lightbringerlord: ((Ciao!))
[13:45] Lkeas: ...
[13:45] Maxwell: Everytime you kill Carnax from farming, you kill 1000 kittens.
[13:45] Dalefanwill: !devoice
[13:45] *** Mode change "-v Dalefanwill" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[13:45] KingK: I met the guy who made clerks 2,mallrats,etc.
[13:46] Maxwell: Maxwell was named after coffee.
[13:46] buleboy: wow...
[13:46] Zeltan: ooo..
[13:46] Maxwell: Anna grew up to be a striper.
[13:46] FulcanRyst: Isn't your name Maxwell?
[13:46] lightbringerlord: Lost will never end...
[13:46] * FulcanRyst smiles widely
[13:46] Formerly_Conquered: And Falerin's really an albino dwarf monkey.
[13:46] buleboy: O_o
[13:46] Zeltan: >_>
[13:46] KingK: thats his pen name.
[13:46] Dalefanwill: Striper? >_>
[13:46] buleboy: this really is pointless...
[13:46] FulcanRyst: Stripper, ya mean?
[13:46] WolfLink: ((im off))
[13:46] Maxwell: Falerin is a pro boxer.
[13:46] LordBarrius: Maxwell, I have a question. In Physics class, they told me that you wrote a bunch of electromagnetic equations that I'll never use. Is that true?
[13:46] *** Ness has joined #755.
[13:46] *** WolfLink has signed off IRC (Distracted: ).
[13:46] Maxwell: no, striper
[13:46] Ness: ((back
[13:46] Ness: ))
[13:46] buleboy: must you put such adult theme...
[13:46] Zeltan: pssh
[13:46] Maxx: candy striper most likely
[13:47] *** lightbringerlord has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[13:47] Maxwell: she stripes the lines on the roads
[13:47] Maxwell: its a shit job
[13:47] LordBarrius: ....XD
[13:47] buleboy: thank you..
[13:47] buleboy: er...
[13:47] * Gilphon wonders how long this will go on
[13:47] Zeltan: well,...
[13:47] KingK: are you serious?! nobody knows who kevin smith aka silent bob is?
[13:47] Maxwell: And there you go.
[13:47] Maxwell: I gave you some lies.
[13:47] Lkeas: thanks Max.
[13:47] Maxwell: King, we do
[13:47] Maxwell: we just dont care when you say it
[13:47] buleboy: yea..
[13:47] KingK: I met the guy today!
[13:47] * Maxwell grins
[13:48] KingK: oh well kiss my ass then.
[13:48] buleboy: so?
[13:48] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[13:48] Formerly_Conquered: I'd druther not.
[13:48] * FulcanRyst punts KingK
[13:48] KingK: oh ok then piss off.
[13:48] FulcanRyst: Um. No.
[13:48] Daniel: I would suppose based on him saying so that we will only get decent answers if we ask the right questions.
[13:48] KingK: gang up ha well bring it punk ass's.
[13:48] Formerly_Conquered: Sorry, can't. This place doesn't have a freaking restroom.
[13:48] Maxwell: I am glad I could turn you all agaisnt one another and stop you from asking me the real questions.
[13:48] buleboy: didja fix the teamtenshi site anyways maxwell?
[13:49] Lkeas: i bet you are.
[13:49] Maxwell: I added more spam into the pile for you all, enjoy.
[13:49] * Avarie smiles wryly. "Ah, but what are the right questions?"
[13:49] Gilphon: btw max, I thought you were kiddng when you said you next event would be a dragon war!
[13:49] Formerly_Conquered: So, Maxwell?
[13:49] KingK: real dick move maxwell seriously and you know damn well you didnt make us do anything.
[13:49] Formerly_Conquered: Why is the Huntress at odds with the Eternal?
[13:49] buleboy: psh i dont go there >_> cant even use correct pinyin!
[13:49] *** Vulcan is now known as Vulcan|AFK.
[13:49] Dalefanwill: He came to divide us, heh.
[13:49] Zeltan: Why does Pae need armour?
[13:49] Zeltan: =p
[13:49] Lkeas: i want to know where The Huntress got that claw thing from.
[13:49] FulcanRyst: If I killed the Huntress, who would be the next Avatar?
[13:49] LordBarrius: Clearly, Shaolin Showdown.
[13:49] Dalefanwill: XD
[13:50] Daniel: It's a Katar I think.
[13:50] buleboy: lol
[13:50] * LordBarrius watches more than his share of cartoons. >.>
[13:50] * Gilphon laughs at LB's statement
[13:50] Avarie: Why does it always seem that there's at least one person here to decides to be a complete and utter smeghead? What happened to common curtesy.
[13:50] *** maieo has joined #755.
[13:50] Daniel: I recognize it as a starting weapon of the assassin in Diablo II.
[13:50] Zeltan: hello maieo
[13:50] *** Mode change "+v maieo" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[13:50] Maxwell: Because I want them to fight.
[13:50] maieo: (('allos))
[13:50] buleboy: common curtesy?>
[13:50] Zeltan: except it covers the whole hand
[13:50] Gilphon: I'm interested in the scale
[13:51] Zeltan: instead of holding it in Diablo
[13:51] *** Donto_M has joined #755.
[13:51] Maxwell: And it is very easy to trigger one.
[13:51] Dalefanwill: You wish us to divide ourselves? Sounds odd.
[13:51] * Lkeas nods in agreement with Avarie
[13:51] * Avarie looks at Maxwell and nods. "Yes, it seems that seems to be the case."
[13:51] Donto_M: Hello everyone.
[13:51] buleboy: hey
[13:51] Formerly_Conquered: Donto!
[13:51] *** Mode change "+ao Maxx Maxx" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[13:51] *** FulcanRyst has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[13:52] Gilphon: when the Huntress went into the Isle, the claw that made the portal was huge
[13:52] buleboy: yea
[13:52] Formerly_Conquered: No, that was just a close-up shot.
[13:52] Gilphon: and it reminds me of the portal to the past
[13:52] buleboy: portal to past?
[13:52] Formerly_Conquered: Wrong color.
[13:52] buleboy: i dont get why she leaves that red beam..
[13:52] Formerly_Conquered: And it didn't move right.
[13:52] Gilphon: when e fought something that looks like Sepulchure's hand
[13:52] Maxwell: Well, it seems I cant stop you all from guessing.
[13:52] Maxwell: Darn.
[13:52] * Donto_M stares at Lkeas awkwardly, looking confused.
[13:53] Maxwell: Well, enjoy my clue.
[13:53] Formerly_Conquered: Maxwell, why is the Huntress at odds with the Eternal?
[13:53] Maxwell: I doubt it will help most of you.
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