La Cazadora

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Revision as of 02:02, 31 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[16:43] *** Sanjay has joined #755.
[16:43] *** Vulcan has joined #755.
[16:45] Dale: Uh oh...
[16:45] Dale: it's Sanjay... More spanish....
[16:46] Lkeas: [work]: tienes una problema con espanol, Dale?
[16:46] Mobuis: Is spanish a problem?
[16:46] WolfLink: lets not interupt him as he talks!
[16:46] WolfLink: so we can get it all and translate it all at once :)
[16:46] Mobuis: Gee link, your sure in the position to tell people what to do.
[16:46] Sanjay: You are divisive little troll aren't you Dale
[16:46] WolfLink: and Lkeas
[16:46] WolfLink: ENGLISH ((OMG!))
[16:46] * Mobuis laughs.
[16:47] WolfLink: END OF THE WORLD!
[16:47] Dale: You speak english? What a surprise. S
[16:47] Dale: (( -S ))
[16:47] Genoclysm: That is interesting.
[16:47] WolfLink: why is ooc still banned from nicks?
[16:47] buleboy: what?
[16:48] *** buleboy is now known as bule|AFK.
[16:48] Dale: Me? A divisive little troll? How so?
[16:50] *** Ness has joined #755.
[16:51] Ness: Hello fellow Truth seekers
[16:51] bule|AFK: hello
[16:51] LordBarrius: Hello.
[16:51] *** bule|AFK is now known as buleboy.
[16:52] Genoclysm: Hello Ness.
[16:52] Sanjay: Su comportamiento es coherentemente divisivo. No tengo que explicarme. Le llamarán sin embargo para hacer una contabilidad.
[16:52] buleboy: uh english please?
[16:52] Ness: I am a recent addition to the army of Truth seekers, and I am rabidly reading all of our collected information, but can someone give me the highlights? Who are the Faceless and do we know the true significance of their Avatars?
[16:53] Dale: ¿Quién es 'ellos'?
[16:54] buleboy: the avatars are just the NPC that a faceless takes over
[16:55] Ness: Who ARE the Faceless? How can they help us avoid uncreation?
[16:55] buleboy: i cant really explain that to ya
[16:55] * Maxx looks up from his work at the sound of Spanish, "Greetings, Sanjay."
[16:55] ZLOK: You'll get to it.
[16:55] ZLOK: Everything we know have been archived by dilligent archivists.
[16:55] buleboy: well they dont really care about us geting uncreated
[16:55] ZLOK: Kept up to date and in the utmost sense of order.
[16:55] Genoclysm: I wish I could speak Spanish better. No hablo español muy buen.
[16:56] Maxx: Ness, the "Faceless" are Anunnaki, a race of aliens without physical forms.
[16:56] * Lkeas: [work] glances up from her pile of scrolls. "Order? Oh yes... well, soon to be more orderly..."
[16:56] Dale: ¿Qué, ninguna respuesta, Sanjay?
[16:56] *** maieo has joined #755.
[16:56] * buleboy ordery uncreated...
[16:56] Maxx: Ness: They are symbiotic in nature.
[16:56] *** Mode change "+v maieo" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[16:57] *** Crash has joined #755.
[16:57] *** Mode change "+v Crash" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[16:57] Ness: So, how are they to help us?
[16:57] Maxx: We don't know presently *how* they are going to help us.
[16:57] buleboy: they arent excalty..
[16:57] Ness: So, all we know is that Truth has told us we can trust them
[16:58] *** You are now known as Lkeas.
[16:58] Maxx: In fact, some aren't helping us and are employed by The'Galin via the Network.
[16:58] KingK: theres alot that cant be just explained least not by some of us.
[16:58] buleboy: truth trys to help us in his clues some how...
[16:58] * Dale whispers to Lkeas. "I get the the feeling Sanjay doesn't like me..."
[16:58] KingK: there is so much detail that you cant get a full answer to in one night,what we know now took months.
[16:58] *** Nicholas: [AFK] is now known as Nicholas.
[16:58] Maxx: I believe we can trust the Avatar not to uncreate us.
[16:59] buleboy: yea
[16:59] Sanjay: Ellos es tu
[16:59] KingK: it*
[16:59] *** Ness has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[16:59] * Lkeas chuckles. "Sanjay does not speak without reason.."
[16:59] * KingK sighs
[16:59] KingK: rudeness...
[16:59] Dale: They are you?
[16:59] Lkeas: he was referring specifically to you, he means, Dale.
[17:00] Lkeas: when he said your behavior was divisive.
[17:00] *** Sprrie is now known as bluemanrocks.
[17:00] Dale: How so?
[17:00] bluemanrocks: Grettings All
[17:00] buleboy: hey
[17:01] Lkeas: the last sentence...
[17:01] Lkeas: hmm.
[17:01] Lkeas: le llamarán sin embargo para hacer una contabilidad.
[17:01] Lkeas: they will call him nevertheless to make an accounting...
[17:01] * Nicholas takes a seat on the couch.
[17:02] Sanjay: Tan completo es el engaño del mentiroso que su propia madre le odiaría para su mentira.
[17:02] Lkeas: el mentiroso?
[17:02] Maxx: The Deceiver?
[17:03] Lkeas: ah, him.
[17:03] Lkeas: yes, many are falling into his trap already...
[17:03] * Lkeas shakes her head
[17:03] buleboy: huh?
[17:03] KingK: Sanjay may I ask can you at least understand the english languuage or no? if no well....ill know.
[17:03] KingK: language*
[17:04] Dale: I'm confused, are we still referring to me? Or are we talking about The Deceiver?
[17:04] * ZLOK yawns.
[17:04] buleboy: lol
[17:04] Maxx: ¿Estamos correctos en el pensamiento de que el mentiroso del EL es Epheel?
[17:05] Sanjay: Mi erudición lingüística es sufficent para comprender la mayor parte de que usted dice; aunque se haga algo enredado en sus opciones impares de prosa.
[17:05] Maxx: ((I don't think that "EL" should be in there.))
[17:05] Sanjay: Sufficent how you say in english?
[17:06] Lkeas: si.
[17:06] Sanjay: Suficiente
[17:06] *** limewirelord has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:07] Maxx: I apologize at my weak attempts at Spanish through a translater, Sanjay.
[17:08] Sanjay: Las apologías son para aquellos con excusas. Sólo los que de buen grado hacen opciones idiotas deberían entretener las excusas.
[17:08] * ZLOK chuckles.
[17:08] ZLOK: A man of my mind
[17:08] * Lkeas grins.
[17:09] *** Azerkail has joined #755.
[17:09] *** Mode change "+v Azerkail" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:09] *** Mobuis is now known as Forneus.
[17:10] * Dale yawns.
[17:10] * bluemanrocks does not
[17:10] Lkeas: he intentado explicar mis pensamientos sobre los huntress al forumites. esperanzadamente que escuchará.
[17:11] Azerkail: Oh jeez, Spanish.
[17:11] Azerkail: To explain the huntress to the forumites...
[17:11] Sanjay: Los pesares son inútiles.
[17:11] Dale: Usted debe saber que ellos hacen no, Lkeas.
[17:11] Sanjay: Tan completo es el engaño del mentiroso que su propia madre le odiaría para su mentira.
[17:11] Lkeas: ¿entonces qué podemos hacer?
[17:11] Dale: Her?
[17:12] Dale: ¿Qué nos espera que usted hagamos, Lkeas?
[17:14] Lkeas: yo quiero que ataquemos el agente correcto. muchos desean atacar los huntress
[17:15] *** Daniel has joined #755.
[17:15] *** Mode change "+v Daniel" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:16] Sanjay: Tobey Maguire, Ted Schwartz, Stefan Nelet, Nicholas Hammond, Sean Marquette, Paul Soles
[17:16] Dale: Eso es verdad, yo veo su punto.
[17:17] Dale: ¿Qué de ellos?
[17:17] * Lkeas chuckles
[17:17] Forneus: Hm, maybe Spanish was worth learning now.
[17:17] Sanjay: El hombre que todos son es el deciever.
[17:17] KingK: lol um whats he talking about? translators suck.
[17:17] Sanjay: deciver how you say
[17:18] Lkeas: yes, they would be.
[17:18] Sanjay: es el mentrioso
[17:18] Azerkail: I know Tobey Maguire was Spiderman... lol.
[17:18] Dale: I see...
[17:18] Dale: It is Epheel then...
[17:18] Lkeas: we knew that already, Dale..
[17:18] Dale: (( XD I didn't. ))
[17:19] * Lkeas sighs
[17:19] ZLOK: Would those that understand please tell everyone that doesn't what he's saying?
[17:19] Lkeas: Sanjay is telling us that the Deceiver has told a lie so complete that even his mother would hate him for telling it
[17:19] Azerkail: ((I'm in Dale's boat too. That's a confirmation for me. =P))
[17:19] Lkeas: and it's true... many of the others are falling into his trap already
[17:20] Lkeas: they believe that since his gift has lit at the same time as the Huntress's appearance, that SHE is the agent of the Devourer
[17:20] Dale: I see.
[17:20] Dale: That makes sense...
[17:20] KingK: lol you say it like you know him.
[17:20] buleboy: lol
[17:20] Dale: When it is really him?
[17:20] buleboy: O_O
[17:20] Azerkail: Es demasiado de una coincidencia, en mi opinión.
[17:21] Lkeas: so you think she's the agent? seriously?
[17:21] buleboy: who?
[17:21] * KingK chuckles
[17:21] Dale: The Huntress
[17:21] KingK: now thats really funny.
[17:21] * Lkeas looks at Azerkail incredulously
[17:21] Azerkail: Sin embargo, el Huntress estaba en esa lista de antes...
[17:21] KingK: i thought you knew what was going on azer?
[17:21] Azerkail: ((Meh, darn the Spanish))
[17:21] buleboy: she could be but i dont completely think she is
[17:21] Lkeas: yes, yes she is.
[17:22] buleboy: lol
[17:22] Lkeas: and i have already argued my point in the S&T thread...
[17:22] Lkeas: perhaps i should paste it in GGD...
[17:22] Dale: Go for it.
[17:22] KingK: maybe so.
[17:22] Azerkail: ((Haven't read most of the forums yet, just got on AQ and noticed the new stuff))
[17:22] KingK: considering its more of a game fact then a spec or theory.
[17:22] *** Mobuis has joined #755.
[17:23] *** LordBarrius has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Soulfang)).
[17:23] *** LordBarrius has joined #755.
[17:23] *** Mode change "+ao LordBarrius LordBarrius" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:23] *** Forneus has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:23] *** Mobuis is now known as Forneus.
[17:24] *** Mode change "+v Forneus" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:25] Dale: "Or maybe The Eternal is lamenting the fact that he has lost the daughter he once knew, now that she has devoted her life to hunting and can think of nothing else"
[17:25] Dale: That is very convincing...
[17:25] buleboy: yea very
[17:26] Azerkail: Was the Eternal a pacifist? A peaceful person?
[17:26] Maxx: There was also something else that Maxwell mentioned about opposite Avatars not getting along.
[17:26] Dale: (( (Link: For all those that have not seen the thread yet. ))
[17:26] Maxx: If Eternal is Transient and the Huntress is Eternal, they may not always agree on chosen methods.
[17:26] *** Necro has joined #755.
[17:26] Azerkail: Makes sense.
[17:27] WolfLink: ((oh and i got one thing to say about the Huntress being a Servant of The`Galin))
[17:27] buleboy: what?
[17:27] WolfLink: ((TOLD YOU SO!))
[17:27] *** Forneus has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:27] buleboy: -_-
[17:27] Lkeas: ...
[17:28] Azerkail: ((Wolf, she's tracking The'Galin, not serving him.))
[17:28] Dale: (( Wes, you're a complete idiot. ))
[17:28] buleboy: is there any history on yulgar or his family?
[17:28] Crash: lol
[17:28] bluemanrocks: ...
[17:28] WolfLink: ((shut up i just scrolled up and read junk XD))
[17:28] bluemanrocks: ((That was so stupid, you delayed by reaction))
[17:28] Crash: I second that motion, Dale.
[17:29] *** Forneus has joined #755.
[17:29] *** Mode change "+v Forneus" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:29] *** PapaSmurff037 has joined #755.
[17:29] buleboy: is there any history on NPCs in battleon?
[17:29] PapaSmurff037: Hellooooooo!!
[17:30] Dale: Anyways, It does feel good to be right.
[17:30] Sanjay: El regalo de araña es que regalo del espatanos a los ciudadanos del troy
[17:30] Lkeas: heh. that's the truth.
[17:30] Dale: Indeed it is...
[17:30] buleboy: hm?
[17:30] buleboy: translation?
[17:30] Azerkail: Epheel's gift is a gift of Troy.
[17:31] Maxx: Epheel's Gift is like a Trojan Horse.
[17:31] buleboy: haha
[17:31] Azerkail: Oh, didn't catch that.
[17:31] Necro: Thanks for the translation
[17:31] Lkeas: alright. i echoed my words where more might hear...
[17:31] *** PapaSmurff037 has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[17:31] KingK: ((hey i just wanted to ask if you guys see the resemblance in these two.))
[17:31] KingK: (( (Link: untitled-1.jpg ))
[17:31] Dale: But they will ignore you, I'm sure...
[17:32] Lkeas: ((dragon isle's bay seems rather small compared to Gatta Island, doesn't it?))
[17:32] *** LordBarrius has signed off IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Soulfang)).
[17:32] buleboy: they dont really seem the same..
[17:33] KingK: ((yes but only because there is an opening in gatta.))
[17:33] *** LordBarrius has joined #755.
[17:33] *** Mode change "+ao LordBarrius LordBarrius" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:33] Lkeas: they will learn the truth in time, Dale... hopefully before it's too late...
[17:33] Genoclysm: ((What if the mountain sunk?))
[17:33] Dale: Lkeas: You left out the conversation that occurred here between the spidery 'creature' and the mysterious Voice. Might not be absolute proof, but it's proof enough.
[17:33] Lkeas: Oooh, good point Dale... I had forgotten about that. Perhaps you would care to chime in?
[17:33] KingK: ((they wont be completly similiar you have to look for a bit because the newer map has smoother curves while the old one has more detail.))
[17:33] Dale: Sure.
[17:34] * Lkeas slaps her forehead
[17:34] Lkeas: i love how the first response is "well the agent must be hans then"
[17:34] Dale: XD
[17:34] Azerkail: Someone slay that man.
[17:34] Dale: (( ))
[17:35] KingK: where did you put it at Lkeas?
[17:35] Lkeas: (Link:
[17:35] KingK: lol and the funny thing is hes really serious too.
[17:36] Genoclysm: Ha!
[17:36] * Lkeas growls. "They do not LISTEN."
[17:36] buleboy: haha
[17:36] KingK: he hardly read it come on.
[17:36] buleboy: yea
[17:36] Azerkail: I say we implement something a la 1984. Install telescreens all over the forums.
[17:36] Necro: Lkeas, you better then anyone should know the average forumite HATES large posts
[17:36] *** Forneus has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[17:36] Lkeas: yes i know...
[17:36] KingK: did you expect any of the more well lets say ignorant players to read it? of course hence the dust on the histories.
[17:37] Lkeas: but if i just go in there and say "no the Huntress is not the agent" then they'll just say "but The Eternal said so."
[17:37] buleboy: yea...
[17:37] Necro: getting upset due to their ignorance won't change anything, might as well try to keep a positive attitude, no matter what the situation
[17:37] buleboy: uh yea...
[17:37] Azerkail: Or let them burn in their ignorance.
[17:37] KingK: no its still best to try and help them.
[17:38] KingK: shes clearly being framed.
[17:38] KingK: noly mproblem were the ones who see it clearly.
[17:38] KingK: only*
[17:38] KingK: problem*
[17:38] Azerkail: If it is a "Trojan Horse" than it was not going to "trigger" when an evil Agent came, but an Avatar.
[17:38] Lkeas: we cannot afford to sit idly by on this issue, Azerkail. if they were to attack The Huntress we could lose an important ally.
[17:38] Dale: Indeed.
[17:38] KingK: very,very true.
[17:38] Azerkail: ((Is there an ingame choice to attack the Huntress?!))
[17:38] KingK: ((there maybe.))
[17:39] KingK: or perhaps it will just run its course in-game.
[17:39] Dale: It shall.
[17:39] Dale: We have no more control over it, what happens is dictated by the Game admins, now.
[17:40] bluemanrocks: ((The "Trojan Horse" would imply that something that we have accepted will turn against us and people will come out from it and burn down our cities, but somehow I don't think that's quite what the staff had in mind...))
[17:40] Azerkail: ((A Trojan Horse virus on a computer is something you download that you think is harmless or beneficial, but ends up betraying you in the end.))
[17:41] Azerkail: ((Of course, the Odyessy has yet to be implemented ingame. =P))
[17:41] bluemanrocks: ((Yeah, but it comes from the story of Troy and the Trojan Horse there...))
[17:41] *** Forneus has joined #755.
[17:41] KingK: well as far as we can see the deciever is epheel so how are we to not know that the gift is supposed to activate when a hero enters this realm and decievers/agents are sheilded?
[17:41] *** Mode change "+v Forneus" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[17:41] Necro: ((Technically, the Trojan Horse is from the Illiad))
[17:41] Lkeas: that could very well be, KingK
[17:41] buleboy: lol
[17:41] Azerkail: ((Oops, shows how much I know about Greek literature. =P))
[17:42] buleboy: i was just going to say that ness
[17:42] KingK: i hope you all are calling the trojan horse epheel.
[17:42] Azerkail: ((Random fact, Huntress uses the default Warrior Weapon))
[17:42] bluemanrocks: ((Ness? You mean Necro))
[17:42] buleboy: ahh
[17:42] buleboy: necro said it?
[17:43] KingK: because he is the one that came and acted as a friend but will most assuredly,after gaining trust,try and destroy us.
[17:43] buleboy: im distracted tryin to watch tv look at forums and chat at the same time..
[17:44] Dale: somthing we forgot about..she took the yulgar for 1 of 2 reasons
[17:44] Dale: A:to make weapons for us to help kill the devourer
[17:44] Dale: B:to stop him from making weapons to help kill the devourer
[17:44] Dale: >_<
[17:44] * Lkeas frowns
[17:44] Azerkail: He forgot that she asked Yulgar his lineage right before she took her.
[17:44] Azerkail: *him
[17:44] Lkeas: Her kidnapping of Yulgar is distressing...
[17:44] KingK: she must have known an ancestor.
[17:44] Lkeas: if she is a Huntress of agents, she may believe Yulgar is one of them...
[17:44] KingK: perhaps the two are related? crazy thought i know.
[17:45] Necro: She must have had SOME reason, you don't randomly pop out of a portal, ask someone about their lineage, and then kidnap them without a reason...
[17:45] Azerkail: But why ask the lineage and not the name?
[17:45] Genoclysm: The ancestry must mean something of course.
[17:45] Lkeas: hmm...
[17:45] Azerkail: Unless she didn't know the name, of course..
[17:45] Lkeas: remember Maxwell's discussion about the inheritance of Avatar to children?
[17:45] Genoclysm: Inheriting something perhaps, like a trait of some sort...
[17:45] KingK: because in medeval times there were no last names only who your father was and his before him.
[17:45] Lkeas: but no.. Yulgar wouldn't be an Avatar... would he?
[17:45] Genoclysm: Lkeas beat me to it.
[17:45] buleboy: maybe..
[17:45] Necro: I doubt it...
[17:45] buleboy: he could...
[17:45] Necro: But anything is possible
[17:45] Azerkail: He wasn't on the list..
[17:46] Genoclysm: We still don't know all the True Avatar Lkeas.
[17:46] Lkeas: indeed.
[17:46] Lkeas: he does possess an extraordinary gift of forging..
[17:46] KingK: so does adder that make them both Avatars?
[17:46] Lkeas: but which Avatar would choose him?
[17:46] buleboy: we hardly see yulgar or interact with him so we dont really know much about yulgar not being an avatar
[17:46] *** Sanjay has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[17:47] Genoclysm: Which ones do we not know yet?
[17:47] *** Crash has left #755.
[17:47] *** Sanjay has joined #755.
[17:47] Azerkail: If he's so good at forging, perhaps he's the avatar of War?
[17:47] *** Sanjay has signed off IRC (Interred: La cazadora es una víctima inocente aún atacaremos como programado.).
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