Over the Rainbow

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Revision as of 01:58, 31 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[02:49] * Maxwell (Truth@755.755.755.755) has joined #755
[02:49] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Maxwell Maxwell
[02:50] <Maxx> Hello Maxwell.
[02:50] <Maxwell> Hello again.
[02:50] <Maxx> How was your party?
[02:50] <Maxwell> fun
[02:50] <Maxwell> short but fun
[02:51] <Maxx> Glad to hear it. So, what brings you here this late?
[02:51] <Maxwell> just working
[02:52] <Maxwell> I usually come in here when working
[02:52] <Maxx> Ah, we're just a distraction to aid your procrastination.  :P
[02:52] <Maxx> Now we know the Truth. XD
[02:53] * Maxwell changes topic to 'Somewhere over the rainbow, I hide '
[02:55] <Maxx> Rainbow, eh?
[02:56] <Maxwell> I suppose your not a fan of L. Frank Baum?
[02:57] <Maxx> I've seen Wizard of Oz my share of times.
[02:58] <Maxx> But, no. I've never read any of his other works.
[03:03] <Maxx> I can guess though: The wizard hid so that the people would stop relying on him for the answers and instead become self-sufficient.
[03:04] <Zeltan> Wizard of oz?
[03:05] <Maxwell> No, that is not what the topic means.
[03:05] <Maxwell> But that is a good guess.
[03:05] <Zeltan> Is it referring to a locaion?
[03:05] <Zeltan> location*
[03:05] <Maxwell> In a sense.
[03:05] <Zeltan> Really need something to work my brain now
[03:07] * ZL0K (Shemhazai@Operator.Caelestia.net) has joined #755
[03:07] * Tralin sets mode: +v ZL0K
[03:11] <Maxx> Well, in the song, a kind of relaxing paradise lies somewhere over the rainbow.
[03:12] * Fede2006 (valugonhij@Caelestia-33A7C445.dsl.prima.net.ar) has joined #755
[03:12] * Arknem (Consumed@Caelestia-E05F0A0D.mnolcmta01.minltx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net) has joined #755
[03:13] * Arknem is no longer away : Gone for 9 hours 2 minutes 39 seconds
[03:13] <Maxx> Hello, Fede. Hello, Arknem.
[03:14] <Arknem> Hello.
[03:14] <Maxwell> howdy
[03:14] <Arknem> Hello again.
[03:15] * Fede2006 (valugonhij@Caelestia-33A7C445.dsl.prima.net.ar) has left #755
[03:18] * Arknem (Consumed@Caelestia-E05F0A0D.mnolcmta01.minltx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net) has left #755
[03:19] * Lkeas (Lkeas@Operator.Caelestia.net) has joined #755
[03:19] * Tralin sets mode: +ao Lkeas Lkeas
[03:19] <Maxx> Welcome back, Lkeas.
[03:19] <Zeltan> Hello there
[03:20] * Lkeas nods her greetings to the seekers
[03:20] <Maxwell> hey there
[03:20] <Zeltan> Um song?
[03:20] <Lkeas> hiya Max
[03:20] <Zeltan> The somewhere over the rainbow way up high?
[03:20] * ZL0K casually waves at Lkeas.
[03:21] <Lkeas> who changed the topic?
[03:21] <Zeltan> Maxwell
[03:21] <Lkeas> i see
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Zeltan> Wizard of oz?
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Maxwell> No, that is not what the topic means.
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Maxwell> But that is a good guess.
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Zeltan> Is it referring to a locaion?
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Zeltan> location*
[03:21] <Zeltan> <Maxwell> In a sense.
[03:22] <Lkeas> over the rainbow is a sort of saying for "somewhere not here."
[03:22] <Lkeas> i'd guess the outland
[03:22] <Zeltan> Well
[03:22] <Zeltan> could be
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