The Nature of Epsilon

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Revision as of 06:05, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[07:25] * Maxwell (Novalies@755.755.755.755) has joined #755
[07:25] * Tralin sets mode +ao Maxwell Maxwell for #755
[07:25] <&Jeice> Hello Maxwell.
[07:25] <&Maxwell>
[07:25] <+KingK> hey max
[07:25] <+KingK> ((sorry left for a min))
[07:26] * Lex is now known as Lex|Showah|papertowah
[07:26] <&Maxwell> another piece to the "video"
[07:26] * Damsel ( has

joined #755

[07:26] * Tralin sets mode +ao Damsel Damsel for #755
[07:27] * KingK sighs
[07:27] <+lightbringerlord> ((Fianlly something yo look.))
[07:27] <&Jeice> You mean the rapid slideshow? This is a

piece of that? Hm. There weren't any words in the rest...

[07:28] <+KingK> im betting this is most likely you messing with our

heads.....but ill still put it to the side.

[07:28] <+lightbringerlord> *to
[07:29] * Lelldorin (shadez_0vb@Caelestia-9F4EB747.singne has

joined #755

[07:29] * Tralin sets mode +v Lelldorin for #755
[07:29] <&Jeice> Hello Lelldorin.
[07:30] <Necro_Fire> nice work Maxwell
[07:30] <&Jeice> KingK, can you make out the first image? All I see is a

blurry hand.

[07:30] <+Lelldorin> Hey.
[07:31] <Necro_Fire> hand with a face of a foetus
[07:31] <+KingK> ah
[07:31] <+KingK> thats NOVA's
[07:31] <+KingK> logo
[07:31] <Necro_Fire> ah
[07:31] <+KingK> in red and green.
[07:32] <&Jeice> Part of it means that man has taken the place of god.
[07:32] * lightbringerlord is now known as lightbringerlord: [A way]
[07:32] <Necro_Fire> the painting
[07:32] <&Jeice> Yeah, it swaps.
[07:32] <+KingK> well,maybe considering that the green baby is supposed to

be a genetically enginnered annunaki.

[07:33] <&Jeice> Would this be the faceless Truth, or the true avatar Truth?
I'm guessing Faceless.
[07:33] <+KingK> seems like faceless it is only hooded.
[07:34] <&Jeice> I think this means that that slideshowwasn't just out of

order. I think the images were also fragmented.

[07:35] <&Jeice> Or maybe I'm just thinking too much.
[07:35] <+KingK> i think that all peices of everyone of these until the last

are fragments

[07:35] <+KingK> being that they are all from the final large video
[07:36] <&Jeice> I mean that they can actually be fit together to make a

bigger image, and then put into a final video.

[07:37] <+KingK> it seems more to me that he only put in prts of certain

things that were needed to see.

[07:37] <&Jeice> The painting is what got me thinking that.
[07:37] <+KingK> perhaps because man being shown wasimportant for that

certain video so the image of god wasnt needed

[07:38] <&Jeice> I believe the other one had the hands in the pics.
[07:38] <&Jeice> But not the rest.
[07:39] <&Jeice> No... ah, I can't remember.
[07:39] <+KingK> i think those were clues to what paintingthen as we figured

it out there wasnt much need to keep it hidden.

[07:39] <+KingK> also i think ive seen it in full before in the videos....
[07:40] <+KingK> im only putting that video in the pile for unknown side
[07:41] <+KingK> because knowing as how somebodyreally pissed max off im not

sure we can trust all the information given t us by him.

[07:41] <+KingK> isnt that right maxwell?
[07:41] <+KingK> ill take that as a yes.
[07:42] <&Jeice> Actually that video fits right in with our other latest


[07:42] <+KingK> im still not exactly trusting it.
[07:42] <+KingK> it may fit.....but it may not.
[07:42] <+KingK> eventually he'll make another video that may not make sense

compared to this one.

[07:43] <+KingK> and have us all confused.
[07:44] <&Jeice> Truth is a member of the Network runningproject Epsilon,

and he is one of the ones wanting to stop it. Epsilon is man playing god by recreating the world after wiping it.

[07:44] <+KingK> maxwell whats the point of messing with us?
[07:44] <&Jeice> It makes sense to me.
[07:44] <&Maxwell> Truth is not a member of the Network.
[07:44] <&Jeice> Never mind then...
[07:45] <&Jeice> Wait, all Truths or specifically the Faceless?
[07:45] <&Maxwell> The Faceless is the creation of Epsilon.
[07:46] <&Jeice> So I take it none are members...
[07:46] <&Maxwell> All ancient guardians were created by Epsilon.
[07:46] <&Jeice> Was I right about the nature of Epsilon?
[07:47] <&Maxwell> There were ancient guardians longbefore Epsilon used the

carrier to create the faceless, but in very different forms they appeared as.

[07:47] <&Maxwell> Epsilon is the hand of creation, the hand of creation

that humanity created.

[07:49] <&Maxwell> You really have to wonder, if they knew they were

creating humanity's last hope.

[07:50] <&Maxwell> All ancient guardians are plague withtheir former lives,

and the constant reminders of never being able to be free.

[07:50] <&Maxwell> Their only chance, is their host.
[07:51] <&Jeice> We must break the chain, correct?
[07:51] <&Maxwell> If one is to accept fate, maybe one day the faceless can

return to normal.

[07:52] <&Maxwell> You see, there is more to this conflict than just good vs


[07:53] * Lex|Showah|papertowah is now known as Lex
[07:54] <&Maxwell> Something to think about, is whatexactly makes a

faceless, and why would they need to be created.

[07:54] * Maxwell (Novalies@755.755.755.755) Quit ( Vanished: )
[07:57] <&Jeice> I imagine the Faceless were created toensure the

preservation of the world and/or the continuation of Epsilon.

[07:59] <&Jeice> I want to know how The'Galin and Epsilon effect each other

and whether they are compatible...

[07:59] <&Jeice> Is Epsilon the shield that protects our world from

annihilation, or is it a tool he uses?

[08:00] <&Jeice> Well, Lore from annihilation.
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