The Traveller Unassigned

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Revision as of 04:48, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[20:37] >Ambiance<: ______
[20:37] >Ambiance<: \\ ___)
[20:37] >Ambiance<: \\ \\
[20:37] >Ambiance<: > >
[20:37] >Ambiance<: / /__
[20:37] >Ambiance<: /_____)
[20:37] Daniel: Merlin probably does as he pleases.
[20:38] Useless: You did, quite understandably so in retrospect I think you'll find...but...
[20:38] Jeice: O.o
[20:38] * Nicholas yawns, showing clear signs of being tired.
[20:38] maieo: Well, if you're tired, come here with me!
[20:38] Jeice: ((Does anyone know that that is?))
[20:38] Nicholas: No thanks.
[20:38] Nicholas: ((I have no idea.))
[20:38] Lkeas: is that... is that sigma?
[20:39] maieo: You should sleep.
[20:39] * LordBarrius sighs and hangs his head. "No, it's not understandable. It's not fair for me to do that to her."
[20:39] Nicholas: I don't want to.
[20:39] Jeice: ((He must be a mind reader! Just when I was getting off! >_< ))
[20:39] maieo: Why not?
[20:39] Jeice: I'm afraid I must go now. Good night all.
[20:40] maieo: Bye Jeice!
[20:40] Jeice: ((Falerin... sometimes I think you do this on purpose...))
[20:40] Nicholas: Farewell.
[20:40] *** Raku has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[20:40] LordBarrius: ((He does. It's part of an elaborate plot.))
[20:40] Jeice: ((Most of the time I just blame my luck though, so meh.))
[20:40] * Lkeas places a hand on LordBarrius's shoulder. "I did the same, brother. I hope she can forgive me.."
[20:40] Nicholas: Well, I have irregular sleeping patterns.
[20:41] >Ambiance<: .______ .
[20:41] >Ambiance<: .\\ ___).
[20:41] >Ambiance<: ..\\ \\....
[20:41] >Ambiance<: ...> >...
[20:41] >Ambiance<: ../ /__..
[20:41] >Ambiance<: ./_____).
[20:41] * maieo sighs and puts her head in her hands. "That's not a reason!" *
[20:42] * Lkeas looks up in concern
[20:42] Nicholas: Oh, I'm not in the mood.
[20:42] * LordBarrius keeps his gaze at the floor. "I'm not sure she *should* forgive me. I keep pushing her away...."
[20:42] Lkeas: that symbol..
[20:42] Lkeas: the directive..
[20:42] Mobuis: Looks like a deranged ship, or E.
[20:42] maieo: need sleep, you should get some. Maybe if I leave..
[20:42] Mobuis: heh.
[20:42] Nicholas: ...What?
[20:43] maieo: You'll go to sleep.
[20:43] Nicholas: Do you truly desire me to sleep?
[20:43] maieo: If you need to, then yes. I would like you to stay with me, need sleep.
[20:44] * Nicholas lays down upon the couch.
[20:44] * Daniel comes out of the tree, picks up the soap and goes back in *
[20:44] Daniel: Time to wash up.
[20:44] * Lkeas looks around warily
[20:45] Lkeas: the invasion of the Devourer or his agents is imminent...
[20:45] * LordBarrius nods slowly.
[20:45] Nicholas: Sounds about right.
[20:46] * maieo smiles sadly. "Yes." *
[20:46] Nicholas: What can we do, and how can we do it?
[20:47] Lkeas: those who ultimately survived... were the strong.
[20:48] Nicholas: Oh, well then I can't see myself surviving.
[20:48] * Lkeas looks towards Damsel and sighs
[20:48] Daniel: Strength is not just physical.
[20:48] * maieo closes Nicholas' mouth with her hand and glares at him. "Don't say that!" *
[20:48] Nicholas: I posses neither magical, mental or physical strength.
[20:48] Lkeas: is not all of Lorithia's creation worthy of being spared? must there be no forgiveness for mistakes? can there be no salvation for those who might be redeemed?
[20:49] >Ambiance<: ._____ .
[20:49] >Ambiance<: .\\ ___)..
[20:49] >Ambiance<: ..\\ \\....
[20:49] >Ambiance<: ...> >...
[20:49] >Ambiance<: ../ /__..
[20:49] >Ambiance<: ./_____).
[20:49] Zeltan: Epsilon
[20:49] Daniel: Antisigma
[20:49] Zeltan: opps
[20:49] * Mobuis says, and begins to play a lament
[20:50] maieo: I still don't want you to say things like that.
[20:50] Nicholas: I may not see myself surviving... but I refuse to die.
[20:50] * LordBarrius looks over at Damsel and mutters quietly. "Why *do* you keep forgiving me...."
[20:51] * Useless hops off of Lkeas' shoulder and returns to Damsel's embrace though she is still sleeping.
[20:51] Nicholas: And I will make sure I see someone survive.
[20:51] maieo: Someone?
[20:51] Zeltan: Why Antistigma ?
[20:51] Daniel: I think Maxwell and his inhabitant are coming.
[20:51] Nicholas: Someone, everyone, anyone.
[20:52] maieo: Me?
[20:52] Nicholas: No, not just you. That would be selfish.
[20:53] maieo: But you said everyone. I meant, me as well.
[20:53] maieo: I'm not that vain.
[20:53] * Daniel gets out of the tree *
[20:53] * Nicholas shakes his head.
[20:53] Useless: You are family, LordBarrius.
[20:53] * Daniel points at maieo and Nicholas while whispering to Lkeas *
[20:53] *** Galrick has joined #755.
[20:53] *** Mode change "+v Galrick" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[20:53] * Lkeas looks up quickly
[20:53] Lkeas: Galrick...
[20:53] * LordBarrius turns his gaze towards Galrick. "Greetings."
[20:53] Galrick: I need to repeat my directive. You need to let this go...
[20:54] Daniel: Greetings Galrick. Thank you for setting me straight.
[20:54] * Nicholas sits up and looks at Galrick.
[20:54] Lkeas: let what go?
[20:54] * Mobuis stops playing his flute
[20:54] Galrick: If you do not the results will be quite unacceptable
[20:54] Galrick: For many people
[20:54] Galrick: give up on me.
[20:54] * Lkeas frowns
[20:54] Galrick: Do not try to save me or stop me
[20:54] * Useless twitches his whiskers inquisitively.
[20:54] *** Galrick has signed off IRC (Interred: ).
[20:54] * LordBarrius grits his teeth silently.
[20:54] Daniel: I do not desire to give up on a friend.
[20:54] * Nicholas lays back down.
[20:55] * Mobuis slowly begins to replay his lament
[20:55] * maieo holds Nicholas' hand *
[20:55] Lkeas: Barrius?
[20:55] * LordBarrius sighs and hangs his head. "I'm sorry Galrick....but my answer won't change."
[20:56] * Lkeas 's eyes widen
[20:56] Lkeas: i...
[20:56] >Ambiance<: A small doorway appears as it opens the bustle of Manhattan at night can be seen on the far side.
[20:56] Useless: This is...odd...
[20:56] * Lkeas looks to the doorway, an expression of trepidation growing on her face
[20:56] * LordBarrius raises his head in interest.
[20:56] Lkeas: i can't... it's not safe for me here...
[20:56] Useless: Are the barriers between worlds really that thin at this time?
[20:56] * TheTraveller enters.
[20:57] Lex: ((It appears Falerin isn't all that asleep))
[20:57] * Nicholas sits back up.
[20:57] Daniel: Greetings Traveller.
[20:57] * TheTraveller closes the door.
[20:57] * Lkeas looks at The Traveller with some confusion
[20:57] Useless: ((*smacks Lex*))
[20:57] Lex: ((XD))
[20:57] Daniel: I hope you are doing well.
[20:57] Useless: Greetings, Traveler.
[20:57] * LordBarrius smiles. "Greetings Traveller."
[20:57] * Nicholas waves to TheTraveller.
[20:57] * Mobuis begins to play a Lament
[20:57] Useless: ((add an I >.<))
[20:57] TheTraveller: I cannot say that I am.
[20:57] Lkeas: greetings, Traveller... i hope your resurrection was not as painful as your death seemed to be...
[20:57] TheTraveller: Your positive thoughts are appreciated nonetheless
[20:57] * maieo is still holding Nick's hand tightly *
[20:58] Daniel: I am sorry to hear that. If something troubles you, we would be more than happy to talk with you.
[20:58] TheTraveller: Ressurection is not generally physically distressing
[20:58] Nicholas: Don't worry, I'm here for you.
[20:58] * TheTraveller sighs wearily.
[20:58] * Nicholas smiles towards Maieo.
[20:59] TheTraveller: I have been unassigned.
[20:59] * maieo smiles shakily back. "I know." *
[20:59] LordBarrius: ....unassigned?
[20:59] Useless: It seems to weigh heavily on there naught we might do to comfort you?
[20:59] *** Legault has joined #755.
[20:59] TheTraveller: That is correct.....
[20:59] Lkeas: but, yet, here you are... i don't understand.
[20:59] Daniel: My deepest apologies. Is there anything I may get you to drink or eat?
[20:59] * Mobuis plays a lighter, more soothing song
[21:00] * Nicholas remains quiet, but listens to the conversation.
[21:00] TheTraveller: There is a difference between being decomissioned in that fashion and unassigned....
[21:00] Lkeas: does that mean you are no longer supposed to watch over Galrick?
[21:00] Lkeas: he has made a rather distressing decision..
[21:00] TheTraveller: Largely the difference being that this time Falerin could contact me and order me off world as Ryuusei was not present blocking all such communication as he is apparently off world himself...
[21:01] Daniel: I would also assume that you are still required to keep all secrets you held during assignment??
[21:01] TheTraveller: I am not only to not watch over Galrick. I am to give up on him entirely. Not watch him at all.
[21:01] >Ambiance<: ._____ .
[21:01] >Ambiance<: .\\ ___)..
[21:01] >Ambiance<: ..\\ \\....
[21:01] >Ambiance<: ...> >...
[21:01] >Ambiance<: ../ /__..
[21:01] >Ambiance<: ./_____).
[21:01] Useless: Falerin probably has wisdom to have made that decision, wisdom that we do not have perhaps.
[21:02] TheTraveller: What in the world?
[21:02] Lkeas: that symbol again...
[21:02] * Lkeas shudders
[21:02] TheTraveller: Sigma
[21:03] Daniel: It has popped up like that, and with the colors reversed.
[21:03] TheTraveller: Reversed? Not for me....
[21:03] Useless: It has been the same all three times it has appeared in this haven, Daniel...
[21:03] TheTraveller: I suppose it is relative to what your settings are. My text is always white on black backgrounds. Colors look much better on that theme
[21:04] Daniel: I count four times, but I must be crazy. The first two times are different for me.
[21:04] LordBarrius: Same for myself, Daniel.
[21:04] Useless: ((I meant the three *previous* times.))
[21:04] * Lkeas takes a few steps back and sits on the couch, her face pale
[21:05] * Mobuis stops playing his flute and bows, "Au Revoir."
[21:05] *** Mobuis has left #755.
[21:05] *** Bartimaeus has joined #755.
[21:05] *** Mode change "+v Bartimaeus" for channel #755 by Tralin.
[21:05] Daniel: I wonder what that sigma might mean...
[21:05] TheTraveller: Galrick drew that exact symbol in the dirt. When Falerin saw it in my memory... he ordered I abandon him as Galrick Requested...
[21:05] * LordBarrius turns his gaze to Lkeas, his concern growing greater. "Archivist?"
[21:05] * Useless scurries back over to Lkeas, reassuring her by rubbing against her calf.
[21:05] Lkeas: the sign has become... a little too personal, of late...
[21:06] TheTraveller: Up untill then I had been ignoring Galrick's demand that I abandon him
[21:06] Daniel: So Galrick is requesting we leave him be I would assume.
[21:07] Legault: He did what he did for a reason, I think it's wise to honor his request...
[21:07] TheTraveller: The Sigma Directive says that the request being made is directly related to the goals of Opposing The`Galin's current goals.
[21:07] *** Treyu_Cronos has joined #755.
[21:07] *** Treyu_Cronos has left #755.
[21:07] TheTraveller: And by invoking it the user is claiming that failure to heed the request is the same thing as accepting direct service to The Devourer
[21:07] Useless: Indeed...I recall once being potentially advised to use the Sigma Directive before. Isn't that right, Lkeas?
[21:08] * Lkeas nods slowly
[21:08] Daniel: Then indeed we should heed his request.
[21:09] TheTraveller: The Symbol also appears in the latest blog of Galricks... and also oddly on his main page where it is underlined for me. But I am not technically oriented unlike some of my brethren
[21:09] Lkeas: i wish it did not have to be this way... Galrick...
[21:09] TheTraveller: So it baffles me
[21:09] Legault: Don't giveup on him yet, Lkeas.
[21:10] * Lkeas glances at the others before turning to The Traveller
[21:10] Lkeas: i'm... not sure it is safe to discuss such things.
[21:10] TheTraveller: You do not comprehend Legault. The request that Galrick has made under the Geas of the Sigma Directive is just that "Give up on me"
[21:10] Useless: Having faith in his decision does not mean giving up, necessarily.
[21:10] TheTraveller: So if I refuse to do so... I aid the Devourer
[21:11] * LordBarrius frowns.
[21:11] Legault: Yes, give up on him. That doesn't mean we can't believe in him.
[21:11] LordBarrius: What a choice to make....
[21:11] Daniel: Galrick knows what he's doing.
[21:12] TheTraveller: No... it does not. It does mean however we shall not attempt to aid him or stop him in his quest and indeed we will fight him as our enemy and The`Galin's agent when the time comes if need be
[21:12] * LordBarrius nods slowly.
[21:12] Legault: True.
[21:13] TheTraveller: It appears to me based on indications that he is being Blackmailed. Much like he was regarding me....
[21:13] * Lkeas looks down
[21:14] TheTraveller: This time however... Ryuusei really DOES have the person that is being used as a Sword of Damacles
[21:14] Daniel: That would explain the odd tone he carried when he talked to me through Falerin.
[21:14] * Useless shudders at the analogy.
[21:14] * Lkeas holds Useless a little tighter
[21:15] Useless: I have been...using that same term, with regards to time and my creator, Traveller. Forgive me if it strikes home a tad deeply...
[21:15] TheTraveller: Well I am to return to the Dark Abode for debreifing....
[21:15] TheTraveller: Goodnight to you
[21:16] LordBarrius: Goodnight, Traveller.
[21:16] Lkeas: goodnight, Traveller. i am glad you are back.
[21:16] Daniel: Fare well.
[21:16] Useless: Fare thee well, Traveller.
[21:16] Daniel: Well, better than you fare now.
[21:16] Legault: Sayonara.
[21:16] * TheTraveller vanishes through the door he came in by. The door then disappears
[21:16] *** Bartimaeus has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[21:17] Legault: I wonder what's behind that door...?
[21:18] * Nicholas lays down on the couch, attempting to sleep.
[21:20] Legault: I must take my leave.
[21:20] Lkeas: take care, Legault.
[21:20] Nicholas: Well, I'm going to get abit of sleep...
[21:20] Nicholas: Farewell.
[21:20] Legault: Goodbye.
[21:20] * Useless sighs, shuddering one last final time, then nips Lkeas gently. "Do not blame yourself, not. Okay?"
[21:20] * Lkeas shivers lightly as if cold
[21:21] Lkeas: i... suppose i must try... i just wish it didn't have to be this way...
[21:22] Nicholas: Courage, love and hope.
[21:22] * Lkeas takes a few shaky breaths
[21:22] Useless: Not to mention Defiance...but that has different applications, I believe.
[21:23] * Daniel vanishes his tree and prepares to leave *
[21:23] Daniel: Ciao everyone.
[21:23] * Daniel leaves *
[21:23] Lkeas: goodnight, Daniel
[21:23] *** Daniel has signed off IRC (Vaporized: ).
[21:23] * LordBarrius glances at Lkeas and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Please stay strong. For us and for him."
[21:23] Nicholas: "Have all three, Lkeas. If you need me just wake me up..." quietly falls asleep.
[21:24] * Lkeas looks to Nicholas and LordBarrius and feels her shivering subside somewhat. "Yes. For you, and for Galrick, I must."


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