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- [15:25] <Falerin> Yes do please continue fighting among yourself I greatly appreciate your fighting among yourself
- [15:25] * LordBarrius seems to take more of a beating from Damsel's hit than she may have intended, collapsing to the ground in a heap. Regardless, he keeps his eyes on Valedia. "I won't do it again....please...."
- [15:25] <Zeltan> Greetings Loremaster
- [15:25] <Zeltan> Seems that you've chosen a bad time to enter
- [15:25] <Dale> Hmmm
- [15:25] <Formerly_Somebody> Not again. Oh...
- [15:25] <Dale> Is it our Falerin? Or the analog..
- [15:26] * Treyu_Cronos perks a brow, "There's people for you, they're going to fight no matter what. And this many people in one place, even more likely."
- [15:26] <Nicholas> Ah, the dark god of evil I assume.
- [15:26] <Falerin> And by doing so the Serve The`Galin
- [15:26] <Falerin> End of Story.
- [15:26] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> A resounding retort is heard ripping through the fabric of the multiverse.
- [15:27] <Formerly_Somebody> Crud.
- [15:27] * Treyu_Cronos shrugs, "Mm, and whose story is that?" He asks as he leans back against the wall, tilting his head at the new sound.
- [15:27] <Formerly_Somebody> Again.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> Screeches and clacks are heard from within the vortex and demonic voices chanting and gurgling.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The smell of sulfur and brimstone fills the channel
- [15:27] <Dale> Yes.. that's the analog..
- [15:27] * Damsel growls in frustration and attempts to help LordBarrius upright. "You know, if you actually stopped getting yourself beaten up, you might be in better shape. I'm not sure how many more healings your body has energy for."
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The chattering becomes decidedly more agitated.
- [15:27] * Valedia winces at the sight of Barrius being hit and comes closer out of instinct.
- [15:27] * Useless looks about tiredly at the unearthly sound.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The vortex pulses and demonic entities can be seen moving within. Seeking out a new universe from their prison in the nether.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> A figure walks through the masses and the entities fall back in terror.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The figures form begins to resolve into an elven shape with grey hair and shifting multichromatic eyes.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The eyes ultimately fix on a bright sea bluegreen, a sort of vivid turquoise.
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The figure raises his staff and the creatures flee even more as he approaches the channel
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The figure now stands directly in the portal. He is distinctly recognizable as Falerin
- [15:27] * Falerin has joined #755
- [15:27] * Tralin sets mode: +o Falerin
- [15:27] (Falerin) <>Ambiance<> The vortex sucks closed with a slurp. The Gaping wound in reality sealing but giving cause to wonder if the wall is not forever weakened.
- [15:27] <Falerin> I have returned.
- [15:27] * Falerin turns and looks at the newly arrived Falerin
- [15:27] * Falerin scowls
- [15:28] * Treyu_Cronos watches the portal form, the figure emerging from it and tilts his head slightly. That's the second tiem today he's seen this, and it's less interesting every time. Just looks flashy to him, then again that's not much different from himself.
- [15:28] <Nicholas> Hmm.
- [15:28] * LordBarrius allows Damsel to help him up. "I know...."
- [15:28] * Zeltan frowns "So it begins.."
- [15:28] <Nicholas> Most disturbing.
- [15:28] <Falerin> "You have a great deal of audacity. First you directly interfere with my transit. Then you come directly while I am here..."
- [15:28] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> Cry me a river.
- [15:29] * Valedia comes to Barrius' side as Damsel helps him out, out of the corner of her eye keeping a nervous watch on the Fals.
- [15:29] <Falerin> "Last I looked the Farpoint Directive applied to temporal, spatial, and modal relationships...."
- [15:29] * Zeltan raises his drako-staff
- [15:29] * Useless rouses from his tired state, tensing up in case he is needed to protect Damsel or any of his 'family' within the haven from the backlash of two gods.
- [15:29] <Falerin> "Interfering with alternate realities is a violation of all 3"
- [15:29] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> Your point being?
- [15:29] * Damsel glances at LordBarrius before returning her eyes to both Falerins. "You deserve much worse than a small cuff to the head for what you did yesterday, going and destroying that ring when I wasn't ready and without helping me speculate the possible way it's destruction would manifest."
- [15:30] * Treyu_Cronos perks a brow as he listens. Well this is all new to him, which he finds surprising but nonetheless interesting.
- [15:30] <Zeltan> You better stand back Treyu, this is get ugly
- [15:30] <Zeltan> May*
- [15:30] * Formerly_Somebody shudders and steps backward quickly.
- [15:30] <Falerin> My point being that I am quite sure that the Farpoint as a unity is prepared to respond to one of its Agent's violating its own directives.
- [15:30] <Dale> They're both gods, we can do nothing but watch.
- [15:30] <Zeltan> Ture
- [15:30] <Valedia> And don't get in the way.
- [15:30] <Zeltan> true*
- [15:30] * LordBarrius sits down on the couch slowly. "I know I do....I'm sorry."
- [15:30] <Formerly_Somebody> And get killed. Don't forget that part, Dale.
- [15:31] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> I no longer consider the farpoint to be relevant. My version of Caelestia will be the ultimate survivor. SO what I do is hardly relevant. You have no authority over me...
- [15:31] <Dale> That too.
- [15:31] * Treyu_Cronos perks a brow, "I've seen ugly, but I'll admit I haven't seen ugliest." He folds his arms over his chest, "But I can't get any further back than I am." He's leaning against the wall.
- [15:31] <Falerin> "Am I willing to take a wager on that"
- [15:31] <Falerin> "I just might be feeling like a little temporal suicide this evening"
- [15:31] * Zeltan stands closer to the group, away from the Falerins
- [15:31] * Valedia jumps up on the couch next to Barrius, staring at him with deep concern.
- [15:31] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> And that would just make you a Hypocrite.
- [15:32] * Useless looks almost alarmed at that prospect.
- [15:32] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> Please....
- [15:32] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> You would never.....
- [15:32] * *Falerin swings his staff at Falerin.
- [15:32] * Treyu_Cronos looks between the two Falerins, wondering which is which... Or if they're both the same. Not often you see two of the same guy, this is confusing.
- [15:32] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> I on the other hand have no such compunctions
- [15:32] <Formerly_Somebody> And "pop" goes the weasel...
- [15:32] <Useless> I am thinking that, in this day and age, anything is possible.
- [15:33] * Damsel 's eyes open in surprise as she whispers quietly to Useless, "Is the alternate Falerin actually, begging?"
- [15:33] * LordBarrius strokes Valedia's back to try to reassure her, then offers her a little grin. "I'll do my best to listen better, if you're willing to give me another chance."
- [15:33] * Falerin points at useless who flies again into the air
- [15:33] <Zeltan> No..
- [15:33] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> Save him... or save yourself
- [15:33] * Formerly_Somebody winces at Useless. "Man, he has it in for you."
- [15:33] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> You really are an inferior breed of evil god.
- [15:34] * Treyu_Cronos watches Useless fly into the air, tilting his head slightly. "Okay... That's twice in one day now."
- [15:34] * Damsel cries out in surprise as Useless is torn from her arms. "Please, don't..."
- [15:34] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> Which is precisely why I will win and you will lose ultimatel
- [15:34] * Useless blinks hard, concentrating as he is flung forcibly from Damsel's arms, attempting to steady himself and backlash against the false Falerin.
- [15:34] * Falerin leans back nonchalantly
- [15:34] * LordBarrius whips his head around at the dark analog of Falerin.
- [15:34] <Falerin> "Kill him then...."
- [15:34] * Formerly_Somebody closes his eyes as he waits for Falerin's answer. "Let him die. It isn't worth it."
- [15:34] <Useless> By flames of mind, and force of will, I will not be toyed with so!
- [15:34] <Formerly_Somebody> Yes.
- [15:34] <Falerin> "I call your bluff"
- [15:34] <Falerin> "Do it if you are the superior God"
- [15:35] * Damsel 's chest heaves at Falerin's proclimation, though she remains silent.
- [15:35] * lyoko has joined #755
- [15:35] * Zeltan watches helplessly
- [15:35] * *Falerin casts a bolt of jet black light at Useless
- [15:35] * Valedia nestles up against Barrius and watches Useless helplessly.
- [15:35] * Formerly_Somebody sighs. "And so we go."
- [15:35] (Falerin) <<Falerin>> You really thought I.....
- [15:35] * Useless draws every once of willpower to himself, willing both force and flame to strike and consume the black light and rebuke it.
- [15:36] * *Falerin casts is slammed as a telekinetic shield bounces the bolt right back at him
- [15:36] <Formerly_Somebody> Whoa.
- [15:36] <bluemanrocks> ((Aggh, I leave for ONE second...))
- [15:36] * *Falerin is torn from the reality
- [15:36] <Zeltan> Such power...
- [15:36] * LordBarrius 's eyes tear up slightly, and he casts a look at Damsel.
- [15:36] <Formerly_Somebody> Useless.
- [15:36] <Formerly_Somebody> Did the ferret just...
- [15:36] <Dale> Useless.. I never he was that powerful...
- [15:36] * Treyu_Cronos reaches up as soon as he sees the bolt, drawing his bow and quiver from apparently nowhere. He straps the quiver to his shoulder and just holds the bow relaxed, just in case he needs them.
- [15:36] <Dale> ((Knew*))
- [15:36] <Falerin> "And you sir are an incompetent"
- [15:37] <Zeltan> He has enormous will-power..
- [15:37] * Useless blinks in confusion. "This was...unexpected..."
- [15:37] <Falerin> "Evil takes more then menace"
- [15:37] * Damsel stands suddenly and reflexively, her staff called to her hand with a thought, watching the events intensely and ready to respond should another attack be made.
- [15:37] <Falerin> "It Takes style"
- [15:37] <Formerly_Somebody> Or was that Falerin?
- [15:37] <Falerin> "And you clearly are lacking in that department"
- [15:37] <ZLOK> How can we not love badguys in a tux?
- [15:37] * lyoko leans on the corner, watching
- [15:37] * Dale chuckles
- [15:37] <Formerly_Somebody> ((Dunno, ZLOK. It isn't easy.))
- [15:37] <Treyu_Cronos> He's in a tux? Ooh, even cooler
- [15:38] * Damsel looks at Useless with surprise, pleased beyond words that he is safe.
- [15:38] <Treyu_Cronos> ((Ooops, put (()) around that))
- [15:38] * Falerin gestures and Useless returns to his former position
- [15:38] * Formerly_Somebody applauds politely.
- [15:38] * LordBarrius hugs Valedia close with one arm and scratches her head lightly with the other, though his eyes still on Damsel.
- [15:38] * Useless twitters thankfully to Falerin. "I am...still amazed at this."
- [15:38] * Valedia blinks for a moment and can't help but blurt out, "Why do they always pick on the ferret?"
- [15:39] <Formerly_Somebody> Because, Valedia, he's just that cute.
- [15:39] * Damsel sags back to the couch, holding Useless to her, still in shock.
- [15:39] <Falerin> Because idiotically he believes that he is small and defenseless
- [15:39] * LordBarrius looks at Valedia with a confused glance, then suddenly smiles and chuckles a little.
- [15:39] <Falerin> And because he is well enough regarded that threating to harm him causes numerous people distress
- [15:39] <Falerin> It is emotional ransom
- [15:39] * Treyu_Cronos grins, "Small is hardly ever defenseless."
- [15:40] <Valedia> For someone who acts all high and tough, he honestly should try picking on someone his own size.
- [15:40] <bluemanrocks> Heh
- [15:40] <Falerin> As uncouth as that Analog is. He is likely to be a major problem.
- [15:40] <Falerin> As loathe as I am to consider it... removing him from all timelines seems a wise recourse
- [15:40] <bluemanrocks> Wouldn't that create some sort of paradox?
- [15:40] <Zeltan> Will it cause a problem
- [15:41] * Treyu_Cronos perks a brow, "Ugh, messing with time always causes trouble."
- [15:41] <Falerin> Since he is likely to be aided by The`Galin and almost assuredly will accelerate the very reasons that I entered this situation to begin with
- [15:41] <Formerly_Somebody> Bah, he's a god. Let him worry about that.
- [15:41] <Useless> Is there anything we might do to help that endeavor, Falerin?
- [15:41] <Falerin> Yes it will cause Massive paradoxes
- [15:41] <bluemanrocks> Hmm...
- [15:41] <Falerin> I am talking about destroying an entire multiverse
- [15:41] <Treyu_Cronos> "For instance, removing anything can alter the entire timeline."
- [15:41] <Zeltan> True Treyu, I'm a victim of time meddling
- [15:41] <ZLOK> Wouldn't removing him accomplish this too?
- [15:41] <Falerin> By hacking out a branch of the reality tree
- [15:41] <ZLOK> Unless of course you uncreate him, as if he never existed.
- [15:42] * maieo has joined #755
- [15:42] * Useless shudders
- [15:42] <bluemanrocks> Grettings maieo...
- [15:42] * Valedia sighs heavily and nips gently at Barrius a moment before whispering, "I think it may be best if I leave for rest now, before I too collapse in this weak form."
- [15:42] <Falerin> The paradox in fact is WHAT will destroy him and yes.. it WILL be uncreation
- [15:42] <Useless> That seems...excessive...
- [15:42] <Formerly_Somebody> Is it worth it, Falerin?
- [15:42] <ZLOK> In which case you would be no better than The'Galin as far as I can see.
- [15:42] <Falerin> Does it really Talo-Toecan....
- [15:42] * Tralin sets mode: +v maieo
- [15:42] * LordBarrius glances at Valedia. "Alright careful, please. And I'm sorry."
- [15:43] * Treyu_Cronos tilts his head slightly, "Wouldn't it be better to take him on straight on? Rather than throwing time into utter chaos or destroying an entire timeline. Have to be careful with that, time's a fickle thing."
- [15:43] <Useless> You have wisdom greater than I, Lore Master. If you think it wise, then what it seems to me should hardly matter.
- [15:43] * Damsel 's brow creases in thought. "If that can be accomplished, why has it not occurred to this branch of reality, where there is a chance we might succeed in resisting?"
- [15:43] <Falerin> Very well I respect your concern I will hold off. You were right about The Traveller. Ultimately.
- [15:43] <Valedia> ((I'm honestly just too tired for this. XD Sorry guys, I need to get to bed))
- [15:43] <Falerin> But you may have serious cause to regret your decision in the future....
- [15:43] <Zeltan> ((G'night))
- [15:43] <Dale> ((Night Valedia))
- [15:43] <LordBarrius> ((Night. :P))
- [15:43] <Formerly_Somebody> Most assuredly, we will. We always do.
- [15:43] <Useless> I have made no decision either way, Lore Master.
- [15:43] <Nicholas> ((Sleep well.))
- [15:44] <bluemanrocks> ((Indeed))
- [15:44] <Falerin> Semantics do not become you Talo
- [15:44] <Falerin> I recommend you do not play games
- [15:44] * Valedia nuzzles Barrius, "It's okay, just never forget tonight..." With that she hopped off the couch and wandered towards the door, or half stumbled.
- [15:44] <Falerin> They will only irritate me
- [15:44] <ZLOK> Not chosing is also a choice.
- [15:44] <Useless> Only commenting *was* advised that the meddling with time and the harming of the Tree of Possibility was to be stopped.
- [15:44] * Treyu_Cronos tilts his head slightly, "Not that there's any reason to listen to me, being new here and all, but screwing with time tends to do a lot more than intended."
- [15:44] * LordBarrius turns his gaze to Falerin. "There will be massive problems either way...."
- [15:44] * Valedia has left #755
- [15:44] <maieo> ((/me dances. as annoying as working is, i enjoy the spoils.))
- [15:45] <Falerin> "As long as that Being Exists... the problems will be far more than massive"
- [15:45] <bluemanrocks> ((/me does not dance...))
- [15:45] <Falerin> "He is my analog and I am a god"
- [15:45] <Falerin> "A god with eidetic memory"
- [15:45] <Useless> Fine...then give me a moment to phrase my *precise* thoughts on the matter, and I will give them all freely.
- [15:45] <LordBarrius> Yes, but an entire multiverse....
- [15:45] <Falerin> "Gods nearly constantly undergo integration events
- [15:46] <Falerin> "Meaning he knows what I do"
- [15:46] * maieo swings *
- [15:46] <bluemanrocks> Does he have something against Useless specifically, or did he choose him randomly, (For lack of a better word) to attack?
- [15:46] <Falerin> "I cannot hide that information from him"
- [15:46] <Formerly_Somebody> So he knows that you plan to remove him in this manner?
- [15:46] <Falerin> "He matches me in base power"
- [15:46] <Falerin> "And trust he lacks my compuction"
- [15:46] <Formerly_Somebody> If he knows what you do, then why does he not simply do to you what you plan for him, Falerin?
- [15:47] <bluemanrocks> Because he sees the holes in the logic as well...
- [15:47] * Treyu_Cronos nods, folding his arms over his chest. "Hmm... Well, weigh the potential damage to the timeline, against the potential damage caused by an... Analog? Whichever is likely to bring about the least harm. I just know that time is very fickle, small changes can be very destructive."
- [15:47] <Useless> The first thought that came to mind was that such a path is excessive, since it was advised to stop messing with the Tree of Possibility. However, that Falerin also has the measure of assemblage of an army of analogs to ourselves, which causes problems beyond problems. While I am highly uncomfortable with the idea of utilizing Uncreation to eliminate such a mass of threats, Falerin, I do not yet know what other recourse is availible.
- [15:48] <Falerin> "About the only thing that has detered what I just said being done to us.. is 1) The`Galin is absolutely sure we will fail in his arrogance 2) He fears the combined forces of My alternates in every other multiverse as we outnumber him by a substantive factor. Also it would not just be me... but also the combined alternates of Eldron Serian and Mariel"
- [15:48] <LordBarrius> Which would obliterate him.
- [15:49] <Falerin> Such things keep him at bay only in so long as he does not have the ability to ensure his escaping unscathed
- [15:49] <Falerin> Which the longer he exists unchecked with The`Galin aiding him the more and more likely that eventuality changing becomes"
- [15:49] <bluemanrocks> ((Ahh! Long messages!))
- [15:49] * Useless sighs, obviously still troubled and disturbed by the recent events.
- [15:50] <Falerin> Trust however I will not act unless the Farpoint authorizes me to act....
- [15:50] <Falerin> But I will be presenting it to Falerin, Serian and Mariel immediately
- [15:50] * Falerin gestures and vanishes
- [15:50] * Falerin has left #755