Falerin's Analog

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Revision as of 04:18, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[21:23] <>Ambiance<> A Large clock appears in channel counting down
[21:23] <>Ambiance<> 40
[21:23] <maieo> ((um...my mummy said don't talk to strangers, or at least not give them my address.))
[21:24] <Jeice> Falerin is coming...
[21:24] <>Ambiance<> 30
[21:24] <>Ambiance<> 20
[21:24] <redbaron303> Falerin is already here.
[21:24] <redbaron303> You just don't know it yet.
[21:24] * LordBarrius looks up.
[21:24] <Dale> Falerin is anywhere he wishes to be.
[21:24] <KingK> such as here in a moment
[21:24] <KRaken> ((7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!?)
[21:25] <maieo> ((hells no))
[21:25] <>Ambiance<> The clock suddenly shorts and shatters
[21:25] <Mobuis> Waiting for a boom...
[21:25] * LordBarrius frowns.
[21:25] <KingK> .....boom
[21:25] <LordBarrius> That was....unexpected.
[21:25] <Jeice> O.o
[21:25] <>Ambiance<> A chill wind comes through the channel
[21:25] <KRaken> ((falerin your clock is broken))
[21:26] * Valedia jumps at the sound of the shatter, glazing about alarmed.
[21:26] <Voice> Your Loremaster cannot make it tonight....
[21:26] <Voice> I have redirected him
[21:26] <KingK> then you are.....
[21:26] * Damsel 's eyes slowly open, sensing something is wrong. A look of panic crosses her face briefly until she realizes Useless still lays in her arms. Assuring herself of his presence, she looks about the room, concern on her face.
[21:26] <Nicholas> Hmmm.
[21:26] <KRaken> ((morgan))
[21:26] <Valedia> ((Probably))
[21:26] * Mobuis gulps
[21:26] <Voice> I am Falerin Ardendor
[21:27] <KRaken> ((or not))
[21:27] * LordBarrius raises an eyebrow, then turns his head to Damsel and Useless.
[21:27] <Dale> The god? Or the avatar? I am so very confused between the two.
[21:27] * Valedia whimpers and nuzzles LB
[21:27] <KingK> but yet not the loremaster? an analog?
[21:27] * maieo walks over to Nicholas *
[21:27] <KRaken> ((that was unexpected))]
[21:27] * Damsel pushes herself into a seeted position, still holding Useless to her. "What in the world?"
[21:27] <Voice> You have missed something incredibly obvious. I was here before and you pretended that I was an imposter imitating him.
[21:27] <Voice> You are entirely wrong....
[21:27] * Sprrie has quit IRC (Vaporized: )
[21:28] <maieo> ((um, ZOMG NO WAY WES!? /me rolls her eyes *))
[21:28] <KingK> ah so you are.....their falerin?
[21:28] * LordBarrius looks down at Valedia and gives her a light hug, trying to comfort her.
[21:28] <Voice> Why would your Loremaster NOT have Analogs
[21:28] * Damsel 's voice is barely a whisper as the importance of his statement hits her. "Oh gods."
[21:28] <Voice> If all other beings do
[21:28] * LordBarrius scowls. "Bah, I should have thought of that...."
[21:28] <KingK> unknown to myself i presumed he was higher then such things
[21:29] <KingK> as i thought all gods were
[21:29] <Voice> You presumed incorrectly. Many gods have variable and alternate forms on other realities
[21:29] <KRaken> ((well then show yourself "falerin:
[21:29] <KRaken> )0
[21:29] <Voice> Yes we share the same "essence" or "Soul" as you wish
[21:29] <KingK> but?
[21:29] <Voice> All analogs share the same soul....
[21:30] <Voice> But we do not share the same persona. Any more then your analogs neccesarily do.
[21:30] <KingK> thats interesting i hadnt known that.
[21:30] <Voice> And I....
[21:30] <Jeice> I thought so.
[21:30] <Dale> Heh, interesting indeed.
[21:30] <KRaken> ((so if your last analog gave his soul to the`galin your next oen has too??))
[21:30] <Voice> Well you can find my attitude about you and about The`Galin it is already recorded
[21:30] <Jeice> Even worlds and dieties have analogs.
[21:30] <Voice> My Caelestia will survive.
[21:31] <Dale> So wouldn't that mean The`Galin has one as well?
[21:31] <KingK> i thank you at least for being a bit more well mannered this time around
[21:31] <Voice> Your Loremaster's Caelestia can be reduced to ash For all I care
[21:31] <Voice> The
[21:31] <KRaken> ((/me moves to the Voices caelestia))
[21:31] <Voice> The`Galin has no analogs.
[21:31] * Zeltan has joined #755
[21:31] <Voice> The`Galin once did....
[21:31] <Voice> As all beings do....
[21:31] <Dale> What became of it?
[21:32] <KingK> but he killed them for power?yes?
[21:32] <KRaken> ((he murdered it))
[21:32] <Voice> But what part of creation could compete with The`Galin more then any other....
[21:32] <Voice> What part could most steal the attention The`Galin felt was due...
[21:32] <KingK> himself....?
[21:33] <Voice> Quite simply The`Galin uncreated all of his alternates long long ago
[21:33] <KRaken> ((he united himself with himself))
[21:33] <maieo> ((is there anyway we could get through this without some dead guy making stupid OOC comments? please?))
[21:33] <Dale> Heh, figures...
[21:33] <Jeice> Is it possible that he missed one?
[21:33] <Voice> The The`Galin you see is the final one. The ultimate expression.
[21:33] <Voice> No.
[21:33] <Voice> Because none of his other Alternates became an Uncreator.
[21:33] <Voice> They never approached him in power
[21:33] <Voice> And he destroyed the variation at the trunk
[21:34] <Voice> To use an analogy already been presented
[21:34] <maieo> Oh..
[21:35] <Jeice> So has our Falerin been redirected to the Caelestia you are from?
[21:35] <Jeice> Or somewhere else?
[21:36] <<Falerin>> http://psyham.googlepages.com/falerin'sinsults suffices to sumarize my attitude about you
[21:36] * Zeltan has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
[21:36] * Zeltan has joined #755
[21:36] <<Falerin>> I prevented him from coming by interefering with him.... he has not been sent anywhere
[21:36] <KingK> yes we are aware i think.
[21:36] <<Falerin>> I aid The`Galin as I have promised
[21:37] <KRaken> ((TPOLD YOU!))
[21:37] <<Falerin>> And you are my enemies. It does you well to remember that. Of course I have assembled a group of analogs from several different realities of my own
[21:37] <KRaken> ((the dark mirror))
[21:37] <<Falerin>> You see the likelihood of ALL of you being evil on any given reality is slim. But there are plenty of realities to choose from.....
[21:37] * Namegduf_Live has joined #755
[21:37] * Tralin sets mode: +v Namegduf_Live
[21:38] <<Falerin>> So I systematically created an army of you....
[21:38] <Dale> This isn't good...
[21:38] * Namegduf_Live has left #755
[21:38] <Nicholas> Interesting.
[21:38] <<Falerin>> I was the Voice....
[21:38] <KingK> pfft evil yes. as powerful as us i doubt it.
[21:38] <Jeice> What about my analogs, what happens involving them?
[21:38] <<Falerin>> Since I have read that question....
[21:38] <<Falerin>> I was the voice... as I just was the voice...
[21:39] <<Falerin>> As a servitor of our lord already King Jones you are certainly given to acts of bravado
[21:39] <KingK> hm.
[21:39] <<Falerin>> Of course they are empty and meaningless acts
[21:39] <<Falerin>> But if they make you feel better
[21:39] <<Falerin>> I wish you well
[21:40] <KingK> so it is confirmed then.well,even so,i am having my own thoughts these days.
[21:40] <Jeice> How am I already a servitor of your lord?1
[21:40] <Jeice> !*
[21:40] * LordBarrius strokes Valedia lightly on her head to try to keep her comforted.
[21:41] * Valedia nuzzles LB appreciatively and remains silent overall.
[21:41] * PapaSmurff037 has joined #755
[21:41] <KingK> i havent yet since the last and first time they spoke to me have helped your master.
[21:42] <KingK> i hold no reason to be his follower he does not need me so i know now that i will be left aside for i am no one to him. only another seeker who tryed to help.
[21:42] <Lex> KingK
[21:42] <Lex> You missed it...
[21:42] * Mobuis sighs
[21:43] <KingK> ((missed what))
[21:43] <KRaken> ((FALERIN SERVES THE`GALIN!))
[21:43] <KingK> ((shush))
[21:43] * Damsel sighs and runs a hand distracted across her hair. "Shit. This is both good news and bad news. I am relieved to find out it's not some echo from the future, however, if a group of our analogs are being gathered for ill..." She flinches slightly at the thought.
[21:43] * Nicholas gives Maieo a hug.
[21:43] * LordBarrius frowns. "An army of us....hm."
[21:43] <Zeltan> How large is your army of evil analogs?
[21:43] <Dale> No, that was an analog, not our Falerin.
[21:43] <Dale> I think.
[21:44] <Daniel> ((Well, if that army includes all my analogs, that is a fairly large army.))
[21:44] * Mobuis sighs, "I'm glad i'm not important enough to be involved."
[21:44] * maieo sighs and give Nicholas one back *
[21:44] <maieo> ((gives*))
[21:44] <KRaken> ((wait Wes's other analog Wes would be good I MIGHT BE ABLKE TO COME IN if fal allows it))
[21:44] * PapaSmurff037 has quit IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected )
[21:44] <maieo> ((hopefully, unlikely.))
[21:44] <Zeltan> ((You are dead, leave it that way))
[21:45] <Mobuis> ((Shoot me now. <_<))
[21:45] <KRaken> ((zeltan im not daead))
[21:45] <KRaken> ((wes is still in the epics)0
[21:45] <Jeice> An army of analogs... Our Falerin, come back soon.
[21:45] <Nicholas> Oh, I need to return a favour...
[21:45] * Nicholas blushes.
[21:45] * Nicholas gently kisses Maieo on her cheek.
[21:45] <Zeltan> This is disturbing..
[21:45] * LordBarrius grins. "Oh, I don't know....I think I could take myself." He chuckles a little at the thought of fighting himself.
[21:46] <Jeice> If he does have an evil me... things could get really chaotic really fast.
[21:46] <KingK> please im sure my analog does not have my unique ability
[21:46] * Damsel 's brow creases in concern, leaving her thoughts unvoiced.
[21:46] <Dale> Heh, and what would that be?
[21:46] <<Falerin>> No.. he has his own set of abilities
[21:47] <Mobuis> I'd be suprized if my Analog had an IQ above 50.
[21:47] <Jeice> I doubt he would hesitate to manipulate time in his favor...
[21:47] <<Falerin>> And he is directly boosted by a god
[21:47] <Dale> Bah, he's still here...
[21:47] <Zeltan> Similarly, so does my analogs
[21:47] * maieo looks at Nick. "Did Dan..? I'm going to kill him..." *
[21:47] <KingK> damn......
[21:47] <Dale> That...complicates things... quite a bit...
[21:47] <<Falerin>> More then one in fact....
[21:47] <<Falerin>> Myself....
[21:47] <Zeltan> I'm certain that the are not make up of gas
[21:47] <Zeltan> they*
[21:47] <<Falerin>> and The`Galin
[21:47] <Nicholas> Yes, he did, Maieo.
[21:47] <KingK> i really dislike you
[21:47] * LordBarrius frowns. "Well, then I suppose that throws a wrench in things...."
[21:47] <Zeltan> ((Be right back))
[21:47] * Valedia eyes Mobius, "My analog is probably a useless kitten."
[21:47] <Jeice> That would be a nightmare...
[21:48] <KingK> you seem so smug even though your smart enough to know hell get to celestia eventually
[21:48] * Zeltan has quit IRC (Broken pipe )
[21:48] <Dale> ((Imagine, a war of fighting "Its YOU!"))
[21:48] * Mobuis laughs at Valedia's comment
[21:48] <<Falerin>> That feeling is mostly mutual. Though I do not really so much dislike you as hold you in utter contempt
[21:48] <KingK> he'll*
[21:48] <Jeice> Falerin, have you been to any Odeycias to get your army?!
[21:48] * maieo laughs *
[21:48] <<Falerin>> Incidentally those events you saw WERE future echos
[21:48] <<Falerin>> AND they related to the Analog situation
[21:48] * LordBarrius scowls.
[21:48] <Nicholas> Thought so.
[21:48] <<Falerin>> Your analogs will hunt you eventually. Unless you hunt them first....
[21:49] <KingK> and how are we to do that?
[21:49] <Dale> You make it sound like we stand no chance against ourselves...
[21:49] <<Falerin>> It is amazing what people do when the option is to betray their core nature
[21:49] <Jeice> Games of werewolf, but more real...
[21:49] * Damsel holds Useless against her tightly.
[21:49] <Mobuis> Bah, if i fight myself, i'm going down with me.
[21:49] <<Falerin>> Which would you prefer. Hunting down and slaying your alternates... or having them kill you and the enemy winning
[21:49] * LordBarrius chuckles and cracks his knuckles one by one. "I'm up for hunting myself...."
[21:49] <<Falerin>> Of course this forces you to betray your nature
[21:50] <Dale> Hmm
[21:50] <<Falerin>> At least for some of you
[21:50] <KingK> i see a trap froma mile away though the point still stands.....
[21:50] <Jeice> How will we know? This will truly be dangerous. We could accidently kill the wrong analogs...
[21:50] <Dale> I must leave you, goodnight.
[21:50] <<Falerin>> Which ALSO means he wins
[21:50] <<Falerin>> Its Win Win from his perspective
[21:50] * Dale is now known as Dale|Sleep
[21:50] <<Falerin>> Mine as well
[21:50] <Mobuis> A lose/lose situation for us then?
[21:50] <Daniel> Lesser of two evils I suppose.
[21:51] * Valedia shivers, "This hunting is something I will not take part in."
[21:51] <KingK> perspectives are only personal views.
[21:51] <Jeice> They will slip in, and replace us... and we may not know...
[21:51] <KingK> ill take my chances and let my analog find me.
[21:51] <<Falerin>> This also means that you may have encountered other analogs already. This also may mean that you can never be sure which analog has suddenly joined you. You will not be able to tell if they can be trusted or not....
[21:51] <<Falerin>> How sad and unfortunate
[21:51] * LordBarrius glares at Jeice. "Stop that now."
[21:51] * Mobuis frowns
[21:51] * ZLOK grins.
[21:51] <Dale|Sleep> Bah... He toys with our minds..
[21:52] <<Falerin>> Oh but he is quite right
[21:52] <Jeice> Sorry Barrius, but it is the truth...
[21:52] <Dale|Sleep> He's trying to turn us against one another...
[21:52] <Mobuis> ((i'm all for killing Kraken >_>))
[21:52] <<Falerin>> He is absolutely right. You also cannot go based on signature or world alignment as you are all from different worlds. And several of you gathered may be from different "multiverses" relative to Each other
[21:52] <maieo> ((amen.))
[21:53] <<Falerin>> So the Jeice native to Barrius' world might be evil as hell
[21:53] * Zeltan has joined #755
[21:53] * LordBarrius chuckles. "Perhaps so. There are plenty of me that aren't so nice."
[21:53] <KingK> well wouldnt this be the best time for our LoreMaster to show up.
[21:53] <<Falerin>> Whereas the Geno native to Lkeas' world may be a saint
[21:53] <ZLOK> (( Question: Are we to treat knowledge gained from #755 to be knowledge held in the epics? ))
[21:53] <<Falerin>> But he won't as I have interfered with him....
[21:54] <KingK> yes i know yet i dont understand are you more powerful then him from the power bestowed to you by the devourer?
[21:54] <LordBarrius> Hm. Evil me....I do hope he is entertaining.
[21:54] <<Falerin>> Can you trust each other.
[21:54] <<Falerin>> Can you trust yourself.
[21:54] <Mobuis> We can't trust you for sure.
[21:55] <Zeltan> My present self yes, my analog no
[21:55] <<Falerin>> Can you deal with the result of NOT trusting each other...
[21:55] <<Falerin>> Can you deal with the result of NOT trusting ME.....
[21:55] * Zeltan frowns
[21:55] <<Falerin>> Or more pointedly my Analog.... I have already once.... acted exactly like him and you had no idea
[21:55] <KingK> and when was this.
[21:56] <<Falerin>> I am a god. My powers of mimicry are pretty spot on. After all. He is me. I can pretend to like you and aid you. And actually be actively harming you.
[21:56] * LordBarrius laughs. "Indeed....but I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken if you think an evil me will be taking my place."
[21:56] * Damsel bites her lower lip worridly.
[21:56] <<Falerin>> At any given time the Me you get may be Me
[21:56] <Daniel> During the week of his meeting I would guess.
[21:56] <<Falerin>> Or it may be he
[21:56] <<Falerin>> Of course he will not react well to you mistrusting him
[21:56] <KingK> i will have my ways of finding out....
[21:56] <<Falerin>> That might be enough to drive him to my side
[21:57] <<Falerin>> I can be quite reactionary you know
[21:57] <<Falerin>> Part of being an evil god I guess
[21:57] <KRaken> ((thers gonna be an epic tonight i known it))
[21:57] <<Falerin>> Toodles
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