A Spineless Dissembler

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[14:41] Diviara: Have you considered Alastor Fulcan Ryst that The`Galin may have desired this "reformation" and improvement in you..... That he may indeed be glad for it.... [14:41] * Diviara smirks [14:41] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken slaps Alastor [14:41] *** Azerkail has joined #755. [14:42] Lkeas: mmm. that was rather a suspicion we had entertained at one point [14:42] * AlastorFulcanRyst doesn't feel the slap as it phases through him [14:42] *** Mode change "+v Azerkail" for channel #755 by Tralin. [14:42] Azerkail: Okay, got that out of the way. [14:42] AlastorFulcanRyst: Do you still think I serve The'Galin? [14:42] Lkeas: Diviara, have you met this Cartwright person? who is he, and what is his relation to the Twains? [14:42] Diviara: Goo evening Mr. Kuni. How does this evening find you, [14:42] Diviara: Do you think you do Alastor Fulcan Ryst [14:43] AlastorFulcanRyst: I KNOW I do not. [14:43] AlastorFulcanRyst: And please, Alastor will do just fine. [14:43] Diviara: Da Nile..... is more then a river in egypt... [14:43] Azerkail: Diviara, why do you use my second life name? [14:43] * Diviara turns to Lkeas [14:44] Azerkail: It's also afternoon as well. =P [14:44] AlastorFulcanRyst: Denial, what an advanced pun, Diviara, did you learn that in Grade school? [14:44] AlastorFulcanRyst: And as long as I hold this necklace, I serve who I wish to serve. Isn't that right? [14:45] Diviara: Why create a new what will only be destroyed Azerkail [14:45] Lkeas: i would wonder why he decides to use Galrick's persona on myspace and the forums rather than choosing an identity for himself [14:45] Damsel: Hear me a moment. Our goal is well known to you. What I'd like to know is more about acrostics. [14:45] Diviara: Because [14:45] Diviara: Doing so... [14:45] Diviara: Expresses a point [14:45] Azerkail: I dunno. Kuni or Azerkail, take your pick. [14:46] AlastorFulcanRyst: Diviara, do tell me, why you gave this necklace to Marrin? [14:46] AlastorFulcanRyst: I am rather curious. [14:46] *** Namegduf_Live is now known as NL_Asleep. [14:46] *** LB|Dinner is now known as Barrius. [14:46] Diviara: R. Cartwright is how do you say this in your tongue a bateau [14:46] Diviara: a.... [14:47] Azerkail: What's Cartwright's first name? [14:47] Diviara: cistern [14:47] Diviara: an... Alebic [14:47] Diviara: *Alembic [14:47] Azerkail: Dude, rocking guitar. [14:48] Diviara: Yes that is it.... [14:48] AlastorFulcanRyst: Diviara, do you still consider me a servant to The'Galin? [14:48] Barrius: Ah.... [14:48] Azerkail: Strike that, false alarm. [14:48] Diviara: He is an Alembic [14:48] Lkeas: Cartwright is an Alembic? a distiller? refiner? transmuter? [14:48] Barrius: A vessel? [14:48] Azerkail: An obsolete vessel, I might add. [14:48] Diviara: Alembic's are far from obsolete [14:49] Diviara: He is also.... [14:49] Azerkail: Tell that to Princeton. [14:49] * AlastorFulcanRyst wonders if Diviara will ever answer his question. [14:50] *** fantasygod has joined #755. [14:50] Diviara: What I consider is less than relevant [14:50] fantasygod: The Truth Seeker strikes in the forums...but you all already know that. I can tell. [14:50] Diviara: He is also how do you say.... the brawn [14:50] Diviara: The bulk [14:50] Azerkail: Is he a few french fries short of a happy meal, Diviara? [14:50] Lkeas: who is the brains? [14:51] Diviara: The muscle [14:51] AlastorFulcanRyst: Diviara, you do confuzzle me. [14:51] Diviara: Yes the Muscle [14:51] Diviara: I chose this series of terms in each description deliberately as they all possess shades of what R. Cartwright is [14:51] Diviara: None of the analogies however is complete [14:52] Diviara: The final one in each set is closest to what you would say.... He is an Alembic and he is the muscle [14:53] Diviara: Since you seem quite keen on what I think AlastorFulcanRyst [14:53] Diviara: I will tell you what I think AlastorFulcanRyst [14:53] Diviara: I am quite CERTAIN that you still serve him.... [14:53] *** fantasygod has left #755. [14:53] Diviara: Of that matter there can be no doubt whatsoever.... [14:53] Takun: Hmm. [14:54] Lkeas: if he is an Alembic, is Cartwright the one directly responsible for the Seeker's transformation? [14:54] Azerkail: If I recall, Diviara used the word "maid" yesterday. [14:54] Lkeas: or is that beyond his ability as simply the "muscle?" [14:54] Azerkail: Lisa might have done it for him. [14:54] Diviara: Yes Maid's are servants [14:54] Lkeas: a halfling? i'd doubt it.. [14:55] Diviara: I do not mean maid in the sense of young female [14:55] Diviara: Rather in the sense of "French Maid" [14:56] Diviara: All of you are The`Galin's maids of course [14:56] * Azerkail hates French Maid outfits. [14:56] Diviara: Some of you just butle better then others [14:56] * Lkeas scowls [14:56] Lkeas: what of this bestial nature of Galrick's transformation? is it somehow tied to the beast inhabiting those from Immertot? [14:56] Lkeas: is it indeed a type of faceless? [14:56] * AlastorFulcanRyst smiles [14:57] AlastorFulcanRyst: If it weren't for the wishes of Lkeas, Marrin and Useless, Diviara, I would already have destroyed you... [14:57] Diviara: There are many varieties of Annunaki [14:57] Diviara: But it need not be an Annunaki at all [14:58] Lkeas: what else would it be? [14:58] Diviara: Consider other creatures that have been transformed by the efforts of The`Galin they need not have been instilled with anything [14:58] Diviara: merely mutated [14:58] Lkeas: hmm. but as Galrick was chosen as a Communicant would it have not been fitting? [14:59] Diviara: The outside morphed to reflect the inside [14:59] Diviara: And that is the telling point [14:59] Diviara: The outside will always be morphed to reflect the inside [14:59] * AlastorFulcanRyst wonders what he would be morphed into if he were The'Galin's slave anymore... [14:59] Lkeas: the outside... well, until we see Galrick again, i suppose we'll be left wondering on that point... [14:59] Diviara: Sometimes though.... [14:59] Diviara: Evil is beautiful [15:00] Diviara: It appears wholesome [15:00] *** ForeverEndeavor has signed off IRC (Distracted: ). [15:00] * Lkeas smirks, glancing at Diviara's form [15:00] * Damsel keeps her face carefully composed. [15:00] AlastorFulcanRyst: It appears ull... [15:00] AlastorFulcanRyst: *full [15:00] Diviara: Some things that are very distressing appear quite wholesome [15:00] Lkeas: i can see i did not do your beauty justice, Diviara. [15:00] AlastorFulcanRyst: What will Leo become? [15:00] Azerkail: It appears charismatic, so as to lure its victims in. [15:00] AlastorFulcanRyst: An evil squirrel? [15:00] Diviara: This becoming is harder then it seems [15:01] * Damsel whispers quietly. "The vorpal rabbit." [15:01] Diviara: Leo is trying to make people kill him [15:01] *** bluemanrocks has signed off IRC (Ping timeout). [15:01] Diviara: He is trying to get you to remove him [15:01] * Azerkail says in a low voice. "The Black Monster from LOST." [15:01] Lkeas: it would not be the first time [15:01] * AlastorFulcanRyst summons the Dawnblade. "I can do that." [15:01] Azerkail: Leo's got a bit of a martyr complex. [15:01] Diviara: And he believes that the most effective way of doing so is convincing you of his loyalty to our lord [15:02] Diviara: ...suicide by cop.... [15:02] *** Diviara has signed off IRC (Interred: ). [15:02] AlastorFulcanRyst: So be it, *turns to Lkeas* Can I kill him please? [15:02] Azerkail: I know where she got that last line. [15:02] Lkeas: ((he)) [15:02] Azerkail: Same difference. =P [15:02] Azerkail: Its from the Outsiders. [15:03] Leo: Err, okay... [15:03] Lkeas: it's not only from there [15:03] AlastorFulcanRyst: Lkeas, please let me kill him! [15:03] Azerkail: The older kid that helps Ponyboy and Johnny got himself killed by robbing a store and alerting the cops and pointed a gun at them and got himself killed. [15:03] Azerkail: I imagine its not the only one, but its the first thing to come to mind. [15:03] * Lkeas glances at Alastor and shakes her head once [15:04] AlastorFulcanRyst: He wants to die, let me kill him! [15:04] Damsel: I had suspected that was Leo's motivation this morning, that's why I did not move to stop Alastor. I appologize, but in this case, I felt it better to watch. [15:04] Lkeas: you would give in to Leo's desires? you would serve his wishes? [15:04] Lkeas: no, better to let him stay alive and ponder his decision. [15:04] *** Crash has joined #755. [15:04] *** Mode change "+v Crash" for channel #755 by Tralin. [15:04] AlastorFulcanRyst: I would give in to the former Leo's desires, which is why I wish to kill him. [15:05] Leo: ((Sorry, my connection just did something weird...)) [15:06] Azerkail: Just in case you didn't catch my hints on Galrick's profile: [15:06] Damsel: I did not feel it was my place to choose, Lkeas. It was a decision he made before The'Galin took him. [15:06] AlastorFulcanRyst: I'm leaving [15:06] AlastorFulcanRyst: Farewell (dinner) [15:06] Azerkail: http://groups.myspace.com/truthfaithful [15:06] *** AlastorFulcanRyst is now known as Alastor|Diner. [15:06] Lkeas: of course, Damsel, however personally i feel that if Leo truly wanted to end his life, he would do it himself instead of forcing the burden on another [15:06] * Leo frowns and looks at Lkeas. [15:07] * Leo unsheathes his sword, and prepares to attack Lkeas. [15:07] * Lkeas raises an eyebrow [15:07] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken shifts to Lkeas' shadow [15:07] Lkeas: really now, Leo, must we engage in melodrama? [15:08] Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken: leo dont even [15:08] * Azerkail summons the polar bear from LOST. [15:08] * Barrius frowns. In a split second, he is between Lkeas and Leo, hand at the handle of his sword. [15:08] Azerkail: Don't make me sick the polar bear. [15:08] Leo: Grrr... [15:09] Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken: see [15:09] Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken: i told you this would happen [15:09] Barrius: I know you don't want to do that.... [15:09] * Leo trembles. [15:09] * Damsel sighs. "He hopes that a desprate attack will force us to kill him." [15:09] Leo: I cannot. [15:09] * Leo throws his sword to the ground. [15:09] Lkeas: Leo, you know how everyone in this room feels, no matter who is being threatened the others will protect them [15:09] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken stands up but doesnt solidify [15:10] Lkeas: do not forget that they also protected you [15:10] Leo: Diviara, I refuse your order. [15:10] * Barrius gives Leo a reassuring smile. "I forgive you, friend." [15:10] Lkeas: that is the strength that is needed here. [15:10] Lkeas: the strength that i am pleased to see remains as full as ever [15:11] *** Maxx has signed off IRC (Interred: Yoiks and away!!). [15:11] *** Diviara has joined #755. [15:11] *** Q has joined #755. [15:11] Azerkail: Welcome back Diviara. [15:11] Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken: hello diviara [15:11] Diviara: Very good Leo. Thank you for doing exactly as I wished you to. [15:11] * Damsel stands, walks over to Leo's blade, and picks it up. "I do not think you should possess this any longer, friend." [15:11] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken is still a floating shadow [15:11] Lkeas: if only such teamwork could be applied to matters more productive than this [15:11] Diviara: And proving quite firmly the truth of my observations about you [15:12] * Lkeas frowns [15:12] Lkeas: you expected him to come after me? [15:12] Diviara: You are ever the spineless dissembler... but you do not have the character of a true follower of The`Galin [15:12] Leo: Hmm, that I'm a spineless dissembler? [15:12] Lkeas: ... [15:12] * Diviara looks at Lkeas [15:13] Diviara: Prophet I knew he would never attack you [15:13] Diviara: Nor did I want him to [15:13] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken sighs and solidifies "thats the old Leo i knew." [15:13] Diviara: I said to him...the following [15:13] Diviara: you deny my accusation.... then prove otherwise Leo.... Eliminate the greatest enemy to The`Galin currenly in that channel.... Kill it.... [15:13] * Barrius chuckles, removing his hand from the handle of his sword. [15:13] Diviara: Prove yourself to be something other then the spineless dissembler that everyone knows you are [15:13] * Lkeas laughs [15:13] Diviara: He asked me even if I wanted it [15:14] * Azerkail tells the Polar Bear to stand down. [15:14] Lkeas: Leo, you think ME to be the greatest enemy to The'Galin? [15:14] Diviara: and I told him that as irrelevant [15:14] Diviara: He acted here predicatably [15:14] * Wes_Shellaguah_McKraken elbows Lkeas "i wanna be the'galins enemy!" [15:14] Diviara: That he selected you was no suprirse [15:14] Diviara: As he is fixated on you [15:14] Lkeas: yes, his attachment has always been rather pronounced [15:14] Diviara: But his bravado this evening is just that [15:14] Barrius: No, it is not a surprise.... [15:14] Diviara: Bravado [15:14] Diviara: An act [15:14] Diviara: A Fascade [15:15] Azerkail: I hate that word, bravado. [15:15] Diviara: He was attempting as I said.... [15:15] Diviara: Suicide by cop.... [15:15] * Lkeas nods [15:15] Diviara: Which is a particularly cowardly form of suicide. It lacks even the spine to do it oneself. [15:15] Diviara: Well it is a good evening.... [15:15] Azerkail: Afternoon. [15:16] Diviara: A very good evening indeed [15:16] Diviara: I bnid you adeiu [15:16] *** Diviara has left #755.

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