Prophet of NOVA

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Revision as of 03:04, 30 October 2007 by Zeltan (Talk | contribs)
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[15:37] * Galrick has joined #755
[15:37] * Tralin sets mode: +v Galrick
[15:37] <Marrin> The arzus are carnax's soul
[15:37] <Marrin> I dont think its a cordemi soult hat will open it.
[15:37] <Marrin> And carnax's is impure as is
[15:37] <Marrin> (translation: lol)
[15:37] <Leo> Greetings.
[15:37] * Galrick is now known as ProphetOfNOVA
[15:37] <Damsel> ...
[15:37] <Marrin> galrick....
[15:37] <Damsel> Galrick?
[15:37] <Daniel> Hello Galrick.
[15:37] <Jeice> Hello er... Galrick?
[15:38] * LordBarrius frowns.
[15:38] <Jeice> What is with the name change?
[15:38] <Cheddar> hi garlick
[15:38] <Useless> I think that settles the question posed by Kellehendros...
[15:38] <Marrin> You... sonofa...
[15:38] <Marrin> Is this what you meant by changing your course?!
[15:38] <Daniel> Or if you'd prefer, Hello Prophet of NOVA.
[15:38] <Useless> Greetings to thee Galrick, no matter how you choose to be


[15:38] <Marrin> I suppose so. thoughthey are not opposites.. they are


[15:39] <Useless> Regardless, Marrin.
[15:39] <Daniel> What tidings do you have for us, prophet?
[15:40] <Cheddar> Oh great prophet of craziness :P
[15:40] <Cheddar> give us your holy advice
[15:41] <Cheddar> Holiness
[15:41] <Cheddar> You are too holy for us
[15:41] <Leo> How are you, Galrick?
[15:41] <Cheddar> we are unworthy
[15:41] <Useless> Cheddar, please desist.
[15:41] <Cheddar> forgive us for even typing in your e-pressence
[15:41] <Cheddar> ok
[15:41] * Daniel is worried by the silent prophet *
[15:41] <Cheddar> i'll stop
[15:42] <Cheddar> maybe he is dead
[15:42] <ProphetOfNOVA> In this Age of loss those who need aid can find

Meaning in The aid of fRiends novA can helP. Please my friends do not judgE

[15:42] <ProphetOfNOVA> me harshly for my Decision, I was wrong in my prior

assumptions. Having mEt Lisa I have finally come to realize the Promblem

[15:42] <ProphetOfNOVA> of My logic. Everyone makes mistakes
[15:42] <Useless> Your point has been made, and your opinion evident, no

need to add needlessly ot that.

[15:43] <Useless> Hmm
[15:43] <Cheddar> ...
[15:43] <Marrin> Useless... watch the capitals...
[15:43] * ProphetOfNOVA has quit IRC (Interred: NOVA will SAVE YOU )
[15:43] <Useless> I'm quite aware, Marrin.
[15:43] <Marrin> The hell it will!
[15:43] <Useless> My powers of Observation are adept.
[15:44] <Daniel> We understand Galrick.
[15:44] <Marrin> He is trapped. Just as the messenger was.
[15:44] * Marrin cracks his knuckles noisily
[15:44] <Marrin> I swear... if lisa harms a hair on his head...
[15:44] <Useless> However, the question is, how can we free him this time


[15:44] <LordBarrius> Figures.
[15:44] <Jeice> The laptop.
[15:44] <Daniel> It would be wise to assume he typed like that because we

are being watched.

[15:45] <Leo> How... very disturbing.
[15:45] <Cheddar> why are we being watched
[15:45] <Cheddar> i'm scared
[15:45] <LordBarrius> Why else?
[15:45] <Marrin> I did not say the full message..
[15:45] <Marrin> Maybe Lord Barrius.
[15:45] <LordBarrius> To glean intel from us....
[15:45] <Marrin> Someone needs to contact my agent hten.
[15:45] * Lisa has joined #755
[15:45] * Tralin sets mode: +v Lisa
[15:45] <Daniel> Hello Lisa.
[15:45] <Leo> Greetings.
[15:45] <Jeice> Hello Lisa.
[15:45] * LordBarrius frowns again.
[15:45] <Cheddar> OMG
[15:45] <Damsel> Evening, Lisa.
[15:46] * Daniel tips his hat to you *
[15:46] <maieo> evening.
[15:46] <Lisa> You see my friends it is just as I said. Galrick has joined

the fold and given himself to NOVA.

[15:46] <Marrin> Speak of the devil.
[15:46] <Daniel> Yes, it seems you have treated him quite well.
[15:46] <LordBarrius> Mhm.
[15:46] <Lisa> Now his Therapy will start and his new life will begin.
[15:46] <Cheddar> isnt lisa the one who the holy prophet just talked about?
[15:46] <LordBarrius> I'm glad to hear that.
[15:46] <Leo> That's just...
[15:46] <Lisa> If you see Dan again temm him it is not too late
[15:46] * Lisa has quit IRC (Vanished: )
[15:46] <Marrin> Bitch....
[15:46] <LordBarrius> Witch.
[15:46] <Cheddar> Evil
[15:46] <Marrin> Someone needs to go save galrick...
[15:47] <Lex> Mitch!
[15:47] <Daniel> Most definitely so.
[15:47] * LordBarrius removes his hand from his sword hilt.
[15:47] <Cheddar> Stitch!
[15:47] <Lex> citch
[15:47] <Lex> Fitch
[15:47] <Lex> Sitch
[15:47] * Useless thinks hard, his swishing tail moving out of synch to


[15:47] <Marrin> I swear... I was about to slice her in half...
[15:47] <Cheddar> Lich (Meheheh!)!
[15:47] * Diviara has joined #755
[15:47] <Lex> Lich
[15:47] <Daniel> Hello Diviara.
[15:47] <Damsel> Good evening, Diviara
[15:47] <Jeice> Hello Diviara.
[15:47] <Lex> Damn beat me to it >.<
[15:47] <Useless> Violence does little....oh, hello Diviara
[15:47] <LordBarrius> Heh. What a night this is becoming.
[15:47] <Cheddar> Beat u to it
[15:47] <maieo> h'llo.
[15:48] <Cheddar> Lex
[15:48] <Daniel> Pleasure to see you again.
[15:48] <Lex> Yes?
[15:48] <Marrin> Great. The devil's fold.
[15:48] <Useless> Marrin, stay your anger.
[15:48] <Diviara> DESCRAGLIKIDA
[15:48] <Cheddar> no im...nvm
[15:48] <Marrin> And what message have you for us this night?
[15:48] <Jeice> I noticed that Diviara, but I don't understand it.
[15:49] <Diviara> Continue meddling..... and things might meddle back
[15:49] <Useless> Is it to discuss the relationship between created and

creator perhaps?

[15:49] <Leo> My apologies, greetings Diviara.
[15:49] <LordBarrius> Here to observe more, are you?
[15:49] <Marrin> Desecrate galrick (IDA?)
[15:49] <Cheddar> moo
[15:49] <Cheddar> sry i fust had to
[15:50] <Diviara> We are always observing Cheddar
[15:50] <Diviara> Absolutely always
[15:50] <Cheddar> ...
[15:50] <Leo> So, how are you Diviara?
[15:50] <LordBarrius> Of course.
[15:50] * maieo quietly swings *
[15:50] <Cheddar> Why is diviara talking to a moron (me)?
[15:50] <Daniel> Galrick is dead?
[15:50] <Diviara> I just witnessed that fine little display between my

fellow communicant and the NOVA's poster girl in fact

[15:51] <LordBarrius> Oh? And what did you make of it?
[15:51] <Damsel> Oh?
[15:51] <Useless> I would not think that it would escape your notice.
[15:51] <Daniel> Thank you for that informative anagram Diviara.
[15:51] <Diviara> I would urge caution.
[15:52] <Cheddar> nothing escapes your notice (crazy music)
[15:52] <Diviara> His hidden message may be a trap to cause you to come

rescue him

[15:52] <Diviara> Whereupon things most unplesant can be done to you
[15:52] <Marrin> We must save Galrick...
[15:52] <Marrin> I dont suppose you'd help us there Diviara?
[15:52] <Diviara> Have a great evening.
[15:52] <Marrin> Perhaps.
[15:52] * Diviara has quit IRC (Vanished: )
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