Tim the Wizard

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[20:58] Falerin: <kingk> it goes by eastern
[20:58] Falerin: This delusion is constantly perpetrated
[20:58] *** Alphonse has joined #755.
[20:59] Falerin: People will not believe me no matter how many times I point out that the world of lore does not go according to OUR clock
[20:59] kingk: oh sorry
[20:59] Falerin: and good morrow everyone
[20:59] kingk: thats just what i was told
[20:59] Lkeas: i believe you :)
[20:59] kingk: later fal
[20:59] kingk: have a good evening
[21:00] Falerin: You misundestand me... I am not yet leaving
[21:00] Falerin: Good morrow is in this case a greeting
[21:00] kingk: ah sorry you had me thinking that
[21:00] kingk: oh im sorry
[21:00] Falerin: since I have basically not been here at all today
[21:00] Marrin: Falerin... i have a question. there is all this talk of trinities. In lore, we have the Creator, the Devourer... who is the third?
[21:00] Lkeas: right
[21:00] kingk: that is certainly true
[21:00] Marrin: and more importantly... is there a third?
[21:00] Lkeas: i mean about you not being here all day
[21:01] Falerin: There are roughly speaking "Three Types of Forces"
[21:01] Falerin: Creation, Uncreation, Elements
[21:01] BaneOfTheUnborn: Falerin, are the elemental orbs mentioned in the histories different from those acquired by our characters in LORE?
[21:01] Lkeas: ah, you were right marrin
[21:01] Marrin: My guesses do not come from pure intuition, Lkeas.. they follow a path.
[21:01] Lkeas: yes i know
[21:02] Falerin: Do they have the same properties BaneOfTheUnborn? Are they simmilar even?
[21:02] kingk: so the elemental lords are weak compared to the creator and the uncreator?
[21:02] kingk: or together are equal
[21:02] BaneOfTheUnborn: They are similar, but are there powers comparable?
[21:03] Marrin: From what i have seen of elemental orbs is that their power differs from orb to orb, there are lesser ones and greater ones. Even among those, their power seems to balance between the elements. The more common a type of elemental orb is, the less powerful it is. Hence why a rare water orb seems to hold more power than a lesser common fire orb...
[21:03] Marrin: This is all just speculation, of course.
[21:03] Falerin: I personally find it dubious.... Rather the other orbs are patterened after the greater
[21:03] Marrin: Falerin, is there only one greater orb of every element?
[21:04] Falerin: That is an answer lost to antiquity I am afraid
[21:04] Marrin: For instance, Akriloth swallowed a fire orb. This increased his powers considerably...
[21:04] Falerin: For all intents there are none now
[21:04] Beo: I believe Drakonnan had two greater orbs, did he ot?
[21:04] Beo: *not
[21:04] Marrin: Ah... so it cannot be known.
[21:04] Lkeas: hmm
[21:04] *** Damsel has signed off IRC (Vanished: Web IRC Disconnected).
[21:04] Beo: There were most definitely two fire orbs you could steal to weaken him.
[21:05] Falerin: Are either of those "Greater" orbs beo?
[21:05] BaneOfTheUnborn: The histories mention The Wind Orb getting destroyed.
[21:05] BaneOfTheUnborn: As if it were the only one...yet there are Wind Orbs availabe to our characters.
[21:05] Beo: I'm assuming they are, as they were much larger than the orbs attatched to the Red Vengeance.
[21:05] Falerin: "Also I thought from conversations in other channels you were departing"
[21:05] Marrin: Perhaps the power of the orbs also reflects the users ability to draw out their power.
[21:05] Falerin: "Physical size does not correlate"
[21:06] Marrin: This would make sense as to how akriloth gained so much power.
[21:06] Falerin: "A very small battery can produce much greater voltage then a very large one"
[21:06] Lkeas: very true
[21:06] *** Damsel has joined #755.
[21:06] Falerin: That is not to say that the greater orbs are bigger smaller purpler or bluer then the others
[21:06] Beo: Had Drakonnan used more than those two orbs, when he evidently had many more at his disposal, one would doubt that those two orbs were special.
[21:06] Falerin: That is all idle speculation
[21:07] Marrin: They are just different. I fear not enough is known about these orbs.
[21:07] Marrin: Falerin, you are close with the seeker of truth. He mentions a particular poem, where the beast, location, and weapon are important. He also shows a picture of a white rabbit often reffered to as the 'vorpal bunny'. I am curious as to if the vorpal reference in both is significant, or a mere coincedence?
[21:08] Beo: Perhaps, in any case I must leave.
[21:08] BaneOfTheUnborn: Later.
[21:08] Falerin: I should not know.. but he also mentions Tim the Wizard and perhaps you should consider what he says about the Rabbit of Caerbannog
[21:09] Marrin: I did not see any text, I will search again
[21:09] Lkeas: i think he means what Tim said about the rabbit
[21:09] Falerin: I would certainly would not for instance think the common title of Vorpal would imply you should all go out an buy the vorpal blade
[21:10] Lkeas: heh, there goes that idea
[21:10] Lkeas: nothing would be THAT easy
[21:10] kingk: that seemed a bit foolish in the beginning
[21:10] Falerin: That Tim is Mentioned has to be significant
[21:10] Marrin: I would buy one anyway. It used to be the most powerful weapon available in battleon... and brings back many memories.
[21:10] Marrin: hmm
[21:10] Lkeas: yes, it is a warning
[21:10] Marrin: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
[21:10] Marrin: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
[21:10] Lkeas: again, the white rabbit, the portal
[21:11] Marrin: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
[21:11] Marrin: He's got huge, sharp-- eh-- he can leap about-- look at the bones!
[21:11] Marrin: I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew it all, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same. I always tell them-- (that might be important)
[21:11] Lkeas: i think he wants us to find this one...
[21:11] Lkeas: Follow. But. Follow only if ye be men of valour, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived. Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth.
[21:12] Marrin: Hmm...
[21:12] Marrin: Perhaps the reference to the poem refers to the beast...
[21:13] Falerin: If Kalliope is to be believed the rabbit itself is good...
[21:13] Falerin: But that does not mean it is not dangerous in other ways
[21:13] Falerin: and indeed it has been implied it is
[21:13] Lkeas: yes
[21:14] BaneOfTheUnborn: An untrained swordsman can be good yet dangerous.
[21:14] Lkeas: so is that danger standing between us and the rabbit?
[21:14] Falerin: So if anythin the Seeker would seem to be Agreeing with Kalliope
[21:14] Falerin: Or it can simply mean that appearances may bedeceptive
[21:15] Marrin: When have they not been...
[21:15] * Falerin folds his hands together
[21:15] BaneOfTheUnborn: Indeed.
[21:15] Marrin: Falerin... is the Traveller Transience?
[21:15] Falerin: The traveller may be transient, but if he is the entity that has been called Transience I have not heard it in my studies
[21:16] Marrin: Do all avatars know they are such then?
[21:16] *** allen has joined #755.
[21:16] Lkeas: i thought avatars did not know they were being controlled
[21:16] Lkeas: er... influenced
[21:16] BaneOfTheUnborn: My guess was that Transient was Jacques...but it's only speculation.
[21:16] Falerin: I have no evidence on that matter.. but what I have heard suggests that the control is transparent
[21:16] Falerin: The avatar is like a whispering voice at the back of the brain
[21:17] Falerin: they think the thoughts are their own...
[21:17] Lkeas: like a muse, perhaps?
[21:17] Marrin: Is such the same with the faceless?
[21:17] *** Alphonse has signed off IRC (Distracted: AQStats Web Client).
[21:17] BaneOfTheUnborn: I thought the avatars were controlled by the faceless?
[21:17] Falerin: That is my understanding of them.. The avatara are merely their leaders
[21:17] Falerin: Though I cannot say much for certain....
[21:18] Marrin: Now, we have been told the avatar of death is Edward... that leads me to believe that each of the 'vitrues' will have such hosts.
[21:18] Damsel: which makes sense if Truth was able to be corrupted...
[21:18] Lkeas: wait, the avatars lead the faceless?
[21:18] Marrin: What follows is something that the traveller said...
[21:18] Falerin: Save that I have reason to know that I myself am not an Avatar or Faceless....
[21:18] Marrin: He refered to himself as sojourner...
[21:18] Lkeas: good to know
[21:18] Marrin: as did the seeker of truth.
[21:18] Marrin: This implies transience, by the definitions of such words.
[21:19] BaneOfTheUnborn: How do you know that Falerin? Could we verify others in the same way?
[21:19] Marrin: Well, there are faceless. According to maxwell avatars are just people controlled by faceles..
[21:19] *** Trenton has joined #755.
[21:19] Falerin: No Bane you could not.
[21:19] Falerin: It relates to my nature.
[21:19] Falerin: And noone else in all of lore has my nature save me.
[21:19] Marrin: But the virtues are not faceless.. assuming this is true.
[21:20] * Marrin nods knowingly and smuggly at Falerin, having been told asking him of his past and nature were the 'wrong questions' when in fact they led to answers...
[21:20] BaneOfTheUnborn: That makes sense.
[21:20] Falerin: They are still the wrong questions
[21:20] Falerin: And they are still the wrong answers
[21:20] Falerin: Unless you are seeking to reassure yourself about me....
[21:21] Falerin: I myself am quite reassured about me enough
[21:21] Marrin: Truth Lies Life Death Peace War Eternal Transient Omega and Hope. It is my assumption each of these 'aspects' have their own avatars. Unlike the faceless.
[21:21] Lkeas: lol
[21:21] Falerin: So I see no profit in it
[21:21] Marrin: *smiles* But if i had not asked of you, I would not have been able to put your stories into context.
[21:21] Marrin: And it was only through that context that my mind was opened.
[21:21] Lkeas: aiya. who is to say the aspects are not faceless?
[21:22] Falerin: Assuming you have made the correct conclusions. I for one have never even heard them no less confirmed or commented upon their veractiy
[21:22] *** allen has left #755.
[21:22] BaneOfTheUnborn: Are the relics we search for now what was sealed in the Temple of Light in the histories?
[21:22] Marrin: You have without speaking. One does not need to ask direct questions to recieve the truth.
[21:23] Falerin: I personally believe the only thing sealed in that temple were cowards.
[21:23] Falerin: But I do not know for certain
[21:23] BaneOfTheUnborn: The one that the Light Demon attempted to gain admittance to?
[21:23] Falerin: As what was within has never been revealled.
[21:23] Marrin: Do the cowards possess any knowledge that can help us, or mere fear from lack of knowledge?... oh certainty.
[21:23] Marrin: Truth Lies Life Death Peace War Eternal Transient Omega... It is my guess that these and Hope all have their own breed of avatars, often not knowing of their chores.
[21:24] BaneOfTheUnborn: I can't remember the actual name...
[21:24] Lkeas: why would omega need an avatar? he's got an army of agents working for hi
[21:24] Lkeas: him
[21:24] Falerin: Brilhado... calling them light demons implies they are that creature that you have already seen in game
[21:24] Marrin: Omega.. what do you think omega is Lkeas?
[21:24] BaneOfTheUnborn: Yet they are refered to as that in the histories.
[21:24] Falerin: and why they share some very vauge features the description of the Brilhado is quite strikingly different then the light demons
[21:25] Falerin: Well they certainly are .... light demons of a fashion....
[21:25] BaneOfTheUnborn: I shouldn't have used capitilisation?
[21:25] Falerin: But that is like saying there is no difference between a Poodle and a New Foundland
[21:26] Marrin: *chuckles* I dont think poodles have national anthems...
[21:26] Lkeas: omega is an unknown
[21:26] Lkeas: not a faceless though
[21:26] BaneOfTheUnborn: How do we know that for certain?
[21:26] Marrin: Omega seems to be a virtue. If each has its opposite, and our assumption is that Hope is the last one, then omega would be his opposite.
[21:27] Lkeas: : [16:28] Lkeas: which race is Omega in?
: [16:28] JTR5353: Maxwell said it may mean something besides Trinity. 
: [16:28] The_Messenger: Omega, I do not know 
: [16:28] The_Messenger: Omega is only one creature
[21:27] BaneOfTheUnborn: Yet they are difficult to pair as opposites.
[21:27] Lkeas: i may not know my histories, but i do remember logs
[21:27] Marrin: They are? Truth and lies. Eternal and transience. Peace and war.
[21:27] *** Geno|AFK| is now known as Genoclysm.
[21:28] Lkeas: whether or not The Messenger spoke the truth, that is what i am uncertain of
[21:28] BaneOfTheUnborn: Then stick with the logs, I will attempt to aid Marrin with the histories.
[21:28] Marrin: You refered to yourself as hermes Falerin...
[21:28] Marrin: What relationship do you have with the messenger?
[21:29] Marrin: My knowledge of the histories is still far from compete. I need to read them more in depth.
[21:29] Falerin: It is safe to say we have a working relationship.. but I cannot comment on his veractity or status to you I am afraid...
[21:29] Lkeas: he seemed to think omega was separate from the anunnaki
[21:29] Marrin: Such would be assumed, Falerin. To do so woudl be to. ruin the fun. Though that is not a truth, so to speak, it suffices.
[21:30] Falerin: It would be unwise to assign to me omniscience.... multiscience yes.... prescience certainly
[21:30] Falerin: But omniscience no...
[21:30] Genoclysm: Falerin. Joining the Uncreator could save us. Could that be the method NOVA seeks?
[21:31] Falerin: Joining the Uncreator can save you? Really? Are you not a created being then?
[21:31] Marrin: Were you not changed by him Falerin?
[21:31] Genoclysm: "The ancient races were crushed under his malice when last he came to our world. Few survived his onslaught. Those few either by joining in his wickedness or sheltering themselves from the storm in seclusion."
[21:32] Genoclysm: That is where I got that from.^^
[21:32] Falerin: I fear you are mixing metaphors and similies... The'galin has never been to my multiverse no less my world
[21:33] *** Trenton is now known as Trenton|Away.
[21:33] Falerin: Therlion is the old creator and he... altered me.. but he required my permission... and he did it at my behest
[21:33] Lkeas: the "old" creator? there is a new one?
[21:35] Marrin: oh.. therlion verses The'galin... i remembered wrong.
[21:35] Marrin: I apologize for that... names have never been my strong point.
[21:36] Falerin: Prometheus
[21:36] Falerin: I said this as well I am quite certain
[21:36] Lkeas: apologies
[21:36] Genoclysm: Prometheus said what as well?
[21:37] Falerin: Prometheus said nothing
[21:37] Genoclysm: oops
[21:37] Genoclysm: I misread
[21:37] Falerin: I said that the "New Creator" within the world i reside is known as prometheus
[21:37] Marrin: You reside in the Isle d'oriens currently, or a different world all together?
[21:38] Falerin: Though in some circles it is argued that these are all a more complex set of emenations from the ones gods do everyday
[21:38] Genoclysm: What does the term "New Creator" mean?
[21:38] Falerin: Marrin the answer is Mu
[21:38] Marrin: *groans*
[21:38] Falerin: Genoclysm exactly what is says....
[21:39] Marrin: Is the'galin's lover still the 'creator' of lore?
[21:39] Genoclysm: So why has the title of "Creator" changed hands? How many are there? One for each world?
[21:39] Lkeas: you once told us we must ask "which earth?" etc... when you say the new creator prometheus is within the world you reside in, do you mean to say there are other creators for other worlds?
[21:39] Falerin: The previous deity to hold that position was ousted from power and a new deity from a paralell world that already shared several deities between the two pantheons was selected
[21:40] Falerin: I do mean to say that Lkeas
[21:40] Falerin: I absolutely do mean to say that
[21:40] BaneOfTheUnborn: Why was he ousted? Or is that irrelevant?
[21:40] Lkeas: are there, then, also other devourers?
[21:40] Genoclysm: Two Pantheons... interesting.
[21:40] Falerin: Though. I also do mean to say what I observed earlier that some argue this is a matter of even more complex emenations.
[21:41] Genoclysm: Do the two Pantheons interact often? What is there relationship to each other?
[21:41] Falerin: On my world a god will take on an "Avatar" (Not to be confused with the avatar in this cycle) Which is basically a living being that bears the force of the God.. This is called an emenation or manifestation
[21:41] Marrin: I am sure there are other devourers.. as inverse of creators.. but how many actually overtake the creator...?
[21:41] Genoclysm: their*
[21:41] Falerin: Some argue that with the deities it is much like this
[21:41] Falerin: At another level
[21:42] Falerin: So the creator deities are all really one
[21:42] Marrin: Is it the same with the creator, elemental lords, and the devourer? can they manifest their own shapes?
[21:42] Lkeas: one deity in many manifestations?
[21:42] Falerin: with many different persona in amny different worlds
[21:42] Marrin: I thought it was said that the elemental lords coudl not take physical form...
[21:42] Genoclysm: Yes Marrin, for the Devourer.
[21:42] Falerin: And that each of those can also have manifestations
[21:42] Falerin: No Marrin.. I believe it was said that they WILL not
[21:42] Falerin: not that they Cannot
[21:42] Lkeas: ooh
[21:43] Falerin: and I believe it was also stipulated that that refers particularly to lore
[21:43] Falerin: However they have still sent Avatars of a sort I am quite certain....
[21:43] Genoclysm: Lore is special then...
[21:43] Falerin: They call them High Communicants Tho
[21:43] Genoclysm: Ah
[21:43] BaneOfTheUnborn: I remember them.
[21:43] Marrin: Ah... woudl doing such be much like the life of Semele?
[21:43] Lkeas: right, not Avatars in the sense of the characters controlled by faceless
[21:44] Falerin: No... BUT.. because those "entities" take on limited human form
[21:44] BaneOfTheUnborn: They pass the will or their elemental lord to his followers.
[21:44] Marrin: More foreceful, if Myr is any example.. apparently. Though it may be such...oh that reminds me.
[21:44] BaneOfTheUnborn: of*
[21:44] Falerin: They are just as susceptable to the faceless as ..... anyone
[21:44] Genoclysm: interesting...
[21:44] Marrin: How do communicants communicate? Does it only happen in a templee, is it as a voice in the back of the head?
[21:44] Genoclysm: Double avatars.
[21:44] Falerin: Funny you should mention Myr.. the cold did not make him undead.... it did.. something else....
[21:45] Genoclysm: I haven't gotten that far yet...  ;-;
[21:45] Marrin: Does that imply the cold has sentience, or that it has more than one effect?
[21:45] Falerin: It implies perhaps that cold itself is not necromantic in nature.. and that the necromancy is added after the fact....
[21:45] BaneOfTheUnborn: It didn't take him, instead it made him doubt himself.
[21:45] Genoclysm: How do the two Pantheons interact, or is that moot?
[21:46] Falerin: Moot as they are pantheons of two different worlds not of lore
[21:46] Genoclysm: Right, gotcha.
[21:46] Falerin: Worse those worlds do not have Elemental Pantheons but rather "portfolio" based ones
[21:46] Marrin: is the cold an aspect of the'galin's power then...?
[21:46] Lkeas: portfolio?
[21:46] Falerin: So the correllations get very sticky
[21:47] Falerin: Lores deities are based arround the elements
[21:47] Marrin: Personifications... For instance Prometheus can appear in titans vs olympian greek gods...
[21:47] Marrin: they are not characterized by elements, but by powers or purpose.
[21:47] Falerin: not all religious systems use this method.... As marrin says so it is.. For instance You can have a Deity of Just Magic
[21:47] Falerin: a Deity of Life
[21:47] Falerin: A deity of plants
[21:47] Lkeas: i see
[21:47] Marrin: You can have multiple deities of magick... <.<
[21:48] Falerin: a deity of music
[21:48] Genoclysm: Why are the Elemental Lords restricted, or discouraged from taking physical forms on Lore?
[21:48] Marrin: and even further continue to characterize them..
[21:48] Lkeas: music, that would be the one i worship :)
[21:48] BaneOfTheUnborn: Same.
[21:48] Marrin: Perhaps its a balance issue, geno, or perhaps its because they woudl end up like semele...
[21:48] BaneOfTheUnborn: But anyway...
[21:48] Falerin: They are bigger then the world
[21:48] Falerin: They are raw elemental power
[21:48] Marrin: Semele looked upon a deity... and burst into flames.
[21:49] Falerin: They are not chained by the strictures of creation
[21:49] Genoclysm: So Lore is too weak to hold their power?
[21:49] Marrin: (has a sudden urge for a chuck norris joke.....)
[21:49] BaneOfTheUnborn: Please, no.
[21:49] Falerin: They are not restricted or discouraged
[21:49] Falerin: They chose long ago
[21:49] Falerin: for they know the consequences would be dire
[21:49] Genoclysm: You've established that.
[21:49] Genoclysm: So Lore is too weak to hold their power?
[21:50] Falerin: The affect would be cataclysmic
[21:50] Falerin: That is all I can offer...
[21:50] Falerin: To say weak or no is to make a judgement.. the world itself would exist even if they did so
[21:50] Falerin: but what the world would be like.....
[21:50] Falerin: I will not venture....
[21:51] Genoclysm: I see.
[21:51] Lkeas: when you speak of The'Galin, do you mean just one particular manifestation of the higher deity?
[21:51] Falerin: We do not have these sort of problems in portfolio based worlds because are powers while just as great are not as primal
[21:51] Lkeas: hmm
[21:52] Falerin: The'Galin is a given name. It refers to a single entity. That entity has taken upon himself to destroy creation.. and not just "his creation" but all creation
[21:52] Genoclysm: So the elements on Lore could be said to be more pure? Irrelevent I know, but I am curious.
[21:52] Falerin: It may in fact be that he is sufficent in and of himself with a single personality to balance ALL emenations of the creator
[21:52] Genoclysm: The Uncreator created at one point?!
[21:52] Falerin: Which is not to say he does not employ manifestation himself
[21:52] Falerin: he clearly does
[21:53] Falerin: Also it is folly to think he can only employ one at a time...
[21:53] Marrin: But how does he surpass other creators.
[21:53] Falerin: A deity is too vast to be contained by one mortal coil
[21:53] Falerin: He can have 100's of emenations should he choose
[21:53] Lkeas: but he chooses to remain one entity?
[21:54] Falerin: How Marrin I cannot say as I entered the situation after he had already fallen....
[21:54] Falerin: But I can say this... he has devoured MANY worlds...
[21:54] Falerin: and not all of them are Lorithia's creation
[21:55] Falerin: Though all of the are "Creation..."
[21:55] Marrin: If he is merely the balance of one uncreator, how coudl he surpass all others
[21:55] Genoclysm: The is like Out of the Silent Planet again. Cool.
[21:55] Falerin: To my knowledge Marrin there is no other uncreator
[21:55] Falerin: I have encoutered destructive entities in many pantheons
[21:55] Marrin: Interesting...
[21:55] Marrin: But not one specifically to balance creation.
[21:55] Falerin: Destroyers.. and Devourers to be certain...
[21:56] Falerin: But I have never before encountered an "UnCreator"
[21:56] Marrin: but not an uncreator?
[21:56] Falerin: and it is not accidental the Drakel chose that term for The'galin
[21:56] Marrin: Other worlds have more destructive forces... and find balance in other things.. interesting.
[21:57] Falerin: So perhaps he has taken it upon himself to expand his office for all of creation.... In which case he is no longer like Lorithia at all
[21:57] BaneOfTheUnborn: Not much seems accidental anymore.
[21:57] Genoclysm: So the Devourer we know of is THE Uncreator, correct? I just want to make absolute certain. Get rid of that 1% uncertainty.
[21:57] Falerin: but rather is like whatever transcendant entity is both lorithia and therlion and promethus
[21:57] BaneOfTheUnborn: That's.....not good.
[21:57] Lkeas: an uncreator to balance the creator who forms the manifestations
[21:58] Falerin: Indeed
[21:58] Genoclysm: Equal to the controler of the Creators...
[21:58] BaneOfTheUnborn: Where did he gain such power?
[21:58] Falerin: Only he chooses to do it all himself
[21:58] Falerin: Undoubtedly by destroying creation....
[21:58] Lkeas: will that not be his downfall? strength comes in unity
[21:58] Falerin: Have you any idea what kind of energy he can internalize by devouring a world
[21:59] Genoclysm: Yes, it is massive.
[21:59] BaneOfTheUnborn: Not really....no.
[21:59] BaneOfTheUnborn: But I'd imagine it more than we could ever hope to attain...even united completely.
[21:59] Genoclysm: With enough, he can be unbelievably formidable.
[21:59] Falerin: In the case of complete devouring which for whatever reason has not ever occured with lore but HAS occured other whens
[21:59] Falerin: ALL matter... all of it.. is converted to energy
[21:59] Falerin: there is NO matter left
[21:59] Falerin: matter is Uncreated out of existance
[22:00] Lkeas: that's quite effficient :)
[22:00] Falerin: This is added to the other forms of energy that were already there
[22:00] BaneOfTheUnborn: Obviously he can defy physics, then.
[22:00] Falerin: No... he is physics
[22:00] Genoclysm: He is slowly assimilating all ot the higher Creator's energy... Not good.
[22:00] Genoclysm: No Bane.
[22:00] Falerin: In fact in some tounges he is called something else.....
[22:00] Falerin: Entropy
[22:01] BaneOfTheUnborn: Physics state that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, how can he be physics?
[22:01] Genoclysm: Energy and matter are exchangable.
[22:01] Genoclysm: He converts the matter to energy.
[22:01] Marrin: And then uses it...
[22:01] BaneOfTheUnborn: Of course, I have a tendancy to overlook the obvious.
[22:01] Falerin: Physics state that matter and energy can not be created or destroyed but nuclear physics say they can be converted from one to the other
[22:01] Falerin: The net remains
[22:01] Lkeas: forgive the question, but i wanted to ask - is omega, then, yet another title for the uncreator?
[22:01] Genoclysm: Falerin, what is the world of Prometheus?
[22:02] Falerin: The original world.. I know not...
[22:02] Falerin: It has a name in an ancient tounge but its people just call it "The World"
[22:02] Falerin: which is not all that unusual... many worlds employ that method
[22:02] Falerin: My world...
[22:02] Falerin: Is called Caelestia
[22:02] Genoclysm: ah
[22:03] Falerin: But you are digging into my past again when there is little profit in that
[22:03] Genoclysm: I'm just a curious person.
[22:03] Falerin: Also Marrin it occurs to me I can be a little less obscure in answering your earlier question
[22:04] Falerin: I told you the answer was Mu and it is...
[22:04] Falerin: But lets just say I have a "Time Sharing" arrangement going on
[22:04] *** LordBarrius is now known as LB|Sleep.
[22:05] Genoclysm: Falerin, what must we do, and where do we get what is needed to call The White Rabbit, if you know?
[22:06] Falerin: Also you are a physicist perhaps you can indicate just what type of power devouring a world in that fashion would make available
[22:06] Genoclysm: Me?
[22:06] Genoclysm: Who?
[22:06] Marrin: Cold fusion.
[22:06] Lkeas: well, considering the power of the sun, and that is only a forum of fusion...
[22:06] Falerin: Marrin, though in truth he is a man of many hats
[22:07] Marrin: Is that 'the cold"?
[22:07] Lkeas: *form
[22:07] Falerin: Thats an odd idea... Cold Fusion is about energy creation... not will supression....
[22:07] Marrin: Cold fusion, complete fusion without the loss of any energy. Its only possible with massive ammounts of antimatter...
[22:07] Lkeas: being able to convert matter to pure energy... that would be incredible
[22:07] Falerin: Though it would appear there are striking similarities between the "Cold" and the "Faceless"
[22:08] Marrin: yes.. definately.
[22:08] Lkeas: i agree
[22:08] Marrin: I was considerin antimatter.. but complete fusion, and the ability to store said energy... and unleash it... is insane.
[22:08] BaneOfTheUnborn: Logical, and frightening.
[22:08] Falerin: Which I suppose is not suprising as both the faceless and the brilhado appear to be part of the Network
[22:08] Lkeas: oh? the brilhado are a race of the network?
[22:08] * Lkeas digs through logs
[22:09] Marrin: Yet that does not define his other powers. It seems to be his unique one...b ut as all deity... he has the standard deification properties...
[22:09] BaneOfTheUnborn: That's in the histroies.
[22:09] Falerin: I said appear
[22:09] Falerin: I shall not say definitively they are
[22:09] Lkeas: nuts.
[22:09] Lkeas: i was going to ask you which race they were associated with
[22:09] BaneOfTheUnborn: They did side with him rather easily, though.
[22:09] Falerin: However if the network is defined by races the devourer collects from worlds he destroys... playthings he allows to survive because they help him continue his destruction
[22:10] Falerin: Then yes the Brilhado are part of the network
[22:10] Marrin: Can he bring such armies from one univese to another?
[22:10] BaneOfTheUnborn: I would imagine so.
[22:10] Falerin: He can....
[22:10] Falerin: and he has
[22:10] BaneOfTheUnborn: The portal that brought the undead horde?
[22:10] Lkeas: *cough* portals?
[22:10] Genoclysm: Like the undead Horde.
[22:10] Falerin: In that case he used Galrick as his "pivot" to open the gate
[22:10] Marrin: Well... considering he has standard deity powers, such as being able to take hosts, and such, in addition to this cold fusion idea... using complete antimatter... that gives him near unlimited energy if he has taken so many worlds...
[22:11] Marrin: "give me a lever big enoguh and i will move the world..." he truly is a malicious little...
[22:11] Lkeas: that would make sense... i mean, he is meant to balance the entirety of every manifestation of the ultimate creator
[22:11] Trenton|Away: did the seekers site change?
[22:11] Falerin: Mildly
[22:11] Falerin: it has a rabbit on it now
[22:11] BaneOfTheUnborn: How do we hope to survive him? Much less destroy him as some have suggested.
[22:12] Trenton|Away: I thought that blog looked new
[22:12] Genoclysm: Could the Faceless be survivors of one of the other kinds of worlds? The ones not associated with elements?
[22:12] Falerin: That I cannot tell you.... I will survive his rampage here regardless... but what after
[22:12] BaneOfTheUnborn: Good question geno.
[22:12] Falerin: If he continues in his fear driven quest... he will devour his whole multiverse
[22:12] Falerin: then he will turn to another
[22:13] Marrin: If he destroyes Lore, wouldnt that destroy what he is afraid of?
[22:13] Falerin: No...
[22:13] BaneOfTheUnborn: I doubt it, he is likely beyond reason.
[22:13] Falerin: He fears creation entire
[22:13] Falerin: For creation is a distraction
[22:13] Marrin: So it is not merely a lovers dispu... oh.
[22:13] Genoclysm: Now it is sounding like Xenogears...
[22:13] Falerin: he wishes lorithia to behold only he
[22:14] Marrin: well he definately is a guy... >,<
[22:14] Lkeas: lol
[22:14] Marrin: the only thing hes missing is massive amounts of explosions and random excreting of bodily fluids.
[22:14] BaneOfTheUnborn: Maybe he didn't destroy LORE because it was an attempt for attentION?
[22:14] Lkeas: now that was uncalled for
[22:14] Genoclysm: He doesn't completely destroy her world then... out of "love"?
[22:14] Falerin: He has always appeared as a male to lore as far as I know. that is not to say he could not employ a female form, and may not have done so elsewhere... but he has a decided machismo attitude thats entirely unhealthy
[22:15] Falerin: The Farpoint is concerned that eventually he will dare violate its directives and if that occurs.... then... well
[22:15] Genoclysm: What are his directives?
[22:15] Marrin: What is the farpoint exactly, and what are his directives?
[22:15] Marrin: To unmake things?
[22:15] Falerin: "His Directives" are destruction
[22:15] Falerin: I said however "It's directives"
[22:16] Falerin: Meaning the Directive of the Farpoint
[22:16] Marrin: Well, what directives did the farpoint give..
[22:16] Falerin: And.. it has no relevance to you
[22:16] Marrin: and what is the farpoint exactly?
[22:16] Falerin: .... wrong questions .....
[22:16] Falerin: The Farpoint is concerned with caelestia
[22:16] Marrin: Curiosity, Falerin, is no crime.
[22:16] Falerin: Not Lore
[22:16] Genoclysm: You don't like curiosity?
[22:16] Falerin: It killed THE cat
[22:16] BaneOfTheUnborn: If The'Galin will eventually unmake everything...then he must indeed be stopped.
[22:16] Marrin: You yourself gather knowlege from other realms.
[22:17] Falerin: That is true.. but I know when and where and why
[22:17] Falerin: and when not
[22:17] Marrin: Curiosity killed a cat! Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.
[22:18] Falerin: As to what the Farpoint is... it is a place. it is a state of being. it is a group of entities.... it is a classification
[22:18] Marrin: Which cat is the one curiosity truly killed
[22:18] Falerin: It is a time period....
[22:18] Marrin: Now that is genuinely interesting.
[22:18] Lkeas: ... a network?
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